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Go to the documentation of this file. Or view the newest version in sPHENIX GitHub for file Sequencer.cpp
1 // This file is part of the Acts project.
2 //
3 // Copyright (C) 2017-2019 CERN for the benefit of the Acts project
4 //
5 // This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public
6 // License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this
7 // file, You can obtain one at
11 #include <TROOT.h>
12 #include <algorithm>
13 #include <chrono>
14 #include <dfe/dfe_io_dsv.hpp>
15 #include <dfe/dfe_namedtuple.hpp>
16 #include <exception>
17 #include <numeric>
18 #include <tbb/tbb.h>
25  : m_cfg(cfg),
26  m_logger(Acts::getDefaultLogger("Sequencer", m_cfg.logLevel)) {
27  // automatically determine the number of concurrent threads to use
28  if (m_cfg.numThreads < 0) {
29  m_cfg.numThreads = tbb::task_scheduler_init::default_num_threads();
30  }
31  ROOT::EnableThreadSafety();
32 }
34 void FW::Sequencer::addService(std::shared_ptr<IService> service) {
35  if (not service) {
36  throw std::invalid_argument("Can not add empty/NULL service");
37  }
38  m_services.push_back(std::move(service));
39  ACTS_INFO("Added service '" << m_services.back()->name() << "'");
40 }
43  std::shared_ptr<IContextDecorator> decorator) {
44  if (not decorator) {
45  throw std::invalid_argument("Can not add empty/NULL context decorator");
46  }
47  m_decorators.push_back(std::move(decorator));
48  ACTS_INFO("Added context decarator '" << m_decorators.back()->name() << "'");
49 }
51 void FW::Sequencer::addReader(std::shared_ptr<IReader> reader) {
52  if (not reader) {
53  throw std::invalid_argument("Can not add empty/NULL reader");
54  }
55  m_readers.push_back(std::move(reader));
56  ACTS_INFO("Added reader '" << m_readers.back()->name() << "'");
57 }
59 void FW::Sequencer::addAlgorithm(std::shared_ptr<IAlgorithm> algorithm) {
60  if (not algorithm) {
61  throw std::invalid_argument("Can not add empty/NULL algorithm");
62  }
63  m_algorithms.push_back(std::move(algorithm));
64  ACTS_INFO("Added algorithm '" << m_algorithms.back()->name() << "'");
65 }
67 void FW::Sequencer::addWriter(std::shared_ptr<IWriter> writer) {
68  if (not writer) {
69  throw std::invalid_argument("Can not add empty/NULL writer");
70  }
71  m_writers.push_back(std::move(writer));
72  ACTS_INFO("Added writer '" << m_writers.back()->name() << "'");
73 }
75 std::vector<std::string> FW::Sequencer::listAlgorithmNames() const {
76  std::vector<std::string> names;
78  // WARNING this must be done in the same order as in the processing
79  for (const auto& service : m_services) {
80  names.push_back("Service:" + service->name());
81  }
82  for (const auto& decorator : m_decorators) {
83  names.push_back("Decorator:" + decorator->name());
84  }
85  for (const auto& reader : m_readers) {
86  names.push_back("Reader:" + reader->name());
87  }
88  for (const auto& algorithm : m_algorithms) {
89  names.push_back("Algorithm:" + algorithm->name());
90  }
91  for (const auto& writer : m_writers) {
92  names.push_back("Writer:" + writer->name());
93  }
95  return names;
96 }
98 namespace {
99 // Saturated addition that does not overflow and exceed SIZE_MAX.
100 //
101 // From
102 size_t saturatedAdd(size_t a, size_t b) {
103  size_t res = a + b;
104  res |= -(res < a);
105  return res;
106 }
107 } // namespace
109 std::pair<std::size_t, std::size_t> FW::Sequencer::determineEventsRange()
110  const {
111  constexpr auto kInvalidEventsRange = std::make_pair(SIZE_MAX, SIZE_MAX);
113  // Note on skipping events:
114  //
115  // Previously, skipping events was only allowed when readers where available,
116  // since only readers had a `.skip()` functionality. The `.skip()` interface
117  // has been removed in favour of telling the readers the event they are
118  // requested to read via the algorithm context.
119  // Skipping can now also be used when no readers are configured, e.g. for
120  // generating only a few specific events in a simulation setup.
