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28 //
29 // G4 Physics class: G4ChipsPionMinusElasticXS for pA elastic cross sections
30 // Created: M.V. Kossov, CERN/ITEP(Moscow), 21-Jan-10
31 // The last update: M.V. Kossov, CERN/ITEP (Moscow) 21-Jan-10
32 //
33 // -------------------------------------------------------------------------------
34 // Short description: Interaction cross-sections for the elastic process.
35 // Class extracted from CHIPS and integrated in Geant4 by W.Pokorski
36 // -------------------------------------------------------------------------------
37 //
40 #include "G4SystemOfUnits.hh"
41 #include "G4DynamicParticle.hh"
42 #include "G4ParticleDefinition.hh"
43 #include "G4PionMinus.hh"
44 #include "G4Nucleus.hh"
45 #include "G4ParticleTable.hh"
46 #include "G4NucleiProperties.hh"
47 #include "G4IonTable.hh"
49 #include "G4Log.hh"
50 #include "G4Exp.hh"
51 #include "G4Pow.hh"
53 // factory
54 #include "G4CrossSectionFactory.hh"
55 //
58 G4ChipsPionMinusElasticXS::G4ChipsPionMinusElasticXS():G4VCrossSectionDataSet(Default_Name()), nPoints(128), nLast(nPoints-1)
59 {
60  lPMin=-8.; //Min tabulated logarithmMomentum(D)
61  lPMax= 8.; //Max tabulated logarithmMomentum(D)
62  dlnP=(lPMax-lPMin)/nLast;//LogStep inTheTable(D)
63  onlyCS=true;//Flag toCalcul OnlyCS(not Si/Bi)(L)
64  lastSIG=0.; //Last calculated cross section (L)
65  lastLP=-10.;//Last log(mom_of IncidentHadron)(L)
66  lastTM=0.; //Last t_maximum (L)
67  theSS=0.; //TheLastSqSlope of 1st difr.Max(L)
68  theS1=0.; //TheLastMantissa of 1st difr.Max(L)
69  theB1=0.; //TheLastSlope of 1st difruct.Max(L)
70  theS2=0.; //TheLastMantissa of 2nd difr.Max(L)
71  theB2=0.; //TheLastSlope of 2nd difruct.Max(L)
72  theS3=0.; //TheLastMantissa of 3d difr. Max(L)
73  theB3=0.; //TheLastSlope of 3d difruct. Max(L)
74  theS4=0.; //TheLastMantissa of 4th difr.Max(L)
75  theB4=0.; //TheLastSlope of 4th difruct.Max(L)
76  lastTZ=0; // Last atomic number of the target
77  lastTN=0; // Last # of neutrons in the target
78  lastPIN=0.; // Last initialized max momentum
79  lastCST=0; // Elastic cross-section table
80  lastPAR=0; // Parameters ForFunctionCalculation
81  lastSST=0; // E-dep of SqardSlope of 1st difMax
82  lastS1T=0; // E-dep of mantissa of 1st dif.Max
83  lastB1T=0; // E-dep of the slope of 1st difMax
84  lastS2T=0; // E-dep of mantissa of 2nd difrMax
85  lastB2T=0; // E-dep of the slope of 2nd difMax
86  lastS3T=0; // E-dep of mantissa of 3d difr.Max
87  lastB3T=0; // E-dep of the slope of 3d difrMax
88  lastS4T=0; // E-dep of mantissa of 4th difrMax
89  lastB4T=0; // E-dep of the slope of 4th difMax
90  lastN=0; // The last N of calculated nucleus
91  lastZ=0; // The last Z of calculated nucleus
92  lastP=0.; // LastUsed in CrossSection Momentum
93  lastTH=0.; // Last threshold momentum
94  lastCS=0.; // Last value of the Cross Section
95  lastI=0; // The last position in the DAMDB
96 }
99 {
100  std::vector<G4double*>::iterator pos;
101  for (pos=CST.begin(); pos<CST.end(); pos++)
102  { delete [] *pos; }
103  CST.clear();
104  for (pos=PAR.begin(); pos<PAR.end(); pos++)
105  { delete [] *pos; }
106  PAR.clear();
107  for (pos=SST.begin(); pos<SST.end(); pos++)
108  { delete [] *pos; }
109  SST.clear();
110  for (pos=S1T.begin(); pos<S1T.end(); pos++)
111  { delete [] *pos; }
112  S1T.clear();
113  for (pos=B1T.begin(); pos<B1T.end(); pos++)
114  { delete [] *pos; }
115  B1T.clear();
116  for (pos=S2T.begin(); pos<S2T.end(); pos++)
117  { delete [] *pos; }
118  S2T.clear();
119  for (pos=B2T.begin(); pos<B2T.end(); pos++)
120  { delete [] *pos; }
121  B2T.clear();
122  for (pos=S3T.begin(); pos<S3T.end(); pos++)
123  { delete [] *pos; }
124  S3T.clear();
125  for (pos=B3T.begin(); pos<B3T.end(); pos++)
126  { delete [] *pos; }
127  B3T.clear();
128  for (pos=S4T.begin(); pos<S4T.end(); pos++)
129  { delete [] *pos; }
130  S4T.clear();
131  for (pos=B4T.begin(); pos<B4T.end(); pos++)
132  { delete [] *pos; }
133  B4T.clear();
134 }
136 void
138 {
139  outFile << "G4ChipsPionMinusElasticXS provides the elastic cross\n"
140  << "section for pion- nucleus scattering as a function of incident\n"
