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Go to the documentation of this file. Or view the newest version in sPHENIX GitHub for file PropagationTestHelper.hpp
1 // This file is part of the Acts project.
2 //
3 // Copyright (C) 2017-2019 CERN for the benefit of the Acts project
4 //
5 // This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public
6 // License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this
7 // file, You can obtain one at
9 #pragma once
11 #include <limits>
20 namespace tt = boost::test_tools;
22 namespace Acts {
23 namespace IntegrationTest {
27 // Create a test context
38 std::shared_ptr<Transform3D> createPlanarTransform(const Vector3D& nposition,
39  const Vector3D& nnormal,
40  double angleT,
41  double angleU) {
42  // the rotation of the destination surface
43  Vector3D T = nnormal.normalized();
44  Vector3D U = std::abs( < 0.99
45  ? Vector3D::UnitZ().cross(T).normalized()
46  : Vector3D::UnitX().cross(T).normalized();
47  Vector3D V = T.cross(U);
48  // that's the plane curvilinear Rotation
49  RotationMatrix3D curvilinearRotation;
50  curvilinearRotation.col(0) = U;
51  curvilinearRotation.col(1) = V;
52  curvilinearRotation.col(2) = T;
53  // curvilinear surfaces are boundless
54  Transform3D ctransform{curvilinearRotation};
55  ctransform.pretranslate(nposition);
56  ctransform.prerotate(AngleAxis3D(angleT, T));
57  ctransform.prerotate(AngleAxis3D(angleU, U));
58  //
59  return std::make_shared<Transform3D>(ctransform);
60 }
69 std::shared_ptr<Transform3D> createCylindricTransform(const Vector3D& nposition,
70  double angleX,
71  double angleY) {
72  Transform3D ctransform;
73  ctransform.setIdentity();
74  ctransform.pretranslate(nposition);
75  ctransform.prerotate(AngleAxis3D(angleX, Vector3D::UnitX()));
76  ctransform.prerotate(AngleAxis3D(angleY, Vector3D::UnitY()));
77  return std::make_shared<Transform3D>(ctransform);
78 }
80 template <typename Propagator_type>
81 Vector3D constant_field_propagation(const Propagator_type& propagator,
82  double pT, double phi, double theta,
83  double charge, double time, double Bz,
84  double disttol = 0.1 *
86  bool debug = false) {
87  using namespace Acts::UnitLiterals;
88  namespace VH = VectorHelpers;
90  // setup propagation options
92  options.pathLimit = 5_m;
93  options.maxStepSize = 1_cm;
94  options.debug = debug;
96  // define start parameters
97  double x = 0;
98  double y = 0;
99  double z = 0;
100  double px = pT * cos(phi);
101  double py = pT * sin(phi);
102  double pz = pT / tan(theta);
103  double q = charge;
104  Vector3D pos(x, y, z);
105  Vector3D mom(px, py, pz);
106  CurvilinearParameters pars(std::nullopt, pos, mom, q, time);
108  // do propagation
109  const auto& tp = propagator.propagate(pars, options).value().endParameters;
111  // test propagation invariants
112  // clang-format off
113  CHECK_CLOSE_ABS(pT, VH::perp(tp->momentum()), 1_keV);
114  CHECK_CLOSE_ABS(pz, tp->momentum()(2), 1_keV);
115  CHECK_CLOSE_ABS(theta, VH::theta(tp->momentum()), 1e-4);
116  // clang-format on
118  double r = (q * Bz != 0.) ? std::abs(pT / (q * Bz))
121  // calculate number of turns of helix
122  double turns = options.pathLimit / (2 * M_PI * r) * sin(theta);
123  // respect direction of curl
124  turns = (q * Bz < 0) ? turns : -turns;
126  // calculate expected final momentum direction in phi in [-pi,pi]
127  double exp_phi = std::fmod(phi + turns * 2 * M_PI, 2 * M_PI);
128  if (exp_phi < -M_PI) {
129  exp_phi += 2 * M_PI;
130  }
131  if (exp_phi > M_PI) {
132  exp_phi -= 2 * M_PI;
133  }
