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1 //
2 // ********************************************************************
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4 // * *
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6 // * the Geant4 Collaboration. It is provided under the terms and *
7 // * conditions of the Geant4 Software License, included in the file *
8 // * LICENSE and available at . These *
9 // * include a list of copyright holders. *
10 // * *
11 // * Neither the authors of this software system, nor their employing *
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18 // * This code implementation is the result of the scientific and *
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24 // ********************************************************************
25 //
26 //
27 // -------------------------------------------------------------------
28 //
29 // GEANT4 Class file
30 //
31 //
32 // File name: G4EmModelManager
33 //
34 // Author: Vladimir Ivanchenko
35 //
36 // Creation date: 07.05.2002
37 //
38 // Modifications: V.Ivanchenko
39 //
40 // Class Description:
41 //
42 // It is the unified energy loss process it calculates the continuous
43 // energy loss for charged particles using a set of Energy Loss
44 // models valid for different energy regions. There are a possibility
45 // to create and access to dE/dx and range tables, or to calculate
46 // that information on fly.
47 // -------------------------------------------------------------------
48 //
49 //....oooOO0OOooo........oooOO0OOooo........oooOO0OOooo........oooOO0OOooo....
50 //....oooOO0OOooo........oooOO0OOooo........oooOO0OOooo........oooOO0OOooo....
52 #include "G4EmModelManager.hh"
53 #include "G4SystemOfUnits.hh"
54 #include "G4PhysicsTable.hh"
55 #include "G4PhysicsVector.hh"
57 //....oooOO0OOooo........oooOO0OOooo........oooOO0OOooo........oooOO0OOooo....
59 G4RegionModels::G4RegionModels(G4int nMod, std::vector<G4int>& indx,
60  G4DataVector& lowE, const G4Region* reg)
61 {
62  nModelsForRegion = nMod;
65  for (G4int i=0; i<nModelsForRegion; ++i) {
66  theListOfModelIndexes[i] = indx[i];
67  lowKineticEnergy[i] = lowE[i];
68  }
70  theRegion = reg;
71 }
73 //....oooOO0OOooo........oooOO0OOooo........oooOO0OOooo........oooOO0OOooo....
76 {
77  delete [] theListOfModelIndexes;
78  delete [] lowKineticEnergy;
79 }
81 //....oooOO0OOooo........oooOO0OOooo........oooOO0OOooo........oooOO0OOooo....
83 #include "G4Step.hh"
84 #include "G4ParticleDefinition.hh"
85 #include "G4PhysicsVector.hh"
86 #include "G4MaterialCutsCouple.hh"
87 #include "G4ProductionCutsTable.hh"
88 #include "G4RegionStore.hh"
89 #include "G4Gamma.hh"
90 #include "G4Electron.hh"
91 #include "G4Positron.hh"
92 #include "G4UnitsTable.hh"
93 #include "G4DataVector.hh"
95 //....oooOO0OOooo........oooOO0OOooo........oooOO0OOooo........oooOO0OOooo....
98  nEmModels(0),
99  nRegions(0),
100  particle(0),
101  verboseLevel(0)
102 {
103  maxSubCutInRange = 0.7*mm;
104  models.reserve(4);
105  flucModels.reserve(4);
106  regions.reserve(4);
107  orderOfModels.reserve(4);
108  isUsed.reserve(4);
109  severalModels = true;
110  fluoFlag = false;
111  currRegionModel = nullptr;
112  currModel = nullptr;
113  theCuts = nullptr;
114  theCutsNew = nullptr;
115  theSubCuts = nullptr;
116 }
118 //....oooOO0OOooo........oooOO0OOooo........oooOO0OOooo........oooOO0OOooo....
121 {
122  verboseLevel = 0; // no verbosity at destruction
123  Clear();
124  delete theCutsNew;
125  delete theSubCuts;
126 }
128 //....oooOO0OOooo........oooOO0OOooo........oooOO0OOooo........oooOO0OOooo....
