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3 #include <g4detectors/PHG4Cell.h> // for PHG4Cell
5 #include <g4detectors/PHG4CellDefs.h> // for genkey, keytype
10 #include <g4main/PHG4Hit.h> // for PHG4Hit
13 #include <phool/PHRandomSeed.h>
15 // Move to new storage containers
16 #include <trackbase/TrkrDefs.h> // for hitkey, hitse...
17 #include <trackbase/TrkrHit.h> // for TrkrHit
18 #include <trackbase/TrkrHitSet.h>
20 #include <trackbase/TrkrHitv2.h> // for TrkrHit
22 #include <tpc/TpcDefs.h>
24 #include <TSystem.h>
26 #include <gsl/gsl_randist.h>
27 #include <gsl/gsl_rng.h> // for gsl_rng_alloc
29 #include <cmath>
30 #include <iostream>
31 #include <map> // for _Rb_tree_cons...
32 #include <utility> // for pair
34 class PHCompositeNode;
35 class TrkrHitTruthAssoc;
37 namespace
38 {
40  template <class T>
41  inline constexpr T square(const T &x)
42  {
43  return x * x;
44  }
47  template <class T>
48  inline T gaus(const T &x, const T &sigma)
49  {
50  return std::exp(-square(x / sigma) / 2) / (sigma * std::sqrt(2 * M_PI));
51  }
53 } // namespace
56  : PHG4TpcPadPlane(name)
57 {
60  RandomGenerator = gsl_rng_alloc(gsl_rng_mt19937);
61  gsl_rng_set(RandomGenerator, PHRandomSeed()); // fixed seed is handled in this funtcion
63  return;
64 }
67 {
68  gsl_rng_free(RandomGenerator);
69 }
72 {
73  if (Verbosity()) std::cout << "PHG4TpcPadPlaneReadout: CreateReadoutGeometry: " << std::endl;
75  for (int iregion = 0; iregion < 3; ++iregion)
76  {
77  for (int layer = MinLayer[iregion]; layer < MinLayer[iregion] + NTpcLayers[iregion]; ++layer)
78  {
79  if (Verbosity())
80  {
81  std::cout << " layer " << layer << " MinLayer " << MinLayer[iregion] << " region " << iregion
82  << " radius " << MinRadius[iregion] + ((double) (layer - MinLayer[iregion]) + 0.5) * Thickness[iregion]
83  << " thickness " << Thickness[iregion]
84  << " NZbins " << NZBins << " zmin " << MinZ << " zstep " << ZBinWidth
85  << " phibins " << NPhiBins[iregion] << " phistep " << PhiBinWidth[iregion] << std::endl;
86  }
88  PHG4CylinderCellGeom *layerseggeo = new PHG4CylinderCellGeom();
89  layerseggeo->set_layer(layer);
90  layerseggeo->set_radius(MinRadius[iregion] + ((double) (layer - MinLayer[iregion]) + 0.5) * Thickness[iregion]);
91  layerseggeo->set_thickness(Thickness[iregion]);
93  layerseggeo->set_zbins(NZBins);
94  layerseggeo->set_zmin(MinZ);
95  layerseggeo->set_zstep(ZBinWidth);
96  layerseggeo->set_phibins(NPhiBins[iregion]);
97  layerseggeo->set_phistep(PhiBinWidth[iregion]);
98  // Chris Pinkenburg: greater causes huge memory growth which causes problems
99  // on our farm. If you need to increase this - TALK TO ME first
100  if (NPhiBins[iregion] * NZBins > 5100000)
101  {
102  std::cout << "increase Tpc cellsize, number of cells "
103  << NPhiBins[iregion] * NZBins << " for layer " << layer
104  << " exceed 5.1M limit" << std::endl;
105  gSystem->Exit(1);
106  }
107  seggeo->AddLayerCellGeom(layerseggeo);
108  }
109  }
111  GeomContainer = seggeo;
113  return 0;
114 }
116 // This is obsolete, it uses the old PHG4Cell containers
117 void PHG4TpcPadPlaneReadout::MapToPadPlane(PHG4CellContainer *g4cells, const double x_gem, const double y_gem, const double z_gem, PHG4HitContainer::ConstIterator hiter, TNtuple * /*ntpad*/, TNtuple * /*nthit*/)
118 {
119  // One electron per call of this method
120  // The x_gem and y_gem values have already been randomized within the transverse drift diffusion width
121  // The z_gem value already reflects the drift time of the primary electron from the production point, and is randomized within the longitudinal diffusion witdth
123  double phi = atan2(y_gem, x_gem);
124  if (phi > +M_PI) phi -= 2 * M_PI;
125  if (phi < -M_PI) phi += 2 * M_PI;
127  rad_gem = sqrt(x_gem * x_gem + y_gem * y_gem);
128  //std::cout << "Enter old MapToPadPlane with rad_gem " << rad_gem << std::endl;
130  unsigned int layernum = 0;
132  // Find which readout layer this electron ends up in
135  for (PHG4CylinderCellGeomContainer::ConstIterator layeriter = layerrange.first;
136  layeriter != layerrange.second;
137  ++layeriter)
138  {
139  double rad_low = layeriter->second->get_radius() - layeriter->second->get_thickness() / 2.0;
140  double rad_high = layeriter->second->get_radius() + layeriter->second->get_thickness() / 2.0;
142  if (rad_gem > rad_low && rad_gem < rad_high)
143  {
144  // capture the layer where this electron hits sthe gem stack
145  LayerGeom = layeriter->second;
146  layernum = LayerGeom->get_layer();
147  if (Verbosity() > 1000 && layernum == print_layer)
148  std::cout << " g4hit id " << hiter->first << " rad_gem " << rad_gem << " rad_low " << rad_low << " rad_high " << rad_high
149  << " layer " << hiter->second->get_layer() << " want to change to " << layernum << std::endl;
150  hiter->second->set_layer(layernum); // have to set here, since the stepping action knows nothing about layers
151  }
152  }
154  if (layernum == 0)
155  {
156  return;
157  }
159  // store phi bins and zbins upfront to avoid repetitive checks on the phi methods
160  const auto phibins = LayerGeom->get_phibins();
161  const auto zbins = LayerGeom->get_zbins();
163  // Create the distribution function of charge on the pad plane around the electron position
165  // The resolution due to pad readout includes the charge spread during GEM multiplication.
