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1 *
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4 * * *
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25 *
26 *
27 *
28 #define CALL_GEANT
30 #ifndef CALL_GEANT
31  subroutine gsvolu(name, shape, nmed, par, npar, ivol)
32 #else
33  subroutine ksvolu(name, shape, nmed, par, npar, ivol)
34 #endif
35 ************************************************************************
36 ************************************************************************
37  implicit none
38  character name*4, shape*4, fmt*150
39  integer nmed, npar, ivol, k
40  real par(npar)
41  character rname*6
42 #include ""
43  data rname /'GSVOLU'/
44 *
45  call check_lines
46 #ifdef CALL_GEANT
47  if (dogeom) call gsvolu(name, shape, nmed, par, npar, ivol)
48 #endif
49  if ( call checkshape(name, shape, par, npar)
50 *
51  if ( then
52 * write(lunlist,
53 * + '(a4,1x,a6,1x,a4,1x,a4,2i5,<npar>e15.8)')
54 * + context, rname, name, shape, nmed, npar,
55 * + (par(k),k=1,npar)
56  write(fmt,'(A,I2,A)')'(a4,1x,a6,1x,a4,1x,a4,2i5,',max(npar,1),
57  > '(1x,e16.8))'
58  write(lunlist,fmt) context, rname, name, shape, nmed, npar,
59  + (par(k),k=1,npar)
60  endif
61  if ( then
62  write(luncode,'(''{'')')
63  call g3ldpar(par,npar)
64  write(luncode,1000) name, shape, nmed, npar
65  1000 format('G4gsvolu(name="',a,'",shape="',a,'",nmed=',i5,
66  + ',par,npar=',i4,');')
67  write(luncode,'(''}'')')
68  endif
69 *
70  end
71 *
72 #ifndef CALL_GEANT
73  subroutine gspos(name, num, moth, x, y, z, irot, only)
74 #else
75  subroutine kspos(name, num, moth, x, y, z, irot, only)
76 #endif
77 ************************************************************************
78 ************************************************************************
79  implicit none
80  character name*4, moth*4, only*4
81  integer num, irot
82  real x, y, z
83  character rname*6
84 #include ""
85  data rname /'GSPOS '/
86 *
87  call check_lines
88 #ifdef CALL_GEANT
89  if (dogeom) call gspos(name, num, moth, x, y, z, irot, only)
90 #endif
91  if ( then
92  write(lunlist,
93  + '(a4,1x,a6,1x,a4,i5,1x,a4,3(1x,e16.8),i5,1x,a4)')
94  + context, rname, name, num, moth, x, y, z, irot, only
95  endif
96  if ( then
97  write(luncode,'(''{'')')
98  call rtocp('x',x)
99  call rtocp('y',y)
100  call rtocp('z',z)
101  write(luncode,1000) name,num,moth,irot,only
102  1000 format('G4gspos(name="',a,'",num=',i5,',moth="',a,
103  + '",x,y,z,irot=',i5,',only="',a,'");')
104  write(luncode,'(''}'')')
105  endif
106 *
107  end
108 *
109 #ifndef CALL_GEANT
110  subroutine gsposp(name, num, moth, x, y, z, irot, only, par, npar)
111 #else
112  subroutine ksposp(name, num, moth, x, y, z, irot, only, par, npar)
113 #endif
114 ************************************************************************
115 ************************************************************************
116  implicit none
117  character name*4, moth*4, only*4
118  integer num, irot, npar, k
119  real x, y, z, par(npar)
120  character rname*6, fmt*150
121 #include ""
122  data rname /'GSPOSP'/
123 *
124  call check_lines
125 #ifdef CALL_GEANT
126  if (dogeom) call gsposp(name, num, moth, x, y, z, irot, only,
127  + par, npar)
128 #endif
129  if ( then
130  do k=1,npar
131  if (abs(par(k)).gt.1.e10) then
132  print *,'Warning: huge junk value in PAR for GSPOS'
133  print *,' zeroed out. Volume ',name
134  par(k) = 0.
