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Go to the documentation of this file. Or view the newest version in sPHENIX GitHub for file pyhiinit.f
3 C...Initializes the generation procedure; finds maxima of the
4 C...differential cross-sections to be used for weighting.
5  common/ludat1/mstu(200),paru(200),mstj(200),parj(200)
6  SAVE /ludat1/
7  common/ludat2/kchg(500,3),pmas(500,4),parf(2000),vckm(4,4)
8  SAVE /ludat2/
9  common/ludat3/mdcy(500,3),mdme(2000,2),brat(2000),kfdp(2000,5)
10  SAVE /ludat3/
11  common/ludat4/chaf(500)
12  CHARACTER chaf*8
13  SAVE /ludat4/
14  common/pyhisubs/msel,msub(200),kfin(2,-40:40),ckin(200)
15  SAVE /pyhisubs/
16  common/pyhipars/mstp(200),parp(200),msti(200),pari(200)
17  SAVE /pyhipars/
18  common/pyhiint1/mint(400),vint(400)
19  SAVE /pyhiint1/
20  common/pyhiint2/iset(200),kfpr(200,2),coef(200,20),icol(40,4,2)
21  SAVE /pyhiint2/
22  common/pyhiint5/ngen(0:200,3),xsec(0:200,3)
23  SAVE /pyhiint5/
24  CHARACTER*(*) frame,beam,TARGET
25  CHARACTER chfram*8,chbeam*8,chtarg*8,chmo(12)*3,chlh(2)*6
26  DATA chmo/'Jan','Feb','Mar','Apr','May','Jun','Jul','Aug','Sep',
27  &'Oct','Nov','Dec'/, chlh/'lepton','hadron'/
29 C...Write headers.
30 C IF(MSTP(122).GE.1) WRITE(MSTU(11),1000) MSTP(181),MSTP(182),
31 C &MSTP(185),CHMO(MSTP(184)),MSTP(183)
32  CALL lulist(0)
33 C IF(MSTP(122).GE.1) WRITE(MSTU(11),1100)
35 C...Identify beam and target particles and initialize kinematics.
36  chfram=frame//' '
37  chbeam=beam//' '
38  chtarg=TARGET//' '
