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Go to the documentation of this file. Or view the newest version in sPHENIX GitHub for file TGeoDetectorOptions.hpp
1 // This file is part of the Acts project.
2 //
3 // Copyright (C) 2018 CERN for the benefit of the Acts project
4 //
5 // This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public
6 // License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this
7 // file, You can obtain one at
9 #pragma once
11 #include <boost/program_options.hpp>
12 #include <cstdlib>
13 #include <iostream>
14 #include <utility>
18 #include "Acts/Utilities/Units.hpp"
20 namespace po = boost::program_options;
22 namespace au = Acts::units;
24 namespace FW {
26 namespace Options {
33 template <typename options_t>
34 void addTGeoGeometryOptions(options_t& opt) {
35  opt.add_options()("geo-tgeo-filename",
36  po::value<std::string>()->default_value(""),
37  "Root file name.")(
38  "geo-tgeo-worldvolume", po::value<std::string>()->default_value(""),
39  "Root world volume to start search from.")(
40  "geo-tgeo-unitScalor", po::value<double>()->default_value(10.),
41  "Unit scalor from ROOT to Acts.")(
42  "geo-tgeo-nlayers",
43  po::value<read_series>()->multitoken()->default_value({}),
44  "Number of layers on the negative side.")(
45  "geo-tgeo-clayers",
46  po::value<read_series>()->multitoken()->default_value({}),
47  "Number of layers in the barrel.")(
48  "geo-tgeo-players",
49  po::value<read_series>()->multitoken()->default_value({}),
50  "Number of layers on the positive side.")(
51  "geo-tgeo-nlayernames",
52  po::value<read_strings>()->multitoken()->default_value({}),
53  "Name identifier for negative layer objects, odered along the series.")(
54  "geo-tgeo-clayernames",
55  po::value<read_strings>()->multitoken()->default_value({}),
56  "Name identifier for central layer objects, odered along the series.")(
57  "geo-tgeo-playernames",
58  po::value<read_strings>()->multitoken()->default_value({}),
59  "Name identifier for positive layer objects, odered along the series.")(
60  "geo-tgeo-nmodulenames",
61  po::value<read_strings>()->multitoken()->default_value({}),
62  "Name identifier for negative sensitive objects, odered along the "
63  "series.")("geo-tgeo-cmodulenames",
64  po::value<read_strings>()->multitoken()->default_value({}),
65  "Name identifier for central sensitive objects, odered "
66  "along the series.")(
67  "geo-tgeo-pmodulenames",
68  po::value<read_strings>()->multitoken()->default_value({}),
69  "Name identifier for positive sensitive objects, odered along the "
70  "series.")("geo-tgeo-nmoduleaxes",
71  po::value<read_strings>()->multitoken()->default_value({}),
72  "Axes definition for negative sensitive objects, odered "
73  "along the series.")(
74  "geo-tgeo-cmoduleaxes",
75  po::value<read_strings>()->multitoken()->default_value({}),
76  "Axes definition for central sensitive objects, odered along the "
77  "series.")("geo-tgeo-pmoduleaxes",
78  po::value<read_strings>()->multitoken()->default_value({}),
79  "Axes definition for positive sensitive objects, odered "
80  "along the series.");
81 }
91 template <typename variable_map_t>
92 std::vector<Acts::TGeoLayerBuilder::Config> readTGeoLayerBuilderConfigs(
93  const variable_map_t& vm,
94  std::shared_ptr<const Acts::LayerCreator> layerCreator) {
95  std::vector<Acts::TGeoLayerBuilder::Config> detLayerConfigs;
97  // general stuff
98  read_strings subdetectors =
99  vm["geo-subdetectors"].template as<read_strings>();
100  double unitScalor = vm["geo-tgeo-unitScalor"].template as<double>();
101  // these define a series, such as 1, 3, 4
102  read_series nlayers = vm["geo-tgeo-nlayers"].template as<read_series>();
103  read_series clayers = vm["geo-tgeo-clayers"].template as<read_series>();
104  read_series players = vm["geo-tgeo-players"].template as<read_series>();
105  // these are going continously through the series, such as i in [ 1 + 3 + 4
106  // ]
107  read_strings nlayernames =
108  vm["geo-tgeo-nlayernames"].template as<read_strings>();
109  read_strings clayernames =
110  vm["geo-tgeo-clayernames"].template as<read_strings>();
111  read_strings playernames =
112  vm["geo-tgeo-playernames"].template as<read_strings>();
113  read_strings nsensitivenames =
114  vm["geo-tgeo-nmodulenames"].template as<read_strings>();
115  read_strings csensitivenames =
116  vm["geo-tgeo-cmodulenames"].template as<read_strings>();
117  read_strings psensitivenames =
118  vm["geo-tgeo-pmodulenames"].template as<read_strings>();
119  read_strings nsensitiveaxes =
120  vm["geo-tgeo-nmoduleaxes"].template as<read_strings>();
121  read_strings csensitiveaxes =
122  vm["geo-tgeo-cmoduleaxes"].template as<read_strings>();
123  read_strings psensitiveaxes =
124  vm["geo-tgeo-pmoduleaxes"].template as<read_strings>();
125  // todo consistency checks
127  // total coutners
128  int tin = 0;
129  int tic = 0;
130  int tip = 0;
131  // prepare the TGeoLayerBuilder::Configs
132  for (size_t idet = 0; idet < clayers.size(); ++idet) {
133  Acts::TGeoLayerBuilder::Config layerBuilderConfig;
134  // get the current numbers
135  int cn = nlayers[idet];
136  int cc = clayers[idet];
137  int cp = players[idet];
138  // fill the configs - for negative
139  for (int in = 0; in < cn; ++in, ++tin) {
141  lConfig.layerName = nlayernames[tin];
142  lConfig.sensorName = nsensitivenames[tin];
143  lConfig.localAxes = nsensitiveaxes[tin];
144  layerBuilderConfig.layerConfigurations[0].push_back(lConfig);
145  }
146  // fill the configs - for barrel
147  for (int ic = 0; ic < cc; ++ic, ++tic) {
149  lConfig.layerName = clayernames[tic];
150  lConfig.sensorName = csensitivenames[tic];
151  lConfig.localAxes = csensitiveaxes[tic];
152  layerBuilderConfig.layerConfigurations[1].push_back(lConfig);
153  }
154  // fill the configs - for positive
155  for (int ip = 0; ip < cp; ++ip, ++tip) {
157  lConfig.layerName = playernames[tip];
158  lConfig.sensorName = psensitivenames[tip];
159  lConfig.localAxes = psensitiveaxes[tip];
160  layerBuilderConfig.layerConfigurations[2].push_back(lConfig);
161  }
162  // set the scale and the layer creator
163  layerBuilderConfig.configurationName = subdetectors[idet];
164  layerBuilderConfig.unit = unitScalor;
165  layerBuilderConfig.layerCreator = layerCreator;
166  // now add it to the configs
167  detLayerConfigs.push_back(layerBuilderConfig);
168  }
169  return detLayerConfigs;
170 }
171 } // namespace Options
172 } // namespace FW