131 {
132  if(1 < verboseLevel) {
133  G4cout << "G4EmModelManager::Clear()" << G4endl;
134  }
135  size_t n = setOfRegionModels.size();
136  if(n > 0) {
137  for(size_t i=0; i<n; ++i) {
138  delete setOfRegionModels[i];
139  setOfRegionModels[i] = nullptr;
140  }
141  }
142 }
144 //....oooOO0OOooo........oooOO0OOooo........oooOO0OOooo........oooOO0OOooo....
148 {
149  if(!p) {
150  G4cout << "G4EmModelManager::AddEmModel WARNING: no model defined."
151  << G4endl;
152  return;
153  }
154  models.push_back(p);
155  flucModels.push_back(fm);
156  regions.push_back(r);
157  orderOfModels.push_back(num);
158  isUsed.push_back(0);
159  p->DefineForRegion(r);
160  ++nEmModels;
161 }
163 //....oooOO0OOooo........oooOO0OOooo........oooOO0OOooo........oooOO0OOooo....
167 {
168  if (nEmModels > 0) {
169  for(G4int i=0; i<nEmModels; ++i) {
170  if(nam == models[i]->GetName()) {
171  models[i]->SetLowEnergyLimit(emin);
172  models[i]->SetHighEnergyLimit(emax);
173  break;
174  }
175  }
176  }
177  G4cout << "G4EmModelManager::UpdateEmModel WARNING: no model <"
178  << nam << "> is found out"
179  << G4endl;
180 }
182 //....oooOO0OOooo........oooOO0OOooo........oooOO0OOooo........oooOO0OOooo....
185 {
186  G4VEmModel* model = nullptr;
187  if(i < nEmModels) { model = models[i]; }
188  else if(verboseLevel > 0 && ver) {
189  G4cout << "G4EmModelManager::GetModel WARNING: "
190  << "index " << i << " is wrong Nmodels= "
191  << nEmModels;
192  if(particle) { G4cout << " for " << particle->GetParticleName(); }
193  G4cout<< G4endl;
194  }
195  return model;
196 }
198 //....oooOO0OOooo........oooOO0OOooo........oooOO0OOooo........oooOO0OOooo....
201 {
203  G4VEmModel* mod = models[rm->ModelIndex(k)];
204  return mod;
205 }
207 //....oooOO0OOooo........oooOO0OOooo........oooOO0OOooo........oooOO0OOooo....
210 {
212  return rm->NumberOfModels();
213 }
215 //....oooOO0OOooo........oooOO0OOooo........oooOO0OOooo........oooOO0OOooo....
217 const G4DataVector*
219  const G4ParticleDefinition* secondaryParticle,
220  G4double minSubRange,
221  G4int val)
222 {
223  verboseLevel = val;
224  G4String partname = p->GetParticleName();
225  if(1 < verboseLevel) {
226  G4cout << "G4EmModelManager::Initialise() for "
227  << partname << " Nmodels= " << nEmModels << G4endl;
228  }
229  // Are models defined?
230  if(nEmModels < 1) {
232  ed << "No models found out for " << p->GetParticleName()
233  << " !";
234  G4Exception("G4EmModelManager::Initialise","em0002",
235  FatalException, ed);
236  }
238  particle = p;
239  Clear(); // needed if run is not first
241  G4RegionStore* regionStore = G4RegionStore::GetInstance();
242  const G4Region* world =
243  regionStore->GetRegion("DefaultRegionForTheWorld", false);
245  // Identify the list of regions with different set of models
246  nRegions = 1;
247  std::vector<const G4Region*> setr;
248  setr.push_back(world);
249  G4bool isWorld = false;
251  for (G4int ii=0; ii<nEmModels; ++ii) {
252  const G4Region* r = regions[ii];
253  if ( r == 0 || r == world) {
254  isWorld = true;
255  regions[ii] = world;
256  } else {
257  G4bool newRegion = true;
258  if (nRegions>1) {
259  for (G4int j=1; j<nRegions; ++j) {
260  if ( r == setr[j] ) { newRegion = false; }
261  }
262  }
263  if (newRegion) {
264  setr.push_back(r);
265  nRegions++;
266  }
267  }
268  }
269  // Are models defined?