166  // this now defaults to 400 microns during construction from Tom (see 8/11 email).
167  // Use the setSigmaT(const double) method to update...
168  // We use a double gaussian to represent the smearing due to the SAMPA chip shaping time - default values of fShapingLead and fShapingTail are for 80 ns SAMPA
170  // amplify the single electron in the gem stack
171  //===============================
173  double nelec = getSingleEGEMAmplification();
175  // Distribute the charge between the pads in phi
176  //====================================
178  if (Verbosity() > 200)
179  std::cout << " populate phi bins for "
180  << " layernum " << layernum
181  << " phi " << phi
182  << " sigmaT " << sigmaT
183  << " zigzag_pads " << zigzag_pads
184  << std::endl;
186  pad_phibin.clear();
187  pad_phibin_share.clear();
188  if (zigzag_pads)
190  else
193  // Normalize the shares so they add up to 1
194  double norm1 = 0.0;
195  for (unsigned int ipad = 0; ipad < pad_phibin.size(); ++ipad)
196  {
197  double pad_share = pad_phibin_share[ipad];
198  norm1 += pad_share;
199  }
200  for (unsigned int iphi = 0; iphi < pad_phibin.size(); ++iphi)
201  pad_phibin_share[iphi] /= norm1;
203  // Distribute the charge between the pads in z
204  //====================================
205  if (Verbosity() > 100 && layernum == print_layer)
206  std::cout << " populate z bins for layernum " << layernum
207  << " with z_gem " << z_gem << " sigmaL[0] " << sigmaL[0] << " sigmaL[1] " << sigmaL[1] << std::endl;
209  adc_zbin.clear();
210  adc_zbin_share.clear();
213  // Normalize the shares so that they add up to 1
214  double znorm = 0.0;
215  for (unsigned int iz = 0; iz < adc_zbin.size(); ++iz)
216  {
217  double bin_share = adc_zbin_share[iz];
218  znorm += bin_share;
219  }
220  for (unsigned int iz = 0; iz < adc_zbin.size(); ++iz)
221  adc_zbin_share[iz] /= znorm;
223  // Fill cells
224  //========
225  // These are used to do a quick clustering for checking
226  double phi_integral = 0.0;
227  double z_integral = 0.0;
228  double weight = 0.0;
230  for (unsigned int ipad = 0; ipad < pad_phibin.size(); ++ipad)
231  {
232  int pad_num = pad_phibin[ipad];
233  double pad_share = pad_phibin_share[ipad];
235  for (unsigned int iz = 0; iz < adc_zbin.size(); ++iz)
236  {
237  int zbin_num = adc_zbin[iz];
238  double adc_bin_share = adc_zbin_share[iz];
240  // Divide electrons from avalanche between bins
241  float neffelectrons = nelec * (pad_share) * (adc_bin_share);
242  if (neffelectrons < neffelectrons_threshold) continue; // skip signals that will be below the noise suppression threshold
244  if (zbin_num >= zbins) std::cout << " Error making key: adc_zbin " << zbin_num << " nzbins " << zbins << std::endl;
245  if (pad_num >= phibins) std::cout << " Error making key: pad_phibin " << pad_num << " nphibins " << phibins << std::endl;
247  // collect information to do simple clustering. Checks operation of PHG4CylinderCellTpcReco, and
248  // is also useful for comparison with PHG4TpcClusterizer result when running single track events.
