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Go to the documentation of this file. Or view the newest version in sPHENIX GitHub for file JsonGeometryConverter.cpp
1 // This file is part of the Acts project.
2 //
3 // Copyright (C) 2017-2019 CERN for the benefit of the Acts project
4 //
5 // This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public
6 // License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this
7 // file, You can obtain one at
11 #include <boost/algorithm/string.hpp>
12 #include <boost/algorithm/string/finder.hpp>
13 #include <boost/algorithm/string/iter_find.hpp>
14 #include <cstdio>
15 #include <fstream>
16 #include <iostream>
17 #include <map>
18 #include <sstream>
19 #include <stdexcept>
20 #include <string>
46  : m_cfg(std::move(cfg)) {
47  // Validate the configuration
48  if (!m_cfg.logger) {
49  throw std::invalid_argument("Missing logger");
50  }
51 }
53 std::pair<
54  std::map<Acts::GeometryID, std::shared_ptr<const Acts::ISurfaceMaterial>>,
55  std::map<Acts::GeometryID, std::shared_ptr<const Acts::IVolumeMaterial>>>
57  auto& j = materialmaps;
58  // The return maps
59  std::pair<SurfaceMaterialMap, VolumeMaterialMap> maps;
60  ACTS_VERBOSE("j2a: Reading material maps from json file.");
61  ACTS_VERBOSE("j2a: Found entries for " << j.count(m_cfg.volkey)
62  << " volume(s).");
63  // Structured binding
64  for (auto& [key, value] : j.items()) {
65  // Check if this the volume key
66  if (key == m_cfg.volkey) {
67  // Get the volume json
68  auto volj = value;
69  for (auto& [vkey, vvalue] : volj.items()) {
70  // Create the volume id
71  int vid = std::stoi(vkey);
72  Acts::GeometryID volumeID;
73  volumeID.setVolume(vid);
74  ACTS_VERBOSE("j2a: -> Found Volume " << vid);
75  // Loop through the information in the volume
76  for (auto& [vckey, vcvalue] : vvalue.items()) {
77  if (vckey == m_cfg.boukey and m_cfg.processBoundaries and
78  not vcvalue.empty()) {
79  ACTS_VERBOSE("j2a: --> BoundarySurface(s) to be parsed");
80  for (auto& [bkey, bvalue] : vcvalue.items()) {
81  // Create the boundary id
82  int bid = std::stoi(bkey);
83  Acts::GeometryID boundaryID(volumeID);
84  boundaryID.setBoundary(bid);
85  ACTS_VERBOSE("j2a: ---> Found boundary surface " << bid);
86  auto boumat = jsonToSurfaceMaterial(bvalue);
87  if (bvalue[m_cfg.mapkey] == true)
88  maps.first[boundaryID] =
89  std::shared_ptr<const ISurfaceMaterial>(boumat);
90  }
91  } else if (vckey == m_cfg.laykey) {
92  ACTS_VERBOSE("j2a: --> Layer(s) to be parsed");
93  // Loop over layers and repeat
94  auto layj = vcvalue;
95  for (auto& [lkey, lvalue] : layj.items()) {
96  // Create the layer id
97  int lid = std::stoi(lkey);
98  Acts::GeometryID layerID(volumeID);
99  layerID.setLayer(lid);
100  ACTS_VERBOSE("j2a: ---> Found Layer " << lid);
101  // Finally loop over layer components
102  for (auto& [lckey, lcvalue] : lvalue.items()) {
103  if (lckey == m_cfg.repkey and m_cfg.processRepresenting and
104  not lcvalue.empty()) {
105  ACTS_VERBOSE("j2a: ----> Found representing surface");
106  auto repmat = jsonToSurfaceMaterial(lcvalue);
107  if (lcvalue[m_cfg.mapkey] == true)
108  maps.first[layerID] =
109  std::shared_ptr<const Acts::ISurfaceMaterial>(repmat);