122  // determine intersection of event ranges available from readers
123  size_t beg = 0u;
124  size_t end = SIZE_MAX;
125  for (const auto& reader : m_readers) {
126  auto available = reader->availableEvents();
127  beg = std::max(beg, available.first);
128  end = std::min(end, available.second);
129  }
131  // since we use event ranges (and not just num events) they might not overlap
132  if (end < beg) {
133  ACTS_ERROR("Available events ranges from readers do not overlap");
134  return kInvalidEventsRange;
135  }
136  // configured readers without available events makes no sense
137  // TODO could there be a use-case for zero events? run only setup functions?
138  if (beg == end) {
139  ACTS_ERROR("No events available");
140  return kInvalidEventsRange;
141  }
142  // trying to skip too many events must be an error
143  if (end <= saturatedAdd(beg, m_cfg.skip)) {
144  ACTS_ERROR("Less events available than requested to skip");
145  return kInvalidEventsRange;
146  }
147  // events range was not defined by either the readers or user command line.
148  if ((beg == 0u) and (end == SIZE_MAX) and ( == SIZE_MAX)) {
149  ACTS_ERROR("Could not determine number of events");
150  return kInvalidEventsRange;
151  }
153  // take user selection into account
154  auto begSelected = saturatedAdd(beg, m_cfg.skip);
155  auto endRequested = saturatedAdd(begSelected,;
156  auto endSelected = std::min(end, endRequested);
157  if (end < endRequested) {
158  ACTS_INFO("Restrict requested number of events to available ones");
159  }
161  return {begSelected, endSelected};
162 }
164 // helpers for per-algorithm timing information
165 namespace {
166 using Clock = std::chrono::high_resolution_clock;
167 using Duration = Clock::duration;
168 using Timepoint = Clock::time_point;
169 using Seconds = std::chrono::duration<double>;
170 using NanoSeconds = std::chrono::duration<double, std::nano>;
172 // RAII-based stopwatch to time execution within a block
173 struct StopWatch {
174  Timepoint start;
175  Duration& store;
177  StopWatch(Duration& s) : start(Clock::now()), store(s) {}
178  ~StopWatch() { store += Clock::now() - start; }
179 };
181 // Convert duration to a printable string w/ reasonable unit.
182 template <typename D>
183 inline std::string asString(D duration) {
184  double ns = std::chrono::duration_cast<NanoSeconds>(duration).count();
185  if (1e9 < std::abs(ns)) {
186  return std::to_string(ns / 1e9) + " s";
187  } else if (1e6 < std::abs(ns)) {
188  return std::to_string(ns / 1e6) + " ms";
189  } else if (1e3 < std::abs(ns)) {
190  return std::to_string(ns / 1e3) + " us";
191  } else {
192  return std::to_string(ns) + " ns";
193  }
194 }
196 // Convert duration scaled to one event to a printable string.
197 template <typename D>
198 inline std::string perEvent(D duration, size_t numEvents) {
199  return asString(duration / numEvents) + "/event";
200 }
202 // Store timing data
203 struct TimingInfo {
204  std::string identifier;
205  double time_total_s;
206  double time_perevent_s;
208  DFE_NAMEDTUPLE(TimingInfo, identifier, time_total_s, time_perevent_s);
209 };
211 void storeTiming(const std::vector<std::string>& identifiers,
212  const std::vector<Duration>& durations, std::size_t numEvents,
213  std::string path) {
214  dfe::NamedTupleTsvWriter<TimingInfo> writer(std::move(path), 4);
215  for (size_t i = 0; i < identifiers.size(); ++i) {
216  TimingInfo info;
217  info.identifier = identifiers[i];
218  info.time_total_s =
219  std::chrono::duration_cast<Seconds>(durations[i]).count();
220  info.time_perevent_s = info.time_total_s / numEvents;
221  writer.append(info);
222  }
223 }
224 } // namespace
227  // measure overall wall clock
228  Timepoint clockWallStart = Clock::now();
229  // per-algorithm time measures
230  std::vector<std::string> names = listAlgorithmNames();
231  std::vector<Duration> clocksAlgorithms(names.size(), Duration::zero());
232  tbb::queuing_mutex clocksAlgorithmsMutex;
234  // processing only works w/ a well-known number of events
235  // error message is already handled by the helper function