135  // calculate expected position
136  double exp_z = z + pz / pT * 2 * M_PI * r * std::abs(turns);
138  // calculate center of bending circle in transverse plane
139  double xc, yc;
140  // offset with respect to starting point
141  double dx = r * cos(M_PI / 2 - phi);
142  double dy = r * sin(M_PI / 2 - phi);
143  if (q * Bz < 0) {
144  xc = x - dx;
145  yc = y + dy;
146  } else {
147  xc = x + dx;
148  yc = y - dy;
149  }
150  // phi position of starting point in bending circle
151  double phi0 = std::atan2(y - yc, x - xc);
153  // calculated expected position in transverse plane
154  double exp_x = xc + r * cos(phi0 + turns * 2 * M_PI);
155  double exp_y = yc + r * sin(phi0 + turns * 2 * M_PI);
157  // clang-format off
158  CHECK_CLOSE_ABS(exp_phi, VH::phi(tp->momentum()), 1e-4);
159  CHECK_CLOSE_ABS(exp_x, tp->position()(0), disttol);
160  CHECK_CLOSE_ABS(exp_y, tp->position()(1), disttol);
161  CHECK_CLOSE_ABS(exp_z, tp->position()(2), disttol);
162  // clang-format on
163  return tp->position();
164 }
166 template <typename Propagator_type>
167 void foward_backward(const Propagator_type& propagator, double pT, double phi,
168  double theta, double charge, double plimit,
169  double disttol = 1 * Acts::UnitConstants::um,
170  double momtol = 10 * Acts::UnitConstants::keV,
171  bool debug = false) {
172  using namespace Acts::UnitLiterals;
174  // setup propagation options
175  // Action list and abort list
180  fwdOptions.pathLimit = plimit;
181  fwdOptions.maxStepSize = 1_cm;
182  fwdOptions.debug = debug;
185  bwdOptions.direction = backward;
186  bwdOptions.pathLimit = -plimit;
187  bwdOptions.maxStepSize = 1_cm;
188  bwdOptions.debug = debug;
190  // define start parameters
191  double x = 0;
192  double y = 0;
193  double z = 0;
194  double px = pT * cos(phi);
195  double py = pT * sin(phi);
196  double pz = pT / tan(theta);
197  double q = charge;
198  double time = 0.;
199  Vector3D pos(x, y, z);
200  Vector3D mom(px, py, pz);
201  CurvilinearParameters start(std::nullopt, pos, mom, q, time);
203  // do forward-backward propagation
204  const auto& fwdResult = propagator.propagate(start, fwdOptions).value();
205  const auto& bwdResult =
206  propagator.propagate(*fwdResult.endParameters, bwdOptions).value();
208  const Vector3D& bwdPosition = bwdResult.endParameters->position();
209  const Vector3D& bwdMomentum = bwdResult.endParameters->momentum();
211  // test propagation invariants
212  // clang-format off
213  CHECK_CLOSE_ABS(x, bwdPosition(0), disttol);
214  CHECK_CLOSE_ABS(y, bwdPosition(1), disttol);
215  CHECK_CLOSE_ABS(z, bwdPosition(2), disttol);
216  CHECK_CLOSE_ABS(px, bwdMomentum(0), momtol);
217  CHECK_CLOSE_ABS(py, bwdMomentum(1), momtol);
218  CHECK_CLOSE_ABS(pz, bwdMomentum(2), momtol);
219  // clang-format on
221  if (debug) {
222  auto fwdOutput = fwdResult.template get<DebugOutput::result_type>();
223  std::cout << ">>>>> Output for forward propagation " << std::endl;
224  std::cout << fwdOutput.debugString << std::endl;
225  std::cout << " - resulted at position : "
226  << fwdResult.endParameters->position() << std::endl;
228  auto bwdOutput = bwdResult.template get<DebugOutput::result_type>();
229  std::cout << ">>>>> Output for backward propagation " << std::endl;
230  std::cout << bwdOutput.debugString << std::endl;
231  std::cout << " - resulted at position : "
232  << bwdResult.endParameters->position() << std::endl;
233  }
234 }
236 // test propagation to cylinder
237 template <typename Propagator_type>
238 std::pair<Vector3D, double> to_cylinder(
239  const Propagator_type& propagator, double pT, double phi, double theta,