141  << "momentum. The cross section is calculated using M. Kossov's\n"
142  << "CHIPS parameterization of cross section data.\n";
143 }
147  const G4Element*,
148  const G4Material*)
149 {
150  return true;
151 }
153 // The main member function giving the collision cross section (P is in IU, CS is in mb)
154 // Make pMom in independent units ! (Now it is MeV)
156  const G4Isotope*,
157  const G4Element*,
158  const G4Material*)
159 {
160  G4double pMom=Pt->GetTotalMomentum();
161  G4int tgN = A - tgZ;
163  return GetChipsCrossSection(pMom, tgZ, tgN, -212);
164 }
167 {
169  G4double pEn=pMom;
170  G4bool fCS = false;
171  onlyCS=fCS;
173  G4bool in=false; // By default the isotope must be found in the AMDB
174  lastP = 0.; // New momentum history (nothing to compare with)
175  lastN = tgN; // The last N of the calculated nucleus
176  lastZ = tgZ; // The last Z of the calculated nucleus
177  lastI = colN.size(); // Size of the Associative Memory DB in the heap
178  if(lastI) for(G4int i=0; i<lastI; i++) // Loop over proj/tgZ/tgN lines of DB
179  { // The nucleus with projPDG is found in AMDB
180  if(colN[i]==tgN && colZ[i]==tgZ) // Isotope is foind in AMDB
181  {
182  lastI=i;
183  lastTH =colTH[i]; // Last THreshold (A-dependent)
184  if(pEn<=lastTH)
185  {
186  return 0.; // Energy is below the Threshold value
187  }
188  lastP =colP [i]; // Last Momentum (A-dependent)
189  lastCS =colCS[i]; // Last CrossSect (A-dependent)
190  // if(std::fabs(lastP/pMom-1.)<tolerance) //VI (do not use tolerance)
191  if(lastP == pMom) // Do not recalculate
192  {
193  CalculateCrossSection(fCS,-1,i,-211,lastZ,lastN,pMom); // Update param's only
194  return lastCS*millibarn; // Use theLastCS
195  }
196  in = true; // This is the case when the isotop is found in DB
197  // Momentum pMom is in IU ! @@ Units
198  lastCS=CalculateCrossSection(fCS,-1,i,-211,lastZ,lastN,pMom); // read & update
199  if(lastCS<=0. && pEn>lastTH) // Correct the threshold
200  {
201  lastTH=pEn;
202  }
203  break; // Go out of the LOOP with found lastI
204  }
205  } // End of attampt to find the nucleus in DB
206  if(!in) // This nucleus has not been calculated previously
207  {
209  lastCS=CalculateCrossSection(fCS,0,lastI,-211,lastZ,lastN,pMom);//calculate&create
210  if(lastCS<=0.)
211  {
212  lastTH = 0; //ThresholdEnergy(tgZ, tgN); // The Threshold Energy which is now the last
213  if(pEn>lastTH)
214  {
215  lastTH=pEn;
216  }
217  }
218  colN.push_back(tgN);
219  colZ.push_back(tgZ);
220  colP.push_back(pMom);
221  colTH.push_back(lastTH);
222  colCS.push_back(lastCS);
223  return lastCS*millibarn;
224  } // End of creation of the new set of parameters
225  else
226  {
227  colP[lastI]=pMom;
228  colCS[lastI]=lastCS;
229  }
230  return lastCS*millibarn;
231 }
233 // Calculation of total elastic cross section (p in IU, CS in mb) @@ Units (?)
234 // F=0 - create AMDB, F=-1 - read&update AMDB, F=1 - update AMDB (sinchro with higher AMDB)
236  G4int PDG, G4int tgZ, G4int tgN, G4double pIU)
237 {
238  G4double pMom=pIU/GeV; // All calculations are in GeV
239  onlyCS=CS; // Flag to calculate only CS (not Si/Bi)
240  lastLP=G4Log(pMom); // Make a logarithm of the momentum for calculation
241  if(F) // This isotope was found in AMDB =>RETRIEVE/UPDATE
242  {
243  if(F<0) // the AMDB must be loded
244  {
245  lastPIN = PIN[I]; // Max log(P) initialised for this table set
246  lastPAR = PAR[I]; // Pointer to the parameter set
247  lastCST = CST[I]; // Pointer to the total sross-section table
248  lastSST = SST[I]; // Pointer to the first squared slope
249  lastS1T = S1T[I]; // Pointer to the first mantissa
250  lastB1T = B1T[I]; // Pointer to the first slope
251  lastS2T = S2T[I]; // Pointer to the second mantissa
252  lastB2T = B2T[I]; // Pointer to the second slope
253  lastS3T = S3T[I]; // Pointer to the third mantissa
254  lastB3T = B3T[I]; // Pointer to the rhird slope
255  lastS4T = S4T[I]; // Pointer to the 4-th mantissa
256  lastB4T = B4T[I]; // Pointer to the 4-th slope
257  }
258  if(lastLP>lastPIN && lastLP<lPMax)
259  {
260  lastPIN=GetPTables(lastLP,lastPIN,PDG,tgZ,tgN);// Can update upper logP-Limit in tabs