135  endif
136  enddo
137 * write(lunlist,
138 * + '(a4,1x,a6,1x,a4,i5,1x,a4,3e15.8,i5,1x,a4,
139 * + i5,<npar>e15.8)')
140 * + context, rname, name, num, moth, x, y, z, irot, only,
141 * + npar,
142 * + (par(k),k=1,npar)
143  write(fmt,'(A,A,I2,A)')
144  > '(a4,1x,a6,1x,a4,i5,1x,a4,3(1x,e16.8),',
145  + 'i5,1x,a4,i5,',max(npar,1),'(1x,e16.8))'
146  write(lunlist,fmt)
147  + context, rname, name, num, moth, x, y, z, irot, only,
148  + npar,
149  + (par(k),k=1,npar)
150  endif
151  if ( then
152  write(luncode,'(''{'')')
153  call rtocp('x',x)
154  call rtocp('y',y)
155  call rtocp('z',z)
156  call g3ldpar(par,npar)
157  write(luncode,1000) name,num,moth,irot,only,npar
158  1000 format('G4gsposp(name="',a,'",num=',i5,',moth="',a,
159  + '",x,y,z,irot=',i5,',only="',a,'",par,npar=',i4,');')
160  write(luncode,'(''}'')')
161  endif
162 *
163  end
164 *
165 #ifndef CALL_GEANT
166  subroutine gsatt(name, attr, ival)
167 #else
168  subroutine ksatt(name, attr, ival)
169 #endif
170 ************************************************************************
171 ************************************************************************
172  implicit none
173  character name*4, attr*4
174  integer ival
175  character rname*6
176 #include ""
177  data rname /'GSATT '/
178 *
179  call check_lines
180 #ifdef CALL_GEANT
181  if (dogeom) call gsatt(name, attr, ival)
182 #endif
183  if ( then
184  write(lunlist,
185  + '(a4,1x,a6,1x,a4,1x,a4,i12)')
186  + context, rname, name, attr, ival
187  endif
188  if ( then
189  write(luncode,'(''{'')')
190  write(luncode,1000) name,attr,ival
191  1000 format('G4gsatt(name="',a,'",attr="',a,'",ival=',i10,');')
192  write(luncode,'(''}'')')
193  endif
194 *
195  end
196 *
197 #ifndef CALL_GEANT
198  subroutine gsrotm(irot, theta1, phi1, theta2, phi2,
199  + theta3, phi3)
200 #else
201  subroutine ksrotm(irot, theta1, phi1, theta2, phi2,
202  + theta3, phi3)
203 #endif
204 ************************************************************************
205 ************************************************************************
206  implicit none
207  integer irot
208  real theta1, phi1, theta2, phi2, theta3, phi3
209  character rname*6
210 #include ""
211  data rname /'GSROTM'/
212 *
213  call check_lines
214 #ifdef CALL_GEANT
215  if (dogeom) call gsrotm(irot, theta1, phi1, theta2, phi2,
216  + theta3, phi3)
217 #endif
218  if ( then
219  write(lunlist,
220  + '(a4,1x,a6,i5,6f11.5)')
221  + context, rname, irot, theta1, phi1, theta2, phi2,
222  + theta3, phi3
223  endif
224  if ( then
225  write(luncode,'(''{'')')
226  call rtocp('theta1',theta1)
227  call rtocp('phi1',phi1)
228  call rtocp('theta2',theta2)
229  call rtocp('phi2',phi2)
230  call rtocp('theta3',theta3)
231  call rtocp('phi3',phi3)
232  write(luncode,1000) irot
233  1000 format('G4gsrotm(irot=',i5,
234  + ',theta1,phi1,theta2,phi2,theta3,phi3);')
235  write(luncode,'(''}'')')
236  endif
237 *
238  end
239 *
240 #ifndef CALL_GEANT
241  subroutine gsdvn(name, moth, ndiv, iaxis)
242 #else
243  subroutine ksdvn(name, moth, ndiv, iaxis)
244 #endif
245 ************************************************************************
246 ************************************************************************
247  implicit none
248  character name*4, moth*4
249  integer ndiv, iaxis
250  character rname*6
251 #include ""
252  data rname /'GSDVN '/
253 *
254  call check_lines
255 #ifdef CALL_GEANT
256  if (dogeom) call gsdvn(name, moth, ndiv, iaxis)
257 #endif
258  if ( then
259  write(lunlist,
260  + '(a4,1x,a6,1x,a4,1x,a4,i5,i3)')
261  + context, rname, name, moth, ndiv, iaxis
262  endif
263  if ( then
264  write(luncode,'(''{'')')
265  write(luncode,1000) name, moth, ndiv, iaxis
266  1000 format('G4gsdvn(name="',a,'",moth="',a,'",ndiv=',i3,
267  + ',iaxis=',i1,');')
268  write(luncode,'(''}'')')
269  endif
270 *
271  end
272 *
273 #ifndef CALL_GEANT
