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1 #ifdef PoPs_MPI
2 #include <stdio.h>
3 #include <stdlib.h>
4 #include <string.h>
6 #include "PoPs.h"
7 #include "PoPs_private.h"
8 #include "PoPs_Bcast_private.h"
10 #define NumberOfBcastArrays 3
12 enum PoPs_Bcast_mode { PoPs_Bcast_mode_count, PoPs_Bcast_mode_pack, PoPs_Bcast_mode_unpack };
14 typedef struct PoPs_Bcast_info {
15  enum PoPs_Bcast_mode mode;
16  int int_count, char_count, double_count;
17  int *int_array;
18  char *char_array;
19  double *double_array;
20 } PoPs_Bcast_info;
22 static int PoPs_Bcast3( statusMessageReporting *smr, MPI_Comm comm, PoPs_Bcast_info *info, unitsDB *unitsRoot, PoPs *popsRoot );
23 static int PoPs_Bcast_PoPs( statusMessageReporting *smr, PoPs_Bcast_info *info, int index, PoPs *popsRoot );
24 static int PoPs_Bcast_PoPs2( statusMessageReporting *smr, PoPs_Bcast_info *info, PoP *pop );
25 static int PoPs_Bcast_int( statusMessageReporting *smr, PoPs_Bcast_info *info, int *value );
26 static int PoPs_Bcast_charAllocate( statusMessageReporting *smr, PoPs_Bcast_info *info, char **value );
27 static int PoPs_Bcast_double( statusMessageReporting *smr, PoPs_Bcast_info *info, double *value );
28 /*
29 ========================================================================
30 */
31 int PoPs_Bcast2( statusMessageReporting *smr, MPI_Comm comm, int bossRank, unitsDB *unitsRoot, PoPs *popsRoot ) {
33  int myRank, status;
34  int description[NumberOfBcastArrays];
35  PoPs_Bcast_info info = { PoPs_Bcast_mode_count, 0, 0, 0, NULL, NULL, NULL };
37  if( ( status = MPI_Errhandler_set( comm, MPI_ERRORS_RETURN ) ) != 0 ) return( status );
38 /* New way but not on all systems yet.
39  if( ( status = MPI_Comm_set_errhandler( comm, MPI_ERRORS_RETURN ) ) != 0 ) return( status );
40 */
41  if( ( status = MPI_Comm_rank( comm, &myRank ) ) != 0 ) return( status );
43  if( myRank == bossRank ) {
44  info.mode = PoPs_Bcast_mode_count;
45  if( ( status = PoPs_Bcast3( smr, comm, &info, unitsRoot, popsRoot ) ) != 0 ) return( status );
46  description[0] = info.int_count;
47  description[1] = info.char_count;
48  description[2] = info.double_count;
49  if( ( info.int_array = (int *) smr_malloc2( smr, info.int_count * sizeof( int ), 1, "info.int_array" ) ) == NULL ) goto err;
50  if( ( info.char_array = (char *) smr_malloc2( smr, info.char_count * sizeof( char ), 1, "info.char_array" ) ) == NULL ) goto err;
51  if( ( info.double_array = (double *) smr_malloc2( smr, info.double_count * sizeof( double ), 1, "info.double_array" ) ) == NULL ) goto err;
53  info.mode = PoPs_Bcast_mode_pack;
54  info.int_count = 0;
55  info.char_count = 0;
56  info.double_count = 0;
57  if( ( status = PoPs_Bcast3( smr, comm, &info, unitsRoot, popsRoot ) ) != 0 ) return( status );
58  if( info.int_count != description[0] ) {
59  smr_setReportError2( smr, PoPs_smr_ID, 1, "int counting count = %d != packing count = %d", info.int_count, description[0] );
60  goto err;
61  }
62  if( info.char_count != description[1] ) {
63  smr_setReportError2( smr, PoPs_smr_ID, 1, "char counting count = %d != packing count = %d", info.char_count, description[1] );
64  goto err;
65  }
66  if( info.double_count != description[2] ) {
67  smr_setReportError2( smr, PoPs_smr_ID, 1, "double counting count = %d != packing count = %d", info.double_count, description[2] );
68  goto err;
69  }
70  }
72  if( ( status = MPI_Bcast( description, NumberOfBcastArrays, MPI_INT, bossRank, comm ) ) != 0 ) goto err;
74  if( myRank != bossRank ) {
75  if( ( info.int_array = (int *) smr_malloc2( smr, description[0] * sizeof( int ), 1, "info.int_array (2)" ) ) == NULL ) goto err;
76  if( ( info.char_array = (char *) smr_malloc2( smr, description[1] * sizeof( char ), 1, "info.char_array (2)" ) ) == NULL ) goto err;