261  PIN[I]=lastPIN; // Remember the new P-Limit of the tables
262  }
263  }
264  else // This isotope wasn't initialized => CREATE
265  {
266  lastPAR = new G4double[nPoints]; // Allocate memory for parameters of CS function
267  lastPAR[nLast]=0; // Initialization for VALGRIND
268  lastCST = new G4double[nPoints]; // Allocate memory for Tabulated CS function
269  lastSST = new G4double[nPoints]; // Allocate memory for Tabulated first sqaredSlope
270  lastS1T = new G4double[nPoints]; // Allocate memory for Tabulated first mantissa
271  lastB1T = new G4double[nPoints]; // Allocate memory for Tabulated first slope
272  lastS2T = new G4double[nPoints]; // Allocate memory for Tabulated second mantissa
273  lastB2T = new G4double[nPoints]; // Allocate memory for Tabulated second slope
274  lastS3T = new G4double[nPoints]; // Allocate memory for Tabulated third mantissa
275  lastB3T = new G4double[nPoints]; // Allocate memory for Tabulated third slope
276  lastS4T = new G4double[nPoints]; // Allocate memory for Tabulated 4-th mantissa
277  lastB4T = new G4double[nPoints]; // Allocate memory for Tabulated 4-th slope
278  lastPIN = GetPTables(lastLP,lPMin,PDG,tgZ,tgN); // Returns the new P-limit for tables
279  PIN.push_back(lastPIN); // Fill parameters of CS function to AMDB
280  PAR.push_back(lastPAR); // Fill parameters of CS function to AMDB
281  CST.push_back(lastCST); // Fill Tabulated CS function to AMDB
282  SST.push_back(lastSST); // Fill Tabulated first sq.slope to AMDB
283  S1T.push_back(lastS1T); // Fill Tabulated first mantissa to AMDB
284  B1T.push_back(lastB1T); // Fill Tabulated first slope to AMDB
285  S2T.push_back(lastS2T); // Fill Tabulated second mantissa to AMDB
286  B2T.push_back(lastB2T); // Fill Tabulated second slope to AMDB
287  S3T.push_back(lastS3T); // Fill Tabulated third mantissa to AMDB
288  B3T.push_back(lastB3T); // Fill Tabulated third slope to AMDB
289  S4T.push_back(lastS4T); // Fill Tabulated 4-th mantissa to AMDB
290  B4T.push_back(lastB4T); // Fill Tabulated 4-th slope to AMDB
291  } // End of creation/update of the new set of parameters and tables
292  // =----------= NOW Update (if necessary) and Calculate the Cross Section =-----------=
293  if(lastLP>lastPIN && lastLP<lPMax)
294  {
295  lastPIN = GetPTables(lastLP,lastPIN,PDG,tgZ,tgN);
296  }
297  if(!onlyCS) lastTM=GetQ2max(PDG, tgZ, tgN, pMom); // Calculate (-t)_max=Q2_max (GeV2)
298  if(lastLP>lPMin && lastLP<=lastPIN) // Linear fit is made using precalculated tables
299  {
300  if(lastLP==lastPIN)
301  {
302  G4double shift=(lastLP-lPMin)/dlnP+.000001; // Log distance from lPMin
303  G4int blast=static_cast<int>(shift); // this is a bin number of the lower edge (0)
304  if(blast<0 || blast>=nLast) G4cout<<"G4QEleastCS::CCS:b="<<blast<<","<<nLast<<G4endl;
305  lastSIG = lastCST[blast];
306  if(!onlyCS) // Skip the differential cross-section parameters
307  {
308  theSS = lastSST[blast];
309  theS1 = lastS1T[blast];
310  theB1 = lastB1T[blast];
311  theS2 = lastS2T[blast];
312  theB2 = lastB2T[blast];
313  theS3 = lastS3T[blast];
314  theB3 = lastB3T[blast];
315  theS4 = lastS4T[blast];
316  theB4 = lastB4T[blast];
317  }
318  }
319  else
320  {
321  G4double shift=(lastLP-lPMin)/dlnP; // a shift from the beginning of the table
322  G4int blast=static_cast<int>(shift); // the lower bin number
323  if(blast<0) blast=0;
324  if(blast>=nLast) blast=nLast-1; // low edge of the last bin
325  shift-=blast; // step inside the unit bin
326  G4int lastL=blast+1; // the upper bin number
327  G4double SIGL=lastCST[blast]; // the basic value of the cross-section
328  lastSIG= SIGL+shift*(lastCST[lastL]-SIGL); // calculated total elastic cross-section
329  if(!onlyCS) // Skip the differential cross-section parameters
330  {
331  G4double SSTL=lastSST[blast]; // the low bin of the first squared slope
332  theSS=SSTL+shift*(lastSST[lastL]-SSTL); // the basic value of the first sq.slope
333  G4double S1TL=lastS1T[blast]; // the low bin of the first mantissa
334  theS1=S1TL+shift*(lastS1T[lastL]-S1TL); // the basic value of the first mantissa
335  G4double B1TL=lastB1T[blast]; // the low bin of the first slope
