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Go to the documentation of this file. Or view the newest version in sPHENIX GitHub for file G4MagIntegratorDriver.hh
1 //
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25 //
26 // G4MagInt_Driver
27 //
28 // Class description:
29 //
30 // Provides a driver that talks to the Integrator Stepper, and insures that
31 // the error is within acceptable bounds.
33 // V.Grichine, 07.10.1996 - Created
34 // W.Wander, 28.01.1998 - Added ability for low order integrators
35 // J.Apostolakis, 08.11.2001 - Respect minimum step in AccurateAdvance
36 // --------------------------------------------------------------------
40 #include "G4VIntegrationDriver.hh"
42 #include "G4ChordFinderDelegate.hh"
45  public G4ChordFinderDelegate<G4MagInt_Driver>
46 {
47  public: // with description
49  G4MagInt_Driver(G4double hminimum,
50  G4MagIntegratorStepper* pItsStepper,
51  G4int numberOfComponents = 6,
52  G4int statisticsVerbosity = 0);
53  virtual ~G4MagInt_Driver() override;
54  // Constructor, destructor.
56  G4MagInt_Driver(const G4MagInt_Driver&) = delete;
57  G4MagInt_Driver& operator=(const G4MagInt_Driver&) = delete;
60  G4double stepMax,
61  G4double epsStep,
62  G4double chordDistance) override;
64  inline virtual void OnStartTracking() override;
65  inline virtual void OnComputeStep() override {};
66  virtual G4bool DoesReIntegrate() override { return true; }
68  virtual G4bool AccurateAdvance(G4FieldTrack& y_current,
69  G4double hstep,
70  G4double eps, // Requested y_err/hstep
71  G4double hinitial = 0.0) override;
72  // Above drivers for integrator (Runge-Kutta) with stepsize control.
73  // Integrates ODE starting values y_current
74  // from current s (s=s0) to s=s0+h with accuracy eps.
75  // On output ystart is replaced by value at end of interval.
76  // The concept is similar to the odeint routine from NRC p.721-722.
78  virtual G4bool QuickAdvance(G4FieldTrack& y_val, // INOUT
79  const G4double dydx[],
80  G4double hstep,
81  G4double& dchord_step,
82  G4double& dyerr) override;
83  // QuickAdvance just tries one Step - it does not ensure accuracy.
85  G4bool QuickAdvance(G4FieldTrack& y_posvel, // INOUT
86  const G4double dydx[],
87  G4double hstep, // IN
88  G4double& dchord_step,
89  G4double& dyerr_pos_sq,
90  G4double& dyerr_mom_rel_sq );
91  // New QuickAdvance that also just tries one Step
92  // (so also does not ensure accuracy)
93  // but does return the errors in position and
94  // momentum (normalised: Delta_Integration(p^2)/(p^2) )
96  inline G4double GetHmin() const;
97  inline G4double Hmin() const; // Obsolete
98  inline G4double GetSafety() const;
99  inline G4double GetPshrnk() const;
100  inline G4double GetPgrow() const;
101  inline G4double GetErrcon() const;
102  virtual void GetDerivatives(const G4FieldTrack& y_curr, // INput
103  G4double dydx[]) const override; // OUTput
105  virtual void GetDerivatives(const G4FieldTrack& track,
106  G4double dydx[],
107  G4double field[]) const override;
108  // Accessors
110  virtual G4EquationOfMotion* GetEquationOfMotion() override;
111  virtual void SetEquationOfMotion(G4EquationOfMotion* equation) override;
113  virtual void RenewStepperAndAdjust(G4MagIntegratorStepper* pItsStepper) override;
114  // Sets a new stepper pItsStepper for this driver. Then it calls
115  // ReSetParameters to reset its parameters accordingly.
117  inline void ReSetParameters(G4double new_safety = 0.9);
118  // i) sets the exponents (pgrow & pshrnk),
119  // using the current Stepper's order,
120  // ii) sets the safety
121  // ii) calculates "errcon" according to the above values.
123  inline void SetSafety(G4double valS);
124  inline void SetPshrnk(G4double valPs);
125  inline void SetPgrow (G4double valPg);
126  inline void SetErrcon(G4double valEc);
127  // When setting safety or pgrow, errcon will be set to a compatible value.