39  CALL pyhiinki(chfram,chbeam,chtarg,win)
41 C...Select partonic subprocesses to be included in the simulation.
42  IF(msel.NE.0) THEN
43  DO 100 i=1,200
44  100 msub(i)=0
46  IF(mint(43).EQ.1.AND.(msel.EQ.1.OR.msel.EQ.2)) THEN
47 C...Lepton+lepton -> gamma/Z0 or W.
48  IF(mint(11)+mint(12).EQ.0) msub(1)=1
49  IF(mint(11)+mint(12).NE.0) msub(2)=1
50  ELSEIF(msel.EQ.1) THEN
51 C...High-pT QCD processes:
52  msub(11)=1
53  msub(12)=1
54  msub(13)=1
55  msub(28)=1
56  msub(53)=1
57  msub(68)=1
58  IF(mstp(82).LE.1.AND.ckin(3).LT.parp(81)) msub(95)=1
59  IF(mstp(82).GE.2.AND.ckin(3).LT.parp(82)) msub(95)=1
60  ELSEIF(msel.EQ.2) THEN
61 C...All QCD processes:
62  msub(11)=1
63  msub(12)=1
64  msub(13)=1
65  msub(28)=1
66  msub(53)=1
67  msub(68)=1
68  msub(91)=1
69  msub(92)=1
70  msub(93)=1
71  msub(95)=1
72  ELSEIF(msel.GE.4.AND.msel.LE.8) THEN
73 C...Heavy quark production.
74  msub(81)=1
75  msub(82)=1
76  DO 110 j=1,min(8,mdcy(21,3))
77  110 mdme(mdcy(21,2)+j-1,1)=0
78  mdme(mdcy(21,2)+msel-1,1)=1
79  ELSEIF(msel.EQ.10) THEN
80 C...Prompt photon production:
81  msub(14)=1
82  msub(18)=1
83  msub(29)=1
84  ELSEIF(msel.EQ.11) THEN
85 C...Z0/gamma* production:
86  msub(1)=1
87  ELSEIF(msel.EQ.12) THEN
88 C...W+/- production:
89  msub(2)=1
90  ELSEIF(msel.EQ.13) THEN
91 C...Z0 + jet:
92  msub(15)=1
93  msub(30)=1
94  ELSEIF(msel.EQ.14) THEN
95 C...W+/- + jet:
96  msub(16)=1
97  msub(31)=1
98  ELSEIF(msel.EQ.15) THEN
99 C...Z0 & W+/- pair production:
100  msub(19)=1
101  msub(20)=1
102  msub(22)=1
103  msub(23)=1
104  msub(25)=1
105  ELSEIF(msel.EQ.16) THEN
106 C...H0 production:
107  msub(3)=1
108  msub(5)=1
109  msub(8)=1
110  msub(102)=1
111  ELSEIF(msel.EQ.17) THEN
112 C...H0 & Z0 or W+/- pair production:
113  msub(24)=1
114  msub(26)=1
115  ELSEIF(msel.EQ.21) THEN
116 C...Z'0 production:
117  msub(141)=1
118  ELSEIF(msel.EQ.22) THEN
119 C...H+/- production:
120  msub(142)=1
121  ELSEIF(msel.EQ.23) THEN
122 C...R production:
123  msub(143)=1
124  ENDIF
126 C...Count number of subprocesses on.
127  mint(44)=0
128  DO 120 isub=1,200
129  IF(mint(43).LT.4.AND.isub.GE.91.AND.isub.LE.96.AND.
130  &msub(isub).EQ.1) THEN
131  WRITE(mstu(11),1200) isub,chlh(mint(41)),chlh(mint(42))
132  stop
133  ELSEIF(msub(isub).EQ.1.AND.iset(isub).EQ.-1) THEN
134  WRITE(mstu(11),1300) isub
135  stop
136  ELSEIF(msub(isub).EQ.1.AND.iset(isub).LE.-2) THEN
137  WRITE(mstu(11),1400) isub
138  stop
139  ELSEIF(msub(isub).EQ.1) THEN
140  mint(44)=mint(44)+1
141  ENDIF
142  120 CONTINUE
143  IF(mint(44).EQ.0) THEN
144  WRITE(mstu(11),1500)
145  stop
146  ENDIF
147  mint(45)=mint(44)-msub(91)-msub(92)-msub(93)-msub(94)
149 C...Maximum 4 generations; set maximum number of allowed flavours.
150  mstp(1)=min(4,mstp(1))
151  mstu(114)=min(mstu(114),2*mstp(1))
152  mstp(54)=min(mstp(54),2*mstp(1))
154 C...Sum up Cabibbo-Kobayashi-Maskawa factors for each quark/lepton.
155  DO 140 i=-20,20
156  vint(180+i)=0.
157  ia=iabs(i)
158  IF(ia.GE.1.AND.ia.LE.2*mstp(1)) THEN
159  DO 130 j=1,mstp(1)
160  ib=2*j-1+mod(ia,2)
161  ipm=(5-isign(1,i))/2
162  idc=j+mdcy(ia,2)+2
163  130 IF(mdme(idc,1).EQ.1.OR.mdme(idc,1).EQ.ipm) vint(180+i)=
164  & vint(180+i)+vckm((ia+1)/2,(ib+1)/2)
165  ELSEIF(ia.GE.11.AND.ia.LE.10+2*mstp(1)) THEN
166  vint(180+i)=1.
167  ENDIF
168  140 CONTINUE
170 C...Choose Lambda value to use in alpha-strong.
171  mstu(111)=mstp(2)
172  IF(mstp(3).GE.1) THEN
173  alam=parp(1)
174  IF(mstp(51).EQ.1) alam=0.2
175  IF(mstp(51).EQ.2) alam=0.29
176  IF(mstp(51).EQ.3) alam=0.2
177  IF(mstp(51).EQ.4) alam=0.4
178  IF(mstp(51).EQ.11) alam=0.16
179  IF(mstp(51).EQ.12) alam=0.26
180  IF(mstp(51).EQ.13) alam=0.36
181  parp(1)=alam
182  parp(61)=alam
183  paru(112)=alam
184  parj(81)=alam
185  ENDIF
187 C...Initialize widths and partial widths for resonances.
188  CALL pyhiinre
190 C...Reset variables for cross-section calculation.
191  DO 150 i=0,200
192  DO 150 j=1,3
193  ngen(i,j)=0
194  150 xsec(i,j)=0.
195  vint(108)=0.
197 C...Find parametrized total cross-sections.
198  IF(mint(43).EQ.4) CALL pyhixtot
200 C...Maxima of differential cross-sections.
201  IF(mstp(121).LE.0) CALL pyhimaxi
203 C...Initialize possibility of overlayed events.
204  IF(mstp(131).NE.0) CALL pyhiovly(1)
206 C...Initialize multiple interactions with variable impact parameter.
207  IF(mint(43).EQ.4.AND.(mint(45).NE.0.OR.mstp(131).NE.0).AND.
208  &mstp(82).GE.2) CALL pyhimult(1)
209 C IF(MSTP(122).GE.1) WRITE(MSTU(11),1600)
211 C...Formats for initialization information.
212  1000 FORMAT(///20x,'The Lund Monte Carlo - PYHITHIA version ',i1,
213  &'.',i1/
214  &20x,'** Last date of change: ',i2,1x,a3,1x,i4,' **'/)
215  1100 FORMAT('1',18('*'),1x,'PYHIINIT: initialization of PYHITHIA ',
216  &'(hijing pythia) routines',1x,17('*'))
217  1200 FORMAT(1x,'Error: process number ',i3,' not meaningful for ',a6,
218  &'-',a6,' interactions.'/1x,'Execution stopped!')
219  1300 FORMAT(1x,'Error: requested subprocess',i4,' not implemented.'/
220  &1x,'Execution stopped!')
221  1400 FORMAT(1x,'Error: requested subprocess',i4,' not existing.'/
222  &1x,'Execution stopped!')
223  1500 FORMAT(1x,'Error: no subprocess switched on.'/
224  &1x,'Execution stopped.')
225  1600 FORMAT(/1x,22('*'),1x,'PYHIINIT: initialization completed',1x,
226  &22('*'))
229  END