336  theB1=B1TL+shift*(lastB1T[lastL]-B1TL); // the basic value of the first slope
337  G4double S2TL=lastS2T[blast]; // the low bin of the second mantissa
338  theS2=S2TL+shift*(lastS2T[lastL]-S2TL); // the basic value of the second mantissa
339  G4double B2TL=lastB2T[blast]; // the low bin of the second slope
340  theB2=B2TL+shift*(lastB2T[lastL]-B2TL); // the basic value of the second slope
341  G4double S3TL=lastS3T[blast]; // the low bin of the third mantissa
342  theS3=S3TL+shift*(lastS3T[lastL]-S3TL); // the basic value of the third mantissa
343  G4double B3TL=lastB3T[blast]; // the low bin of the third slope
344  theB3=B3TL+shift*(lastB3T[lastL]-B3TL); // the basic value of the third slope
345  G4double S4TL=lastS4T[blast]; // the low bin of the 4-th mantissa
346  theS4=S4TL+shift*(lastS4T[lastL]-S4TL); // the basic value of the 4-th mantissa
347  G4double B4TL=lastB4T[blast]; // the low bin of the 4-th slope
348  theB4=B4TL+shift*(lastB4T[lastL]-B4TL); // the basic value of the 4-th slope
349  }
350  }
351  }
352  else lastSIG=GetTabValues(lastLP, PDG, tgZ, tgN); // Direct calculation beyond the table
353  if(lastSIG<0.) lastSIG = 0.; // @@ a Warning print can be added
354  return lastSIG;
355 }
357 // It has parameter sets for all tZ/tN/PDG, using them the tables can be created/updated
359  G4int tgZ, G4int tgN)
360 {
361  // @@ At present all nA==pA ---------> Each neucleus can have not more than 51 parameters
362  static const G4double pwd=2727;
363  const G4int n_pimpel=38; // #of parameters for pp-elastic (<nPoints=128)
364  // -0- -1- -2- -3- -4- -5- -6- -7- -8- -9--10-11-12-
365  G4double pimp_el[n_pimpel]={1.27,1.53,.0676,3.5,.36,.04,.017,.0025,.0557,2.4,7.,.7,.6,
366  .05,5.,74.,3.,3.4,.2,.17,.001,8.,.055,3.64,5.e-5,4000.,1500.,
367  .46,1.2e6,3.5e6,5.e-5,1.e10,8.5e8,1.e10,1.1,3.4e6,6.8e6,0.};
368  // -13-14--15--16--17-18--19--20--21- -22- -23- -24- -25- -26-
369  // -27--28- -29- -30- -31- -32- -33- -34- -35- -36- -37-
370  if(PDG ==-211)
371  {
372  // -- Total pp elastic cross section cs & s1/b1 (main), s2/b2 (tail1), s3/b3 (tail2) --
373  //p2=p*p;p3=p2*p;sp=sqrt(p);p2s=p2*sp;lp=log(p);dl1=lp-(3.=par(3));p4=p2*p2; p=|3-mom|
374  //CS=2.865/p2s/(1+.0022/p2s)+(18.9+.6461*dl1*dl1+9./p)/(1.+.425*lp)/(1.+.4276/p4);
375  // par(0) par(7) par(1) par(2) par(4) par(5) par(6)
376  //dl2=lp-5., s1=(74.+3.*dl2*dl2)/(1+3.4/p4/p)+(.2/p2+17.*p)/(p4+.001*sp),
377  // par(8) par(9) par(10) par(11) par(12)par(13) par(14)
378  // b1=8.*p**.055/(1.+3.64/p3); s2=5.e-5+4000./(p4+1500.*p); b2=.46+1.2e6/(p4+3.5e6/sp);
379  // par(15) par(16) par(17) par(18) par(19) par(20) par(21) par(22) par(23)
380  // s3=5.e-5+1.e10/(p4*p4+8.5e8*p2+1.e10); b3=1.1+3.4e6/(p4+6.8e6); ss=0.
381  // par(24) par(25) par(26) par(27) par(28) par(29) par(30) par(31)
382  //
383  if(lastPAR[nLast]!=pwd) // A unique flag to avoid the repeatable definition
384  {
385  if ( tgZ == 1 && tgN == 0 )
386  {
387  for (G4int ip=0; ip<n_pimpel; ip++) lastPAR[ip]=pimp_el[ip]; // PiMinus+P
388  }
389  else
390  {
391  G4double a=tgZ+tgN;
392  G4double sa=std::sqrt(a);
393  G4double ssa=std::sqrt(sa);
394  G4double asa=a*sa;
395  G4double a2=a*a;
396  G4double a3=a2*a;
397  G4double a4=a3*a;
398  G4double a5=a4*a;
399  G4double a6=a4*a2;
400  G4double a7=a6*a;
401  G4double a8=a7*a;
402  G4double a9=a8*a;
403  G4double a10=a5*a5;
404  G4double a12=a6*a6;
405  G4double a14=a7*a7;
406  G4double a16=a8*a8;
407  G4double a17=a16*a;
408  //G4double a20=a16*a4;
409  G4double a32=a16*a16;
410  // Reaction cross-section parameters (pel=peh_fit.f)
411  lastPAR[0]=(.95*sa+2.E5/a16)/(1.+17/a); // p1
412  lastPAR[1]=a/(1./4.4+1./a); // p2
413  lastPAR[2]=.22/G4Pow::GetInstance()->powA(a,.33); // p3
414  lastPAR[3]=.5*a/(1.+3./a+1800./a8); // p4
415  lastPAR[4]=3.E-4*G4Pow::GetInstance()->powA(a,.32)/(1.+14./a2); // p5
416  lastPAR[5]=0.; // p6 not used
417  lastPAR[6]=(.55+.001*a2)/(1.+4.E-4*a2); // p7
418  lastPAR[7]=(.0002/asa+4.E-9*a)/(1.+9./a4); // p8
419  lastPAR[8]=0.; // p9 not used
420  // @@ the differential cross-section is parameterized separately for A>6 & A<7
421  if(a<6.5)
422  {
423  G4double a28=a16*a12;
