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1 //
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25 //
26 // ------------------------------------------------------------
27 // GEANT 4 class implementation file
28 //
29 // ---------------- G4Fancy3DNucleus ----------------
30 // by Gunter Folger, May 1998.
31 // class for a 3D nucleus, arranging nucleons in space and momentum.
32 // ------------------------------------------------------------
33 // 20110805 M. Kelsey -- Remove C-style array (pointer) of G4Nucleons,
34 // make vector a container of objects. Move Helper class
35 // to .hh. Move testSums, places, momentum and fermiM to
36 // class data members for reuse.
38 #include <algorithm>
40 #include "G4Fancy3DNucleus.hh"
42 #include "G4NuclearFermiDensity.hh"
44 #include "G4NucleiProperties.hh"
45 #include "G4Nucleon.hh"
46 #include "G4SystemOfUnits.hh"
47 #include "Randomize.hh"
48 #include "G4ios.hh"
49 #include "G4Pow.hh"
50 #include "G4HadronicException.hh"
52 #include "Randomize.hh"
53 #include "G4ThreeVector.hh"
54 #include "G4RandomDirection.hh"
55 #include "G4LorentzRotation.hh"
56 #include "G4RotationMatrix.hh"
57 #include "G4PhysicalConstants.hh"
60  : myA(0), myZ(0), theNucleons(250), currentNucleon(-1), theDensity(0),
61  nucleondistance(0.8*fermi),excitationEnergy(0.),
62  places(250), momentum(250), fermiM(250), testSums(250)
63 {
64 }
67 {
68  if(theDensity) delete theDensity;
69 }
71 #if defined(NON_INTEGER_A_Z)
73 {
74  G4int intZ = G4int(theZ);
75  G4int intA= ( G4UniformRand()>theA-G4int(theA) ) ? G4int(theA) : G4int(theA)+1;
76  // forward to integer Init()
77  Init(intA, intZ);
79 }
80 #endif
83 {
84  currentNucleon=-1;
85  theNucleons.clear();
86  nucleondistance = 0.8*fermi;
87  places.clear();
88  momentum.clear();
89  fermiM.clear();
90  testSums.clear();
92  myZ = theZ;
93  myA= theA;
96  theNucleons.resize(myA); // Pre-loads vector with empty elements
98  if(theDensity) delete theDensity;
99  if ( myA < 17 ) {
101  if( myA == 12 ) nucleondistance=0.9*fermi;
102  } else {
104  }
106  theFermi.Init(myA, myZ);
108  ChooseNucleons();
110  ChoosePositions();
112  if( myA == 12 ) CenterNucleons(); // This would introduce a bias
116  G4double Ebinding= BindingEnergy()/myA;
118  for (G4int aNucleon=0; aNucleon < myA; aNucleon++)
119  {
120  theNucleons[aNucleon].SetBindingEnergy(Ebinding);
121  }
123  return;
124 }
127 {
128  currentNucleon=0;
129  return (theNucleons.size()>0);
130 }
132 // Returns by pointer; null pointer indicates end of loop
134 {
135  return ( (currentNucleon>=0 && currentNucleon<myA) ?