240  double charge, double plimit, double rand1, double rand2, double /*rand3*/,
241  bool covtransport = false, bool debug = false) {
242  using namespace Acts::UnitLiterals;
244  // setup propagation options
246  // setup propagation options
247  options.maxStepSize = plimit * 0.1;
248  options.pathLimit = plimit;
249  options.debug = debug;
251  // define start parameters
252  double x = 0;
253  double y = 0;
254  double z = 0;
255  double px = pT * cos(phi);
256  double py = pT * sin(phi);
257  double pz = pT / tan(theta);
258  double q = charge;
259  double time = 0.;
260  Vector3D pos(x, y, z);
261  Vector3D mom(px, py, pz);
263  std::optional<Covariance> covOpt = std::nullopt;
264  if (covtransport) {
265  Covariance cov;
266  // take some major correlations (off-diagonals)
267  // clang-format off
268  cov <<
269  10_mm, 0, 0.123, 0, 0.5, 0,
270  0, 10_mm, 0, 0.162, 0, 0,
271  0.123, 0, 0.1, 0, 0, 0,
272  0, 0.162, 0, 0.1, 0, 0,
273  0.5, 0, 0, 0, 1_e / 10_GeV, 0,
274  0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 1_us;
275  // clang-format on
276  covOpt = cov;
277  }
279  // The transform at the destination
280  auto seTransform = createCylindricTransform(Vector3D(0., 0., 0.),
281  0.04 * rand1, 0.04 * rand2);
282  auto endSurface = Surface::makeShared<CylinderSurface>(
283  seTransform, plimit, std::numeric_limits<double>::max());
285  // Increase the path limit - to be safe hitting the surface
286  options.pathLimit *= 2;
288  if (q == 0.) {
289  auto start = new NeutralCurvilinearParameters(covOpt, pos, mom, time);
291  const auto result =
292  propagator.propagate(*start, *endSurface, options).value();
293  const auto& tp = result.endParameters;
294  // check for null pointer
295  BOOST_CHECK(tp != nullptr);
296  // The position and path length
297  return std::pair<Vector3D, double>(tp->position(), result.pathLength);
298  } else {
299  auto start = new CurvilinearParameters(covOpt, pos, mom, q, time);
301  const auto result =
302  propagator.propagate(*start, *endSurface, options).value();
303  const auto& tp = result.endParameters;
304  // check for null pointer
305  BOOST_CHECK(tp != nullptr);
306  // The position and path length
307  return std::pair<Vector3D, double>(tp->position(), result.pathLength);
308  }
309 }
311 // test propagation to most surfaces
312 template <typename Propagator_type, typename SurfaceType>
313 std::pair<Vector3D, double> to_surface(
314  const Propagator_type& propagator, double pT, double phi, double theta,
315  double charge, double plimit, double rand1, double rand2, double rand3,
316  bool planar = true, bool covtransport = false, bool debug = false) {
317  using namespace Acts::UnitLiterals;
320  // setup propagation options
322  // setup propagation options
323  options.maxStepSize = plimit;
324  options.pathLimit = plimit;
325  options.debug = debug;
327  // define start parameters
328  double x = 0;
329  double y = 0;
330  double z = 0;
331  double px = pT * cos(phi);
332  double py = pT * sin(phi);
333  double pz = pT / tan(theta);
334  double q = charge;
335  double time = 0.;
336  Vector3D pos(x, y, z);
337  Vector3D mom(px, py, pz);
339  std::optional<Covariance> covOpt = std::nullopt;
340  if (covtransport) {
341  Covariance cov;
342  // take some major correlations (off-diagonals)
343  // clang-format off
344  cov <<
345  10_mm, 0, 0.123, 0, 0.5, 0,
346  0, 10_mm, 0, 0.162, 0, 0,
347  0.123, 0, 0.1, 0, 0, 0,
348  0, 0.162, 0, 0.1, 0, 0,
349  0.5, 0, 0, 0, 1_e / 10_GeV, 0,
350  0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 1_us;