424  // The main pre-exponent (pel_sg)
425  lastPAR[ 9]=4000*a; // p1
426  lastPAR[10]=1.2e7*a8+380*a17; // p2
427  lastPAR[11]=.7/(1.+4.e-12*a16); // p3
428  lastPAR[12]=2.5/a8/(a4+1.e-16*a32); // p4
429  lastPAR[13]=.28*a; // p5
430  lastPAR[14]=1.2*a2+2.3; // p6
431  lastPAR[15]=3.8/a; // p7
432  // The main slope (pel_sl)
433  lastPAR[16]=.01/(1.+.0024*a5); // p1
434  lastPAR[17]=.2*a; // p2
435  lastPAR[18]=9.e-7/(1.+.035*a5); // p3
436  lastPAR[19]=(42.+2.7e-11*a16)/(1.+.14*a); // p4
437  // The main quadratic (pel_sh)
438  lastPAR[20]=2.25*a3; // p1
439  lastPAR[21]=18.; // p2
440  lastPAR[22]=2.4e-3*a8/(1.+2.6e-4*a7); // p3
441  lastPAR[23]=3.5e-36*a32*a8/(1.+5.e-15*a32/a); // p4
442  // The 1st max pre-exponent (pel_qq)
443  lastPAR[24]=1.e5/(a8+2.5e12/a16); // p1
444  lastPAR[25]=8.e7/(a12+1.e-27*a28*a28); // p2
445  lastPAR[26]=.0006*a3; // p3
446  // The 1st max slope (pel_qs)
447  lastPAR[27]=10.+4.e-8*a12*a; // p1
448  lastPAR[28]=.114; // p2
449  lastPAR[29]=.003; // p3
450  lastPAR[30]=2.e-23; // p4
451  // The effective pre-exponent (pel_ss)
452  lastPAR[31]=1./(1.+.0001*a8); // p1
453  lastPAR[32]=1.5e-4/(1.+5.e-6*a12); // p2
454  lastPAR[33]=.03; // p3
455  // The effective slope (pel_sb)
456  lastPAR[34]=a/2; // p1
457  lastPAR[35]=2.e-7*a4; // p2
458  lastPAR[36]=4.; // p3
459  lastPAR[37]=64./a3; // p4
460  // The gloria pre-exponent (pel_us)
461  lastPAR[38]=1.e8*G4Exp(.32*asa); // p1
462  lastPAR[39]=20.*G4Exp(.45*asa); // p2
463  lastPAR[40]=7.e3+2.4e6/a5; // p3
464  lastPAR[41]=2.5e5*G4Exp(.085*a3); // p4
465  lastPAR[42]=2.5*a; // p5
466  // The gloria slope (pel_ub)
467  lastPAR[43]=920.+.03*a8*a3; // p1
468  lastPAR[44]=93.+.0023*a12; // p2
469  }
470  else
471  {
472  G4double p1a10=2.2e-28*a10;
473  G4double r4a16=6.e14/a16;
474  G4double s4a16=r4a16*r4a16;
475  // a24
476  // a36
477  // The main pre-exponent (peh_sg)
478  lastPAR[ 9]=4.5*G4Pow::GetInstance()->powA(a,1.15); // p1
479  lastPAR[10]=.06*G4Pow::GetInstance()->powA(a,.6); // p2
480  lastPAR[11]=.6*a/(1.+2.e15/a16); // p3
481  lastPAR[12]=.17/(a+9.e5/a3+1.5e33/a32); // p4
482  lastPAR[13]=(.001+7.e-11*a5)/(1.+4.4e-11*a5); // p5
483  lastPAR[14]=(p1a10*p1a10+2.e-29)/(1.+2.e-22*a12); // p6
484  // The main slope (peh_sl)
485  lastPAR[15]=400./a12+2.e-22*a9; // p1
486  lastPAR[16]=1.e-32*a12/(1.+5.e22/a14); // p2
487  lastPAR[17]=1000./a2+9.5*sa*ssa; // p3
488  lastPAR[18]=4.e-6*a*asa+1.e11/a16; // p4
489  lastPAR[19]=(120./a+.002*a2)/(1.+2.e14/a16); // p5
490  lastPAR[20]=9.+100./a; // p6
491  // The main quadratic (peh_sh)
492  lastPAR[21]=.002*a3+3.e7/a6; // p1
493  lastPAR[22]=7.e-15*a4*asa; // p2
494  lastPAR[23]=9000./a4; // p3
495  // The 1st max pre-exponent (peh_qq)
496  lastPAR[24]=.0011*asa/(1.+3.e34/a32/a4); // p1
497  lastPAR[25]=1.e-5*a2+2.e14/a16; // p2
498  lastPAR[26]=1.2e-11*a2/(1.+1.5e19/a12); // p3
499  lastPAR[27]=.016*asa/(1.+5.e16/a16); // p4
500  // The 1st max slope (peh_qs)
501  lastPAR[28]=.002*a4/(1.+7.e7/G4Pow::GetInstance()->powA(a-6.83,14)); // p1
502  lastPAR[29]=2.e6/a6+7.2/G4Pow::GetInstance()->powA(a,.11); // p2
503  lastPAR[30]=11.*a3/(1.+7.e23/a16/a8); // p3
504  lastPAR[31]=100./asa; // p4
505  // The 2nd max pre-exponent (peh_ss)
506  lastPAR[32]=(.1+4.4e-5*a2)/(1.+5.e5/a4); // p1
507  lastPAR[33]=3.5e-4*a2/(1.+1.e8/a8); // p2
508  lastPAR[34]=1.3+3.e5/a4; // p3
509  lastPAR[35]=500./(a2+50.)+3; // p4
510  lastPAR[36]=1.e-9/a+s4a16*s4a16; // p5
511  // The 2nd max slope (peh_sb)
512  lastPAR[37]=.4*asa+3.e-9*a6; // p1
513  lastPAR[38]=.0005*a5; // p2
514  lastPAR[39]=.002*a5; // p3
515  lastPAR[40]=10.; // p4
516  // The effective pre-exponent (peh_us)
517  lastPAR[41]=.05+.005*a; // p1
518  lastPAR[42]=7.e-8/sa; // p2
519  lastPAR[43]=.8*sa; // p3
520  lastPAR[44]=.02*sa; // p4
521  lastPAR[45]=1.e8/a3; // p5
522  lastPAR[46]=3.e32/(a32+1.e32); // p6
523  // The effective slope (peh_ub)
524  lastPAR[47]=24.; // p1
525  lastPAR[48]=20./sa; // p2
526  lastPAR[49]=7.e3*a/(sa+1.); // p3
527  lastPAR[50]=900.*sa/(1.+500./a3); // p4
528  }
529  // Parameter for lowEnergyNeutrons
530  lastPAR[51]=1.e15+2.e27/a4/(1.+2.e-18*a16);
531  }
532  lastPAR[nLast]=pwd;
