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Go to the documentation of this file. Or view the newest version in sPHENIX GitHub for file Seedfinder.ipp
1 // This file is part of the Acts project.
2 //
3 // Copyright (C) 2019 CERN for the benefit of the Acts project
4 //
5 // This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public
6 // License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this
7 // file, You can obtain one at
9 #include <cmath>
10 #include <numeric>
11 #include <type_traits>
15 namespace Acts {
17 template <typename external_spacepoint_t>
20  : m_config(std::move(config)) {
21  // calculation of scattering using the highland formula
22  // convert pT to p once theta angle is known
23  m_config.highland = 13.6 * std::sqrt(m_config.radLengthPerSeed) *
24  (1 + 0.038 * std::log(m_config.radLengthPerSeed));
25  float maxScatteringAngle = m_config.highland / m_config.minPt;
26  m_config.maxScatteringAngle2 = maxScatteringAngle * maxScatteringAngle;
27  // helix radius in homogeneous magnetic field. Units are Kilotesla, MeV and
28  // millimeter
29  // TODO: change using ACTS units
32  std::pow(m_config.minPt * 2 / m_config.pTPerHelixRadius, 2);
35 }
37 template <typename external_spacepoint_t>
38 template <typename sp_range_t>
39 std::vector<Seed<external_spacepoint_t>>
41  sp_range_t bottomSPs, sp_range_t middleSPs, sp_range_t topSPs) const {
42  std::vector<Seed<external_spacepoint_t>> outputVec;
43  for (auto spM : middleSPs) {
44  float rM = spM->radius();
45  float zM = spM->z();
46  float varianceRM = spM->varianceR();
47  float varianceZM = spM->varianceZ();
49  // bottom space point
50  std::vector<const InternalSpacePoint<external_spacepoint_t>*>
51  compatBottomSP;
53  for (auto bottomSP : bottomSPs) {
54  float rB = bottomSP->radius();
55  float deltaR = rM - rB;
56  // if r-distance is too big, try next SP in bin
57  if (deltaR > m_config.deltaRMax) {
58  continue;
59  }
60  // if r-distance is too small, break because bins are NOT r-sorted
61  if (deltaR < m_config.deltaRMin) {
62  continue;
63  }
64  // ratio Z/R (forward angle) of space point duplet
65  float cotTheta = (zM - bottomSP->z()) / deltaR;
66  if (std::fabs(cotTheta) > m_config.cotThetaMax) {
67  continue;
68  }
69  // check if duplet origin on z axis within collision region
70  float zOrigin = zM - rM * cotTheta;
71  if (zOrigin < m_config.collisionRegionMin ||
72  zOrigin > m_config.collisionRegionMax) {
73  continue;
74  }
75  compatBottomSP.push_back(bottomSP);
76  }
77  // no bottom SP found -> try next spM
78  if (compatBottomSP.empty()) {
79  continue;
80  }
82  std::vector<const InternalSpacePoint<external_spacepoint_t>*> compatTopSP;
84  for (auto topSP : topSPs) {
85  float rT = topSP->radius();
86  float deltaR = rT - rM;
87  // this condition is the opposite of the condition for bottom SP
88  if (deltaR < m_config.deltaRMin) {
89  continue;
90  }
91  if (deltaR > m_config.deltaRMax) {
92  break;
93  }
95  float cotTheta = (topSP->z() - zM) / deltaR;
96  if (std::fabs(cotTheta) > m_config.cotThetaMax) {
97  continue;
98  }
99  float zOrigin = zM - rM * cotTheta;
100  if (zOrigin < m_config.collisionRegionMin ||
101  zOrigin > m_config.collisionRegionMax) {
102  continue;
103  }
104  compatTopSP.push_back(topSP);
105  }
106  if (compatTopSP.empty()) {
107  continue;
108  }
109  // contains parameters required to calculate circle with linear equation
110  // ...for bottom-middle
111  std::vector<LinCircle> linCircleBottom;
112  // ...for middle-top
113  std::vector<LinCircle> linCircleTop;