351  // clang-format on
352  covOpt = cov;
353  }
354  // Create curvilinear start parameters
355  if (q == 0.) {
356  auto start = new NeutralCurvilinearParameters(covOpt, pos, mom, time);
357  const auto result_s = propagator.propagate(*start, options).value();
358  const auto& tp_s = result_s.endParameters;
359  // The transform at the destination
360  auto seTransform =
361  planar ? createPlanarTransform(tp_s->position(),
362  tp_s->momentum().normalized(),
363  0.1 * rand3, 0.1 * rand1)
364  : createCylindricTransform(tp_s->position(), 0.04 * rand1,
365  0.04 * rand2);
367  auto endSurface = Surface::makeShared<SurfaceType>(seTransform, nullptr);
368  // Increase the path limit - to be safe hitting the surface
369  options.pathLimit *= 2;
371  if (debug) {
372  std::cout << ">>> Path limit for this propgation is set to: "
373  << options.pathLimit << std::endl;
374  }
376  auto result = propagator.propagate(*start, *endSurface, options);
377  const auto& propRes = *result;
378  const auto& tp = propRes.endParameters;
379  // check the result for nullptr
380  BOOST_CHECK(tp != nullptr);
382  // screen output in case you are running in debug mode
383  if (debug) {
384  const auto& debugOutput =
385  propRes.template get<DebugOutput::result_type>();
386  std::cout << ">>> Debug output of this propagation " << std::endl;
387  std::cout << debugOutput.debugString << std::endl;
388  std::cout << ">>> Propagation status is : ";
389  if (result.ok()) {
390  std::cout << "success";
391  } else {
392  std::cout << result.error();
393  }
394  std::cout << std::endl;
395  }
397  // The position and path length
398  return std::pair<Vector3D, double>(tp->position(), propRes.pathLength);
399  } else {
400  auto start = new CurvilinearParameters(covOpt, pos, mom, q, time);
401  const auto result_s = propagator.propagate(*start, options).value();
402  const auto& tp_s = result_s.endParameters;
403  // The transform at the destination
404  auto seTransform =
405  planar ? createPlanarTransform(tp_s->position(),
406  tp_s->momentum().normalized(),
407  0.1 * rand3, 0.1 * rand1)
408  : createCylindricTransform(tp_s->position(), 0.04 * rand1,
409  0.04 * rand2);
411  auto endSurface = Surface::makeShared<SurfaceType>(seTransform, nullptr);
412  // Increase the path limit - to be safe hitting the surface
413  options.pathLimit *= 2;
415  if (debug) {
416  std::cout << ">>> Path limit for this propgation is set to: "
417  << options.pathLimit << std::endl;
418  }
420  auto result = propagator.propagate(*start, *endSurface, options);
421  const auto& propRes = *result;
422  const auto& tp = propRes.endParameters;
423  // check the result for nullptr
424  BOOST_CHECK(tp != nullptr);
426  // screen output in case you are running in debug mode
427  if (debug) {
428  const auto& debugOutput =
429  propRes.template get<DebugOutput::result_type>();
430  std::cout << ">>> Debug output of this propagation " << std::endl;
431  std::cout << debugOutput.debugString << std::endl;
432  std::cout << ">>> Propagation status is : ";
433  if (result.ok()) {
434  std::cout << "success";
435  } else {
436  std::cout << result.error();
437  }
438  std::cout << std::endl;
439  }
440  // The position and path length
441  return std::pair<Vector3D, double>(tp->position(), propRes.pathLength);
442  }
443 }
445 template <typename Propagator_type>
446 Covariance covariance_curvilinear(const Propagator_type& propagator, double pT,
447  double phi, double theta, double charge,
448  double plimit, bool debug = false) {