136  &theNucleons[currentNucleon++] : 0 );
137 }
139 const std::vector<G4Nucleon> & G4Fancy3DNucleus::GetNucleons()
140 {
141  return theNucleons;
142 }
145 // Class-scope function to sort nucleons by Z coordinate
147 {
148  return nuc1.GetPosition().z() < nuc2.GetPosition().z();
149 }
152 {
153  if (theNucleons.size() < 2 ) return; // Avoid unnecesary work
155  std::sort(theNucleons.begin(), theNucleons.end(),
157 }
160 {
161  if (theNucleons.size() < 2 ) return; // Avoid unnecessary work
164  std::reverse(theNucleons.begin(), theNucleons.end());
165 }
169 {
171 }
175 {
176  return GetNuclearRadius(0.5);
177 }
180 {
181  return theDensity->GetRadius(maxRelativeDensity);
182 }
185 {
186  G4double maxradius2=0;
188  for (int i=0; i<myA; i++)
189  {
190  if ( theNucleons[i].GetPosition().mag2() > maxradius2 )
191  {
192  maxradius2=theNucleons[i].GetPosition().mag2();
193  }
194  }
195  return std::sqrt(maxradius2)+nucleondistance;
196 }
199 {
200  return myZ*G4Proton::Proton()->GetPDGMass() +
202  BindingEnergy();
203 }
208 {
209  for (G4int i=0; i<myA; i++){
210  theNucleons[i].Boost(theBoost);
211  }
212 }
215 {
216  for (G4int i=0; i<myA; i++){
217  theNucleons[i].Boost(theBeta);
218  }
219 }
222 {
223  G4double beta2=theBeta.mag2();
224  if (beta2 > 0) {
225  G4double factor=(1-std::sqrt(1-beta2))/beta2; // (gamma-1)/gamma/beta**2
226  G4ThreeVector rprime;
227  for (G4int i=0; i< myA; i++) {
228  rprime = theNucleons[i].GetPosition() -
229  factor * (theBeta*theNucleons[i].GetPosition()) * theBeta;
230  theNucleons[i].SetPosition(rprime);
231  }
232  }
233 }
236 {
237  if (theBoost.e() !=0 ) {
238  G4ThreeVector beta = theBoost.vect()/theBoost.e();
239  DoLorentzContraction(beta);
240  }
241 }
246 {
247  G4ThreeVector center;
249  for (G4int i=0; i<myA; i++ )
250  {
251  center+=theNucleons[i].GetPosition();
252  }
253  center /= -myA;
254  DoTranslation(center);
255 }
258 {
259  G4ThreeVector tempV;
260  for (G4int i=0; i<myA; i++ )
261  {
262  tempV = theNucleons[i].GetPosition() + theShift;
263  theNucleons[i].SetPosition(tempV);
264  }
265 }
268 {
269  return theDensity;
270 }
272 //----------------------- private Implementation Methods-------------
275 {
276  G4int protons=0,nucleons=0;
278  while (nucleons < myA ) /* Loop checking, 30-Oct-2015, G.Folger */
279  {
280  if ( protons < myZ && G4UniformRand() < (G4double)(myZ-protons)/(G4double)(myA-nucleons) )
281  {
282  protons++;
283  theNucleons[nucleons++].SetParticleType(G4Proton::Proton());
284  }
285  else if ( (nucleons-protons) < (myA-myZ) )
286  {
287  theNucleons[nucleons++].SetParticleType(G4Neutron::Neutron());
288  }
289  else G4cout << "G4Fancy3DNucleus::ChooseNucleons not efficient" << G4endl;
290  }
291  return;
292 }
295 {
296  if( myA != 12) {
298  G4int i=0;
299  G4ThreeVector aPos, delta;
300  G4bool freeplace;
301  const G4double nd2=sqr(nucleondistance);
302  G4double maxR=GetNuclearRadius(0.001); // there are no nucleons at a
303  // relative Density of 0.01
304  G4int jr=0;
305  G4int jx,jy;
306  G4double arand[600];
307  G4double *prand=arand;
308  places.clear(); // Reset data buffer