114  transformCoordinates(compatBottomSP, *spM, true, linCircleBottom);
115  transformCoordinates(compatTopSP, *spM, false, linCircleTop);
117  // create vectors here to avoid reallocation in each loop
118  std::vector<const InternalSpacePoint<external_spacepoint_t>*> topSpVec;
119  std::vector<float> curvatures;
120  std::vector<float> impactParameters;
122  std::vector<std::pair<
123  float, std::unique_ptr<const InternalSeed<external_spacepoint_t>>>>
124  seedsPerSpM;
125  size_t numBotSP = compatBottomSP.size();
126  size_t numTopSP = compatTopSP.size();
128  for (size_t b = 0; b < numBotSP; b++) {
129  auto lb = linCircleBottom[b];
130  float Zob = lb.Zo;
131  float cotThetaB = lb.cotTheta;
132  float Vb = lb.V;
133  float Ub = lb.U;
134  float ErB = lb.Er;
135  float iDeltaRB = lb.iDeltaR;
137  // 1+(cot^2(theta)) = 1/sin^2(theta)
138  float iSinTheta2 = (1. + cotThetaB * cotThetaB);
139  // calculate max scattering for min momentum at the seed's theta angle
140  // scaling scatteringAngle^2 by sin^2(theta) to convert pT^2 to p^2
141  // accurate would be taking 1/atan(thetaBottom)-1/atan(thetaTop) <
142  // scattering
143  // but to avoid trig functions we approximate cot by scaling by
144  // 1/sin^4(theta)
145  // resolving with pT to p scaling --> only divide by sin^2(theta)
146  // max approximation error for allowed scattering angles of 0.04 rad at
147  // eta=infinity: ~8.5%
148  float scatteringInRegion2 = m_config.maxScatteringAngle2 * iSinTheta2;
149  // multiply the squared sigma onto the squared scattering
150  scatteringInRegion2 *=
151  m_config.sigmaScattering * m_config.sigmaScattering;
153  // clear all vectors used in each inner for loop
154  topSpVec.clear();
155  curvatures.clear();
156  impactParameters.clear();
157  for (size_t t = 0; t < numTopSP; t++) {
158  auto lt = linCircleTop[t];
160  // add errors of spB-spM and spM-spT pairs and add the correlation term
161  // for errors on spM
162  float error2 = lt.Er + ErB +
163  2 * (cotThetaB * lt.cotTheta * varianceRM + varianceZM) *
164  iDeltaRB * lt.iDeltaR;
166  float deltaCotTheta = cotThetaB - lt.cotTheta;
167  float deltaCotTheta2 = deltaCotTheta * deltaCotTheta;
168  float error;
169  float dCotThetaMinusError2;
170  // if the error is larger than the difference in theta, no need to
171  // compare with scattering
172  if (deltaCotTheta2 - error2 > 0) {
173  deltaCotTheta = std::abs(deltaCotTheta);
174  // if deltaTheta larger than the scattering for the lower pT cut, skip
175  error = std::sqrt(error2);
176  dCotThetaMinusError2 =
177  deltaCotTheta2 + error2 - 2 * deltaCotTheta * error;
178  // avoid taking root of scatteringInRegion
179  // if left side of ">" is positive, both sides of unequality can be
180  // squared
181  // (scattering is always positive)
183  if (dCotThetaMinusError2 > scatteringInRegion2) {
184  continue;
185  }
186  }
188  // protects against division by 0
189  float dU = lt.U - Ub;
190  if (dU == 0.) {
191  continue;
192  }
193  // A and B are evaluated as a function of the circumference parameters
194  // x_0 and y_0
195  float A = (lt.V - Vb) / dU;
196  float S2 = 1. + A * A;
197  float B = Vb - A * Ub;
198  float B2 = B * B;
199  // sqrt(S2)/B = 2 * helixradius
200  // calculated radius must not be smaller than minimum radius
201  if (S2 < B2 * m_config.minHelixDiameter2) {
202  continue;
203  }
204  // 1/helixradius: (B/sqrt(S2))/2 (we leave everything squared)
205  float iHelixDiameter2 = B2 / S2;
206  // calculate scattering for p(T) calculated from seed curvature