449  using namespace Acts::UnitLiterals;
451  // setup propagation options
453  options.maxStepSize = plimit;
454  options.pathLimit = 0.1 * plimit;
455  options.debug = debug;
456  options.tolerance = 1e-9;
458  // define start parameters
459  double x = 1.;
460  double y = 0.;
461  double z = 0.;
462  double px = pT * cos(phi);
463  double py = pT * sin(phi);
464  double pz = pT / tan(theta);
465  double q = charge;
466  double time = 0.;
467  Vector3D pos(x, y, z);
468  Vector3D mom(px, py, pz);
470  Covariance cov;
471  // take some major correlations (off-diagonals)
472  // clang-format off
473  cov <<
474  10_mm, 0, 0.123, 0, 0.5, 0,
475  0, 10_mm, 0, 0.162, 0, 0,
476  0.123, 0, 0.1, 0, 0, 0,
477  0, 0.162, 0, 0.1, 0, 0,
478  0.5, 0, 0, 0, 1_e / 10_GeV, 0,
479  0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 1_us;
480  // clang-format on
482  // do propagation of the start parameters
483  CurvilinearParameters start(cov, pos, mom, q, time);
485  const auto result = propagator.propagate(start, options).value();
486  const auto& tp = result.endParameters;
488  return *(tp->covariance());
489 }
491 template <typename Propagator_type, typename StartSurfaceType,
492  typename DestSurfaceType>
493 Covariance covariance_bound(const Propagator_type& propagator, double pT,
494  double phi, double theta, double charge,
495  double plimit, double rand1, double rand2,
496  double rand3, bool startPlanar = true,
497  bool destPlanar = true, bool debug = false) {
498  using namespace Acts::UnitLiterals;
500  // setup propagation options
502  options.maxStepSize = 0.1 * plimit;
503  options.pathLimit = plimit;
504  options.debug = debug;
506  // define start parameters
507  double x = 1.;
508  double y = 0.;
509  double z = 0.;
510  double px = pT * cos(phi);
511  double py = pT * sin(phi);
512  double pz = pT / tan(theta);
513  double q = charge;
514  double time = 0.;
515  Vector3D pos(x, y, z);
516  Vector3D mom(px, py, pz);
517  Covariance cov;
519  // take some major correlations (off-diagonals)
520  // clang-format off
521  cov <<
522  10_mm, 0, 0.123, 0, 0.5, 0,
523  0, 10_mm, 0, 0.162, 0, 0,
524  0.123, 0, 0.1, 0, 0, 0,
525  0, 0.162, 0, 0.1, 0, 0,
526  0.5, 0, 0, 0, 1_e / 10_GeV, 0,
527  0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 1_us;
528  // clang-format on
530  // create curvilinear start parameters
531  CurvilinearParameters start_c(std::nullopt, pos, mom, q, time);
532  const auto result_c = propagator.propagate(start_c, options).value();
533  const auto& tp_c = result_c.endParameters;
535  auto ssTransform =
536  startPlanar ? createPlanarTransform(pos, mom.normalized(), 0.05 * rand1,
537  0.05 * rand2)
538  : createCylindricTransform(pos, 0.01 * rand1, 0.01 * rand2);
539  auto seTransform = destPlanar
540  ? createPlanarTransform(tp_c->position(),
541  tp_c->momentum().normalized(),
542  0.05 * rand3, 0.05 * rand1)
543  : createCylindricTransform(tp_c->position(),
544  0.01 * rand1, 0.01 * rand2);
546  auto startSurface =
547  Surface::makeShared<StartSurfaceType>(ssTransform, nullptr);
548  BoundParameters start(tgContext, cov, pos, mom, q, time, startSurface);
550  // increase the path limit - to be safe hitting the surface
551  options.pathLimit *= 2;
553  auto endSurface = Surface::makeShared<DestSurfaceType>(seTransform, nullptr);
554  const auto result = propagator.propagate(start, *endSurface, options).value();
555  const auto& tp = result.endParameters;
557  // get obtained covariance matrix
558  return *(tp->covariance());
559 }
560 } // namespace IntegrationTest
561 } // namespace Acts