274  subroutine gsdvt(name, moth, step, iaxis, numed, ndvmx)
275 #else
276  subroutine ksdvt(name, moth, step, iaxis, numed, ndvmx)
277 #endif
278 ************************************************************************
279 ************************************************************************
280  implicit none
281  character name*4, moth*4
282  real step
283  integer iaxis, numed, ndvmx
284  character rname*6
285 #include ""
286  data rname /'GSDVT '/
287 *
288  call check_lines
289 #ifdef CALL_GEANT
290  if (dogeom) call gsdvt(name, moth, step, iaxis, numed, ndvmx)
291 #endif
292  if ( then
293  write(lunlist,
294  + '(a4,1x,a6,1x,a4,1x,a4,(1x,e16.8),3i5)')
295  + context, rname, name, moth, step, iaxis, numed, ndvmx
296  endif
297  if ( then
298  write(luncode,'(''{'')')
299  call rtocp('step',step)
300  write(luncode,1000) name,moth,iaxis,numed,ndvmx
301  1000 format('G4gsdvt(name="',a,'",moth="',a,'",step,iaxis=',
302  + i1,',numed=',i4,',ndvmx=',i4,');')
303  write(luncode,'(''}'')')
304  endif
305 *
306  end
307 *
308 #ifndef CALL_GEANT
309  subroutine gsdvx(name, moth, ndiv, iaxis, step, c0, numed, ndvmx)
310 #else
311  subroutine ksdvx(name, moth, ndiv, iaxis, step, c0, numed, ndvmx)
312 #endif
313 ************************************************************************
314 ************************************************************************
315  implicit none
316  character name*4, moth*4
317  integer ndiv, iaxis, numed, ndvmx
318  real step, c0
319  character rname*6
320 #include ""
321  data rname /'GSDVX '/
322 *
323  call check_lines
324 #ifdef CALL_GEANT
325  if (dogeom) call gsdvx(name, moth, ndiv, iaxis, step, c0, numed,
326  + ndvmx)
327 #endif
328  if ( then
329  write(lunlist,
330  + '(a4,1x,a6,1x,a4,1x,a4,i5,i3,2(1x,e16.8),2i5)')
331  + context, rname, name, moth, ndiv, iaxis,step, c0,
332  + numed, ndvmx
333  endif
334  if ( then
335  write(luncode,'(''{'')')
336  call rtocp('step',step)
337  call rtocp('c0',c0)
338  write(luncode,1000) name,moth,ndiv,iaxis,numed,ndvmx
339  1000 format('G4gsdvx(name="',a,'",moth="',a,'",ndiv=',i3,',iaxis=',
340  + i1,',step,c0,numed=',i4,',ndvmx=',i4,');')
341  write(luncode,'(''}'')')
342  endif
343 *
344  end
345 *
346 #ifndef CALL_GEANT
347  subroutine gsdvn2(name, moth, ndiv, iaxis, c0, numed)
348 #else
349  subroutine ksdvn2(name, moth, ndiv, iaxis, c0, numed)
350 #endif
351 ************************************************************************
352 ************************************************************************
353  implicit none
354  character name*4, moth*4
355  integer ndiv, iaxis, numed
356  real c0
357  character rname*6
358 #include ""
359  data rname /'GSDVN2'/
360 *
361  call check_lines
362 #ifdef CALL_GEANT
363  if (dogeom) call gsdvn2(name, moth, ndiv, iaxis, c0, numed)
364 #endif
365  if ( then
366  write(lunlist,
367  + '(a4,1x,a6,1x,a4,1x,a4,i5,i3,(1x,e16.8),i5)')
368  + context, rname, name, moth, ndiv, iaxis, c0, numed
369  endif
370  if ( then
371  write(luncode,'(''{'')')
372  call rtocp('c0',c0)
373  write(luncode, 1000) name,moth,ndiv,iaxis,numed
374  1000 format('G4gsdvn2(name="',a,'",moth="',a,'",ndiv=',i3,',iaxis=',
375  + i1,',c0,numed=',i4,');')
376  write(luncode,'(''}'')')
377  endif
378 *
379  end
380 *
381 #ifndef CALL_GEANT
382  subroutine gsdvt2(name, moth, step, iaxis, c0, numed, ndvmx)
383 #else
384  subroutine ksdvt2(name, moth, step, iaxis, c0, numed, ndvmx)
385 #endif
386 ************************************************************************
387 ************************************************************************
388  implicit none
389  character name*4, moth*4
390  integer iaxis, numed, ndvmx
391  real step, c0
392  character rname*6
393 #include ""
394  data rname /'GSDVT2'/
395 *
396  call check_lines
397 #ifdef CALL_GEANT
398  if (dogeom) call gsdvt2(name, moth, step, iaxis, c0, numed, ndvmx)
399 #endif