207  float pT2scatter = 4 * iHelixDiameter2 * m_config.pT2perRadius;
208  // TODO: include upper pT limit for scatter calc
209  // convert p(T) to p scaling by sin^2(theta) AND scale by 1/sin^4(theta)
210  // from rad to deltaCotTheta
211  float p2scatter = pT2scatter * iSinTheta2;
212  // if deltaTheta larger than allowed scattering for calculated pT, skip
213  if ((deltaCotTheta2 - error2 > 0) &&
214  (dCotThetaMinusError2 >
215  p2scatter * m_config.sigmaScattering * m_config.sigmaScattering)) {
216  continue;
217  }
218  // A and B allow calculation of impact params in U/V plane with linear
219  // function
220  // (in contrast to having to solve a quadratic function in x/y plane)
221  float Im = std::abs((A - B * rM) * rM);
223  if (Im <= m_config.impactMax) {
224  topSpVec.push_back(compatTopSP[t]);
225  // inverse diameter is signed depending if the curvature is
226  // positive/negative in phi
227  curvatures.push_back(B / std::sqrt(S2));
228  impactParameters.push_back(Im);
229  }
230  }
231  if (!topSpVec.empty()) {
232  std::vector<std::pair<
233  float, std::unique_ptr<const InternalSeed<external_spacepoint_t>>>>
234  sameTrackSeeds;
235  sameTrackSeeds = std::move(m_config.seedFilter->filterSeeds_2SpFixed(
236  *compatBottomSP[b], *spM, topSpVec, curvatures, impactParameters,
237  Zob));
238  seedsPerSpM.insert(seedsPerSpM.end(),
239  std::make_move_iterator(sameTrackSeeds.begin()),
240  std::make_move_iterator(sameTrackSeeds.end()));
241  }
242  }
243  m_config.seedFilter->filterSeeds_1SpFixed(seedsPerSpM, outputVec);
244  }
245  return outputVec;
246 }
248 template <typename external_spacepoint_t>
250  std::vector<const InternalSpacePoint<external_spacepoint_t>*>& vec,
251  const InternalSpacePoint<external_spacepoint_t>& spM, bool bottom,
252  std::vector<LinCircle>& linCircleVec) const {
253  float xM = spM.x();
254  float yM = spM.y();
255  float zM = spM.z();
256  float rM = spM.radius();
257  float varianceZM = spM.varianceZ();
258  float varianceRM = spM.varianceR();
259  float cosPhiM = xM / rM;
260  float sinPhiM = yM / rM;
261  for (auto sp : vec) {
262  float deltaX = sp->x() - xM;
263  float deltaY = sp->y() - yM;
264  float deltaZ = sp->z() - zM;
265  // calculate projection fraction of spM->sp vector pointing in same
266  // direction as
267  // vector origin->spM (x) and projection fraction of spM->sp vector pointing
268  // orthogonal to origin->spM (y)
269  float x = deltaX * cosPhiM + deltaY * sinPhiM;
270  float y = deltaY * cosPhiM - deltaX * sinPhiM;
271  // 1/(length of M -> SP)
272  float iDeltaR2 = 1. / (deltaX * deltaX + deltaY * deltaY);
273  float iDeltaR = std::sqrt(iDeltaR2);
274  //
275  int bottomFactor = 1 * (int(!bottom)) - 1 * (int(bottom));
276  // cot_theta = (deltaZ/deltaR)
277  float cot_theta = deltaZ * iDeltaR * bottomFactor;
278  // VERY frequent (SP^3) access
279  LinCircle l;
280  l.cotTheta = cot_theta;
281  // location on z-axis of this SP-duplet
282  l.Zo = zM - rM * cot_theta;
283  l.iDeltaR = iDeltaR;
284  // transformation of circle equation (x,y) into linear equation (u,v)
285  // x^2 + y^2 - 2x_0*x - 2y_0*y = 0
286  // is transformed into
287  // 1 - 2x_0*u - 2y_0*v = 0
288  // using the following m_U and m_V
289  // (u = A + B*v); A and B are created later on
290  l.U = x * iDeltaR2;
291  l.V = y * iDeltaR2;
292  // error term for sp-pair without correlation of middle space point
293  l.Er = ((varianceZM + sp->varianceZ()) +
294  (cot_theta * cot_theta) * (varianceRM + sp->varianceR())) *
295  iDeltaR2;
296  linCircleVec.push_back(l);
297  }
298 }
299 } // namespace Acts