249  // The only information written to the cell other than neffelectrons is zbin and pad number, so get those from geometry
250  double zcenter = LayerGeom->get_zcenter(zbin_num);
251  double phicenter = LayerGeom->get_phicenter(pad_num);
252  phi_integral += phicenter * neffelectrons;
253  z_integral += zcenter * neffelectrons;
254  weight += neffelectrons;
255  if (Verbosity() > 1000 && layernum == print_layer)
256  std::cout << " zbin_num " << zbin_num << " zcenter " << zcenter << " pad_num " << pad_num << " phicenter " << phicenter
257  << " neffelectrons " << neffelectrons << " neffelectrons_threshold " << neffelectrons_threshold << std::endl;
259  // Add edep from this electron for this zbin and phi bin combination to the appropriate cell
260  PHG4CellDefs::keytype key = PHG4CellDefs::SizeBinning::genkey(layernum, zbin_num, pad_num);
261  PHG4Cell *cell = g4cells->findCell(key);
262  if (!cell)
263  {
264  cell = new PHG4Cellv1(key);
265  g4cells->AddCell(cell);
266  }
267  cell->add_edep(neffelectrons);
268  cell->add_edep(hiter->first, neffelectrons); // associates g4hit with this edep
269  if (Verbosity() > 100 && layernum == 50) cell->identify();
270  } // end of loop over adc Z bins
271  } // end of loop over zigzag pads
273  /*
274  // Capture the input values at the gem stack and the quick clustering results, elecron-by-electron
275  if (Verbosity() > 0)
276  {
277  assert(ntpad);
278  ntpad->Fill(layernum, phi, phi_integral / weight, z_gem, z_integral / weight);
279  }
280  */
282  if (Verbosity() > 100)
283  if (layernum == print_layer)
284  {
285  std::cout << " hit " << hit << " quick centroid for this electron " << std::endl;
286  std::cout << " phi centroid = " << phi_integral / weight << " phi in " << phi << " phi diff " << phi_integral / weight - phi << std::endl;
287  std::cout << " z centroid = " << z_integral / weight << " z in " << z_gem << " z diff " << z_integral / weight - z_gem << std::endl;
288  // For a single track event, this captures the distribution of single electron centroids on the pad plane for layer print_layer.
289  // The centroid of that should match the cluster centroid found by PHG4TpcClusterizer for layer print_layer, if everything is working
290  // - matches to < .01 cm for a few cases that I checked
291  /*
292  assert(nthit);
293  nthit->Fill(hit, layernum, phi, phi_integral / weight, z_gem, z_integral / weight, weight);
294  */
295  }
297  hit++;
299  return;
300 }
303 {
304  // Jin H.: For the GEM gain in sPHENIX TPC,
305  // Bob pointed out the PHENIX HBD measured it as the Polya function with theta parameter = 0.8.
306  // Just talked with Tom too, he suggest us to start the TPC modeling with simpler exponential function
307  // with lambda parameter of 1/2000, (i.e. Polya function with theta parameter = 0, q_bar = 2000). Please note, this gain variation need to be sampled for each initial electron individually.
308  // Summing over ~30 initial electrons, the distribution is pushed towards more Gauss like.
309  // Bob A.: I like Tom's suggestion to use the exponential distribution as a first approximation
310  // for the single electron gain distribution -
311  // and yes, the parameter you're looking for is of course the slope, which is the inverse gain.
312  double nelec = gsl_ran_exponential(RandomGenerator, averageGEMGain);
314  return nelec;
315 }
317 void PHG4TpcPadPlaneReadout::MapToPadPlane(TrkrHitSetContainer *single_hitsetcontainer, TrkrHitSetContainer *hitsetcontainer, TrkrHitTruthAssoc * /*hittruthassoc*/, const double x_gem, const double y_gem, const double z_gem, PHG4HitContainer::ConstIterator hiter, TNtuple * /*ntpad*/, TNtuple * /*nthit*/)
318 {
319  // One electron per call of this method
320  // The x_gem and y_gem values have already been randomized within the transverse drift diffusion width
321  // The z_gem value already reflects the drift time of the primary electron from the production point, and is randomized within the longitudinal diffusion witdth
323  double phi = atan2(y_gem, x_gem);
324  if (phi > +M_PI) phi -= 2 * M_PI;
325  if (phi < -M_PI) phi += 2 * M_PI;
327  rad_gem = sqrt(x_gem * x_gem + y_gem * y_gem);
328  //std::cout << "Enter new MapToPadPlane with rad_gem " << rad_gem << std::endl;
330  unsigned int layernum = 0;
332  // Find which readout layer this electron ends up in
335  for (PHG4CylinderCellGeomContainer::ConstIterator layeriter = layerrange.first;
336  layeriter != layerrange.second;
337  ++layeriter)
338  {
339  double rad_low = layeriter->second->get_radius() - layeriter->second->get_thickness() / 2.0;
340  double rad_high = layeriter->second->get_radius() + layeriter->second->get_thickness() / 2.0;
342  if (rad_gem > rad_low && rad_gem < rad_high)
343  {
344  // capture the layer where this electron hits sthe gem stack
345  LayerGeom = layeriter->second;
346  layernum = LayerGeom->get_layer();
347  if (Verbosity() > 1000)
348  std::cout << " g4hit id " << hiter->first << " rad_gem " << rad_gem << " rad_low " << rad_low << " rad_high " << rad_high
349  << " layer " << hiter->second->get_layer() << " want to change to " << layernum << std::endl;
350  hiter->second->set_layer(layernum); // have to set here, since the stepping action knows nothing about layers
351  }
352  }
354  if (layernum == 0)
355  {
356  return;
357  }
359  // store phi bins and zbins upfront to avoid repetitive checks on the phi methods
360  const auto phibins = LayerGeom->get_phibins();
361  const auto zbins = LayerGeom->get_zbins();
363  // Create the distribution function of charge on the pad plane around the electron position
365  // The resolution due to pad readout includes the charge spread during GEM multiplication.