270  if(!isWorld) {
272  ed << "No models defined for the World volume for "
273  << p->GetParticleName() << " !";
274  G4Exception("G4EmModelManager::Initialise","em0002",
275  FatalException, ed);
276  }
278  G4ProductionCutsTable* theCoupleTable=
280  size_t numOfCouples = theCoupleTable->GetTableSize();
282  // prepare vectors, shortcut for the case of only 1 model
283  // or only one region
284  if(nRegions > 1 && nEmModels > 1) {
285  idxOfRegionModels.resize(numOfCouples,0);
286  setOfRegionModels.resize((size_t)nRegions,0);
287  } else {
288  idxOfRegionModels.resize(1,0);
289  setOfRegionModels.resize(1,0);
290  }
292  std::vector<G4int> modelAtRegion(nEmModels);
293  std::vector<G4int> modelOrd(nEmModels);
294  G4DataVector eLow(nEmModels+1);
295  G4DataVector eHigh(nEmModels);
297  if(1 < verboseLevel) {
298  G4cout << " Nregions= " << nRegions
299  << " Nmodels= " << nEmModels << G4endl;
300  }
302  // Order models for regions
303  for (G4int reg=0; reg<nRegions; ++reg) {
304  const G4Region* region = setr[reg];
305  G4int n = 0;
307  for (G4int ii=0; ii<nEmModels; ++ii) {
309  G4VEmModel* model = models[ii];
310  if ( region == regions[ii] ) {
312  G4double tmin = model->LowEnergyLimit();
313  G4double tmax = model->HighEnergyLimit();
314  G4int ord = orderOfModels[ii];
315  G4bool push = true;
316  G4bool insert = false;
317  G4int idx = n;
319  if(1 < verboseLevel) {
320  G4cout << "Model #" << ii
321  << " <" << model->GetName() << "> for region <";
322  if (region) G4cout << region->GetName();
323  G4cout << "> "
324  << " tmin(MeV)= " << tmin/MeV
325  << "; tmax(MeV)= " << tmax/MeV
326  << "; order= " << ord
327  << "; tminAct= " << model->LowEnergyActivationLimit()/MeV
328  << "; tmaxAct= " << model->HighEnergyActivationLimit()/MeV
329  << G4endl;
330  }
332  static const G4double limitdelta = 0.01*eV;
333  if(n > 0) {
335  // extend energy range to previous models
336  tmin = std::min(tmin, eHigh[n-1]);
337  tmax = std::max(tmax, eLow[0]);
338  //G4cout << "tmin= " << tmin << " tmax= "
339  // << tmax << " ord= " << ord <<G4endl;
340  // empty energy range
341  if( tmax - tmin <= limitdelta) { push = false; }
342  // low-energy model
343  else if (tmax == eLow[0]) {
344  push = false;
345  insert = true;
346  idx = 0;
347  // resolve intersections
348  } else if(tmin < eHigh[n-1]) {
349  // compare order
350  for(G4int k=0; k<n; ++k) {
351  // new model has higher order parameter,
352  // so, its application area may be reduced
353  // to avoid intersections
354  if(ord >= modelOrd[k]) {
355  if(tmin < eHigh[k] && tmin >= eLow[k]) { tmin = eHigh[k]; }
356  if(tmax <= eHigh[k] && tmax > eLow[k]) { tmax = eLow[k]; }
357  if(tmax > eHigh[k] && tmin < eLow[k]) {
358  if(tmax - eHigh[k] > eLow[k] - tmin) { tmin = eHigh[k]; }
359  else { tmax = eLow[k]; }
360  }
361  if( tmax - tmin <= limitdelta) {
362  push = false;
363  break;
364  }
365  }
366  }
367  // this model has lower order parameter than possible
368  // other models, with which there may be intersections
369  // so, appliction area of such models may be reduced
371  // insert below the first model
372  if (tmax <= eLow[0]) {
373  push = false;
374  insert = true;
375  idx = 0;
376  // resolve intersections
