51 fChangeTarget -> SetGuidance(
"Change the Target diameter/thickness/material");
56 "\nDefault value is 7. mm."
57 "\nThe range is between 0 and 15 mm.");
67 fChangeTargetMaterial -> SetGuidance(
"Change the Target material choosing isotopes and elements, and their abundance in the target");
114 "\nDefault value : 8.85 g/cm3.");
147 "\nTo get the list of the available NIST materials, please select 'TargetMaterial->NistMaterialList'."
148 "\nExample of a NIST material : 'G4_Ni'.");
155 "\nDefault value : 0.6 mm.");
168 fChangeFoil -> SetGuidance(
"Change the Foil thickness");
173 "\nThe default value is 0.32 mm.");
182 fChangeFoilMaterial -> SetGuidance(
"Change the Foil material choosing isotopes and elements, and their abundance in the foil");
262 "\nTo get the list of the available NIST materials, please select 'TargetMaterial->NistMaterialList'."
263 "\nExample of a NIST material : 'G4_Ni'.");
317 fDet -> SetTargetDiameter(updatedValue);
323 fDet -> SetTargetIsotopeName(newValue);
343 fDet -> SetTargetElementName(newValue);
348 fDet -> SetTargetElementSymbole(newValue);
365 fDet -> SetTargetMaterialDensity(updatedValue);
380 fDet -> UpdateMaterial();
399 fDet -> SetTargetMaterial(newValue);
407 fDet -> SetTargetThickness(updatedValue);
415 fDet -> SetFoilThickness(updatedValue);
421 fDet -> SetFoilIsotopeName(newValue);
441 fDet -> SetFoilElementName(newValue);
446 fDet -> SetFoilElementSymbole(newValue);
463 fDet -> SetFoilMaterialDensity(updatedValue);
478 fDet -> UpdateFoilMaterial();
495 fDet -> SetFoilMaterial(newValue);