400  if ( then
401  write(lunlist,
402  + '(a4,1x,a6,1x,a4,1x,a4,(1x,e16.8),i3,(1x,e16.8),2i5)')
403  + context, rname, name, moth, step, iaxis, c0, numed, ndvmx
404  endif
405  if ( then
406  write(luncode,'(''{'')')
407  call rtocp('step',step)
408  call rtocp('c0',c0)
409  write(luncode,1000) name,moth,iaxis,numed,ndvmx
410  1000 format('G4gsdvt2(name="',a,'",moth="',a,'",step,iaxis=',
411  + i1,',c0,numed=',i4,',ndvmx=',i4,');')
412  write(luncode,'(''}'')')
413  endif
414 *
415  end
416 *
417 #ifndef CALL_GEANT
418  subroutine gsmate(imate, name, a, z, dens, radl, absl, ubf, nwbf)
419 #else
420  subroutine ksmate(imate, name, a, z, dens, radl, absl, ubf, nwbf)
421 #endif
422 ************************************************************************
423 ************************************************************************
424  implicit none
425  character name*(*)
426  integer imate, nwbf, k
427  real a, z, dens, radl, absl, ubf(nwbf)
428  character rname*6, fmt*150
429 #include ""
430  data rname /'GSMATE'/
431 *
432  call check_lines
433 #ifdef CALL_GEANT
434  if (dogeom) call gsmate
435  + (imate, name, a, z, dens, radl, absl, ubf, nwbf)
436 #endif
437  if ( then
438  write(fmt,'(A,I3,A)')
439  > '(a4,1x,a6,i5,1x,''"'',a,''"'',4(1x,e16.8),i3,',
440  > max(nwbf,1),'(1x,e16.8))'
441  write(lunlist,fmt)
442  + context, rname, imate, name, a, z, dens, radl,
443  + nwbf, (ubf(k), k=1,nwbf)
444  endif
445  if ( then
446  write(luncode,'(''{'')')
447  call rtocp('a',a)
448  call rtocp('z',z)
449  call rtocp('dens',dens)
450  call rtocp('radl',radl)
451  call g3ldpar(ubf,nwbf)
452  write(luncode,1000) imate, name, nwbf
453  1000 format('G4gsmate(imate=',i4,',name="',a,
454  + '",a,z,dens,radl,npar=',i4,',par);')
455  write(luncode,'(''}'')')
456  endif
457 *
458  end
459 *
460 #ifndef CALL_GEANT
461  subroutine gsmixt(imate, name, a, z, dens, nlmat, wmat)
462 #else
463  subroutine ksmixt(imate, name, a, z, dens, nlmat, wmat)
464 #endif
465 ************************************************************************
466 ************************************************************************
467  implicit none
468  character name*(*)
469  integer imate, nlmat, k, nlmata
470  real a(*), z(*), dens, wmat(*)
471  character rname*6, fmt*150
472 #include ""
473  data rname /'GSMIXT'/
474 *
475  call check_lines
476 #ifdef CALL_GEANT
477  if (dogeom) call gsmixt
478  + (imate, name, a, z, dens, nlmat, wmat)
479 #endif
480  if ( then
481  nlmata = abs(nlmat)
482  write(fmt,'(A,I3,A,I3,A,I3,A)')
483  + '(a4,1x,a6,i5,1x,''"'',a,''"'',1x,e16.8,1x,i3,',
484  > max(nlmata,1),
485  > '(1x,e16.8),',max(nlmata,1),'(1x,e16.8),',
486  > max(nlmata,1),'(1x,e16.8))'
487  write(lunlist,fmt)
488  + context, rname, imate, name, dens,
489  + nlmat,
490  + (a(k), k=1,abs(nlmat)),
491  + (z(k), k=1,abs(nlmat)),
492  + (wmat(k), k=1,abs(nlmat))
493  endif
494  if ( then
495  write(luncode,'(''{'')')
496  call rtocp('dens',dens)
497  call artocp('aa',a,abs(nlmat))
498  call artocp('zz',z,abs(nlmat))
499  call artocp('wmat',wmat,abs(nlmat))
500  write(luncode,1000) imate,name,nlmat
501  1000 format('G4gsmixt(imate=',i5,',name="',a,
502  + '",aa,zz,dens,nlmat=',i3,',wmat);')
503  write(luncode,'(''}'')')
504  endif
505 *
506  end
507 *
508 #ifndef CALL_GEANT
509  subroutine gstmed(
510  + itmed, name, nmat, isvol, ifield, fieldm,
511  + tmaxfd, stemax, deemax, epsil, stmin, ubuf, nwbuf)
512 #else
513  subroutine kstmed(
514  + itmed, name, nmat, isvol, ifield, fieldm,
515  + tmaxfd, stemax, deemax, epsil, stmin, ubuf, nwbuf)
516 #endif
517 ************************************************************************
518 ************************************************************************
519  implicit none
520  character name*(*)
521  integer itmed, nmat, isvol, ifield, nwbuf, k
522  real fieldm, tmaxfd, stemax, deemax, epsil, stmin, ubuf(nwbuf)