377  } else if(tmin < eHigh[n-1]) {
378  // last energy interval
379  if(tmin > eLow[n-1] && tmax >= eHigh[n-1]) {
380  eHigh[n-1] = tmin;
381  // first energy interval
382  } else if(tmin <= eLow[0] && tmax < eHigh[0]) {
383  eLow[0] = tmax;
384  push = false;
385  insert = true;
386  idx = 0;
387  // loop over all models
388  } else {
389  for(G4int k=n-1; k>=0; --k) {
390  if(tmin <= eLow[k] && tmax >= eHigh[k]) {
391  // full overlap exclude previous model
392  isUsed[modelAtRegion[k]] = 0;
393  idx = k;
394  if(k < n-1) {
395  // shift upper models and change index
396  for(G4int kk=k; kk<n-1; ++kk) {
397  modelAtRegion[kk] = modelAtRegion[kk+1];
398  modelOrd[kk] = modelOrd[kk+1];
399  eLow[kk] = eLow[kk+1];
400  eHigh[kk] = eHigh[kk+1];
401  }
402  ++k;
403  }
404  --n;
405  } else {
406  // partially reduce previous model area
407  if(tmin <= eLow[k] && tmax > eLow[k]) {
408  eLow[k] = tmax;
409  idx = k;
410  insert = true;
411  push = false;
412  } else if(tmin < eHigh[k] && tmax >= eHigh[k]) {
413  eHigh[k] = tmin;
414  idx = k + 1;
415  if(idx < n) {
416  insert = true;
417  push = false;
418  }
419  } else if(tmin > eLow[k] && tmax < eHigh[k]) {
420  if(eHigh[k] - tmax > tmin - eLow[k]) {
421  eLow[k] = tmax;
422  idx = k;
423  insert = true;
424  push = false;
425  } else {
426  eHigh[k] = tmin;
427  idx = k + 1;
428  if(idx < n) {
429  insert = true;
430  push = false;
431  }
432  }
433  }
434  }
435  }
436  }
437  }
438  }
439  }
440  // provide space for the new model
441  if(insert) {
442  for(G4int k=n-1; k>=idx; --k) {
443  modelAtRegion[k+1] = modelAtRegion[k];
444  modelOrd[k+1] = modelOrd[k];
445  eLow[k+1] = eLow[k];
446  eHigh[k+1] = eHigh[k];
447  }
448  }
449  //G4cout << "push= " << push << " insert= " << insert
450  // << " idx= " << idx <<G4endl;
451  // the model is added
452  if (push || insert) {
453  ++n;
454  modelAtRegion[idx] = ii;
455  modelOrd[idx] = ord;
456  eLow[idx] = tmin;
457  eHigh[idx] = tmax;
458  isUsed[ii] = 1;
459  }
460  // exclude models with zero energy range
461  for(G4int k=n-1; k>=0; --k) {
462  if(eHigh[k] - eLow[k] <= limitdelta) {
463  isUsed[modelAtRegion[k]] = 0;
464  if(k < n-1) {
465  for(G4int kk=k; kk<n-1; ++kk) {
466  modelAtRegion[kk] = modelAtRegion[kk+1];
467  modelOrd[kk] = modelOrd[kk+1];
468  eLow[kk] = eLow[kk+1];
469  eHigh[kk] = eHigh[kk+1];
470  }
471  }
472  --n;
473  }
474  }
475  }
476  }
477  eLow[0] = 0.0;
478  eLow[n] = eHigh[n-1];
480  if(1 < verboseLevel) {
481  G4cout << "### New G4RegionModels set with " << n
482  << " models for region <";
483  if (region) { G4cout << region->GetName(); }
484  G4cout << "> Elow(MeV)= ";
485  for(G4int iii=0; iii<=n; ++iii) {G4cout << eLow[iii]/MeV << " ";}
486  G4cout << G4endl;
487  }
488  G4RegionModels* rm = new G4RegionModels(n, modelAtRegion, eLow, region);
489  setOfRegionModels[reg] = rm;
490  // shortcut
491  if(1 == nEmModels) { break; }
492  }
495  currModel = models[0];
497  // Access to materials and build cuts
498  size_t idx = 1;
499  if(secondaryParticle) {
500  if( secondaryParticle == G4Gamma::Gamma() ) { idx = 0; }
501  else if( secondaryParticle == G4Electron::Electron()) { idx = 1; }
502  else if( secondaryParticle == G4Positron::Positron()) { idx = 2; }
