41// Put a higher limit on the CS to avoid a high rate of Inverse Photo e- effect at low energy. The very high adjoint CS of the reverse
42// photo electric reaction produce a high rate of reverse photo electric reaction in the inner side of a shielding for eaxmple, the correction of this occurrence
43// by weight correction in the StepDoIt method is not statistically sufficient at small energy. The problem is partially solved by setting an higher CS limit
44// and compensating it by an extra weight correction factor. However when coupling it with other reverse processes the reverse photo-electric is still
45// the source of very occasional high weight that decrease the efficiency of the computation. A way to solve this problemn is still needed but is difficult
46// to find as it happens in rarea case but does give a weighrt that is outside the noemal distribution. (Very Tricky!)
48// -October 2009 Correction of Element sampling. L. Desorgher