77  if( ( info.double_array = (double *) smr_malloc2( smr, description[2] * sizeof( double ), 1, "info.double_array (2)" ) ) == NULL ) goto err;
78  }
79  if( ( status = MPI_Bcast( info.int_array, description[0], MPI_INT, bossRank, comm ) ) != 0 ) goto err;
80  if( ( status = MPI_Bcast( info.char_array, description[1], MPI_CHAR, bossRank, comm ) ) != 0 ) goto err;
81  if( ( status = MPI_Bcast( info.double_array, description[2], MPI_DOUBLE, bossRank, comm ) ) != 0 ) goto err;
83  if( myRank != bossRank ) {
84  info.mode = PoPs_Bcast_mode_unpack;
85  if( ( status = PoPs_Bcast3( smr, comm, &info, unitsRoot, popsRoot ) ) != 0 ) goto err;
86  }
88  if( info.int_array != NULL ) smr_freeMemory( (void **) &(info.int_array) );
89  if( info.char_array != NULL ) smr_freeMemory( (void **) &(info.char_array) );
90  if( info.double_array != NULL ) smr_freeMemory( (void **) &(info.double_array) );
92  return( 0 );
94 err:
95  if( info.int_array != NULL ) smr_freeMemory( (void **) &(info.int_array) );
96  if( info.char_array != NULL ) smr_freeMemory( (void **) &(info.char_array) );
97  if( info.double_array != NULL ) smr_freeMemory( (void **) &(info.double_array) );
98  if( unitsRoot->unsorted != NULL ) smr_freeMemory( (void **) &(unitsRoot->unsorted) );
99  if( popsRoot->pops != NULL ) smr_freeMemory( (void **) &(popsRoot->pops) );
100  if( popsRoot->sorted != NULL ) smr_freeMemory( (void **) &(popsRoot->sorted) );
101  return( -1 );
102 }
103 /*
104 ========================================================================
105 */
106 static int PoPs_Bcast3( statusMessageReporting *smr, MPI_Comm comm, PoPs_Bcast_info *info, unitsDB *unitsRoot, PoPs *popsRoot ) {
108  int i, status, numberOfUnits, numberOfParticles;
110  if( info->mode == PoPs_Bcast_mode_unpack ) PoPs_releasePrivate( smr );
111  if( ( status = PoPs_Bcast_int( smr, info, &(unitsRoot->numberOfUnits) ) ) != 0 ) return( status );
112  numberOfUnits = unitsRoot->numberOfUnits;
113  if( info->mode == PoPs_Bcast_mode_unpack ) {
114  unitsRoot->allocated = unitsRoot->numberOfUnits;
115  unitsRoot->numberOfUnits = 0;
116  if( ( unitsRoot->unsorted = (char const **) smr_malloc2( smr, unitsRoot->allocated * sizeof( char const ** ), 1, "unitsRoot->unsorted" ) ) == NULL ) return( -1 );
117  }
118  for( i = 0; i < numberOfUnits; i++ ) {
119  if( ( status = PoPs_Bcast_charAllocate( smr, info, (char **) &(unitsRoot->unsorted[i]) ) ) != 0 ) return( status );
120  if( info->mode == PoPs_Bcast_mode_unpack ) unitsRoot->numberOfUnits++;
121  }
123  if( ( status = PoPs_Bcast_int( smr, info, &(popsRoot->numberOfParticles) ) ) != 0 ) return( status );
124  numberOfParticles = popsRoot->numberOfParticles;
125  if( info->mode == PoPs_Bcast_mode_unpack ) {
126  popsRoot->allocated = popsRoot->numberOfParticles;
127  popsRoot->numberOfParticles = 0;
128  if( ( popsRoot->pops = (PoP **) smr_malloc2( smr, popsRoot->allocated * sizeof( PoP * ), 1, "popsRoot->pops" ) ) == NULL ) return( -1 );
129  if( ( popsRoot->sorted = (PoP **) smr_malloc2( smr, popsRoot->allocated * sizeof( PoP * ), 1, "popsRoot->unsorted" ) ) == NULL ) return( -1 );
130  }
131  for( i = 0; i < numberOfParticles; i++ ) {
132  if( ( status = PoPs_Bcast_PoPs( smr, info, i, popsRoot ) ) != 0 ) return( status );
133  }
134  return( 0 );
135 }
136 /*
137 ========================================================================
138 */
139 static int PoPs_Bcast_PoPs( statusMessageReporting *smr, PoPs_Bcast_info *info, int index, PoPs *popsRoot ) {
141  int status;
142  PoP pop;
144  if( info->mode != PoPs_Bcast_mode_unpack ) return( PoPs_Bcast_PoPs2( smr, info, popsRoot->pops[index] ) );
145  if( ( status = PoPs_Bcast_PoPs2( smr, info, &pop ) ) != 0 ) return( status );
146  return( 0 );
147 }
148 /*