309  G4int interationsLeft=1000*myA;
310  while ( (i < myA) && (--interationsLeft>0)) /* Loop checking, 30-Oct-2015, G.Folger */
311  {
312  do
313  {
314  if ( jr < 3 )
315  {
316  jr=std::min(600,9*(myA - i));
317  G4RandFlat::shootArray(jr,prand);
318  //CLHEP::RandFlat::shootArray(jr, prand );
319  }
320  jx=--jr;
321  jy=--jr;
322  aPos.set((2*arand[jx]-1.), (2*arand[jy]-1.), (2*arand[--jr]-1.));
323  } while (aPos.mag2() > 1. ); /* Loop checking, 30-Oct-2015, G.Folger */
324  aPos *=maxR;
325  G4double density=theDensity->GetRelativeDensity(aPos);
326  if (G4UniformRand() < density)
327  {
328  freeplace= true;
329  std::vector<G4ThreeVector>::iterator iplace;
330  for( iplace=places.begin(); iplace!=places.end() && freeplace;++iplace)
331  {
332  delta = *iplace - aPos;
333  freeplace= delta.mag2() > nd2;
334  }
335  if ( freeplace ) {
337  // protons must at least have binding energy of CoulombBarrier, so
338  // assuming the Fermi energy corresponds to a potential, we must place these such
339  // that the Fermi Energy > CoulombBarrier
340  if (theNucleons[i].GetDefinition() == G4Proton::Proton())
341  {
342  G4double nucMass = theNucleons[i].GetDefinition()->GetPDGMass();
343  G4double eFermi= std::sqrt( sqr(pFermi) + sqr(nucMass) ) - nucMass;
344  if (eFermi <= CoulombBarrier() ) freeplace=false;
345  }
346  }
347  if ( freeplace ) {
348  theNucleons[i].SetPosition(aPos);
349  places.push_back(aPos);
350  ++i;
351  }
352  }
353  }
354  if (interationsLeft<=0) {
355  G4Exception("model/util/", "mod_util001", FatalException,
356  "Problem to place nucleons");
357  }
359  } else {
360  // Start insertion
361  // Alpha cluster structure of carbon nuclei, C-12, is implemented according to
362  // P. Bozek, W. Broniowski, E.R. Arriola and M. Rybczynski
363  // Phys. Rev. C90, 064902 (2014)
364  const G4double Lbase=3.05*fermi;
365  const G4double Disp=0.552; // 0.91^2*2/3 fermi^2
366  const G4double nd2=sqr(nucleondistance);
367  const G4ThreeVector Corner1=G4ThreeVector( Lbase/2., 0., 0.);
368  const G4ThreeVector Corner2=G4ThreeVector(-Lbase/2., 0., 0.);
369  const G4ThreeVector Corner3=G4ThreeVector( 0.,Lbase*0.866, 0.); // 0.866=sqrt(3)/2
370  G4ThreeVector R1;
371  R1=G4ThreeVector(G4RandGauss::shoot(0.,Disp), G4RandGauss::shoot(0.,Disp), G4RandGauss::shoot(0.,Disp))*fermi + Corner1;
372  theNucleons[0].SetPosition(R1); // First nucleon of the first He-4
373  G4int loopCounterLeft = 10000;
374  for(G4int ii=1; ii<4; ii++) // 2 - 4 nucleons of the first He-4
375  {
376  G4bool Continue;
377  do
378  {
379  R1=G4ThreeVector(G4RandGauss::shoot(0.,Disp), G4RandGauss::shoot(0.,Disp), G4RandGauss::shoot(0.,Disp))*fermi + Corner1;
380  theNucleons[ii].SetPosition(R1);
381  Continue=false;
382  for(G4int jj=0; jj < ii; jj++)
383  {
384  if( (theNucleons[ii].GetPosition() - theNucleons[jj].GetPosition()).mag2() <= nd2 ) {Continue = true; break;}
385  }
386  } while( Continue && --loopCounterLeft > 0 ); /* Loop checking, 12-Dec-2017, A.Ribon */
387  }
388  if ( loopCounterLeft <= 0 ) {
389  G4Exception("model/util/", "mod_util002", FatalException,