110  } else if (lckey == m_cfg.appkey and m_cfg.processApproaches and
111  not lcvalue.empty()) {
112  ACTS_VERBOSE("j2a: ----> Found approach surface(s)");
113  // Loop over approach surfaces
114  for (auto& [askey, asvalue] : lcvalue.items()) {
115  // Create the layer id, todo set to max value
116  int aid = (askey == "*") ? 0 : std::stoi(askey);
117  Acts::GeometryID approachID(layerID);
118  approachID.setApproach(aid);
119  ACTS_VERBOSE("j2a: -----> Approach surface " << askey);
120  auto appmat = jsonToSurfaceMaterial(asvalue);
121  if (asvalue[m_cfg.mapkey] == true)
122  maps.first[approachID] =
123  std::shared_ptr<const Acts::ISurfaceMaterial>(appmat);
124  }
125  } else if (lckey == m_cfg.senkey and m_cfg.processSensitives and
126  not lcvalue.empty()) {
127  ACTS_VERBOSE("j2a: ----> Found sensitive surface(s)");
128  // Loop over sensitive surfaces
129  for (auto& [sskey, ssvalue] : lcvalue.items()) {
130  // Create the layer id, todo set to max value
131  int sid = (sskey == "*") ? 0 : std::stoi(sskey);
132  Acts::GeometryID senisitiveID(layerID);
133  senisitiveID.setSensitive(sid);
134  ACTS_VERBOSE("j2a: -----> Sensitive surface " << sskey);
135  auto senmat = jsonToSurfaceMaterial(ssvalue);
136  if (ssvalue[m_cfg.mapkey] == true)
137  maps.first[senisitiveID] =
138  std::shared_ptr<const Acts::ISurfaceMaterial>(senmat);
139  }
140  }
141  }
142  }
144  } else if (vckey == m_cfg.matkey and not vcvalue.empty()) {
145  ACTS_VERBOSE("--> VolumeMaterial to be parsed");
146  auto intermat = jsonToVolumeMaterial(vcvalue);
147  if (vcvalue[m_cfg.mapkey] == true) {
148  maps.second[volumeID] =
149  std::shared_ptr<const Acts::IVolumeMaterial>(intermat);
150  }
151  }
152  }
153  }
154  } else if (key == m_cfg.geoversion) {
155  ACTS_VERBOSE("Detector version: " << m_cfg.geoversion);
156  }
157  }
159  // Return the filled maps
160  return maps;
161 }
166  const DetectorMaterialMaps& maps) {
167  DetectorRep detRep;
168  // Collect all GeometryIDs per VolumeID for the formatted output
169  for (auto& [key, value] : maps.first) {
170  geo_id_value vid = key.volume();
171  auto volRep = detRep.volumes.find(vid);
172  if (volRep == detRep.volumes.end()) {
173  detRep.volumes.insert({vid, VolumeRep()});
174  volRep = detRep.volumes.find(vid);
175  volRep->second.volumeID = key;
176  }
177  geo_id_value lid = key.layer();
178  if (lid != 0) {
179  // we are on a layer, get the layer rep
180  auto layRep = volRep->second.layers.find(lid);
181  if (layRep == volRep->second.layers.end()) {
182  volRep->second.layers.insert({lid, LayerRep()});
183  layRep = volRep->second.layers.find(lid);
184  layRep->second.layerID = key;
185  }
186  // now insert appropriately
187  geo_id_value sid = key.sensitive();
188  geo_id_value aid = key.approach();
189  if (sid != 0) {
190  layRep->second.sensitives.insert({sid, value.get()});
191  } else if (aid != 0) {
192  layRep->second.approaches.insert({aid, value.get()});
193  } else {
194  layRep->second.representing = value.get();
195  }
197  } else {
198  // not on a layer can only be a boundary surface
199  geo_id_value bid = key.boundary();
200  volRep->second.boundaries.insert({bid, value.get()});
201  }
202  }
