49 throw G4HadronicException(__FILE__, __LINE__,
"G4StatMFMacroMultiNucleon::default_constructor meant to not be accessible");
57 throw G4HadronicException(__FILE__, __LINE__,
"G4StatMFMacroMultiNucleon::copy_constructor meant to not be accessible");
65 throw G4HadronicException(__FILE__, __LINE__,
"G4StatMFMacroMultiNucleon::operator= meant to not be accessible");
71 throw G4HadronicException(__FILE__, __LINE__,
"G4StatMFMacroMultiNucleon::operator== meant to not be accessible");
77 throw G4HadronicException(__FILE__, __LINE__,
"G4StatMFMacroMultiNucleon::operator!= meant to not be accessible");
87 G4double lambda3 = ThermalWaveLenght*ThermalWaveLenght*ThermalWaveLenght;
100 if (exponent > 30.0) exponent = 30.0;
135 return _Energy = EVol + ESurf + ECoul + ETrans + ESym;
145 G4double lambda3 = ThermalWaveLenght*ThermalWaveLenght*ThermalWaveLenght;
156 Entropy = _MeanMultiplicity*(SV + SS + ST);