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Go to the documentation of this file. Or view the newest version in sPHENIX GitHub for file CartesianSegmentation.cpp
1 // This file is part of the Acts project.
2 //
3 // Copyright (C) 2016-2018 CERN for the benefit of the Acts project
4 //
5 // This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public
6 // License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this
7 // file, You can obtain one at
10 // CartesianSegmentation.cpp, Acts project
13 #include <utility>
21  const std::shared_ptr<const PlanarBounds>& mBounds, size_t numCellsX,
22  size_t numCellsY)
23  : m_activeBounds(mBounds), m_binUtility(nullptr) {
24  auto mutableBinUtility = std::make_shared<BinUtility>(
25  numCellsX, -mBounds->boundingBox().halfLengthX(),
26  mBounds->boundingBox().halfLengthX(), Acts::open, Acts::binX);
27  (*mutableBinUtility) +=
28  BinUtility(numCellsY, -mBounds->boundingBox().halfLengthY(),
29  mBounds->boundingBox().halfLengthY(), Acts::open, Acts::binY);
30  m_binUtility = std::const_pointer_cast<const BinUtility>(mutableBinUtility);
31 }
34  std::shared_ptr<const BinUtility> bUtility,
35  std::shared_ptr<const PlanarBounds> mBounds)
36  : m_activeBounds(std::move(mBounds)), m_binUtility(std::move(bUtility)) {
37  if (!m_activeBounds) {
38  m_activeBounds = std::make_shared<const RectangleBounds>(
39  m_binUtility->max(0), m_binUtility->max(1));
40  }
41 }
46  SurfacePtrVector& boundarySurfaces, SurfacePtrVector& segmentationSurfacesX,
47  SurfacePtrVector& segmentationSurfacesY, double halfThickness,
48  int readoutDirection, double lorentzAngle) const {
49  // may be needed throughout
50  double lorentzAngleTan = tan(lorentzAngle);
51  double lorentzPlaneShiftX = halfThickness * lorentzAngleTan;
53  // (A) --- top/bottom surfaces
54  // -----------------------------------------------------------
55  // let's create the top/botten surfaces first - we call them readout / counter
56  // readout
57  // there are some things to consider
58  // - they share the RectangleBounds only if the lorentzAngle is 0
59  // otherwise only the readout surface has full length bounds like the module
60  std::shared_ptr<const PlanarBounds> moduleBounds(
61  new RectangleBounds(m_activeBounds->boundingBox()));
62  // - they are separated by half a thickness in z
63  auto mutableReadoutPlaneTransform =
64  std::make_shared<Transform3D>(Transform3D::Identity());
65  auto mutableCounterPlaneTransform =
66  std::make_shared<Transform3D>(Transform3D::Identity());
67  // readout and counter readout bounds, the bounds of the readout plane are
68  // like the active ones
69  std::shared_ptr<const PlanarBounds> readoutPlaneBounds = moduleBounds;
70  std::shared_ptr<const PlanarBounds> counterPlaneBounds(nullptr);
71  // the transform of the readout plane is always centric
72  (*mutableReadoutPlaneTransform).translation() =
73  Vector3D(0., 0., readoutDirection * halfThickness);
74  // no lorentz angle and everything is straight-forward
75  if (lorentzAngle == 0.) {
76  counterPlaneBounds = moduleBounds;
77  (*mutableCounterPlaneTransform).translation() =
78  Vector3D(0., 0., -readoutDirection * halfThickness);
79  } else {
80  // lorentz reduced Bounds
81  double lorentzReducedHalfX =
82  m_activeBounds->boundingBox().halfLengthX() - fabs(lorentzPlaneShiftX);
83  std::shared_ptr<const PlanarBounds> lorentzReducedBounds(
84  new RectangleBounds(lorentzReducedHalfX,
