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Go to the documentation of this file. Or view the newest version in sPHENIX GitHub for file G4ParticleHPAngularP.hh
1 //
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5 // * The Geant4 software is copyright of the Copyright Holders of *
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11 // * Neither the authors of this software system, nor their employing *
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18 // * This code implementation is the result of the scientific and *
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27 //
28 // P. Arce, June-2014 Conversion neutron_hp to particle_hp
29 //
30 #ifndef G4ParticleHPAngularP_h
31 #define G4ParticleHPAngularP_h 1
35 #include "globals.hh"
40 {
41  public:
44  {
45  theCosTh = NULL;
46  theProb = NULL;
47  theEnergy = 0.;
48  nCoeff = 0;
49  }
51  {
52  if(theCosTh!=0) delete [] theCosTh;
53  if(theProb!=0) delete [] theProb;
54  }
56  inline void Init(std::istream & aDataFile)
57  {
58  G4double eNeu, cosTheta, probDist;
59  G4int nProb;
60  aDataFile >> eNeu >> nProb;
61  theManager.Init(aDataFile);
62  eNeu *= CLHEP::eV;
63  Init(eNeu, nProb);
64  for (G4int iii=0; iii<nProb; iii++)
65  {
66  aDataFile >> cosTheta >> probDist;
67  SetCosTh(iii, cosTheta);
68  SetProb(iii,probDist);
69  }
70  }
72  inline void Init(G4double e, G4int n)
73  {
74  theCosTh = new G4double[n];
75  theProb = new G4double[n];
76  theEnergy = e;
77  nCoeff = n;
78  }
81  inline void SetCosTh(G4int l, G4double coeff) {theCosTh[l]=coeff;}
82  inline void SetProb(G4int l, G4double coeff) {theProb[l]=coeff;}
84  inline G4double GetCosTh(G4int l) {return theCosTh[l];}
85  inline G4double GetProb(G4int l) {return theProb[l];}
86  inline G4double GetEnergy(){return theEnergy;}
87  inline G4int GetNumberOfPoints(){ return nCoeff; }
88  inline G4double GetCosTh()
89  {
90  G4int i;
91  G4double rand = G4UniformRand();
92  G4double run=0, runo=0;
93  for (i=0; i<GetNumberOfPoints(); i++)
94  {
95  runo=run;
96  run += GetProb(i);
97  if(run>rand) break;
98  }
99  if(i == GetNumberOfPoints()) i--;
100  G4double costh = theInt.Interpolate(theManager.GetScheme(i), rand,
101  runo, run, GetCosTh(i-1), GetCosTh(i));
102  return costh;
103  }
105  private:
107  G4double theEnergy; // neutron energy
108  G4ParticleHPInterpolator theInt; // knows tointerpolate
110  G4InterpolationManager theManager; // knows the interpolation between stores
112  G4double * theProb; // probability distribution as fcn of theta
113  // integral normalised to 1.
114 };
115 #endif