533  // and initialize the zero element of the table
534  G4double lp=lPMin; // ln(momentum)
535  G4bool memCS=onlyCS; // ??
536  onlyCS=false;
537  lastCST[0]=GetTabValues(lp, PDG, tgZ, tgN); // Calculate AMDB tables
538  onlyCS=memCS;
539  lastSST[0]=theSS;
540  lastS1T[0]=theS1;
541  lastB1T[0]=theB1;
542  lastS2T[0]=theS2;
543  lastB2T[0]=theB2;
544  lastS3T[0]=theS3;
545  lastB3T[0]=theB3;
546  lastS4T[0]=theS4;
547  lastB4T[0]=theB4;
548  }
549  if(LP>ILP)
550  {
551  G4int ini = static_cast<int>((ILP-lPMin+.000001)/dlnP)+1; // already inited till this
552  if(ini<0) ini=0;
553  if(ini<nPoints)
554  {
555  G4int fin = static_cast<int>((LP-lPMin)/dlnP)+1; // final bin of initialization
556  if(fin>=nPoints) fin=nLast; // Limit of the tabular initialization
557  if(fin>=ini)
558  {
559  G4double lp=0.;
560  for(G4int ip=ini; ip<=fin; ip++) // Calculate tabular CS,S1,B1,S2,B2,S3,B3
561  {
562  lp=lPMin+ip*dlnP; // ln(momentum)
563  G4bool memCS=onlyCS;
564  onlyCS=false;
565  lastCST[ip]=GetTabValues(lp, PDG, tgZ, tgN); // Calculate AMDB tables (ret CS)
566  onlyCS=memCS;
567  lastSST[ip]=theSS;
568  lastS1T[ip]=theS1;
569  lastB1T[ip]=theB1;
570  lastS2T[ip]=theS2;
571  lastB2T[ip]=theB2;
572  lastS3T[ip]=theS3;
573  lastB3T[ip]=theB3;
574  lastS4T[ip]=theS4;
575  lastB4T[ip]=theB4;
576  }
577  return lp;
578  }
579  else G4cout<<"*Warning*G4ChipsPionMinusElasticXS::GetPTables: PDG="<<PDG
580  <<", Z="<<tgZ<<", N="<<tgN<<", i="<<ini<<" > fin="<<fin<<", LP="<<LP
581  <<" > ILP="<<ILP<<" nothing is done!"<<G4endl;
582  }
583  else G4cout<<"*Warning*G4ChipsPionMinusElasticXS::GetPTables: PDG="<<PDG
584  <<", Z="<<tgZ<<", N="<<tgN<<", i="<<ini<<">= max="<<nPoints<<", LP="<<LP
585  <<" > ILP="<<ILP<<", lPMax="<<lPMax<<" nothing is done!"<<G4endl;
586  }
587  }
588  else
589  {
590  // G4cout<<"*Error*G4ChipsPionMinusElasticXS::GetPTables: PDG="<<PDG<<", Z="<<tgZ
591  // <<", N="<<tgN<<", while it is defined only for PDG=-211"<<G4endl;
592  // throw G4QException("G4ChipsPionMinusElasticXS::GetPTables:onlyPipA implemented");
594  ed << "PDG = " << PDG << ", Z = " << tgZ << ", N = " << tgN
595  << ", while it is defined only for PDG=-211 (pi-)" << G4endl;
596  G4Exception("G4ChipsPionMinusElasticXS::GetPTables()", "HAD_CHPS_0000",
597  FatalException, ed);
598  }
599  return ILP;
600 }
602 // Returns Q2=-t in independent units (MeV^2) (all internal calculations are in GeV)
604 {
605  static const G4double GeVSQ=gigaelectronvolt*gigaelectronvolt;
606  static const G4double third=1./3.;
607  static const G4double fifth=1./5.;
608  static const G4double sevth=1./7.;
609  if(PDG!=-211)G4cout<<"Warning*G4ChipsPionMinusElasticXS::GetExT:PDG="<<PDG<<G4endl;
610  if(onlyCS)G4cout<<"Warning*G4ChipsPionMinusElasticXS::GetExchanT:onlyCS=1"<<G4endl;
611  if(lastLP<-4.3) return lastTM*GeVSQ*G4UniformRand();// S-wave for p<14 MeV/c (kinE<.1MeV)
612  G4double q2=0.;
613  if(tgZ==1 && tgN==0) // ===> p+p=p+p
614  {
615  G4double E1=lastTM*theB1;
616  G4double R1=(1.-G4Exp(-E1));
617  G4double E2=lastTM*theB2;
618  G4double R2=(1.-G4Exp(-E2*E2*E2));
619  G4double E3=lastTM*theB3;
620  G4double R3=(1.-G4Exp(-E3));
621  G4double I1=R1*theS1/theB1;
622  G4double I2=R2*theS2;
623  G4double I3=R3*theS3;
624  G4double I12=I1+I2;
625  G4double rand=(I12+I3)*G4UniformRand();
626  if (rand<I1 )
627  {
629  if(ran>1.) ran=1.;
630  q2=-G4Log(1.-ran)/theB1;
631  }
632  else if(rand<I12)
633  {
635  if(ran>1.) ran=1.;
636  q2=-G4Log(1.-ran);
637  if(q2<0.) q2=0.;
638  q2=G4Pow::GetInstance()->powA(q2,third)/theB2;
639  }
640  else
641  {
643  if(ran>1.) ran=1.;
644  q2=-G4Log(1.-ran)/theB3;
645  }
646  }
647  else
648  {
649  G4double a=tgZ+tgN;
651  G4double R1=(1.-G4Exp(-E1));
652  G4double tss=theSS+theSS; // for future solution of quadratic equation (imediate check)
653  G4double tm2=lastTM*lastTM;