523  character rname*6, fmt*150
524 #include ""
525  data rname /'GSTMED'/
526 *
527  call check_lines
528 #ifdef CALL_GEANT
529  if (dogeom) call gstmed(
530  + itmed, name, nmat, isvol, ifield, fieldm,
531  + tmaxfd, stemax, deemax, epsil, stmin, ubuf, nwbuf)
532 #endif
533  if ( then
534 * write(lunlist,
535 * + '(a4,1x,a6,i5,1x,''"'',a,''"'',3i3,6e15.8,i3,<nwbuf>e15.8)')
536 * + context, rname, itmed, name, nmat, isvol, ifield, fieldm,
537 * + tmaxfd, stemax, deemax, epsil, stmin,
538 * + nwbuf, (ubuf(k),k=1,nwbuf)
539  write(fmt,'(A,I3,A)')
540  > '(a4,1x,a6,i5,1x,''"'',a,''"'',3i3,6(1x,e16.8),i3,',
541  > max(nwbuf,1),'(1x,e16.8))'
542  write(lunlist,fmt)
543  + context, rname, itmed, name, nmat, isvol, ifield, fieldm,
544  + tmaxfd, stemax, deemax, epsil, stmin,
545  + nwbuf, (ubuf(k),k=1,nwbuf)
546  endif
547  if ( then
548  write(luncode,'(''{'')')
549  call rtocp('fieldm',fieldm)
550  call rtocp('tmaxfd',tmaxfd)
551  call rtocp('stemax',stemax)
552  call rtocp('deemax',deemax)
553  call rtocp('epsil',epsil)
554  call rtocp('stmin',stmin)
555  call g3ldpar(ubuf,nwbuf)
556  write(luncode,1000) itmed,name,nmat,isvol,ifield,nwbuf
557  1000 format('G4gstmed(itmed=',i4,',name="',a,'",nmat=',i4,
558  + ',isvol=',i2,',ifield=',i2,',',/
559  + ' fieldm,tmaxfd,stemax,deemax,epsil,stmin,par,npar=',
560  + i4,');')
561  write(luncode,'(''}'')')
562  endif
563 *
564  end
565 *
566 #ifndef CALL_GEANT
567  subroutine gstpar(itmed, chpar, parval)
568 #else
569  subroutine kstpar(itmed, chpar, parval)
570 #endif
571 ************************************************************************
572 ************************************************************************
573  implicit none
574  character chpar*(*)
575  integer itmed
576  real parval
577  character rname*6
578 #include ""
579  data rname /'GSTPAR'/
580 *
581  call check_lines
582 #ifdef CALL_GEANT
583  if (dogeom) call gstpar(itmed, chpar, parval)
584 #endif
585  if ( then
586  write(lunlist,
587  + '(a4,1x,a6,i5,1x,a4,(1x,e16.8))')
588  + context, rname, itmed, chpar, parval
589  endif
590  if ( then
591  write(luncode,'(''{'')')
592  write(luncode,1000) itmed, chpar, parval
593  1000 format('G4gstpar(itmed=',i4,',chpar="',a,'",parval=',
594  + (1x,e16.8),');')
595  write(luncode,'(''}'')')
596  endif
597 *
598  end
599 *
600 #ifndef CALL_GEANT
601  subroutine gspart(
602  + ipart, chpar, itrtyp, amass, charge, tlife, ub, nwb)
603 #else
604  subroutine kspart(
605  + ipart, chpar, itrtyp, amass, charge, tlife, ub, nwb)
606 #endif
607 ************************************************************************
608 ************************************************************************
609  implicit none
610  character chpar*(*)
611  integer ipart, itrtyp, nwb, k
612  real amass, charge, tlife, ub(nwb)
613  character rname*6, fmt*150
614 #include ""
615  data rname /'GSPART'/
616 *
617  call check_lines
618 #ifdef CALL_GEANT
619  if (dogeom) call gspart(
620  + ipart, chpar, itrtyp, amass, charge, tlife, ub, nwb)
621 #endif
622  if ( then
623 * write(lunlist,
624 * + '(a4,1x,a6,i5,1x,''"'',a,''"'',i3,3e15.8,i3,<nwb>e15.8)')
625 * + context, rname, ipart, chpar, itrtyp, amass, charge, tlife,
626 * + nwb, (ub(k), k=1,nwb)
627  write(fmt,'(A,I3,A)')
628  > '(a4,1x,a6,i5,1x,''"'',a,''"'',i3,3(1x,e16.8),i3,',
629  > max(nwb,1),'(1x,e16.8))'
630  write(lunlist,fmt)
631  + context, rname, ipart, chpar, itrtyp, amass, charge,
632  > tlife,
633  + nwb, (ub(k), k=1,nwb)
634  endif
635  if ( then
636  write(luncode,'(''{'')')
637  call rtocp('amass',amass)
638  call rtocp('charge',charge)
639  call rtocp('tlife',tlife)
640  call g3ldpar(ub,nwb)
641  write(luncode,1000) ipart,chpar,itrtyp,nwb
642  1000 format('G4gspart(ipart=',i8,',chpar="',a,'",itrtyp=',i8,
643  + ',amass,charge,'/' tlife,par,npar=',i4,');')
644  write(luncode,'(''}'')')
645  endif
646 *
647  end
648 *
649 #ifndef CALL_GEANT
