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Go to the documentation of this file. Or view the newest version in sPHENIX GitHub for file VerticesHelper.hpp
1 // This file is part of the Acts project.
2 //
3 // Copyright (C) 2020 CERN for the benefit of the Acts project
4 //
5 // This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public
6 // License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this
7 // file, You can obtain one at
9 #pragma once
11 #include <utility>
12 #include <vector>
15 namespace Acts {
17 namespace detail {
21 namespace VerticesHelper {
32 static std::vector<double> phiSegments(double phiMin = -M_PI,
33  double phiMax = M_PI,
34  std::vector<double> phiRefs = {},
35  double phiTolerance = 1e-6) {
36  // This is to ensure that the extrema are built regardless of number
37  // of segments
38  std::vector<double> phiSegments;
39  std::vector<double> quarters = {-M_PI, -0.5 * M_PI, 0., 0.5 * M_PI, M_PI};
40  // It does not cover the full azimuth
41  if (phiMin != -M_PI or phiMax != M_PI) {
42  phiSegments.push_back(phiMin);
43  for (unsigned int iq = 1; iq < 4; ++iq) {
44  if (phiMin < quarters[iq] and phiMax > quarters[iq]) {
45  phiSegments.push_back(quarters[iq]);
46  }
47  }
48  phiSegments.push_back(phiMax);
49  } else {
50  phiSegments = quarters;
51  }
52  // Insert the reference phis if
53  if (not phiRefs.empty()) {
54  for (const auto& phiRef : phiRefs) {
55  // Trying to find the right patch
56  auto match = std::find_if(
57  phiSegments.begin(), phiSegments.end(), [&](double phiSeg) {
58  return std::abs(phiSeg - phiRef) < phiTolerance;
59  });
60  if (match == phiSegments.end()) {
61  phiSegments.push_back(phiRef);
62  }
63  }
64  std::sort(phiSegments.begin(), phiSegments.end());
65  }
66  return phiSegments;
67 }
83 template <typename vertex_t, typename transform_t>
84 void createSegment(std::vector<vertex_t>& vertices,
85  std::pair<double, double> rxy, double phi1, double phi2,
86  unsigned int lseg, int addon = 0,
87  const vertex_t& offset = vertex_t::Zero(),
88  const transform_t& transform = transform_t::Identity()) {
89  // Calculate the number of segments - 1 is the minimum
90  unsigned int segs = std::abs(phi2 - phi1) / (2 * M_PI) * lseg;
91  segs = segs > 0 ? segs : 1;
92  double phistep = (phi2 - phi1) / segs;
93  // Create the segments
94  for (unsigned int iphi = 0; iphi < segs + addon; ++iphi) {
95  double phi = phi1 + iphi * phistep;
96  vertex_t vertex = vertex_t::Zero();
97  vertex(0) = rxy.first * std::cos(phi);
98  vertex(1) = rxy.second * std::sin(phi);
99  vertex = vertex + offset;
100  vertices.push_back(transform * vertex);
101  }
102 }
115 static std::vector<Vector2D> ellispoidVertices(double innerRx, double innerRy,
116  double outerRx, double outerRy,
117  double avgPhi = 0.,
118  double halfPhi = M_PI,
119  unsigned int lseg = 1) {
120  // List of vertices counter-clockwise starting at smallest phi w.r.t center,
121  // for both inner/outer ring/segment
122  std::vector<Acts::Vector2D> rvertices; // return vertices
123  std::vector<Acts::Vector2D> ivertices; // inner vertices
124  std::vector<Acts::Vector2D> overtices; // outer verices
126  bool innerExists = (innerRx > 0. and innerRy > 0.);
127  bool closed = std::abs(halfPhi - M_PI) < s_onSurfaceTolerance;
129  // Get the phi segments from the helper method
131  avgPhi - halfPhi, avgPhi + halfPhi, {avgPhi});
133  // The inner (if exists) and outer bow
134  for (unsigned int iseg = 0; iseg < phiSegs.size() - 1; ++iseg) {
135  int addon = (iseg == phiSegs.size() - 2 and not closed) ? 1 : 0;
136  if (innerExists) {
137  detail::VerticesHelper::createSegment<Vector2D, Eigen::Affine2d>(
138  ivertices, {innerRx, innerRy}, phiSegs[iseg], phiSegs[iseg + 1], lseg,
139  addon);
140  }
141  detail::VerticesHelper::createSegment<Vector2D, Eigen::Affine2d>(
142  overtices, {outerRx, outerRy}, phiSegs[iseg], phiSegs[iseg + 1], lseg,
143  addon);
144  }
146  // We want to keep the same counter-clockwise orientation for displaying
147  if (not innerExists) {
148  if (not closed) {
149  // Add the center case we have a sector
150  rvertices.push_back(Vector2D(0., 0.));
151  }
152  rvertices.insert(rvertices.end(), overtices.begin(), overtices.end());
153  } else if (not closed) {
154  rvertices.insert(rvertices.end(), overtices.begin(), overtices.end());
155  rvertices.insert(rvertices.end(), ivertices.rbegin(), ivertices.rend());
156  } else {
157  rvertices.insert(rvertices.end(), overtices.begin(), overtices.end());
158  rvertices.insert(rvertices.end(), ivertices.begin(), ivertices.end());
159  }
160  return rvertices;
161 }
172 static std::vector<Vector2D> circularVertices(double innerR, double outerR,
173  double avgPhi = 0.,
174  double halfPhi = M_PI,
175  unsigned int lseg = 1) {
176  return ellispoidVertices(innerR, innerR, outerR, outerR, avgPhi, halfPhi,
177  lseg);
178 }
190 template <typename vertex_t, typename vertex_container_t>
191 bool isInsidePolygon(const vertex_t& point,
192  const vertex_container_t& vertices) {
193  // when we move along the edges of a convex polygon, a point on the inside of
194  // the polygon will always appear on the same side of each edge.
195  // a point on the outside will switch sides at least once.
197  // returns which side of the connecting line between `ll0` and `ll1` the point
198  // `p` is on. computes the sign of the z-component of the cross-product
199  // between the line normal vector and the vector from `ll0` to `p`.
200  auto lineSide = [&](auto&& ll0, auto&& ll1) {
201  auto normal = ll1 - ll0;
202  auto delta = point - ll0;
203  return std::signbit((normal[0] * delta[1]) - (normal[1] * delta[0]));
204  };
206  auto iv = std::begin(vertices);
207  auto l0 = *iv;
208  auto l1 = *(++iv);
209  // use vertex0 to vertex1 to define reference sign and compare w/ all edges
210  auto reference = lineSide(l0, l1);
211  for (++iv; iv != std::end(vertices); ++iv) {
212  l0 = l1;
213  l1 = *iv;
214  if (lineSide(l0, l1) != reference) {
215  return false;
216  }
217  }
218  // manual check for last edge from last vertex back to the first vertex
219  if (lineSide(l1, *std::begin(vertices)) != reference) {
220  return false;
221  }
222  // point was always on the same side. point must be inside.
223  return true;
224 }
236 template <typename vertex_t>
237 bool isInsideRectangle(const vertex_t& point, const vertex_t& lowerLeft,
238  const vertex_t& upperRight) {
239  return (lowerLeft[0] <= point[0]) && (point[0] < upperRight[0]) &&
240  (lowerLeft[1] <= point[1]) && (point[1] < upperRight[1]);
241 }
243 }; // namespace VerticesHelper
245 } // namespace detail
247 } // namespace Acts