654  G4double E2=lastTM*tm2*theB2; // power 3 for lowA, 5 for HighA (1st)
655  if(a>6.5)E2*=tm2; // for heavy nuclei
656  G4double R2=(1.-G4Exp(-E2));
657  G4double E3=lastTM*theB3;
658  if(a>6.5)E3*=tm2*tm2*tm2; // power 1 for lowA, 7 (2nd) for HighA
659  G4double R3=(1.-G4Exp(-E3));
660  G4double E4=lastTM*theB4;
661  G4double R4=(1.-G4Exp(-E4));
662  G4double I1=R1*theS1;
663  G4double I2=R2*theS2;
664  G4double I3=R3*theS3;
665  G4double I4=R4*theS4;
666  G4double I12=I1+I2;
667  G4double I13=I12+I3;
668  G4double rand=(I13+I4)*G4UniformRand();
669  if(rand<I1)
670  {
672  if(ran>1.) ran=1.;
673  q2=-G4Log(1.-ran)/theB1;
674  if(std::fabs(tss)>1.e-7) q2=(std::sqrt(theB1*(theB1+(tss+tss)*q2))-theB1)/tss;
675  }
676  else if(rand<I12)
677  {
679  if(ran>1.) ran=1.;
680  q2=-G4Log(1.-ran)/theB2;
681  if(q2<0.) q2=0.;
682  if(a<6.5) q2=G4Pow::GetInstance()->powA(q2,third);
683  else q2=G4Pow::GetInstance()->powA(q2,fifth);
684  }
685  else if(rand<I13)
686  {
688  if(ran>1.) ran=1.;
689  q2=-G4Log(1.-ran)/theB3;
690  if(q2<0.) q2=0.;
691  if(a>6.5) q2=G4Pow::GetInstance()->powA(q2,sevth);
692  }
693  else
694  {
696  if(ran>1.) ran=1.;
697  q2=-G4Log(1.-ran)/theB4;
698  if(a<6.5) q2=lastTM-q2; // u reduced for lightA (starts from 0)
699  }
700  }
701  if(q2<0.) q2=0.;
702  if(!(q2>=-1.||q2<=1.)) G4cout<<"*NAN*G4QElasticCrossSect::GetExchangeT: -t="<<q2<<G4endl;
703  if(q2>lastTM)
704  {
705  q2=lastTM;
706  }
707  return q2*GeVSQ;
708 }
710 // Returns B in independent units (MeV^-2) (all internal calculations are in GeV) see ExT
712 {
713  static const G4double GeVSQ=gigaelectronvolt*gigaelectronvolt;
714  if(onlyCS)G4cout<<"Warning*G4ChipsPionMinusElasticXS::GetSlope:onlCS=true"<<G4endl;
715  if(lastLP<-4.3) return 0.; // S-wave for p<14 MeV/c (kinE<.1MeV)
716  if(PDG !=-211)
717  {
718  // G4cout<<"*Error*G4ChipsPionMinusElasticXS::GetSlope: PDG="<<PDG<<", Z="<<tgZ
719  // <<", N="<<tgN<<", while it is defined only for PDG=-211"<<G4endl;
720  // throw G4QException("G4ChipsPionMinusElasticXS::GetSlope: pipA are implemented");
722  ed << "PDG = " << PDG << ", Z = " << tgZ << ", N = " << tgN
723  << ", while it is defined only for PDG=-211" << G4endl;
724  G4Exception("G4ChipsPionMinusElasticXS::GetSlope()", "HAD_CHPS_0000",
725  FatalException, ed);
726  }
727  if(theB1<0.) theB1=0.;
728  if(!(theB1>=-1.||theB1<=1.))G4cout<<"*NAN*G4QElasticCrossSect::Getslope:"<<theB1<<G4endl;
729  return theB1/GeVSQ;
730 }
732 // Returns half max(Q2=-t) in independent units (MeV^2)
734 {
735  static const G4double HGeVSQ=gigaelectronvolt*gigaelectronvolt/2.;
736  return lastTM*HGeVSQ;
737 }
739 // lastLP is used, so calculating tables, one need to remember and then recover lastLP
741  G4int tgN)
742 {
743  if(PDG!=-211)G4cout<<"*Warn*G4ChipsPionMinusElasticXS::GetTabV: PDG="<<PDG<<G4endl;
745  //AR-24Apr2018 Switch to allow transuranic elements
746  const G4bool isHeavyElementAllowed = true;
747  if(tgZ<0 || ( !isHeavyElementAllowed && tgZ>92))
748  {
749  G4cout<<"*Warning*G4QPionPlusElCS::GetTabValue:(1-92) No isotopes for Z="<<tgZ<<G4endl;
750  return 0.;
751  }
752  G4int iZ=tgZ-1; // Z index
753  if(iZ<0)
754  {
755  iZ=0; // conversion of the neutron target to the proton target
756  tgZ=1;
757  tgN=0;
758  }
759  G4double p=G4Exp(lp); // momentum
760  G4double sp=std::sqrt(p); // sqrt(p)
761  G4double p2=p*p;
762  G4double p3=p2*p;
763  G4double p4=p3*p;
764  if ( tgZ == 1 && tgN == 0 ) // PiMin+P
765  {
766  G4double dl2=lp-lastPAR[14];
767  theSS=lastPAR[37];
768  theS1=(lastPAR[15]+lastPAR[16]*dl2*dl2)/(1.+lastPAR[17]/p4/p)+
769  (lastPAR[18]/p2+lastPAR[19]*p)/(p4+lastPAR[20]*sp);
770  theB1=lastPAR[21]*G4Pow::GetInstance()->powA(p,lastPAR[22])/(1.+lastPAR[23]/p3);
771  theS2=lastPAR[24]+lastPAR[25]/(p4+lastPAR[26]*p);
772  theB2=lastPAR[27]+lastPAR[28]/(p4+lastPAR[29]/sp);
773  theS3=lastPAR[30]+lastPAR[31]/(p4*p4+lastPAR[32]*p2+lastPAR[33]);