650  subroutine gsdk(ipart, bratio, mode)
651 #else
652  subroutine ksdk(ipart, bratio, mode)
653 #endif
654 ************************************************************************
655 ************************************************************************
656  implicit none
657  integer ipart, mode(6)
658  real bratio(6)
659  character rname*6
660 #include ""
661  data rname /'GSDK '/
662 *
663  call check_lines
664 #ifdef CALL_GEANT
665  if (dogeom) call gsdk(ipart, bratio, mode)
666 #endif
667  if ( then
668 *** 6 is prefixed to the arrays for consistency with other
669 *** array treatments (count precedes the array)
670  write(lunlist,
671  + '(a4,1x,a6,i5,i3,6(1x,e16.8),6i8)')
672  + context, rname, ipart, 6, bratio, mode
673  endif
674  if ( then
675  write(luncode,'(''{'')')
676  call artocp('bratio',bratio,6)
677  call aitocp('mode',mode,6)
678  write(luncode,1000) ipart
679  1000 format('G4gsdk(ipart=',i8,',bratio,mode);')
680  write(luncode,'(''}'')')
681  endif
682 *
683  end
684 *
685 #ifndef CALL_GEANT
686  subroutine gsdet(chset, chdet, nv, chnam, nbits, idtyp, nwhi,
687  + nwdi, iset, idet)
688 #else
689  subroutine ksdet(chset, chdet, nv, chnam, nbits, idtyp, nwhi,
690  + nwdi, iset, idet)
691 #endif
692 ************************************************************************
693 ************************************************************************
694  implicit none
695  integer nv, nbits(nv), idtyp, nwhi, nwdi, iset, idet, k
696  character rname*6, chset*4, chdet*4, chnam(nv)*4, fmt*150
697 #include ""
698  data rname /'GSDET '/
699 *
700  call check_lines
701 #ifdef CALL_GEANT
702  if (dogeom) call gsdet(chset, chdet, nv, chnam, nbits, idtyp,
703  + nwhi, nwdi, iset, idet)
704 #endif
705  if ( then
706 * write(lunlist,
707 * + '(a4,1x,a6,1x,a4,1x,a4,i5,<nv>(1x,a4),<nv>i10,i10,2i5)')
708 * + context, rname, chset, chdet, nv, (chnam(k), k=1,nv),
709 * + (nbits(k), k=1,nv), idtyp, nwhi, nwdi
710  write(fmt,'(A,I3,A,I3,A)')'(a4,1x,a6,1x,a4,1x,a4,i5,',
711  > max(nv,1),'(1x,a4),',max(nv,1),'i10,i10,2i5)'
712  write(lunlist,fmt)
713  + context, rname, chset, chdet, nv, (chnam(k), k=1,nv),
714  + (nbits(k), k=1,nv), idtyp, nwhi, nwdi
715  endif
716  if ( then
717  write(luncode,'(''{'')')
718  call astocp('chnam',chnam,nv)
719  call aitocp('nbits',nbits,nv)
720  write(luncode,1000) chset, chdet, nv, idtyp, nwhi, nwdi
721  1000 format('G4gsdet(chset="',a,'",chdet="',a,'",nv=',i3,
722  + ',chnam,nbits,idtyp=',i8,','/
723  + ' nwhi=',i8,',nwdi=',i8,');')
724  write(luncode,'(''}'')')
725  endif
726 *
727  end
728 *
729 #ifndef CALL_GEANT
730  subroutine gsdetv(chset, chdet, idtyp, nwhi, nwdi, iset, idet)
731 #else
732  subroutine ksdetv(chset, chdet, idtyp, nwhi, nwdi, iset, idet)
733 #endif
734 ************************************************************************
735 ************************************************************************
736  implicit none
737  integer idtyp, nwhi, nwdi, iset, idet
738  character rname*6, chset*4, chdet*4
739 #include ""
740  data rname /'GSDETV'/
741 *
742  call check_lines
743 #ifdef CALL_GEANT
744  if (dogeom) call gsdetv(chset, chdet, idtyp,
745  + nwhi, nwdi, iset, idet)
746 #endif
747  if ( then
748  write(lunlist,
749  + '(a4,1x,a6,1x,a4,1x,a4,i10,2i5)')
750  + context, rname, chset, chdet, idtyp, nwhi, nwdi
751  endif
752  if ( then
753  write(luncode,'(''{'')')
754  write(luncode,1000) chset, chdet, idtyp, nwhi, nwdi
755  1000 format('G4gsdetv(chset="',a,'",chdet="',a,'",idtyp=',i8,
756  + ',nwhi=',i8,',nwdi=',i8,');')
757  write(luncode,'(''}'')')
758  endif
759 *
760  end
761 *
762 #ifndef CALL_GEANT
763  subroutine gsdeta(chset, chdet, chali, nwhi, nwdi, iali)
764 #else
765  subroutine ksdeta(chset, chdet, chali, nwhi, nwdi, iali)
766 #endif
767 ************************************************************************
