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Go to the documentation of this file. Or view the newest version in sPHENIX GitHub for file RootPlanarClusterWriter.cpp
1 // This file is part of the Acts project.
2 //
3 // Copyright (C) 2017 CERN for the benefit of the Acts project
4 //
5 // This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public
6 // License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this
7 // file, You can obtain one at
11 #include <TFile.h>
12 #include <TTree.h>
13 #include <ios>
14 #include <stdexcept>
25 #include "Acts/Utilities/Units.hpp"
29  : WriterT(cfg.inputClusters, "RootPlanarClusterWriter", lvl),
30  m_cfg(cfg),
31  m_outputFile(cfg.rootFile) {
32  // inputClusters is already checked by base constructor
33  if (m_cfg.inputSimulatedHits.empty()) {
34  throw std::invalid_argument("Missing simulated hits input collection");
35  }
36  if (m_cfg.treeName.empty()) {
37  throw std::invalid_argument("Missing tree name");
38  }
39  // Setup ROOT I/O
40  if (m_outputFile == nullptr) {
41  m_outputFile = TFile::Open(m_cfg.filePath.c_str(), m_cfg.fileMode.c_str());
42  if (m_outputFile == nullptr) {
43  throw std::ios_base::failure("Could not open '" + m_cfg.filePath);
44  }
45  }
46  m_outputFile->cd();
47  m_outputTree =
48  new TTree(m_cfg.treeName.c_str(), "TTree from RootPlanarClusterWriter");
49  if (m_outputTree == nullptr)
50  throw std::bad_alloc();
52  // Set the branches
53  m_outputTree->Branch("event_nr", &m_eventNr);
54  m_outputTree->Branch("volume_id", &m_volumeID);
55  m_outputTree->Branch("layer_id", &m_layerID);
56  m_outputTree->Branch("surface_id", &m_surfaceID);
57  m_outputTree->Branch("g_x", &m_x);
58  m_outputTree->Branch("g_y", &m_y);
59  m_outputTree->Branch("g_z", &m_z);
60  m_outputTree->Branch("g_t", &m_t);
61  m_outputTree->Branch("l_x", &m_lx);
62  m_outputTree->Branch("l_y", &m_ly);
63  m_outputTree->Branch("cov_l_x", &m_cov_lx);
64  m_outputTree->Branch("cov_l_y", &m_cov_ly);
65  m_outputTree->Branch("cell_ID_x", &m_cell_IDx);
66  m_outputTree->Branch("cell_ID_y", &m_cell_IDy);
67  m_outputTree->Branch("cell_l_x", &m_cell_lx);
68  m_outputTree->Branch("cell_l_y", &m_cell_ly);
69  m_outputTree->Branch("cell_data", &m_cell_data);
70  m_outputTree->Branch("truth_g_x", &m_t_gx);
71  m_outputTree->Branch("truth_g_y", &m_t_gy);
72  m_outputTree->Branch("truth_g_z", &m_t_gz);
73  m_outputTree->Branch("truth_g_t", &m_t_gt);
74  m_outputTree->Branch("truth_l_x", &m_t_lx);
75  m_outputTree->Branch("truth_l_y", &m_t_ly);
76  m_outputTree->Branch("truth_barcode", &m_t_barcode, "truth_barcode/l");
77 }
81  if (m_cfg.rootFile == nullptr) {
82  m_outputFile->Close();
83  }
84 }
87  // Write the tree
88  m_outputFile->cd();
89  m_outputTree->Write();
90  ACTS_INFO("Wrote particles to tree '" << m_cfg.treeName << "' in '"
91  << m_cfg.filePath << "'");
92  return ProcessCode::SUCCESS;
93 }
96  const AlgorithmContext& ctx,
98  // retrieve simulated hits
99  const auto& simHits =
100  ctx.eventStore.get<SimHitContainer>(m_cfg.inputSimulatedHits);
102  // Exclusive access to the tree while writing
103  std::lock_guard<std::mutex> lock(m_writeMutex);
104  // Get the event number
105  m_eventNr = ctx.eventNumber;
107  // Loop over the planar clusters in this event
108  for (const auto& entry : clusters) {
109  Acts::GeometryID geoId = entry.first;
110  const Acts::PlanarModuleCluster& cluster = entry.second;
111  // local cluster information: position, @todo coveraiance
112  auto parameters = cluster.parameters();
117  Acts::Vector3D pos(0, 0, 0);
118  Acts::Vector3D mom(1, 1, 1);
119  // the cluster surface
120  const auto& clusterSurface = cluster.referenceSurface();
121  // transform local into global position information
122  clusterSurface.localToGlobal(ctx.geoContext, local, mom, pos);
123  // identification
124  m_volumeID = geoId.volume();
125  m_layerID = geoId.layer();
126  m_surfaceID = geoId.sensitive();
127  m_x = pos.x();
128  m_y = pos.y();
129  m_z = pos.z();
131  m_lx = local.x();
132  m_ly = local.y();
133  m_cov_lx = 0.; // @todo fill in
134  m_cov_ly = 0.; // @todo fill in
135  // get the cells and run through them
136  const auto& cells = cluster.digitizationCells();
137  auto detectorElement = dynamic_cast<const Acts::IdentifiedDetectorElement*>(
138  clusterSurface.associatedDetectorElement());
139  for (auto& cell : cells) {
140  // cell identification
141  m_cell_IDx.push_back(cell.channel0);
142  m_cell_IDy.push_back(cell.channel1);
143  m_cell_data.push_back(;
144  // for more we need the digitization module
145  if (detectorElement && detectorElement->digitizationModule()) {
146  auto digitationModule = detectorElement->digitizationModule();
147  const Acts::Segmentation& segmentation =
148  digitationModule->segmentation();
149  // get the cell positions
150  auto cellLocalPosition = segmentation.cellPosition(cell);
151  m_cell_lx.push_back(cellLocalPosition.x());
152  m_cell_ly.push_back(cellLocalPosition.y());
153  }
154  }
155  // write hit-particle truth association
156  // each hit can have multiple particles, e.g. in a dense environment
157  for (auto idx : cluster.sourceLink().indices()) {
158  auto it = simHits.nth(idx);
159  if (it == simHits.end()) {
160  ACTS_FATAL("Simulation hit with index " << idx << " does not exist");
161  return ProcessCode::ABORT;
162  }
163  const auto& simHit = *it;
165  // local position to be calculated
166  Acts::Vector2D lPosition;
167  clusterSurface.globalToLocal(ctx.geoContext, simHit.position(),
168  simHit.unitDirection(), lPosition);
169  // fill the variables
170  m_t_gx.push_back(simHit.position().x());
171  m_t_gy.push_back(simHit.position().y());
172  m_t_gz.push_back(simHit.position().z());
173  m_t_gt.push_back(simHit.time());
174  m_t_lx.push_back(lPosition.x());
175  m_t_ly.push_back(lPosition.y());
176  m_t_barcode.push_back(simHit.particleId().value());
177  }
178  // fill the tree
179  m_outputTree->Fill();
180  // now reset
181  m_cell_IDx.clear();
182  m_cell_IDy.clear();
183  m_cell_lx.clear();
184  m_cell_ly.clear();
185  m_cell_data.clear();
186  m_t_gx.clear();
187  m_t_gy.clear();
188  m_t_gz.clear();
189  m_t_gt.clear();
190  m_t_lx.clear();
191  m_t_ly.clear();
192  m_t_barcode.clear();
193  }
195 }