503  else { idx = 3; }
504  }
506  theCuts =
507  static_cast<const G4DataVector*>(theCoupleTable->GetEnergyCutsVector(idx));
509  // for the second run the check on cuts should be repeated
510  if(theCutsNew) { *theCutsNew = *theCuts; }
512  if(minSubRange < 1.0) {
513  if( !theSubCuts ) { theSubCuts = new G4DataVector(); }
514  theSubCuts->resize(numOfCouples,DBL_MAX);
515  }
517  // G4cout << "========Start define cuts" << G4endl;
518  // define cut values
519  for(size_t i=0; i<numOfCouples; ++i) {
521  const G4MaterialCutsCouple* couple =
522  theCoupleTable->GetMaterialCutsCouple(i);
523  const G4Material* material = couple->GetMaterial();
524  const G4ProductionCuts* pcuts = couple->GetProductionCuts();
526  G4int reg = 0;
527  if(nRegions > 1 && nEmModels > 1) {
528  reg = nRegions;
529  // Loop checking, 03-Aug-2015, Vladimir Ivanchenko
530  do {--reg;} while (reg>0 && pcuts != (setr[reg]->GetProductionCuts()));
531  idxOfRegionModels[i] = reg;
532  }
533  if(1 < verboseLevel) {
534  G4cout << "G4EmModelManager::Initialise() for "
535  << material->GetName()
536  << " indexOfCouple= " << i
537  << " indexOfRegion= " << reg
538  << G4endl;
539  }
541  G4double cut = (*theCuts)[i];
542  if(secondaryParticle) {
544  // compute subcut
545  if( cut < DBL_MAX && minSubRange < 1.0) {
546  G4double subcut = minSubRange*cut;
547  G4double rcut = std::min(minSubRange*pcuts->GetProductionCut(idx),
549  G4double tcutmax =
550  theCoupleTable->ConvertRangeToEnergy(secondaryParticle,
551  material,rcut);
552  if(tcutmax < subcut) { subcut = tcutmax; }
553  (*theSubCuts)[i] = subcut;
554  }
556  // note that idxOfRegionModels[] not always filled
557  G4int inn = 0;
558  G4int nnm = 1;
559  if(nRegions > 1 && nEmModels > 1) {
560  inn = idxOfRegionModels[i];
561  }
562  // check cuts and introduce upper limits
563  //G4cout << "idx= " << i << " cut(keV)= " << cut/keV << G4endl;
567  //G4cout << "idx= " << i << " Nmod= " << nnm << G4endl;
569  for(G4int jj=0; jj<nnm; ++jj) {
570  //G4cout << "jj= " << jj << " modidx= "
571  // << currRegionModel->ModelIndex(jj) << G4endl;
573  G4double cutlim = currModel->MinEnergyCut(particle,couple);
574  if(cutlim > cut) {
575  if(!theCutsNew) { theCutsNew = new G4DataVector(*theCuts); }
576  (*theCutsNew)[i] = cutlim;
577  /*
578  G4cout << "### " << partname << " energy loss model in "
579  << material->GetName()
580  << " Cut was changed from " << cut/keV << " keV to "
581  << cutlim/keV << " keV " << " due to "
582  << currModel->GetName() << G4endl;
583  */
584  }
585  }
586  }
587  }
588  if(theCutsNew) { theCuts = theCutsNew; }
590  // initialize models
591  G4int nn = 0;
592  severalModels = true;
593  for(G4int jj=0; jj<nEmModels; ++jj) {
594  if(1 == isUsed[jj]) {
595  ++nn;
596  currModel = models[jj];
598  if(flucModels[jj]) { flucModels[jj]->InitialiseMe(particle); }
599  }
600  }
601  if(1 == nn) { severalModels = false; }
603  if(1 < verboseLevel) {
604  G4cout << "G4EmModelManager for " << partname
605  << " is initialised; nRegions= " << nRegions
606  << " severalModels: " << severalModels
607  << G4endl;
608  }
610  return theCuts;
611 }
613 //....oooOO0OOooo........oooOO0OOooo........oooOO0OOooo........oooOO0OOooo....
