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1 //
2 // ********************************************************************
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4 // * *
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11 // * Neither the authors of this software system, nor their employing *
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18 // * This code implementation is the result of the scientific and *
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25 //
26 //
27 // -------------------------------------------------------------------
28 //
29 // GEANT4 Class file
30 //
31 //
32 // File name: G4KleinNishinaModel
33 //
34 // Author: Vladimir Ivanchenko on base of G4KleinNishinaCompton
35 //
36 // Creation date: 13.06.2010
37 //
38 // Modifications:
39 //
40 // Class Description:
41 //
42 // -------------------------------------------------------------------
43 //
44 //....oooOO0OOooo........oooOO0OOooo........oooOO0OOooo........oooOO0OOooo....
45 //....oooOO0OOooo........oooOO0OOooo........oooOO0OOooo........oooOO0OOooo....
47 #include "G4KleinNishinaModel.hh"
48 #include "G4PhysicalConstants.hh"
49 #include "G4SystemOfUnits.hh"
50 #include "G4Electron.hh"
51 #include "G4Gamma.hh"
52 #include "Randomize.hh"
53 #include "G4RandomDirection.hh"
54 #include "G4DataVector.hh"
56 #include "G4VAtomDeexcitation.hh"
57 #include "G4AtomicShells.hh"
58 #include "G4LossTableManager.hh"
59 #include "G4Log.hh"
60 #include "G4Exp.hh"
62 //....oooOO0OOooo........oooOO0OOooo........oooOO0OOooo........oooOO0OOooo....
64 using namespace std;
67  : G4VEmModel(nam),
68  lv1(0.,0.,0.,0.),
69  lv2(0.,0.,0.,0.),
70  bst(0.,0.,0.)
71 {
75  limitFactor = 4;
76  fProbabilities.resize(9,0.0);
77  SetDeexcitationFlag(true);
78  fParticleChange = nullptr;
79  fAtomDeexcitation = nullptr;
80 }
82 //....oooOO0OOooo........oooOO0OOooo........oooOO0OOooo........oooOO0OOooo....
85 {}
87 //....oooOO0OOooo........oooOO0OOooo........oooOO0OOooo........oooOO0OOooo....
90  const G4DataVector& cuts)
91 {
93  if(IsMaster()) { InitialiseElementSelectors(p, cuts); }
94  if(nullptr == fParticleChange) {
96  }
97 }
99 //....oooOO0OOooo........oooOO0OOooo........oooOO0OOooo........oooOO0OOooo....
102  G4VEmModel* masterModel)
103 {
105 }
107 //....oooOO0OOooo........oooOO0OOooo........oooOO0OOooo........oooOO0OOooo....
109 G4double
111  G4double gammaEnergy,
114 {
115  G4double xSection = 0.0 ;
116  if (gammaEnergy <= LowEnergyLimit()) { return xSection; }
118  static const G4double a = 20.0 , b = 230.0 , c = 440.0;
120 static const G4double
121  d1= 2.7965e-1*CLHEP::barn, d2=-1.8300e-1*CLHEP::barn,
122  d3= 6.7527 *CLHEP::barn, d4=-1.9798e+1*CLHEP::barn,
123  e1= 1.9756e-5*CLHEP::barn, e2=-1.0205e-2*CLHEP::barn,
124  e3=-7.3913e-2*CLHEP::barn, e4= 2.7079e-2*CLHEP::barn,
125  f1=-3.9178e-7*CLHEP::barn, f2= 6.8241e-5*CLHEP::barn,
126  f3= 6.0480e-5*CLHEP::barn, f4= 3.0274e-4*CLHEP::barn;
128  G4double p1Z = Z*(d1 + e1*Z + f1*Z*Z), p2Z = Z*(d2 + e2*Z + f2*Z*Z),
129  p3Z = Z*(d3 + e3*Z + f3*Z*Z), p4Z = Z*(d4 + e4*Z + f4*Z*Z);
131  G4double T0 = 15.0*keV;
132  if (Z < 1.5) { T0 = 40.0*keV; }
134  G4double X = max(gammaEnergy, T0) / electron_mass_c2;
135  xSection = p1Z*G4Log(1.+2.*X)/X
136  + (p2Z + p3Z*X + p4Z*X*X)/(1. + a*X + b*X*X + c*X*X*X);
138  // modification for low energy. (special case for Hydrogen)
139  static const G4double dT0 = keV;
140  if (gammaEnergy < T0) {
141  X = (T0+dT0) / electron_mass_c2 ;
142  G4double sigma = p1Z*G4Log(1.+2*X)/X
143  + (p2Z + p3Z*X + p4Z*X*X)/(1. + a*X + b*X*X + c*X*X*X);
144  G4double c1 = -T0*(sigma-xSection)/(xSection*dT0);
145  G4double c2 = 0.150;
146  if (Z > 1.5) { c2 = 0.375-0.0556*G4Log(Z); }
147  G4double y = G4Log(gammaEnergy/T0);
148  xSection *= G4Exp(-y*(c1+c2*y));
149  }
151  if(xSection < 0.0) { xSection = 0.0; }
152  // G4cout << "e= " << GammaEnergy << " Z= " << Z
153  // << " cross= " << xSection << G4endl;
154  return xSection;
155 }
157 //....oooOO0OOooo........oooOO0OOooo........oooOO0OOooo........oooOO0OOooo....