768 ************************************************************************
769  implicit none
770  integer nwhi, nwdi, iali
771  character rname*6, chset*4, chdet*4, chali*4
772 #include ""
773  data rname /'GSDETA'/
774 *
775  call check_lines
776 #ifdef CALL_GEANT
777  if (dogeom) call gsdeta(chset, chdet, chali, nwhi, nwdi, iali)
778 #endif
779  if ( then
780  write(lunlist,
781  + '(a4,1x,a6,1x,a4,1x,a4,1x,a4,2i5)')
782  + context, rname, chset, chdet, chali, nwhi, nwdi
783  endif
784  if ( then
785  write(luncode,'(''{'')')
786  write(luncode,1000) chset, chdet, chali, nwhi, nwdi
787  1000 format('G4gsdeta(chset="',a,'",chdet="',a,'",chali="',a,
788  + '",nwhi=',i8,',nwdi=',i8,');')
789  write(luncode,'(''}'')')
790  endif
791 *
792  end
793 *
794 #ifndef CALL_GEANT
795  subroutine gsdeth(chset, chdet, nh, chnam, nbits, orig, fact)
796 #else
797  subroutine ksdeth(chset, chdet, nh, chnam, nbits, orig, fact)
798 #endif
799 ************************************************************************
800 ************************************************************************
801  implicit none
802  integer nh, nbits(nh), k
803  real orig(nh), fact(nh)
804  character rname*6, chset*4, chdet*4, chnam(nh)*4, fmt*150
805 #include ""
806  data rname /'GSDETH'/
807 *
808  call check_lines
809 #ifdef CALL_GEANT
810  if (dogeom) call gsdeth(chset, chdet, nh, chnam, nbits,
811  + orig, fact)
812 #endif
813  if ( then
814 * write(lunlist,
815 * + '(a4,1x,a6,1x,a4,1x,a4,i5,<nh>(1x,a4),<nh>i5,<nh>e15.8,
816 * + <nh>e15.8)')
817 * + context, rname, chset, chdet, nh, (chnam(k), k=1,nh),
818 * + (nbits(k), k=1,nh), (orig(k), k=1,nh), (fact(k), k=1,nh)
819  write(fmt,'(A,I3,A,I3,A,I3,A,I3,A)')
820  > '(a4,1x,a6,1x,a4,1x,a4,i5,',max(nh,1),'(1x,a4),',
821  > max(nh,1),'i5,',max(nh,1),'(1x,e16.8),',max(nh,1),
822  > '(1x,e16.8))'
823  write(lunlist, fmt)
824  + context, rname, chset, chdet, nh, (chnam(k), k=1,nh),
825  + (nbits(k), k=1,nh), (orig(k), k=1,nh), (fact(k), k=1,nh)
826  endif
827  if ( then
828  write(luncode,'(''{'')')
829  call astocp('chnam',chnam,nh)
830  call aitocp('nbits',nbits,nh)
831  call artocp('orig',orig,nh)
832  call artocp('fact',fact,nh)
833  write(luncode,1000) chset,chdet,nh
834  1000 format('G4gsdeth(chset="',a,'",chdet="',a,'",nh=',i4,
835  + ',chnam,nbits,orig,fact);')
836  write(luncode,'(''}'')')
837  endif
838 *
839  end
840 *
841 #ifndef CALL_GEANT
842  subroutine gsdetd(chset, chdet, nd, chnam, nbits)
843 #else
844  subroutine ksdetd(chset, chdet, nd, chnam, nbits)
845 #endif
846 ************************************************************************
847 ************************************************************************
848  implicit none
849  integer nd, nbits(nd), k
850  character rname*6, chset*4, chdet*4, chnam(nd)*4, fmt*150
851 #include ""
852  data rname /'GSDETD'/
853 *
854  call check_lines
855 #ifdef CALL_GEANT
856  if (dogeom) call gsdetd(chset, chdet, nd, chnam, nbits)
857 #endif
858  if ( then
859 * write(lunlist,
860 * + '(a4,1x,a6,1x,a4,1x,a4,i5,<nd>(1x,a4),<nd>i5)')
861 * + context, rname, chset, chdet, nd, (chnam(k), k=1,nd),
862 * + (nbits(k), k=1,nd)
863  write(fmt,'(A,I3,A,I3,A)')
864  + '(a4,1x,a6,1x,a4,1x,a4,i5,',max(nd,1),'(1x,a4),',
865  > max(nd,1),'i5)'
866  write(lunlist,fmt)
867  + context, rname, chset, chdet, nd, (chnam(k), k=1,nd),
868  + (nbits(k), k=1,nd)
869  endif
870  if ( then
871  write(luncode,'(''{'')')
872  call astocp('chnam',chnam,nd)
873  call aitocp('nbits',nbits,nd)
874  write(luncode,1000) chset, chdet, nd
875  1000 format('G4gsdetd(chset="',a,'",chdet="',a,'",nd=',i4,
876  + ',chnam,nbits);')
877  write(luncode,'(''}'')')
878  endif
879 *
880  end
881 *
882 #ifndef CALL_GEANT
883  subroutine gsdetu(chset, chdet, nupar, upar)
884 #else
885  subroutine ksdetu(chset, chdet, nupar, upar)
886 #endif
887 ************************************************************************