366  // this now defaults to 400 microns during construction from Tom (see 8/11 email).
367  // Use the setSigmaT(const double) method to update...
368  // We use a double gaussian to represent the smearing due to the SAMPA chip shaping time - default values of fShapingLead and fShapingTail are for 80 ns SAMPA
370  // amplify the single electron in the gem stack
371  //===============================
373  double nelec = getSingleEGEMAmplification();
375  // Distribute the charge between the pads in phi
376  //====================================
378  if (Verbosity() > 200)
379  std::cout << " populate phi bins for "
380  << " layernum " << layernum
381  << " phi " << phi
382  << " sigmaT " << sigmaT
383  << " zigzag_pads " << zigzag_pads
384  << std::endl;
386  pad_phibin.clear();
387  pad_phibin_share.clear();
388  if (zigzag_pads)
390  else
393  // Normalize the shares so they add up to 1
394  double norm1 = 0.0;
395  for (unsigned int ipad = 0; ipad < pad_phibin.size(); ++ipad)
396  {
397  double pad_share = pad_phibin_share[ipad];
398  norm1 += pad_share;
399  }
400  for (unsigned int iphi = 0; iphi < pad_phibin.size(); ++iphi)
401  pad_phibin_share[iphi] /= norm1;
403  // Distribute the charge between the pads in z
404  //====================================
405  if (Verbosity() > 100 && layernum == print_layer)
406  std::cout << " populate z bins for layernum " << layernum
407  << " with z_gem " << z_gem << " sigmaL[0] " << sigmaL[0] << " sigmaL[1] " << sigmaL[1] << std::endl;
409  adc_zbin.clear();
410  adc_zbin_share.clear();
413  // Normalize the shares so that they add up to 1
414  double znorm = 0.0;
415  for (unsigned int iz = 0; iz < adc_zbin.size(); ++iz)
416  {
417  double bin_share = adc_zbin_share[iz];
418  znorm += bin_share;
419  }
420  for (unsigned int iz = 0; iz < adc_zbin.size(); ++iz)
421  adc_zbin_share[iz] /= znorm;
423  // Fill HitSetContainer
424  //===============
425  // These are used to do a quick clustering for checking
426  double phi_integral = 0.0;
427  double z_integral = 0.0;
428  double weight = 0.0;
430  for (unsigned int ipad = 0; ipad < pad_phibin.size(); ++ipad)
431  {
432  int pad_num = pad_phibin[ipad];
433  double pad_share = pad_phibin_share[ipad];
435  for (unsigned int iz = 0; iz < adc_zbin.size(); ++iz)
436  {
437  int zbin_num = adc_zbin[iz];
438  double adc_bin_share = adc_zbin_share[iz];
440  // Divide electrons from avalanche between bins
441  float neffelectrons = nelec * (pad_share) * (adc_bin_share);
442  if (neffelectrons < neffelectrons_threshold) continue; // skip signals that will be below the noise suppression threshold
444  if (zbin_num >= zbins) std::cout << " Error making key: adc_zbin " << zbin_num << " nzbins " << zbins << std::endl;
445  if (pad_num >= phibins) std::cout << " Error making key: pad_phibin " << pad_num << " nphibins " << phibins << std::endl;
447  // collect information to do simple clustering. Checks operation of PHG4CylinderCellTpcReco, and
448  // is also useful for comparison with PHG4TpcClusterizer result when running single track events.
449  // The only information written to the cell other than neffelectrons is zbin and pad number, so get those from geometry
450  double zcenter = LayerGeom->get_zcenter(zbin_num);
451  double phicenter = LayerGeom->get_phicenter(pad_num);
452  phi_integral += phicenter * neffelectrons;
453  z_integral += zcenter * neffelectrons;
454  weight += neffelectrons;
455  if (Verbosity() > 1 && layernum == print_layer)
456  std::cout << " zbin_num " << zbin_num << " zcenter " << zcenter << " pad_num " << pad_num << " phicenter " << phicenter
457  << " neffelectrons " << neffelectrons << " neffelectrons_threshold " << neffelectrons_threshold << std::endl;
459  // new containers
460  //============
461  // We add the Tpc TrkrHitsets directly to the node using hitsetcontainer
462  // We need to create the TrkrHitSet if not already made - each TrkrHitSet should correspond to a Tpc readout module
463  // The hitset key includes the layer, sector, side
465  // Get the side - 0 for negative z, 1 for positive z
466  unsigned int side = 0;
467  if (zcenter > 0) side = 1;
468  // get the Tpc readout sector - there are 12 sectors with how many pads each?