390  "Unable to find a good position for the first alpha cluster");
391  }
392  loopCounterLeft = 10000;
393  for(G4int ii=4; ii<8; ii++) // 5 - 8 nucleons of the second He-4
394  {
395  G4bool Continue;
396  do
397  {
398  R1=G4ThreeVector(G4RandGauss::shoot(0.,Disp), G4RandGauss::shoot(0.,Disp), G4RandGauss::shoot(0.,Disp))*fermi + Corner2;
399  theNucleons[ii].SetPosition(R1);
400  Continue=false;
401  for(G4int jj=0; jj < ii; jj++)
402  {
403  if( (theNucleons[ii].GetPosition() - theNucleons[jj].GetPosition()).mag2() <= nd2 ) {Continue = true; break;}
404  }
405  } while( Continue && --loopCounterLeft > 0 ); /* Loop checking, 12-Dec-2017, A.Ribon */
406  }
407  if ( loopCounterLeft <= 0 ) {
408  G4Exception("model/util/", "mod_util003", FatalException,
409  "Unable to find a good position for the second alpha cluster");
410  }
411  loopCounterLeft = 10000;
412  for(G4int ii=8; ii<12; ii++) // 9 - 12 nucleons of the third He-4
413  {
414  G4bool Continue;
415  do
416  {
417  R1=G4ThreeVector(G4RandGauss::shoot(0.,Disp), G4RandGauss::shoot(0.,Disp), G4RandGauss::shoot(0.,Disp))*fermi + Corner3;
418  theNucleons[ii].SetPosition(R1);
419  Continue=false;
420  for(G4int jj=0; jj < ii; jj++)
421  {
422  if( (theNucleons[ii].GetPosition() - theNucleons[jj].GetPosition()).mag2() <= nd2 ) {Continue = true; break;}
423  }
424  } while( Continue && --loopCounterLeft > 0 ); /* Loop checking, 12-Dec-2017, A.Ribon */
425  }
426  if ( loopCounterLeft <= 0 ) {
427  G4Exception("model/util/", "mod_util004", FatalException,
428  "Unable to find a good position for the third alpha cluster");
429  }
430  G4LorentzRotation RandomRotation;
431  RandomRotation.rotateZ(2.*pi*G4UniformRand());
432  RandomRotation.rotateY(std::acos(2.*G4UniformRand()-1.));
433  // Randomly rotation of the created nucleus
435  for(G4int ii=0; ii<myA; ii++ )
436  {
437  Pos=G4LorentzVector(theNucleons[ii].GetPosition(),0.); Pos *=RandomRotation;
438  G4ThreeVector NewPos = Pos.vect();
439  theNucleons[ii].SetPosition(NewPos);
440  }
442  }
443 }
446 {
447  G4int i;
448  G4double density;
450  // Pre-allocate buffers for filling by index
451  momentum.resize(myA, G4ThreeVector(0.,0.,0.));
452  fermiM.resize(myA, 0.*GeV);
454  for (G4int ntry=0; ntry<1 ; ntry ++ )
455  {
456  for (i=0; i < myA; i++ ) // momenta for all, including last, in case we swap nucleons
457  {
458  density = theDensity->GetDensity(theNucleons[i].GetPosition());
459  fermiM[i] = theFermi.GetFermiMomentum(density);
461  if (theNucleons[i].GetDefinition() == G4Proton::Proton())
462  {
463  G4double eMax = std::sqrt(sqr(fermiM[i]) +sqr(theNucleons[i].GetDefinition()->GetPDGMass()) )
464  - CoulombBarrier();
465  if ( eMax > theNucleons[i].GetDefinition()->GetPDGMass() )
466  {
467  G4double pmax2= sqr(eMax) - sqr(theNucleons[i].GetDefinition()->GetPDGMass());
468  fermiM[i] = std::sqrt(pmax2);
469  while ( mom.mag2() > pmax2 ) /* Loop checking, 30-Oct-2015, G.Folger */
470  {
471  mom=theFermi.GetMomentum(density, fermiM[i]);
472  }
473  } else
474  {
475  //AR-21Dec2017 : emit a "JustWarning" exception instead of writing on the error stream.
