Cheatsheet for git usage
Edit me

Not sure what to do?

If you’re unsure of what to do or unsure of the state of your repository, run git status. The first few lines will almost always tell you what you need to do to incorporate some upstream updates, continuing rebasing, etc.

Work flow for new code:

a) update your GIT

    git checkout master 
    git pull --rebase

other options

    git fetch $RepoName

b) create new branch or checkout existing new branch

    git checkout -b NewFeature

new branch tracking remote

    git checkout -b NewFeature REMOTEBRANCH/NewFeature

existing branch

    git checkout Feature
    git pull --rebase
    git rebase master

c) write code -> edit files -> add modified/new files to history

  git add $MODFILENAME
  git commit -m "meaningful commit message"

d) make sure your repo is still up to date

  git checkout master
  git pull --rebase
  git checkout $BRANCHNAME
  git rebase master

-> if conflicts arise: file.cxx is in conflict appears in command line message -> edit file.cxx and resolve conflict (search for “»»” to find conflicting lines) -> add to history

      git add file.cxx
      git rebase --continue

f) push to remote git push MYREMOTE $BRANCHNAME

-if rewrite of history is needed:

       git push -f MYREMOTE $BRANCHNAME

Merging commits

  • if you want to merge i.e the last 3 commits as they were all things needed for the same thing but were just commited one adter another
  • rewind to before the 3 commits:
      git reset HEAD~3
      git add $CHANGEDFILE
      git commit -m "meaningful commit message"
  • if something really went bananas and you need to clear you history from the last changes (loosing the changed files)
      git reset --hard HEAD~1

careful this command will delete all changes in the previous commit locally