774  theB3=lastPAR[34]+lastPAR[35]/(p4+lastPAR[36]);
775  theS4=0.;
776  theB4=0.;
777  // Returns the total elastic pim-p cross-section (to avoid spoiling lastSIG)
778  G4double lr=lp+lastPAR[0]; // lr
779  G4double ld=lp-lastPAR[14];
780  G4double dl3=lp+lastPAR[4]; // lm
781  G4double dl4=lp-lastPAR[6]; // lh
782 //G4cout<<"lastPAR[13] "<<lastPAR[13]<<" lastPAR[6] "<<lastPAR[6]<<" lastPAR[7] "<<lastPAR[7]<<G4endl;
783  return lastPAR[1]/(lr*lr+lastPAR[2])+
784  (lastPAR[8]*ld*ld+lastPAR[9]+lastPAR[10]/sp)/(1.+lastPAR[11]/p4)+
785  lastPAR[12]/(dl3*dl3+lastPAR[5])+lastPAR[13]/(dl4*dl4+lastPAR[7]);
786  }
787  else
788  {
789  G4double p5=p4*p;
790  G4double p6=p5*p;
791  G4double p8=p6*p2;
792  G4double p10=p8*p2;
793  G4double p12=p10*p2;
794  G4double p16=p8*p8;
795  //G4double p24=p16*p8;
796  G4double dl=lp-5.;
797  G4double a=tgZ+tgN;
798  G4double pah=G4Pow::GetInstance()->powA(p,a/2);
799  G4double pa=pah*pah;
800  G4double pa2=pa*pa;
801  if(a<6.5)
802  {
803  theS1=lastPAR[9]/(1.+lastPAR[10]*p4*pa)+lastPAR[11]/(p4+lastPAR[12]*p4/pa2)+
804  (lastPAR[13]*dl*dl+lastPAR[14])/(1.+lastPAR[15]/p2);
805  theB1=(lastPAR[16]+lastPAR[17]*p2)/(p4+lastPAR[18]/pah)+lastPAR[19];
806  theSS=lastPAR[20]/(1.+lastPAR[21]/p2)+lastPAR[22]/(p6/pa+lastPAR[23]/p16);
807  theS2=lastPAR[24]/(pa/p2+lastPAR[25]/p4)+lastPAR[26];
808  theB2=lastPAR[27]*G4Pow::GetInstance()->powA(p,lastPAR[28])+lastPAR[29]/(p8+lastPAR[30]/p16);
809  theS3=lastPAR[31]/(pa*p+lastPAR[32]/pa)+lastPAR[33];
810  theB3=lastPAR[34]/(p3+lastPAR[35]/p6)+lastPAR[36]/(1.+lastPAR[37]/p2);
811  theS4=p2*(pah*lastPAR[38]*G4Exp(-pah*lastPAR[39])+
812  lastPAR[40]/(1.+lastPAR[41]*G4Pow::GetInstance()->powA(p,lastPAR[42])));
813  theB4=lastPAR[43]*pa/p2/(1.+pa*lastPAR[44]);
814  }
815  else
816  {
817  theS1=lastPAR[9]/(1.+lastPAR[10]/p4)+lastPAR[11]/(p4+lastPAR[12]/p2)+
818  lastPAR[13]/(p5+lastPAR[14]/p16);
819  theB1=(lastPAR[15]/p8+lastPAR[19])/(p+lastPAR[16]/G4Pow::GetInstance()->powA(p,lastPAR[20]))+
820  lastPAR[17]/(1.+lastPAR[18]/p4);
821  theSS=lastPAR[21]/(p4/G4Pow::GetInstance()->powA(p,lastPAR[23])+lastPAR[22]/p4);
822  theS2=lastPAR[24]/p4/(G4Pow::GetInstance()->powA(p,lastPAR[25])+lastPAR[26]/p12)+lastPAR[27];
824  theS3=lastPAR[32]/G4Pow::GetInstance()->powA(p,lastPAR[35])/(1.+lastPAR[36]/p12)+
825  lastPAR[33]/(1.+lastPAR[34]/p6);
826  theB3=lastPAR[37]/p8+lastPAR[38]/p2+lastPAR[39]/(1.+lastPAR[40]/p8);
827  theS4=(lastPAR[41]/p4+lastPAR[46]/p)/(1.+lastPAR[42]/p10)+
828  (lastPAR[43]+lastPAR[44]*dl*dl)/(1.+lastPAR[45]/p12);
829  theB4=lastPAR[47]/(1.+lastPAR[48]/p)+lastPAR[49]*p4/(1.+lastPAR[50]*p5);
830  }
831  // Returns the total elastic (n/p)A cross-section (to avoid spoiling lastSIG)
832  // p1 p2 p3
833  return (lastPAR[0]*dl*dl+lastPAR[1])/(1.+lastPAR[2]/p8)+
834  lastPAR[3]/(p4+lastPAR[4]/p3)+lastPAR[6]/(p4+lastPAR[7]/p4);
835  // p4 p5 p7 p8
836  }
837  return 0.;
838 } // End of GetTableValues
840 // Returns max -t=Q2 (GeV^2) for the momentum pP(GeV) and the target nucleus (tgN,tgZ)
842  G4double pP)
843 {
844  static const G4double mPi= G4PionMinus::PionMinus()->GetPDGMass()*.001; // MeV to GeV
845  static const G4double mPi2= mPi*mPi;
847  G4double pP2=pP*pP; // squared momentum of the projectile
848  if(tgZ || tgN>-1) // ---> pipA
849  {
850  G4double mt=G4ParticleTable::GetParticleTable()->GetIonTable()->GetIon(tgZ,tgZ+tgN,0)->GetPDGMass()*.001; // Target mass in GeV
852  G4double dmt=mt+mt;
853  G4double mds=dmt*std::sqrt(pP2+mPi2)+mPi2+mt*mt; // Mondelstam mds
854  return dmt*dmt*pP2/mds;
855  }
856  else
857  {
859  ed << "PDG = " << PDG << ",Z = " << tgZ << ",N = " << tgN
860  << ", while it is defined only for p projectiles & Z_target>0" << G4endl;
861  G4Exception("G4ChipsPionMinusElasticXS::GetQ2max()", "HAD_CHPS_0000",
862  FatalException, ed);
863  return 0;
864  }
865 }