476  //G4cerr << "G4Fancy3DNucleus: difficulty finding proton momentum" << G4endl;
478  ed << "Nucleus Z A " << myZ << " " << myA << G4endl;
479  ed << "proton with eMax=" << eMax << G4endl;
480  G4Exception( "G4Fancy3DNucleus::ChooseFermiMomenta(): difficulty finding proton momentum, set it to (0,0,0)",
481  "HAD_FANCY3DNUCLEUS_001", JustWarning, ed );
482  mom=G4ThreeVector(0,0,0);
483  }
485  }
486  momentum[i]= mom;
487  }
489  if ( ReduceSum() ) break;
490 // G4cout <<" G4FancyNucleus: iterating to find momenta: "<< ntry<< G4endl;
491  }
493 // G4ThreeVector sum;
494 // for (G4int index=0; index<myA;sum+=momentum[index++])
495 // ;
496 // G4cout << "final sum / mag() " << sum << " / " << sum.mag() << G4endl;
499  for ( i=0; i< myA ; i++ )
500  {
501  energy = theNucleons[i].GetParticleType()->GetPDGMass()
502  - BindingEnergy()/myA;
503  G4LorentzVector tempV(momentum[i],energy);
504  theNucleons[i].SetMomentum(tempV);
505  // GF 11-05-2011: set BindingEnergy to be T of Nucleon with p , ~ p**2/2m
506  //theNucleons[i].SetBindingEnergy(
507  // 0.5*sqr(fermiM[i])/theNucleons[i].GetParticleType()->GetPDGMass());
508  }
509 }
513 {
515  G4double PFermi=fermiM[myA-1];
517  for (G4int i=0; i < myA-1 ; i++ )
518  { sum+=momentum[i]; }
520 // check if have to do anything at all..
521  if ( sum.mag() <= PFermi )
522  {
523  momentum[myA-1]=-sum;
524  return true;
525  }
527 // find all possible changes in momentum, changing only the component parallel to sum
528  G4ThreeVector testDir=sum.unit();
529  testSums.clear();
530  testSums.resize(myA-1); // Allocate block for filling below
533  for (G4int aNucleon=0; aNucleon < myA-1; aNucleon++) {
534  delta = 2.*((momentum[aNucleon]*testDir)*testDir);
536  testSums[aNucleon].Fill(delta, delta.mag(), aNucleon);
537  }
539  std::sort(testSums.begin(), testSums.end());
541 // reduce Momentum Sum until the next would be allowed.
542  G4int index=testSums.size();
543  while ( (sum-testSums[--index].Vector).mag()>PFermi && index>0) /* Loop checking, 30-Oct-2015, G.Folger */
544  {
545  // Only take one which improve, ie. don't change sign and overshoot...
546  if ( sum.mag() > (sum-testSums[index].Vector).mag() ) {
547  momentum[testSums[index].Index]-=testSums[index].Vector;
548  sum-=testSums[index].Vector;
549  }
550  }
552  if ( (sum-testSums[index].Vector).mag() <= PFermi )
553  {
554  G4int best=-1;
555  G4double pBest=2*PFermi; // anything larger than PFermi
556  for ( G4int aNucleon=0; aNucleon<=index; aNucleon++)
557  {
558  // find the momentum closest to choosen momentum for last Nucleon.
559  G4double pTry=(testSums[aNucleon].Vector-sum).mag();
560  if ( pTry < PFermi
561  && std::abs(momentum[myA-1].mag() - pTry ) < pBest )
562  {
563  pBest=std::abs(momentum[myA-1].mag() - pTry );
564  best=aNucleon;
565  }
566  }
567  if ( best < 0 )
568  {
569  G4String text = " Logic error in ReduceSum()";
570  throw G4HadronicException(__FILE__, __LINE__, text);
571  }
572  momentum[testSums[best].Index]-=testSums[best].Vector;
573  momentum[myA-1]=testSums[best].Vector-sum;
575  return true;
577  }
579  // try to compensate momentum using another Nucleon....
580  G4int swapit=-1;
581  while (swapit<myA-1) /* Loop checking, 30-Oct-2015, G.Folger */
582  {
583  if ( fermiM[++swapit] > PFermi ) break;
584  }
585  if (swapit == myA-1 ) return false;
587  // Now we have a nucleon with a bigger Fermi Momentum.
588  // Exchange with last nucleon.. and iterate.
589  std::swap(theNucleons[swapit], theNucleons[myA-1]);
590  std::swap(momentum[swapit], momentum[myA-1]);
591  std::swap(fermiM[swapit], fermiM[myA-1]);
592  return ReduceSum();
593 }
596 {
597  static const G4double cfactor = (1.44/1.14) * MeV;
598  return cfactor*myZ/(1.0 + G4Pow::GetInstance()->Z13(myA));
599 }