236  std::pair<size_t, size_t> eventsRange = determineEventsRange();
237  if ((eventsRange.first == SIZE_MAX) and (eventsRange.second == SIZE_MAX)) {
238  return EXIT_FAILURE;
239  }
241  ACTS_INFO("Processing events [" << eventsRange.first << ", "
242  << eventsRange.second << ")");
243  ACTS_INFO("Starting event loop with " << m_cfg.numThreads << " threads");
244  ACTS_INFO(" " << m_services.size() << " services");
245  ACTS_INFO(" " << m_decorators.size() << " context decorators");
246  ACTS_INFO(" " << m_readers.size() << " readers");
247  ACTS_INFO(" " << m_algorithms.size() << " algorithms");
248  ACTS_INFO(" " << m_writers.size() << " writers");
250  // run start-of-run hooks
251  for (auto& service : m_services) {
252  names.push_back("Service:" + service->name() + ":startRun");
253  clocksAlgorithms.push_back(Duration::zero());
254  StopWatch sw(clocksAlgorithms.back());
255  service->startRun();
256  }
258  // execute the parallel event loop
259  tbb::task_scheduler_init init(m_cfg.numThreads);
260  tbb::parallel_for(
261  tbb::blocked_range<size_t>(eventsRange.first, eventsRange.second),
262  [&](const tbb::blocked_range<size_t>& r) {
263  std::vector<Duration> localClocksAlgorithms(names.size(),
264  Duration::zero());
266  for (size_t event = r.begin(); event != r.end(); ++event) {
267  // Use per-event store
269  "EventStore#" + std::to_string(event), m_cfg.logLevel));
270  // If we ever wanted to run algorithms in parallel, this needs to be
271  // changed to Algorithm context copies
272  AlgorithmContext context(0, event, eventStore);
273  size_t ialgo = 0;
275  // Prepare event store w/ service information
276  for (auto& service : m_services) {
277  StopWatch sw(localClocksAlgorithms[ialgo++]);
278  service->prepare(++context);
279  }
281  for (auto& cdr : m_decorators) {
282  StopWatch sw(localClocksAlgorithms[ialgo++]);
283  if (cdr->decorate(++context) != ProcessCode::SUCCESS) {
284  throw std::runtime_error("Failed to decorate event context");
285  }
286  }
287  // Read everything in
288  for (auto& rdr : m_readers) {
289  StopWatch sw(localClocksAlgorithms[ialgo++]);
290  if (rdr->read(++context) != ProcessCode::SUCCESS) {
291  throw std::runtime_error("Failed to read input data");
292  }
293  }
294  // Execute all algorithms
295  for (auto& alg : m_algorithms) {
296  StopWatch sw(localClocksAlgorithms[ialgo++]);
297  if (alg->execute(++context) != ProcessCode::SUCCESS) {
298  throw std::runtime_error("Failed to process event data");
299  }
300  }
301  // Write out results
302  for (auto& wrt : m_writers) {
303  StopWatch sw(localClocksAlgorithms[ialgo++]);
304  if (wrt->write(++context) != ProcessCode::SUCCESS) {
305  throw std::runtime_error("Failed to write output data");
306  }
307  }
308  ACTS_INFO("finished event " << event);
309  }
311  // add timing info to global information
312  {
313  tbb::queuing_mutex::scoped_lock lock(clocksAlgorithmsMutex);
314  for (size_t i = 0; i < clocksAlgorithms.size(); ++i) {
315  clocksAlgorithms[i] += localClocksAlgorithms[i];
316  }
317  }
318  });
320  // run end-of-run hooks
321  for (auto& wrt : m_writers) {
322  names.push_back("Writer:" + wrt->name() + ":endRun");
323  clocksAlgorithms.push_back(Duration::zero());
324  StopWatch sw(clocksAlgorithms.back());
325  if (wrt->endRun() != ProcessCode::SUCCESS) {
326  return EXIT_FAILURE;
327  }
328  }
330  // summarize timing
331  Duration totalWall = Clock::now() - clockWallStart;
332  Duration totalReal = std::accumulate(
333  clocksAlgorithms.begin(), clocksAlgorithms.end(), Duration::zero());
334  size_t numEvents = eventsRange.second - eventsRange.first;
335  ACTS_INFO("Processed " << numEvents << " events in " << asString(totalWall)
336  << " (wall clock)");
337  ACTS_INFO("Average time per event: " << perEvent(totalReal, numEvents));
338  ACTS_DEBUG("Average time per algorithm:");
339  for (size_t i = 0; i < names.size(); ++i) {
340  ACTS_DEBUG(" " << names[i] << ": "
341  << perEvent(clocksAlgorithms[i], numEvents));
342  }
343  storeTiming(names, clocksAlgorithms, numEvents,
344  joinPaths(m_cfg.outputDir, "timing.tsv"));
346  return EXIT_SUCCESS;
347 }