469  unsigned int pads_per_sector = phibins / 12;
470  unsigned int sector = pad_num / pads_per_sector;
471  TrkrDefs::hitsetkey hitsetkey = TpcDefs::genHitSetKey(layernum, sector, side);
472  // Use existing hitset or add new one if needed
473  TrkrHitSetContainer::Iterator hitsetit = hitsetcontainer->findOrAddHitSet(hitsetkey);
474  TrkrHitSetContainer::Iterator single_hitsetit = single_hitsetcontainer->findOrAddHitSet(hitsetkey);
476  // generate the key for this hit, requires zbin and phibin
477  TrkrDefs::hitkey hitkey = TpcDefs::genHitKey((unsigned int) pad_num, (unsigned int) zbin_num);
478  // See if this hit already exists
479  TrkrHit *hit = nullptr;
480  hit = hitsetit->second->getHit(hitkey);
481  if (!hit)
482  {
483  // create a new one
484  hit = new TrkrHitv2();
485  hitsetit->second->addHitSpecificKey(hitkey, hit);
486  }
487  // Either way, add the energy to it -- adc values will be added at digitization
488  //std::cout << " PadPlaneReadout: adding energy " << neffelectrons << " for layer " << layernum << " pad_num " << pad_num << " zbin_num " << zbin_num << " hitkey " << hitkey << std::endl;
489  hit->addEnergy(neffelectrons);
491  // repeat for the single_hitsetcontainer
492  // See if this hit already exists
493  TrkrHit *single_hit = nullptr;
494  single_hit = single_hitsetit->second->getHit(hitkey);
495  if (!single_hit)
496  {
497  // create a new one
498  single_hit = new TrkrHitv2();
499  single_hitsetit->second->addHitSpecificKey(hitkey, single_hit);
500  }
501  // Either way, add the energy to it -- adc values will be added at digitization
502  single_hit->addEnergy(neffelectrons);
504  /*
505  if (Verbosity() > 0)
506  {
507  assert(nthit);
508  nthit->Fill(layernum, pad_num, zbin_num, neffelectrons);
509  }
510  */
512  } // end of loop over adc Z bins
513  } // end of loop over zigzag pads
515  /*
516  // Capture the input values at the gem stack and the quick clustering results, elecron-by-electron
517  if (Verbosity() > 0)
518  {
519  assert(ntpad);
520  ntpad->Fill(layernum, phi, phi_integral / weight, z_gem, z_integral / weight);
521  }
522  */
524  if (Verbosity() > 100)
525  if (layernum == print_layer)
526  {
527  std::cout << " hit " << hit << " quick centroid for this electron " << std::endl;
528  std::cout << " phi centroid = " << phi_integral / weight << " phi in " << phi << " phi diff " << phi_integral / weight - phi << std::endl;
529  std::cout << " z centroid = " << z_integral / weight << " z in " << z_gem << " z diff " << z_integral / weight - z_gem << std::endl;
530  // For a single track event, this captures the distribution of single electron centroids on the pad plane for layer print_layer.
531  // The centroid of that should match the cluster centroid found by PHG4TpcClusterizer for layer print_layer, if everything is working
532  // - matches to < .01 cm for a few cases that I checked
534  /*
535  assert(nthit);
536  nthit->Fill(hit, layernum, phi, phi_integral / weight, z_gem, z_integral / weight, weight);
537  */
538  }
540  hit++;
542  return;
543 }
545 void PHG4TpcPadPlaneReadout::populate_rectangular_phibins(const unsigned int /*layernum*/, const double phi, const double cloud_sig_rp, std::vector<int> &pad_phibin, std::vector<double> &pad_phibin_share)
546 {
547  double cloud_sig_rp_inv = 1. / cloud_sig_rp;
549  const int phibin = LayerGeom->get_phibin(phi);
550  const int nphibins = LayerGeom->get_phibins();
552  double radius = LayerGeom->get_radius();
553  double phidisp = phi - LayerGeom->get_phicenter(phibin);
554  double phistepsize = LayerGeom->get_phistep();
556  // bin the charge in phi - consider phi bins up and down 3 sigma in r-phi
557  int n_rp = int(3 * cloud_sig_rp / (radius * phistepsize) + 1);
558  for (int iphi = -n_rp; iphi != n_rp + 1; ++iphi)
559  {
560  int cur_phi_bin = phibin + iphi;
561  // correcting for continuity in phi
562  if (cur_phi_bin < 0)
563  cur_phi_bin += nphibins;
564  else if (cur_phi_bin >= nphibins)
565  cur_phi_bin -= nphibins;
566  if ((cur_phi_bin < 0) || (cur_phi_bin >= nphibins))
567  {
568  std::cout << "PHG4CylinderCellTpcReco => error in phi continuity. Skipping" << std::endl;
569  continue;
570  }
