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Go to the documentation of this file. Or view the newest version in sPHENIX GitHub for file G4QuasiElRatios.hh
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29 // GEANT4 physics class: G4QuasiElRatios -- header file
30 // M.V. Kossov, ITEP(Moscow), 24-OCT-01
31 // The last update: M.V. Kossov, CERN/ITEP (Moscow) 15-Oct-2006
32 // ----------------------------------------------------------------------
33 // This class has been extracted from the CHIPS model.
34 // All the dependencies on CHIPS classes have been removed.
35 // Short description: Provides percentage of quasi-free and quasi-elastic
36 // reactions in the inelastic reactions.
37 // ----------------------------------------------------------------------
39 #ifndef G4QuasiElRatios_h
40 #define G4QuasiElRatios_h 1
42 #include "globals.hh"
43 #include "G4ios.hh"
44 #include "Randomize.hh"
45 #include <vector>
46 #include "G4LorentzVector.hh"
53 {
55 public:
56  G4QuasiElRatios(); // Constructor
58  ~G4QuasiElRatios(); // Destructor
60  // Pair(QuasiFree/Inelastic,QuasiElastic/QuasiFree)
61  std::pair<G4double,G4double> GetRatios(G4double pIU, G4int prPDG, G4int tgZ, G4int tgN);
62  // ChargeExchange/QuasiElastic factor pair<for protons (Z), for neutrons(N)>
63  std::pair<G4double,G4double> GetChExFactor(G4double pIU, G4int pPDG, G4int Z, G4int N);
64  // scatter (pPDG,p4M) on a virtual nucleon (NPDG,N4M), result: final pair(newN4M,newp4M)
65  // if(newN4M.e()==0.) - below threshold, XS=0, no scattering of the projectile happened
66  std::pair<G4LorentzVector,G4LorentzVector> Scatter(G4int NPDG, G4LorentzVector N4M,
67  G4int pPDG, G4LorentzVector p4M);
68  // ChExer (pPDG,p4M) on a virtual nucleon (NPDG,N4M), result: final pair(newN4M,newp4M)
69  // if(newN4M.e()==0.) - keep projectile, XS=0, no interaction of the progectile happened
70  // User should himself change the charge (PDG) (e.g. pn->np, pi+n->pi0p, pi-p->pi0n etc.)
71  // Recepy: change target n to p or taget p to n and conserve enrgy, changing projectile
72  // Do not use for the nucleon, as it is already included in quasielastic, and for pi0.
73  std::pair<G4LorentzVector,G4LorentzVector> ChExer(G4int NPDG, G4LorentzVector N4M,
74  G4int pPDG, G4LorentzVector p4M);
75  // Mean hN El and Tot XS(IU) for the isotopic (Z,N): on p -> (Z=1,N=0), on n -> (Z=0,N=1)
76  std::pair<G4double,G4double> GetElTot(G4double pIU, G4int hPDG, G4int Z, G4int N); //(IU)
78  // Calculate ChEx/El ratio coefficient (p is in independent units, (Z,N) is a target)
81  // For hadron PDG with momentum Mom (GeV/c) on F(p/n) calculate <sig_el,sig_tot> pair(mb)
82  // F=true corresponds to the Nroton target, F=false corresponds to the Proton target
83  std::pair<G4double,G4double> GetElTotXS(G4double Mom, G4int PDG, G4bool F);//<sigEl,sigT>
84  std::pair<G4double,G4double> FetchElTot(G4double pGeV,G4int PDG,G4bool F);//<E,T>fromAMDB
86  G4bool RelDecayIn2(G4LorentzVector& theMomentum, G4LorentzVector& f4Mom,
88  G4double maxCost = 1., G4double minCost = -1.);
90 private:
94  // These working member functions are in CHIPS units and must not be used externally
95  G4double GetQF2IN_Ratio(G4double TotCS_mb, G4int A); // QuasiFree/Inelastic (fast)
96  G4double CalcQF2IN_Ratio(G4double TCSmb, G4int A); // R=QuasuFree/Inelastic (sig_t in mb)
97  std::pair<G4double,G4double> CalcElTot(G4double pGeV,G4int Index);//(sigEl,sigTot)(Index)
99  // Body
100 private:
101  std::vector<G4double*> *vT; // Vector of pointers to LinTable
102  std::vector<G4double*> *vL; // Vector of pointers to LogTable
103  std::vector<std::pair<G4double,G4double>*> *vX; // Vector of ETPointers to LogTable
105  G4double lastSRatio; // The last sigma value for which R was calculated
106  G4double lastRRatio; // The last ratio R which was calculated
107  std::vector<G4int> vARatio;
108  std::vector<G4double> vHRatio; // Vector of max s initialized in the LinTable
109  std::vector<G4int> vNRatio; // Vector of topBin number initialized in LinTable
110  std::vector<G4double> vMRatio; // Vector of rel max ln(s) initialized in LogTable
111  std::vector<G4int> vKRatio; // Vector of topBin number initialized in LogTable
113  G4int lastARatio; // theLast of calculated A
114  G4double lastHRatio; // theLast of max s initialized in the LinTable
115  G4int lastNRatio; // theLast of topBin number initialized in LinTable
116  G4double lastMRatio; // theLast of rel max ln(s) initialized in LogTable
117  G4int lastKRatio; // theLast of topBin number initialized in LogTable
118  G4double* lastTRatio; // theLast of pointer to LinTable in the C++ heap
119  G4double* lastLRatio; // theLast of pointer to LogTable in the C++ heap
121  G4double lastPtot; // The last momentum for which XS was calculated
122  G4int lastHtot; // The last projPDG for which XS was calculated
123  G4bool lastFtot; // The last nucleon for which XS was calculated
124  std::pair<G4double,G4double> lastRtot; // The last result
125  std::vector<G4int> vItot; // Vector of index for which XS was calculated
126  std::vector<G4double> vMtot; // Vector of rel max ln(p) initialized in LogTable
127  std::vector<G4int> vKtot; // Vector of topBin number initialized in LogTable
128  G4int lastItot; // The Last index for which XS was calculated
129  G4double lastMtot; // The Last rel max ln(p) initialized in LogTable
130  G4int lastKtot; // The Last topBin number initialized in LogTable
131  std::pair<G4double,G4double>* lastXtot; // The Last ETPointers to LogTable in heap
136 };
137 #endif