616  const G4MaterialCutsCouple* couple,
617  G4EmTableType tType)
618 {
619  size_t i = couple->GetIndex();
620  G4double cut = (*theCuts)[i];
621  G4double emin = 0.0;
623  if(fTotal == tType) { cut = DBL_MAX; }
624  else if(fSubRestricted == tType) {
625  emin = cut;
626  if(theSubCuts) { emin = (*theSubCuts)[i]; }
627  }
629  if(1 < verboseLevel) {
630  G4cout << "G4EmModelManager::FillDEDXVector() for "
631  << couple->GetMaterial()->GetName()
632  << " cut(MeV)= " << cut
633  << " emin(MeV)= " << emin
634  << " Type " << tType
635  << " for " << particle->GetParticleName()
636  << G4endl;
637  }
639  G4int reg = 0;
640  if(nRegions > 1 && nEmModels > 1) { reg = idxOfRegionModels[i]; }
641  const G4RegionModels* regModels = setOfRegionModels[reg];
642  G4int nmod = regModels->NumberOfModels();
644  // Calculate energy losses vector
646  //G4cout << "nmod= " << nmod << G4endl;
647  size_t totBinsLoss = aVector->GetVectorLength();
648  G4double del = 0.0;
649  G4int k0 = 0;
651  for(size_t j=0; j<totBinsLoss; ++j) {
653  G4double e = aVector->Energy(j);
655  // Choose a model of energy losses
656  G4int k = 0;
657  if (nmod > 1) {
658  k = nmod;
659  // Loop checking, 03-Aug-2015, Vladimir Ivanchenko
660  do {--k;} while (k>0 && e <= regModels->LowEdgeEnergy(k));
661  //G4cout << "k= " << k << G4endl;
662  if(k > 0 && k != k0) {
663  k0 = k;
664  G4double elow = regModels->LowEdgeEnergy(k);
665  G4double dedx1 = ComputeDEDX(models[regModels->ModelIndex(k-1)],
666  couple,elow,cut,emin);
667  G4double dedx2 = ComputeDEDX(models[regModels->ModelIndex(k)],
668  couple,elow,cut,emin);
669  del = 0.0;
670  if(dedx2 > 0.0) { del = (dedx1/dedx2 - 1.0)*elow; }
671  //G4cout << "elow= " << elow
672  // << " dedx1= " << dedx1 << " dedx2= " << dedx2 << G4endl;
673  }
674  }
675  G4double dedx =
676  ComputeDEDX(models[regModels->ModelIndex(k)],couple,e,cut,emin);
677  dedx *= (1.0 + del/e);
679  if(2 < verboseLevel) {
680  G4cout << "Material= " << couple->GetMaterial()->GetName()
681  << " E(MeV)= " << e/MeV
682  << " dEdx(MeV/mm)= " << dedx*mm/MeV
683  << " del= " << del*mm/MeV<< " k= " << k
684  << " modelIdx= " << regModels->ModelIndex(k)
685  << G4endl;
686  }
687  if(dedx < 0.0) { dedx = 0.0; }
688  aVector->PutValue(j, dedx);
689  }
690 }
692 //....oooOO0OOooo........oooOO0OOooo........oooOO0OOooo........oooOO0OOooo....