888 ************************************************************************
889  implicit none
890  integer nupar, k
891  real upar(nupar)
892  character rname*6, chset*4, chdet*4, fmt*150
893 #include ""
894  data rname /'GSDETU'/
895 *
896  call check_lines
897 #ifdef CALL_GEANT
898  if (dogeom) call gsdetu(chset, chdet, nupar, upar)
899 #endif
900  if ( then
901 * write(lunlist,
902 * + '(a4,1x,a6,1x,a4,1x,a4,i5,<nupar>e15.8)')
903 * + context, rname, chset, chdet, nupar, (upar(k), k=1,nupar)
904  write(fmt,'(A,I3,A)')
905  + '(a4,1x,a6,1x,a4,1x,a4,i5,',max(nupar,1),'(1x,e16.8))'
906  write(lunlist,fmt)
907  + context, rname, chset, chdet, nupar, (upar(k), k=1,nupar)
908  endif
909  if ( then
910  write(luncode,'(''{'')')
911  call g3ldpar(upar,nupar)
912  write(luncode,1000) chset, chdet, nupar
913  1000 format('G4gsdetu(chset="',a,'",chdet="',a,'",npar=',
914  + i4,',par);')
915  write(luncode,'(''}'')')
916  endif
917 *
918  end
919 *
920 #ifndef CALL_GEANT
921  subroutine ggclos
922 #else
923  subroutine kgclos
924 #endif
925 ************************************************************************
926 ************************************************************************
927  implicit none
928  character rname*6
929 #include ""
930  data rname /'GGCLOS'/
931 *
932  call check_lines
933 #ifdef CALL_GEANT
934  if (dogeom) call ggclos
935 #endif
936  if ( then
937  write(lunlist,'(a4,1x,a6)') context, rname
938  close(lunlist)
939  endif
940  if ( then
941  write(luncode,'(''//GeoMgr->CloseGeometry();'')')
942  write(luncode,'(''}'')')
943  call g3main
944  close(luncode)
945  endif
946 *
947  end
949  subroutine checkshape(name, shape, par, npar)
950  implicit none
951 ************************************************************************
952 * convert TRAP, PARA and GTRA to external form
953 ************************************************************************
954  character name*4, shape*4
955  real ph, par(*), tt, raddeg
956  integer npar
958  raddeg = 180./3.1415926
960  if (shape(1:3).eq.'BOX' then
961  print *,'!! error, BOX with ',npar,' parameters, vol ',name
962  endif
963  if (shape.eq.'TRD1' then
964  print *,'!! error, TRD1 with ',npar,' parameters, vol ',name
965  endif
966  if (shape.eq.'TRD2' then
967  print *,'!! error, TRD2 with ',npar,' parameters, vol ',name
968  endif
969  if (shape.eq.'TRAP' then
970 *** G3 sets 11 to 35. Why?
971  print *,'!! error, TRAP with ',npar,' parameters, vol ',name
972  endif
973  if (shape.eq.'TUBE' then
974  print *,'!! error, TUBE with ',npar,' parameters, vol ',name
975  endif
976  if (shape.eq.'TUBS' then
977  print *,'!! error, TUBS with ',npar,' parameters, vol ',name
978  endif
979  if (shape.eq.'CONE' then
980  print *,'!! error, CONE with ',npar,' parameters, vol ',name
981  endif
982  if (shape.eq.'CONS' then
983  print *,'!! error, CONS with ',npar,' parameters, vol ',name
984  endif
985  if (shape.eq.'SPHE' then
986  print *,'!! error, SPHE with ',npar,' parameters, vol ',name
987  endif
988  if (shape.eq.'PARA' then
989  print *,'!! error, PARA with ',npar,' parameters, vol ',name
990  endif
991  if (shape.eq.'PARA') then
992 *
993 * ** PARA
994 *
995  ph = 0.
996  if (par(5).ne.0.) ph = atan2(par(6),par(5))*raddeg
997  tt = sqrt(par(5)**2+par(6)**2)
998  par(4) = atan(par(4))*raddeg
999  if (par(4).gt.90.0) par(4) = par(4)-180.0
1000  par(5) = atan(tt)*raddeg
1001  if ( ph = ph + 360.0
1002  par(6) = ph
1003  end if
1004  if (shape.eq.'TRAP') then
1005 *
1006 * ** TRAP
1007 *
1008  npar=11
1009  ph = 0.
1010  if (par(2).ne.0.) ph = atan2(par(3),par(2))*raddeg
1011  tt = sqrt(par(2)**2+par(3)**2)
1012  par(2) = atan(tt)*raddeg
1013  if ( ph = ph+360.0
1014  par(3) = ph
1015  par(7) = atan(par(7))*raddeg
1016  if (par(7).gt.90.0) par(7) = par(7)-180.0
1017  par(11)= atan(par(11))*raddeg
1018  if (par(11).gt.90.0) par(11) = par(11)-180.0
1020  end if
1021  end