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Go to the documentation of this file. Or view the newest version in sPHENIX GitHub for file RUNME.C
1 #include "mRICH.C"
2 #include <vector>
3 #include <TMath.h>
4 #include <TH1.h>
5 #include <TH2.h>
7 std::vector<PID*> Detectors;
8 std::vector<TH1*> Plots;
10 PID::type myType = PID::pi_k; // This means I want to plot the pi_K separation;
11 double numSigma = 3.001; // This means I want to plot teh contour for three sigma separation
12 double mom=5.;//GeV/c
14 void RUNME()
15 {
17  gStyle->SetOptStat(0);
19  // Add as many detectors as your heart desires....
20  Detectors.push_back( new mRICH(0.00175, 1, 1, mom) ); // 5 psec @ 150 cm
21  Detectors.push_back( new mRICH(0.00175, 1, 2, mom) ); // 10 psec @ 100 cm
22  Detectors.push_back( new mRICH(0.00175, 1, 3, mom) ); // 20 psec @ 100 cm
24  // Select the booking criterion for the performance plot.
25  TH1* Performance = new TH1D("Performance","Performance",100,-6,6); // Format for detector Performance.
27  //----------------------------------------------------------------------------------
28  // At least in the beginning, you might not want to change the lines below here...
29  //----------------------------------------------------------------------------------
31  // Now we call upon all detectors to present their descriptions and assumptions.
32  for (int i=0; i<Detectors.size(); i++)
33  {
34  Detectors[i]->description();
35  }
37  // Now we clone the original performance plot once for every known detector.
38  for (int i=0; i<Detectors.size(); i++)
39  {
40  Plots.push_back( (TH1*)Performance->Clone(Detectors[i]->name().c_str()) );
41  Plots[i]->SetLineColor(i+1); // Works well only for the first 9 colors...
42  Plots[i]->SetLineWidth(4);
43  }
45  // Now we fill all the performance plots:
46  for (int i=1; i<Plots[0]->GetNbinsX(); i++) // Remember root is weird...bin0 is the underflow bin
47  {
48  double eta = Plots[0]->GetBinCenter(i);
49  for (int j=0; j<Detectors.size(); j++)
50  {
51  if (Detectors[j]->valid(eta,mom))
52  {
53  Plots[j]->SetBinContent(i, Detectors[j]->maxP(eta, mom, numSigma, myType) );
54  //cout<<numSigma<<"\t"<<Detectors[j]->maxP(eta, numSigma, myType)<<endl;
55  }
56  }
57  }
59  TCanvas *c1 = new TCanvas("c1","c1",700,500);
60  // Now we display the performance plots
61  for (int i=0; i<Plots.size(); i++)
62  {
63  Plots[i]->Draw("same");
64  }
66  // Now we put colored names on top of the plot (too fancy?)...
67  TPaveText *pt = new TPaveText(0.15,0.7,0.4,0.90,"NDC");
68  for (int i=0; i<Detectors.size(); i++)
69  {
70  pt->AddText( Detectors[i]->name().c_str() );
71  ((TText*)pt->GetListOfLines()->Last())->SetTextColor(i+1);
72  }
73  pt->Draw();
75 }