571  // Get the integral of the charge probability distribution in phi inside the current phi step
572  double phiLim1 = 0.5 * M_SQRT2 * ((iphi + 0.5) * phistepsize * radius - phidisp * radius) * cloud_sig_rp_inv;
573  double phiLim2 = 0.5 * M_SQRT2 * ((iphi - 0.5) * phistepsize * radius - phidisp * radius) * cloud_sig_rp_inv;
574  double phi_integral = 0.5 * (erf(phiLim1) - erf(phiLim2));
576  pad_phibin.push_back(cur_phi_bin);
577  pad_phibin_share.push_back(phi_integral);
578  }
580  return;
581 }
583 void PHG4TpcPadPlaneReadout::populate_zigzag_phibins(const unsigned int layernum, const double phi, const double cloud_sig_rp, std::vector<int> &pad_phibin, std::vector<double> &pad_phibin_share)
584 {
585  const double radius = LayerGeom->get_radius();
586  const double phistepsize = LayerGeom->get_phistep();
587  const auto phibins = LayerGeom->get_phibins();
589  // make the charge distribution gaussian
590  double rphi = phi * radius;
591  if (Verbosity() > 100)
592  if (LayerGeom->get_layer() == print_layer)
593  {
594  std::cout << " populate_zigzag_phibins for layer " << layernum << " with radius " << radius << " phi " << phi
595  << " rphi " << rphi << " phistepsize " << phistepsize << std::endl;
596  std::cout << " fcharge created: radius " << radius << " rphi " << rphi << " cloud_sig_rp " << cloud_sig_rp << std::endl;
597  }
599  // Get the range of phi values that completely contains all pads that touch the charge distribution - (nsigmas + 1/2 pad width) in each direction
600  const double philim_low = phi - (_nsigmas * cloud_sig_rp / radius) - phistepsize;
601  const double philim_high = phi + (_nsigmas * cloud_sig_rp / radius) + phistepsize;
603  // Find the pad range that covers this phi range
604  int phibin_low = LayerGeom->get_phibin(philim_low);
605  int phibin_high = LayerGeom->get_phibin(philim_high);
606  int npads = phibin_high - phibin_low;
608  if (Verbosity() > 1000)
609  if (layernum == print_layer)
610  std::cout << " zigzags: phi " << phi << " philim_low " << philim_low << " phibin_low " << phibin_low
611  << " philim_high " << philim_high << " phibin_high " << phibin_high << " npads " << npads << std::endl;
613  if (npads < 0 || npads > 9) npads = 9; // can happen if phibin_high wraps around. If so, limit to 10 pads and fix below
615  // Calculate the maximum extent in r-phi of pads in this layer. Pads are assumed to touch the center of the next phi bin on both sides.
616  const double pad_rphi = 2.0 * LayerGeom->get_phistep() * radius;
618  // Make a TF1 for each pad in the phi range
619  using PadParameterSet = std::array<double, 2>;
620  std::array<PadParameterSet, 10> pad_parameters;
621  std::array<int, 10> pad_keep;
622  for (int ipad = 0; ipad <= npads; ipad++)
623  {
624  int pad_now = phibin_low + ipad;
625  // check that we do not exceed the maximum number of pads, wrap if necessary
626  if (pad_now >= phibins) pad_now -= phibins;
628  pad_keep[ipad] = pad_now;
629  const double rphi_pad_now = LayerGeom->get_phicenter(pad_now) * radius;
630  pad_parameters[ipad] = {{pad_rphi / 2.0, rphi_pad_now}};
632  if (Verbosity() > 1000)
633  if (layernum == print_layer)
634  std::cout << " zigzags: make fpad for ipad " << ipad << " pad_now " << pad_now << " pad_rphi/2 " << pad_rphi / 2.0
635  << " rphi_pad_now " << rphi_pad_now << std::endl;
636  }
638  // Now make a loop that steps through the charge distribution and evaluates the response at that point on each pad
639  std::array<double, 10> overlap = {{0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0}};
641  // use analytic integral
642  for (int ipad = 0; ipad <= npads; ipad++)
643  {
644  const double pitch = pad_parameters[ipad][0];
645  const double x_loc = pad_parameters[ipad][1] - rphi;
646  const double sigma = cloud_sig_rp;
648  // calculate fraction of the total charge on this strip
649  /*
650  this corresponds to integrating the charge distribution Gaussian function (centered on rphi and of width cloud_sig_rp),
651  convoluted with a strip response function, which is triangular from -pitch to +pitch, with a maximum of 1. at stript center
652  */
653  overlap[ipad] =
