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1 //
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25 //
26 // INCL++ intra-nuclear cascade model
27 // Alain Boudard, CEA-Saclay, France
28 // Joseph Cugnon, University of Liege, Belgium
29 // Jean-Christophe David, CEA-Saclay, France
30 // Pekka Kaitaniemi, CEA-Saclay, France, and Helsinki Institute of Physics, Finland
31 // Sylvie Leray, CEA-Saclay, France
32 // Davide Mancusi, CEA-Saclay, France
33 //
34 #define INCLXX_IN_GEANT4_MODE 1
36 #include "globals.hh"
47 #include "G4INCLEventInfo.hh"
48 #include "G4INCLGlobals.hh"
49 #include "G4INCLParticleTable.hh"
50 #include "G4INCLParticle.hh"
51 #include <cmath>
53 namespace G4INCL {
58  const Double_t beta = std::sqrt(1.-1./(gamma*gamma));
59  for(Int_t i=0; i<nParticles; ++i) {
60  // determine the particle mass from the kinetic energy and the momentum;
61  // this ensures consistency with the masses uses by the models
62  Double_t mass;
63  if(EKin[i]>0.) {
64  mass = std::max(
65  0.5 * (px[i]*px[i]+py[i]*py[i]+pz[i]*pz[i]-EKin[i]*EKin[i]) / EKin[i],
66  0.0);
67  } else {
68  INCL_WARN("Particle with null kinetic energy in fillInverseKinematics, cannot determine its mass:\n"
69  << " A=" << A[i] << ", Z=" << Z[i] << ", S=" << S[i] << '\n'
70  << " EKin=" << EKin[i] << ", px=" << px[i] << ", py=" << py[i] << ", pz=" << pz[i] << '\n'
71  << " Falling back to the mass from the INCL ParticleTable" << '\n');
72  mass = ParticleTable::getRealMass(A[i], Z[i], S[i]);
73  }
75  const Double_t ETot = EKin[i] + mass;
76  const Double_t ETotPrime = gamma*(ETot - beta*pz[i]);
77  EKinPrime[i] = ETotPrime - mass;
78  pzPrime[i] = -gamma*(pz[i] - beta*ETot);
79  const Double_t pPrime = std::sqrt(px[i]*px[i] + py[i]*py[i] + pzPrime[i]*pzPrime[i]);
80  const Double_t cosThetaPrime = (pPrime>0.) ? (pzPrime[i]/pPrime) : 1.;
81  if(cosThetaPrime>=1.)
82  thetaPrime[i] = 0.;
83  else if(cosThetaPrime<=-1.)
84  thetaPrime[i] = 180.;
85  else
86  thetaPrime[i] = Math::toDegrees(Math::arcCos(cosThetaPrime));
87  }
88  }
90  void EventInfo::remnantToParticle(const G4int remnantIndex) {
92  INCL_DEBUG("remnantToParticle function used\n");
94  A[nParticles] = ARem[remnantIndex];
95  Z[nParticles] = ZRem[remnantIndex];
96  S[nParticles] = SRem[remnantIndex];
98  ParticleSpecies pt(A[nParticles],Z[nParticles],S[nParticles]);
104  px[nParticles] = pxRem[remnantIndex];
105  py[nParticles] = pyRem[remnantIndex];
106  pz[nParticles] = pzRem[remnantIndex];
108  const G4double plab = std::sqrt(pxRem[remnantIndex]*pxRem[remnantIndex]
109  +pyRem[remnantIndex]*pyRem[remnantIndex]
110  +pzRem[remnantIndex]*pzRem[remnantIndex]);
111  G4double pznorm = pzRem[remnantIndex]/plab;
112  if(pznorm>1.)
113  pznorm = 1.;
114  else if(pznorm<-1.)
115  pznorm = -1.;
117  phi[nParticles] = Math::toDegrees(std::atan2(pyRem[remnantIndex],pxRem[remnantIndex]));
119  EKin[nParticles] = EKinRem[remnantIndex];
120  origin[nParticles] = -1; // Origin: cascade
121  history.push_back(""); // history
122  nParticles++;
123 // assert(history.size()==(unsigned int)nParticles);
124  }
125 }