85  m_activeBounds->boundingBox().halfLengthY()));
86  counterPlaneBounds = lorentzReducedBounds;
87  // now we shift the counter plane in position - this depends on lorentz
88  // angle
89  double counterPlaneShift = -readoutDirection * lorentzPlaneShiftX;
90  (*mutableCounterPlaneTransform).translation() =
91  Vector3D(counterPlaneShift, 0., -readoutDirection * halfThickness);
92  }
93  // - finalize the transforms
94  auto readoutPlaneTransform =
95  std::const_pointer_cast<const Transform3D>(mutableReadoutPlaneTransform);
96  auto counterPlaneTransform =
97  std::const_pointer_cast<const Transform3D>(mutableCounterPlaneTransform);
98  // - build the readout & counter readout surfaces
99  boundarySurfaces.push_back(Surface::makeShared<PlaneSurface>(
100  readoutPlaneTransform, readoutPlaneBounds));
101  boundarySurfaces.push_back(Surface::makeShared<PlaneSurface>(
102  counterPlaneTransform, counterPlaneBounds));
104  // (B) - bin X and lorentz surfaces
105  // -----------------------------------------------------------
106  // easy stuff first, constant pitch size and
107  double pitchX =
108  2. * m_activeBounds->boundingBox().halfLengthX() / m_binUtility->bins(0);
110  // now, let's create the shared bounds of all surfaces marking x bins - choice
111  // fixes orientation of the matrix
112  std::shared_ptr<const PlanarBounds> xBinBounds(new RectangleBounds(
113  m_activeBounds->boundingBox().halfLengthY(), halfThickness));
114  // now, let's create the shared bounds of all surfaces marking lorentz planes
115  double lorentzPlaneHalfX = std::abs(halfThickness / cos(lorentzAngle));
116  // the bounds of the lorentz plane
117  std::shared_ptr<const PlanarBounds> lorentzPlaneBounds =
118  (lorentzAngle == 0.)
119  ? xBinBounds
120  : std::shared_ptr<const PlanarBounds>(
121  new RectangleBounds(m_activeBounds->boundingBox().halfLengthY(),
122  lorentzPlaneHalfX));
124  // now the rotation matrix for the xBins
125  RotationMatrix3D xBinRotationMatrix;
126  xBinRotationMatrix.col(0) = Vector3D::UnitY();
127  xBinRotationMatrix.col(1) = Vector3D::UnitZ();
128  xBinRotationMatrix.col(2) = Vector3D::UnitX();
129  // now the lorentz plane rotation should be the xBin rotation, rotated by the
130  // lorentz angle around y
131  RotationMatrix3D lorentzPlaneRotationMatrix =
132  (lorentzAngle != 0.)
133  ? xBinRotationMatrix * AngleAxis3D(lorentzAngle, Vector3D::UnitX())
134  : xBinRotationMatrix;
136  // reserve, it's always (number of bins-1) as the boundaries are within the
137  // boundarySurfaces
138  segmentationSurfacesX.reserve(m_binUtility->bins(0));
139  // create and fill them
140  for (size_t ibinx = 0; ibinx <= m_binUtility->bins(0); ++ibinx) {
141  // the current step x position
142  double cPosX =
143  -m_activeBounds->boundingBox().halfLengthX() + ibinx * pitchX;
144  // (i) this is the low/high boundary --- ( ibin == 0/m_binUtility->bins(0) )
145  if ((ibinx == 0u) || ibinx == m_binUtility->bins(0)) {
146  // check if it a straight boundary or not: always straight for no lorentz
147  // angle,
148  // and either the first boundary or the last dependening on lorentz &
149  // readout
150  bool boundaryStraight =
151  (lorentzAngle == 0. ||
152  ((ibinx == 0u) && readoutDirection * lorentzAngle > 0.) ||
153  (ibinx == m_binUtility->bins(0) &&
154  readoutDirection * lorentzAngle < 0));
155  // set the low boundary parameters : position & rotation
156  Vector3D boundaryXPosition =
157  boundaryStraight
158  ? Vector3D(cPosX, 0., 0.)