149 ========================================================================
150 */
151 static int PoPs_Bcast_PoPs2( statusMessageReporting *smr, PoPs_Bcast_info *info, PoP *pop ) {
153  int status, n = 0;
155  if( ( status = PoPs_Bcast_int( smr, info, &(pop->index) ) ) != 0 ) return( status );
156  if( ( status = PoPs_Bcast_int( smr, info, &(pop->properIndex) ) ) != 0 ) return( status );
157  if( ( status = PoPs_Bcast_int( smr, info, &(pop->aliasIndex) ) ) != 0 ) return( status ); /* Not needed, see below. */
158  if( ( status = PoPs_Bcast_int( smr, info, (int *) &(pop->genre) ) ) != 0 ) return( status );
160  if( ( status = PoPs_Bcast_int( smr, info, &(pop->Z) ) ) != 0 ) return( status );
161  if( ( status = PoPs_Bcast_int( smr, info, &(pop->A) ) ) != 0 ) return( status );
162  if( ( status = PoPs_Bcast_int( smr, info, &(pop->l) ) ) != 0 ) return( status );
163  if( ( status = PoPs_Bcast_double( smr, info, &(pop->mass) ) ) != 0 ) return( status );
165  if( info->mode == PoPs_Bcast_mode_pack ) {
166  n = -1;
167  if( pop->massUnit != NULL ) {
168  if( ( n = unitsDB_index( smr, pop->massUnit ) ) < 0 ) return( n );
169  }
170  }
171  if( ( status = PoPs_Bcast_int( smr, info, &n ) ) != 0 ) return( status );
172  if( ( status = PoPs_Bcast_charAllocate( smr, info, (char **) &(pop->name) ) ) != 0 ) return( status );
174  if( info->mode == PoPs_Bcast_mode_unpack ) {
175  pop->aliasIndex = -1; /* Reset here as it will be set in PoPs_addParticleIfNeeded via PoPs_copyAddParticleIfNeeded. */
177  if( n < 0 ) {
178  pop->massUnit = NULL; }
179  else {
180  if( ( pop->massUnit = unitsDB_stringFromIndex( smr, n ) ) == NULL ) goto err;
181  }
182  if( PoPs_copyAddParticleIfNeeded( smr, pop ) == NULL ) goto err;
184  if( pop->name != NULL ) smr_freeMemory( (void **) &(pop->name) );
185  }
187  return( 0 );
189 err:
190  if( info->mode == PoPs_Bcast_mode_unpack ) {
191  if( pop->name != NULL ) smr_freeMemory( (void **) &(pop->name) );
192  }
193  return( -1 );
194 }
195 /*
196 ========================================================================
197 */
198 static int PoPs_Bcast_int( statusMessageReporting *smr, PoPs_Bcast_info *info, int *value ) {
200  if( info->mode == PoPs_Bcast_mode_pack ) {
201  info->int_array[info->int_count] = *value; }
202  else if( info->mode == PoPs_Bcast_mode_unpack ) {
203  *value = info->int_array[info->int_count];
204  }
205  info->int_count++;
206  return( 0 );
207 }
208 /*
209 ========================================================================
210 */
211 static int PoPs_Bcast_charAllocate( statusMessageReporting *smr, PoPs_Bcast_info *info, char **value ) {
213  int i, n = 0, status;
215  if( info->mode != PoPs_Bcast_mode_unpack ) {
216  n = (int) strlen( *value ) + 1;
217  if( ( status = PoPs_Bcast_int( smr, info, &n ) ) != 0 ) return( status );
218  if( info->mode == PoPs_Bcast_mode_pack ) {
219  for( i = 0; i < n; i++ ) info->char_array[info->char_count + i] = (*value)[i];
220  } }
221  else {
222  if( ( status = PoPs_Bcast_int( smr, info, &n ) ) != 0 ) return( status );
223  if( ( *value = (char *) smr_malloc2( smr, n * sizeof( char ), 0, "*value" ) ) == NULL ) return( -1 );
224  for( i = 0; i < n; i++ ) (*value)[i] = info->char_array[info->char_count + i];
225  }
226  info->char_count += n;
228  return( 0 );
229 }
230 /*
231 ========================================================================
232 */
233 static int PoPs_Bcast_double( statusMessageReporting *smr, PoPs_Bcast_info *info, double *value ) {
235  if( info->mode == PoPs_Bcast_mode_pack ) {
236  info->double_array[info->double_count] = *value; }
237  else if( info->mode == PoPs_Bcast_mode_unpack ) {
238  *value = info->double_array[info->double_count];
239  }
240  info->double_count++;
241  return( 0 );
242 }
243 #endif /* End of #ifdef PoPs_MPI */