654  (pitch - x_loc) * (std::erf(x_loc / (M_SQRT2 * sigma)) - std::erf((x_loc - pitch) / (M_SQRT2 * sigma))) / (pitch * 2) + (pitch + x_loc) * (std::erf((x_loc + pitch) / (M_SQRT2 * sigma)) - std::erf(x_loc / (M_SQRT2 * sigma))) / (pitch * 2) + (gaus(x_loc - pitch, sigma) - gaus(x_loc, sigma)) * square(sigma) / pitch + (gaus(x_loc + pitch, sigma) - gaus(x_loc, sigma)) * square(sigma) / pitch;
655  }
657  // now we have the overlap for each pad
658  for (int ipad = 0; ipad <= npads; ipad++)
659  {
660  pad_phibin.push_back(pad_keep[ipad]);
661  pad_phibin_share.push_back(overlap[ipad]);
662  if (rad_gem < output_radius) std::cout << " zigzags: for pad " << ipad << " integral is " << overlap[ipad] << std::endl;
663  }
665  return;
666 }
668 void PHG4TpcPadPlaneReadout::populate_zbins(const double z, const std::array<double, 2> &cloud_sig_zz, std::vector<int> &adc_zbin, std::vector<double> &adc_zbin_share)
669 {
670  int zbin = LayerGeom->get_zbin(z);
671  if (zbin < 0 || zbin > LayerGeom->get_zbins())
672  {
673  //std::cout << " z bin is outside range, return" << std::endl;
674  return;
675  }
677  double zstepsize = LayerGeom->get_zstep();
678  double zdisp = z - LayerGeom->get_zcenter(zbin);
680  if (Verbosity() > 1000)
681  std::cout << " input: z " << z << " zbin " << zbin << " zstepsize " << zstepsize << " z center " << LayerGeom->get_zcenter(zbin) << " zdisp " << zdisp << std::endl;
683  // Because of diffusion, hits can be shared across the membrane, so we allow all z bins
684  int min_cell_zbin = 0;
685  int max_cell_zbin = NZBins - 1;
687  double cloud_sig_zz_inv[2];
688  cloud_sig_zz_inv[0] = 1. / cloud_sig_zz[0];
689  cloud_sig_zz_inv[1] = 1. / cloud_sig_zz[1];
691  int zsect = 0;
692  if (z < 0)
693  zsect = -1;
694  else
695  zsect = 1;
697  int n_zz = int(3 * (cloud_sig_zz[0] + cloud_sig_zz[1]) / (2.0 * zstepsize) + 1);
698  if (Verbosity() > 1000) std::cout << " n_zz " << n_zz << " cloud_sigzz[0] " << cloud_sig_zz[0] << " cloud_sig_zz[1] " << cloud_sig_zz[1] << std::endl;
699  for (int iz = -n_zz; iz != n_zz + 1; ++iz)
700  {
701  int cur_z_bin = zbin + iz;
702  if ((cur_z_bin < min_cell_zbin) || (cur_z_bin > max_cell_zbin)) continue;
704  if (Verbosity() > 1000)
705  std::cout << " iz " << iz << " cur_z_bin " << cur_z_bin << " min_cell_zbin " << min_cell_zbin << " max_cell_zbin " << max_cell_zbin << std::endl;
707  double z_integral = 0.0;
708  if (iz == 0)
709  {
710  // the crossover between lead and tail shaping occurs in this bin
711  int index1 = -1;
712  int index2 = -1;
713  if (zsect == -1)
714  {
715  index1 = 0;
716  index2 = 1;
717  }
718  else
719  {
720  index1 = 1;
721  index2 = 0;
722  }
724  double zLim1 = 0.0;
725  double zLim2 = 0.5 * M_SQRT2 * (-0.5 * zstepsize - zdisp) * cloud_sig_zz_inv[index1];
726  // 1/2 * the erf is the integral probability from the argument Z value to zero, so this is the integral probability between the Z limits
727  double z_integral1 = 0.5 * (erf(zLim1) - erf(zLim2));
729  if (Verbosity() > 1000)
730  if (LayerGeom->get_layer() == print_layer)
731  std::cout << " populate_zbins: cur_z_bin " << cur_z_bin << " center z " << LayerGeom->get_zcenter(cur_z_bin)
732  << " index1 " << index1 << " zLim1 " << zLim1 << " zLim2 " << zLim2 << " z_integral1 " << z_integral1 << std::endl;
734  zLim2 = 0.0;
735  zLim1 = 0.5 * M_SQRT2 * (0.5 * zstepsize - zdisp) * cloud_sig_zz_inv[index2];
736  double z_integral2 = 0.5 * (erf(zLim1) - erf(zLim2));
738  if (Verbosity() > 1000)
739  if (LayerGeom->get_layer() == print_layer)
740  std::cout << " populate_zbins: cur_z_bin " << cur_z_bin << " center z " << LayerGeom->get_zcenter(cur_z_bin)
741  << " index2 " << index2 << " zLim1 " << zLim1 << " zLim2 " << zLim2 << " z_integral2 " << z_integral2 << std::endl;
743  z_integral = z_integral1 + z_integral2;
744  }
745  else
746  {
747  // The non zero bins are entirely in the lead or tail region
748  // lead or tail depends on which side of the membrane
749  int index = 0;
750  if (iz < 0)
751  {
752  if (zsect == -1)
753  index = 0;
754  else
755  index = 1;
756  }
757  else
758  {
759  if (zsect == -1)
760  index = 1;
761  else
762  index = 0;
763  }
764  double zLim1 = 0.5 * M_SQRT2 * ((iz + 0.5) * zstepsize - zdisp) * cloud_sig_zz_inv[index];
765  double zLim2 = 0.5 * M_SQRT2 * ((iz - 0.5) * zstepsize - zdisp) * cloud_sig_zz_inv[index];