159  : Vector3D(cPosX - readoutDirection * lorentzPlaneShiftX, 0., 0.);
160  // rotation of the boundary: striaght or lorentz
161  const RotationMatrix3D& boundaryXRotation =
162  boundaryStraight ? xBinRotationMatrix : lorentzPlaneRotationMatrix;
163  // build the rotation from it
164  auto boundaryXTransform = std::make_shared<const Transform3D>(
165  Translation3D(boundaryXPosition) * boundaryXRotation);
166  // the correct bounds for this
167  std::shared_ptr<const PlanarBounds> boundaryXBounds =
168  boundaryStraight ? xBinBounds : lorentzPlaneBounds;
169  // boundary surfaces
170  boundarySurfaces.push_back(Surface::makeShared<PlaneSurface>(
171  boundaryXTransform, boundaryXBounds));
172  // (ii) this is the in between bins --- ( 1 <= ibin < m_mbnsX )
173  } else {
174  // shift by the lorentz angle
175  Vector3D lorentzPlanePosition(
176  cPosX - readoutDirection * lorentzPlaneShiftX, 0., 0.);
177  auto lorentzPlaneTransform = std::make_shared<const Transform3D>(
178  Translation3D(lorentzPlanePosition) * lorentzPlaneRotationMatrix);
179  // lorentz plane surfaces
180  segmentationSurfacesX.push_back(Surface::makeShared<PlaneSurface>(
181  lorentzPlaneTransform, lorentzPlaneBounds));
182  }
183  }
185  // (C) - bin Y surfaces - everything is defined
186  // -----------------------------------------------------------
187  // now the rotation matrix for the yBins - anticyclic
188  RotationMatrix3D yBinRotationMatrix;
189  yBinRotationMatrix.col(0) = Vector3D::UnitX();
190  yBinRotationMatrix.col(1) = Vector3D::UnitZ();
191  yBinRotationMatrix.col(2) = Vector3D(0., -1., 0.);
192  // easy stuff first, constant pitch in Y
193  double pitchY =
194  2. * m_activeBounds->boundingBox().halfLengthY() / m_binUtility->bins(1);
195  // let's create the shared bounds of all surfaces marking y bins
196  std::shared_ptr<const PlanarBounds> yBinBounds(new RectangleBounds(
197  m_activeBounds->boundingBox().halfLengthX(), halfThickness));
198  // reserve, it's always (number of bins-1) as the boundaries are within the
199  // boundarySurfaces
200  segmentationSurfacesY.reserve(m_binUtility->bins(1));
201  for (size_t ibiny = 0; ibiny <= m_binUtility->bins(1); ++ibiny) {
202  // the position of the bin surface
203  double binPosY =
204  -m_activeBounds->boundingBox().halfLengthY() + ibiny * pitchY;
205  Vector3D binSurfaceCenter(0., binPosY, 0.);
206  // the binning transform
207  auto binTransform = std::make_shared<const Transform3D>(
208  Translation3D(binSurfaceCenter) * yBinRotationMatrix);
209  // these are the boundaries
210  if (ibiny == 0 || ibiny == m_binUtility->bins(1)) {
211  boundarySurfaces.push_back(
212  Surface::makeShared<PlaneSurface>(binTransform, yBinBounds));
213  } else { // these are the bin boundaries
214  segmentationSurfacesY.push_back(
215  Surface::makeShared<PlaneSurface>(binTransform, yBinBounds));
216  }
217  }
218 }
221  const DigitizationCell& dCell) const {
222  double bX = m_binUtility->bins(0) > 1
223  ? m_binUtility->binningData()[0].center(dCell.channel0)
224  : 0.;
225  double bY = m_binUtility->bins(1) > 1
226  ? m_binUtility->binningData()[1].center(dCell.channel1)
227  : 0.;
228  return Vector2D(bX, bY);
229 }
234  const Vector3D& startStep, const Vector3D& endStep, double halfThickness,
235  int readoutDirection, double lorentzAngle) const {
236  Vector3D stepCenter = 0.5 * (startStep + endStep);
237  // take the full drift length
238  // this is the absolute drift in z
239  double driftInZ = halfThickness - readoutDirection * stepCenter.z();
240  // this is the absolute drift length
241  double driftLength = driftInZ / cos(lorentzAngle);
242  // project to parameter the readout surface
243  double lorentzDeltaX = readoutDirection * driftInZ * tan(lorentzAngle);
244  // the projected center, it has the lorentz shift applied
245  Vector2D stepCenterProjected(stepCenter.x() + lorentzDeltaX, stepCenter.y());
246  // the cell & its center
247  Acts::DigitizationCell dCell = cell(stepCenterProjected);
248  Vector2D cellCenter = cellPosition(dCell);
249  // we are ready to return what we have
250  return DigitizationStep((endStep - startStep).norm(), driftLength, dCell,
251  startStep, endStep, stepCenterProjected, cellCenter);
252 }