129  inline G4double ComputeAndSetErrcon();
131  virtual const G4MagIntegratorStepper* GetStepper() const override;
132  virtual G4MagIntegratorStepper* GetStepper() override;
134  void OneGoodStep(G4double ystart[], // Like old RKF45step()
135  const G4double dydx[],
136  G4double& x,
137  G4double htry,
138  G4double eps, // memb variables ?
139  G4double& hdid,
140  G4double& hnext ) ;
141  // This takes one Step that is as large as possible while
142  // satisfying the accuracy criterion of:
143  // yerr < eps * |y_end-y_start|
145  virtual G4double ComputeNewStepSize(G4double errMaxNorm, // normalised
146  G4double hstepCurrent) override;
147  // Taking the last step's normalised error, calculate
148  // a step size for the next step.
149  // Do not limit the next step's size within a factor of the
150  // current one.
152  G4double ComputeNewStepSize_WithinLimits(G4double errMaxNorm, // normalised
153  G4double hstepCurrent);
154  // Taking the last step's normalised error, calculate
155  // a step size for the next step.
156  // Limit the next step's size within a range around the current one.
158  inline G4int GetMaxNoSteps() const;
159  inline void SetMaxNoSteps(G4int val);
160  // Modify and Get the Maximum number of Steps that can be
161  // taken for the integration of a single segment -
162  // (i.e. a single call to AccurateAdvance).
164  public: // without description
166  inline void SetHmin(G4double newval);
167  virtual void SetVerboseLevel(G4int newLevel) override;
168  virtual G4int GetVerboseLevel() const override;
170  inline G4double GetSmallestFraction() const;
171  void SetSmallestFraction( G4double val );
173  protected: // without description
175  void WarnSmallStepSize(G4double hnext, G4double hstep,
176  G4double h, G4double xDone,
177  G4int noSteps);
179  void WarnTooManyStep(G4double x1start, G4double x2end, G4double xCurrent);
180  void WarnEndPointTooFar(G4double endPointDist,
181  G4double hStepSize ,
182  G4double epsilonRelative,
183  G4int debugFlag);
184  // Issue warnings for undesirable situations
186  void PrintStatus(const G4double* StartArr,
187  G4double xstart,
188  const G4double* CurrentArr,
189  G4double xcurrent,
190  G4double requestStep,
191  G4int subStepNo);
192  void PrintStatus(const G4FieldTrack& StartFT,
193  const G4FieldTrack& CurrentFT,
194  G4double requestStep,
195  G4int subStepNo);
196  void PrintStat_Aux(const G4FieldTrack& aFieldTrack,
197  G4double requestStep,
198  G4double actualStep,
199  G4int subStepNo,
200  G4double subStepSize,
201  G4double dotVelocities);
202  // Verbose output for debugging
204  void PrintStatisticsReport();
205  // Report on the number of steps, maximum errors etc.
207 #ifdef QUICK_ADV_TWO
208  G4bool QuickAdvance( G4double yarrin[], // In
209  const G4double dydx[],
210  G4double hstep,
211  G4double yarrout[], // Out
212  G4double& dchord_step, // Out
213  G4double& dyerr ); // in length
214 #endif
216  private:
218  // ---------------------------------------------------------------
222  // Minimum Step allowed in a Step (in absolute units)
223  G4double fSmallestFraction = 1.0e-12; // Expected range 1e-12 to 5e-15
224  // Smallest fraction of (existing) curve length - in relative units
225  // below this fraction the current step will be the last
227  const G4int fNoIntegrationVariables = 0; // Variables in integration
228  const G4int fMinNoVars = 12; // Minimum number for FieldTrack
229  const G4int fNoVars = 0; // Full number of variable
232  G4int fMaxStepBase = 250; // was 5000
233  // Default maximum number of steps is Base divided by the order of Stepper
236  G4double pshrnk; // exponent for shrinking
237  G4double pgrow; // exponent for growth
239  // Parameters used to grow and shrink trial stepsize.
243  // ---------------------------------------------------------------
244  // DEPENDENT Objects
248  // ---------------------------------------------------------------
249  // STATE
251  unsigned long fNoTotalSteps=0, fNoBadSteps=0;
256  // Step Statistics
258  G4int fVerboseLevel = 0; // Verbosity level for printing (debug, ..)
259  // Could be varied during tracking - to help identify issues
262 };
264 #include "G4MagIntegratorDriver.icc"
266 #endif