695  const G4MaterialCutsCouple* couple,
696  G4bool startFromNull,
697  G4EmTableType tType)
698 {
699  size_t i = couple->GetIndex();
700  G4double cut = (*theCuts)[i];
701  G4double tmax = DBL_MAX;
702  if (fSubRestricted == tType) {
703  tmax = cut;
704  if(theSubCuts) { cut = (*theSubCuts)[i]; }
705  }
707  G4int reg = 0;
708  if(nRegions > 1 && nEmModels > 1) { reg = idxOfRegionModels[i]; }
709  const G4RegionModels* regModels = setOfRegionModels[reg];
710  G4int nmod = regModels->NumberOfModels();
711  if(1 < verboseLevel) {
712  G4cout << "G4EmModelManager::FillLambdaVector() for "
714  << " in " << couple->GetMaterial()->GetName()
715  << " Emin(MeV)= " << aVector->Energy(0)
716  << " Emax(MeV)= " << aVector->GetMaxEnergy()
717  << " cut= " << cut
718  << " Type " << tType
719  << " nmod= " << nmod
720  << " theSubCuts " << theSubCuts
721  << G4endl;
722  }
724  // Calculate lambda vector
725  size_t totBinsLambda = aVector->GetVectorLength();
726  G4double del = 0.0;
727  G4int k0 = 0;
728  G4int k = 0;
729  G4VEmModel* mod = models[regModels->ModelIndex(0)];
730  for(size_t j=0; j<totBinsLambda; ++j) {
732  G4double e = aVector->Energy(j);
734  // Choose a model
735  if (nmod > 1) {
736  k = nmod;
737  // Loop checking, 03-Aug-2015, Vladimir Ivanchenko
738  do {--k;} while (k>0 && e <= regModels->LowEdgeEnergy(k));
739  if(k > 0 && k != k0) {
740  k0 = k;
741  G4double elow = regModels->LowEdgeEnergy(k);
742  G4VEmModel* mod1 = models[regModels->ModelIndex(k-1)];
743  G4double xs1 = mod1->CrossSection(couple,particle,elow,cut,tmax);
744  mod = models[regModels->ModelIndex(k)];
745  G4double xs2 = mod->CrossSection(couple,particle,elow,cut,tmax);
746  del = 0.0;
747  if(xs2 > 0.0) { del = (xs1/xs2 - 1.0)*elow; }
748  //G4cout << "New model k=" << k << " E(MeV)= " << e/MeV
749  // << " Elow(MeV)= " << elow/MeV << " del= " << del << G4endl;
750  }
751  }
752  G4double cross = mod->CrossSection(couple,particle,e,cut,tmax);
753  cross *= (1.0 + del/e);
754  if(fIsCrossSectionPrim == tType) { cross *= e; }
756  if(j==0 && startFromNull) { cross = 0.0; }
758  if(2 < verboseLevel) {
759  G4cout << "FillLambdaVector: " << j << ". e(MeV)= " << e/MeV
760  << " cross(1/mm)= " << cross*mm
761  << " del= " << del*mm << " k= " << k
762  << " modelIdx= " << regModels->ModelIndex(k)
763  << G4endl;
764  }
765  cross = std::max(cross, 0.0);
766  aVector->PutValue(j, cross);
767  }
768 }
770 //....oooOO0OOooo........oooOO0OOooo........oooOO0OOooo........oooOO0OOooo....
772 void G4EmModelManager::DumpModelList(std::ostream& out, G4int verb)
773 {
774  if(verb == 0) { return; }
775  for(G4int i=0; i<nRegions; ++i) {
777  const G4Region* reg = r->Region();
778  G4int n = r->NumberOfModels();
779  if(n > 0) {
780  out << " ===== EM models for the G4Region " << reg->GetName()
781  << " ======" << G4endl;
782  for(G4int j=0; j<n; ++j) {
783  G4VEmModel* model = models[r->ModelIndex(j)];
784  G4double emin =
786  G4double emax =
788  if(emax > emin) {
789  out << std::setw(20);
790  out << model->GetName() << " : Emin="
791  << std::setw(5) << G4BestUnit(emin,"Energy")
792  << " Emax="
793  << std::setw(5) << G4BestUnit(emax,"Energy");
794  G4PhysicsTable* table = model->GetCrossSectionTable();
795  if(table) {
796  size_t kk = table->size();
797  for(size_t k=0; k<kk; ++k) {
798  G4PhysicsVector* v = (*table)[k];
799  if(v) {
800  G4int nn = v->GetVectorLength() - 1;
801  out << " Nbins=" << nn << " "
802  << std::setw(3) << G4BestUnit(v->Energy(0),"Energy")
803  << " - "
804  << std::setw(3) << G4BestUnit(v->Energy(nn),"Energy");
805  break;
806  }
807  }
808  }
810  if(an) { out << " " << an->GetName(); }
811  if(fluoFlag && model->DeexcitationFlag()) {
812  out << " Fluo";
813  }
814  out << G4endl;
815  }
816  }
817  }
818  if(1 == nEmModels) { break; }
819  }
820  if(theCutsNew) {
821  out << " ===== Limit on energy threshold has been applied " << G4endl;
822  }
823 }
825 //....oooOO0OOooo........oooOO0OOooo........oooOO0OOooo........oooOO0OOooo....