766  z_integral = 0.5 * (erf(zLim1) - erf(zLim2));
768  if (Verbosity() > 1000)
769  if (LayerGeom->get_layer() == print_layer)
770  std::cout << " populate_zbins: z_bin " << cur_z_bin << " center z " << LayerGeom->get_zcenter(cur_z_bin)
771  << " index " << index << " zLim1 " << zLim1 << " zLim2 " << zLim2 << " z_integral " << z_integral << std::endl;
772  }
774  adc_zbin.push_back(cur_z_bin);
775  adc_zbin_share.push_back(z_integral);
776  }
778  return;
779 }
782 {
783  set_default_int_param("ntpc_layers_inner", 16);
784  set_default_int_param("ntpc_layers_mid", 16);
785  set_default_int_param("ntpc_layers_outer", 16);
787  set_default_int_param("tpc_minlayer_inner", 7);
789  set_default_double_param("tpc_minradius_inner", 30.0); // cm
790  set_default_double_param("tpc_minradius_mid", 40.0);
791  set_default_double_param("tpc_minradius_outer", 60.0);
793  set_default_double_param("tpc_maxradius_inner", 40.0); // cm
794  set_default_double_param("tpc_maxradius_mid", 60.0);
795  set_default_double_param("tpc_maxradius_outer", 77.0); // from Tom
797  set_default_double_param("neffelectrons_threshold", 1.0);
798  set_default_double_param("maxdriftlength", 105.5); // cm
799  set_default_double_param("drift_velocity", 8.0 / 1000.0); // cm/ns
800  set_default_double_param("tpc_adc_clock", 53.0); // ns, for 18.8 MHz clock
802  set_default_double_param("gem_cloud_sigma", 0.04); // cm = 400 microns
803  set_default_double_param("sampa_shaping_lead", 32.0); // ns, for 80 ns SAMPA
804  set_default_double_param("sampa_shaping_tail", 48.0); // ns, for 80 ns SAMPA
806  set_default_int_param("ntpc_phibins_inner", 1152);
807  set_default_int_param("ntpc_phibins_mid", 1536);
808  set_default_int_param("ntpc_phibins_outer", 2304);
810  set_default_int_param("zigzag_pads", 1);
812  // GEM Gain
813  /*
814  hp (2020/09/04): gain changed from 2000 to 1400, to accomodate gas mixture change
815  from Ne/CF4 90/10 to Ne/CF4 50/50, and keep the average charge per particle per pad constant
816  */
817  set_default_double_param("gem_amplification", 1400);
818  return;
819 }
822 {
823  NTpcLayers[0] = get_int_param("ntpc_layers_inner");
824  NTpcLayers[1] = get_int_param("ntpc_layers_mid");
825  NTpcLayers[2] = get_int_param("ntpc_layers_outer");
827  MinLayer[0] = get_int_param("tpc_minlayer_inner");
828  MinLayer[1] = MinLayer[0] + NTpcLayers[0];
829  MinLayer[2] = MinLayer[1] + NTpcLayers[1];
831  neffelectrons_threshold = get_double_param("neffelectrons_threshold");
833  MinRadius[0] = get_double_param("tpc_minradius_inner");
834  MinRadius[1] = get_double_param("tpc_minradius_mid");
835  MinRadius[2] = get_double_param("tpc_minradius_outer");
837  MaxRadius[0] = get_double_param("tpc_maxradius_inner");
838  MaxRadius[1] = get_double_param("tpc_maxradius_mid");
839  MaxRadius[2] = get_double_param("tpc_maxradius_outer");
841  Thickness[0] = NTpcLayers[0] <= 0 ? 0 : (MaxRadius[0] - MinRadius[0]) / NTpcLayers[0];
842  Thickness[1] = NTpcLayers[1] <= 0 ? 0 : (MaxRadius[1] - MinRadius[1]) / NTpcLayers[1];
843  Thickness[2] = NTpcLayers[2] <= 0 ? 0 : (MaxRadius[2] - MinRadius[2]) / NTpcLayers[2];
845  MaxRadius[0] = get_double_param("tpc_maxradius_inner");
846  MaxRadius[1] = get_double_param("tpc_maxradius_mid");
847  MaxRadius[2] = get_double_param("tpc_maxradius_outer");
849  sigmaT = get_double_param("gem_cloud_sigma");
850  sigmaL[0] = get_double_param("sampa_shaping_lead") * get_double_param("drift_velocity");
851  sigmaL[1] = get_double_param("sampa_shaping_tail") * get_double_param("drift_velocity");
853  tpc_drift_velocity = get_double_param("drift_velocity");
854  tpc_adc_clock = get_double_param("tpc_adc_clock");
856  MaxZ = get_double_param("maxdriftlength");
857  MinZ = -MaxZ;
858  NZBins = (int) ((MaxZ - MinZ) / ZBinWidth) + 1;
860  NPhiBins[0] = get_int_param("ntpc_phibins_inner");
861  NPhiBins[1] = get_int_param("ntpc_phibins_mid");
862  NPhiBins[2] = get_int_param("ntpc_phibins_outer");
864  PhiBinWidth[0] = 2.0 * M_PI / (double) NPhiBins[0];
865  PhiBinWidth[1] = 2.0 * M_PI / (double) NPhiBins[1];
866  PhiBinWidth[2] = 2.0 * M_PI / (double) NPhiBins[2];
868  zigzag_pads = get_int_param("zigzag_pads");
870  averageGEMGain = get_double_param("gem_amplification");
871 }