160  std::vector<G4DynamicParticle*>* fvect,
161  const G4MaterialCutsCouple* couple,
162  const G4DynamicParticle* aDynamicGamma,
163  G4double,
164  G4double)
165 {
166  // primary gamma
167  G4double energy = aDynamicGamma->GetKineticEnergy();
169  // do nothing below the threshold
170  if(energy <= LowEnergyLimit()) { return; }
172  G4ThreeVector direction = aDynamicGamma->GetMomentumDirection();
174  // select atom
175  const G4Element* elm = SelectRandomAtom(couple, theGamma, energy);
177  // select shell first
178  G4int nShells = elm->GetNbOfAtomicShells();
179  if(nShells > (G4int)fProbabilities.size()) { fProbabilities.resize(nShells); }
180  G4double totprob = 0.0;
181  G4int i;
182  for(i=0; i<nShells; ++i) {
183  //G4double bindingEnergy = elm->GetAtomicShell(i);
184  totprob += elm->GetNbOfShellElectrons(i);
185  //totprob += elm->GetNbOfShellElectrons(i)/(bindingEnergy*bindingEnergy);
186  fProbabilities[i] = totprob;
187  }
189  // Loop on sampling
190  static const G4int nlooplim = 1000;
191  G4int nloop = 0;
193  G4double bindingEnergy, ePotEnergy, eKinEnergy;
194  G4double gamEnergy0, gamEnergy1;
196  CLHEP::HepRandomEngine* rndmEngineMod = G4Random::getTheEngine();
197  G4double rndm[4];
199  do {
200  ++nloop;
202  // 4 random numbers to select e-
203  rndmEngineMod->flatArray(4, rndm);
204  G4double xprob = totprob*rndm[0];
206  // select shell
207  for(i=0; i<nShells; ++i) { if(xprob <= fProbabilities[i]) { break; } }
209  bindingEnergy = elm->GetAtomicShell(i);
210  lv1.set(0.0,0.0,energy,energy);
211  /*
212  G4cout << "nShells= " << nShells << " i= " << i
213  << " Egamma= " << energy << " Ebind= " << bindingEnergy
214  << G4endl;
215  */
216  // for rest frame of the electron
217  G4double x = -G4Log(rndm[1]);
218  eKinEnergy = bindingEnergy*x;
219  ePotEnergy = bindingEnergy*(1.0 + x);
221  // for rest frame of the electron
222  G4double eTotMomentum = sqrt(eKinEnergy*(eKinEnergy + 2*electron_mass_c2));
223  G4double phi = rndm[2]*twopi;
224  G4double costet = 2*rndm[3] - 1;
225  G4double sintet = sqrt((1 - costet)*(1 + costet));
226  lv2.set(eTotMomentum*sintet*cos(phi),eTotMomentum*sintet*sin(phi),
227  eTotMomentum*costet,eKinEnergy + electron_mass_c2);
228  bst = lv2.boostVector();
229  lv1.boost(-bst);
231  gamEnergy0 = lv1.e();
233  // In the rest frame of the electron
234  // The scattered gamma energy is sampled according to Klein-Nishina formula
235  // The random number techniques of Butcher & Messel are used
236  // (Nuc Phys 20(1960),15).
237  G4double E0_m = gamEnergy0/electron_mass_c2;
239  //G4cout << "Nloop= "<< nloop << " Ecm(keV)= " << gamEnergy0/keV << G4endl;
240  //
241  // sample the energy rate of the scattered gamma
242  //
244  G4double epsilon, epsilonsq, onecost, sint2, greject ;
246  G4double eps0 = 1./(1 + 2*E0_m);
247  G4double epsilon0sq = eps0*eps0;
248  G4double alpha1 = - G4Log(eps0);
249  G4double alpha2 = alpha1 + 0.5*(1 - epsilon0sq);
251  do {
252  ++nloop;
253  // false interaction if too many iterations
254  if(nloop > nlooplim) { return; }
256  // 3 random numbers to sample scattering
257  rndmEngineMod->flatArray(3, rndm);
259  if ( alpha1 > alpha2*rndm[0] ) {
260  epsilon = G4Exp(-alpha1*rndm[1]); // epsilon0**r
261  epsilonsq = epsilon*epsilon;
263  } else {
264  epsilonsq = epsilon0sq + (1.- epsilon0sq)*rndm[1];
265  epsilon = sqrt(epsilonsq);
266  }
268  onecost = (1.- epsilon)/(epsilon*E0_m);
269  sint2 = onecost*(2.-onecost);
270  greject = 1. - epsilon*sint2/(1.+ epsilonsq);
272  // Loop checking, 03-Aug-2015, Vladimir Ivanchenko
273  } while (greject < rndm[2]);
274  gamEnergy1 = epsilon*gamEnergy0;
276  // before scattering total 4-momentum in e- system
277  lv2.set(0.0,0.0,0.0,electron_mass_c2);
278  lv2 += lv1;
280  //
281  // scattered gamma angles. ( Z - axis along the parent gamma)
282  //
283  if(sint2 < 0.0) { sint2 = 0.0; }
284  costet = 1. - onecost;
285  sintet = sqrt(sint2);
286  phi = twopi * rndmEngineMod->flat();
288  // e- recoil
289  //
290  // in rest frame of the electron
291  G4ThreeVector gamDir = lv1.vect().unit();
292  G4ThreeVector v = G4ThreeVector(sintet*cos(phi),sintet*sin(phi),costet);
293  v.rotateUz(gamDir);
294  lv1.set(gamEnergy1*v.x(),gamEnergy1*v.y(),gamEnergy1*v.z(),gamEnergy1);
295  lv2 -= lv1;
296  //G4cout<<"Egam(keV)= " << lv1.e()/keV
297  // <<" Ee(keV)= " << (lv2.e()-electron_mass_c2)/keV << G4endl;
298  lv2.boost(bst);
299  eKinEnergy = lv2.e() - electron_mass_c2 - ePotEnergy;
300  //G4cout << "Nloop= " << nloop << " eKinEnergy= " << eKinEnergy << G4endl;
302  // Loop checking, 03-Aug-2015, Vladimir Ivanchenko
303  } while ( eKinEnergy < 0.0 );
305  //
306  // update G4VParticleChange for the scattered gamma
307  //
309  lv1.boost(bst);
310  gamEnergy1 = lv1.e();
311  if(gamEnergy1 > lowestSecondaryEnergy) {
312  G4ThreeVector gamDirection1 = lv1.vect().unit();
313  gamDirection1.rotateUz(direction);
315  } else {
317  gamEnergy1 = 0.0;
318  }
321  //
322  // kinematic of the scattered electron
323  //
325  if(eKinEnergy > lowestSecondaryEnergy) {
326  G4ThreeVector eDirection = lv2.vect().unit();
327  eDirection.rotateUz(direction);
328  G4DynamicParticle* dp =
329  new G4DynamicParticle(theElectron,eDirection,eKinEnergy);
330  fvect->push_back(dp);
331  } else { eKinEnergy = 0.0; }
333  G4double edep = energy - gamEnergy1 - eKinEnergy;
334  G4double esec = 0.0;
336  // sample deexcitation
337  //
338  if(fAtomDeexcitation) {
339  G4int index = couple->GetIndex();
341  G4int Z = elm->GetZasInt();
343  const G4AtomicShell* shell = fAtomDeexcitation->GetAtomicShell(Z, as);
344  G4int nbefore = fvect->size();
345  fAtomDeexcitation->GenerateParticles(fvect, shell, Z, index);
346  G4int nafter = fvect->size();
347  //G4cout << "N1= " << nbefore << " N2= " << nafter << G4endl;
348  for (G4int j=nbefore; j<nafter; ++j) {
349  G4double e = ((*fvect)[j])->GetKineticEnergy();
350  if(esec + e > edep) {
351  // correct energy in order to have energy balance
352  e = edep - esec;
353  ((*fvect)[j])->SetKineticEnergy(e);
354  esec += e;
355  /*
356  G4cout << "### G4KleinNishinaModel Edep(eV)= " << edep/eV
357  << " Esec(eV)= " << esec/eV
358  << " E["<< j << "](eV)= " << e/eV
359  << " N= " << nafter
360  << " Z= " << Z << " shell= " << i
361  << " Ebind(keV)= " << bindingEnergy/keV
362  << " Eshell(keV)= " << shell->BindingEnergy()/keV
363  << G4endl;
364  */
365  // delete the rest of secondaries (should not happens)
366  for (G4int jj=nafter-1; jj>j; --jj) {
367  delete (*fvect)[jj];
368  fvect->pop_back();
369  }
370  break;
371  }
372  esec += e;
373  }
374  edep -= esec;
375  }
376  }
377  if(std::abs(energy - gamEnergy1 - eKinEnergy - esec - edep) > eV) {
378  G4cout << "### G4KleinNishinaModel dE(eV)= "
379  << (energy - gamEnergy1 - eKinEnergy - esec - edep)/eV
380  << " shell= " << i
381  << " E(keV)= " << energy/keV
382  << " Ebind(keV)= " << bindingEnergy/keV
383  << " Eg(keV)= " << gamEnergy1/keV
384  << " Ee(keV)= " << eKinEnergy/keV
385  << " Esec(keV)= " << esec/keV
386  << " Edep(keV)= " << edep/keV
387  << G4endl;
388  }
389  // energy balance
390  if(edep > 0.0) {
392  }
393 }
395 //....oooOO0OOooo........oooOO0OOooo........oooOO0OOooo........oooOO0OOooo......