203  for (auto& [key, value] : maps.second) {
204  // find the volume representation
205  geo_id_value vid = key.volume();
206  auto volRep = detRep.volumes.find(vid);
207  if (volRep == detRep.volumes.end()) {
208  detRep.volumes.insert({vid, VolumeRep()});
209  volRep = detRep.volumes.find(vid);
210  volRep->second.volumeID = key;
211  }
212  volRep->second.material = value.get();
213  }
214  // convert the detector representation to json format
215  return detectorRepToJson(detRep);
216 }
220  json detectorj;
221  ACTS_VERBOSE("a2j: Writing json from detector representation");
222  ACTS_VERBOSE("a2j: Found entries for " << detRep.volumes.size()
223  << " volume(s).");
225  json volumesj;
226  for (auto& [key, value] : detRep.volumes) {
227  json volj;
228  ACTS_VERBOSE("a2j: -> Writing Volume: " << key);
229  volj[m_cfg.namekey] = value.volumeName;
230  std::ostringstream svolumeID;
231  svolumeID << value.volumeID;
232  volj[m_cfg.geoidkey] = svolumeID.str();
233  if (value.material) {
234  volj[m_cfg.matkey] = volumeMaterialToJson(*value.material);
235  }
236  // Write the layers
237  if (not value.layers.empty()) {
238  ACTS_VERBOSE("a2j: ---> Found " << value.layers.size() << " layer(s) ");
239  json layersj;
240  for (auto& [lkey, lvalue] : value.layers) {
241  ACTS_VERBOSE("a2j: ----> Convert layer " << lkey);
242  json layj;
243  std::ostringstream slayerID;
244  slayerID << lvalue.layerID;
245  layj[m_cfg.geoidkey] = slayerID.str();
246  // First check for approaches
247  if (not lvalue.approaches.empty() and m_cfg.processApproaches) {
248  ACTS_VERBOSE("a2j: -----> Found " << lvalue.approaches.size()
249  << " approach surface(s)");
250  json approachesj;
251  for (auto& [akey, avalue] : lvalue.approaches) {
252  ACTS_VERBOSE("a2j: ------> Convert approach surface " << akey);
253  approachesj[std::to_string(akey)] = surfaceMaterialToJson(*avalue);
254  if (lvalue.approacheSurfaces.find(akey) !=
255  lvalue.approacheSurfaces.end())
256  addSurfaceToJson(approachesj[std::to_string(akey)],
258  }
259  // Add to the layer json
260  layj[m_cfg.appkey] = approachesj;
261  }
262  // Then check for sensitive
263  if (not lvalue.sensitives.empty() and m_cfg.processSensitives) {
264  ACTS_VERBOSE("a2j: -----> Found " << lvalue.sensitives.size()
265  << " sensitive surface(s)");
266  json sensitivesj;
267  for (auto& [skey, svalue] : lvalue.sensitives) {
268  ACTS_VERBOSE("a2j: ------> Convert sensitive surface " << skey);
269  sensitivesj[std::to_string(skey)] = surfaceMaterialToJson(*svalue);
270  if (lvalue.sensitiveSurfaces.find(skey) !=
271  lvalue.sensitiveSurfaces.end())
272  addSurfaceToJson(sensitivesj[std::to_string(skey)],
274  }
275  // Add to the layer json
276  layj[m_cfg.senkey] = sensitivesj;
277  }
278  // Finally check for representing
279  if (lvalue.representing != nullptr and m_cfg.processRepresenting) {
280  ACTS_VERBOSE("a2j: ------> Convert representing surface ");
281  layj[m_cfg.repkey] = surfaceMaterialToJson(*lvalue.representing);
282  if (lvalue.representingSurface != nullptr)
283  addSurfaceToJson(layj[m_cfg.repkey], lvalue.representingSurface);
284  }
285  layersj[std::to_string(lkey)] = layj;
286  }
287  volj[m_cfg.laykey] = layersj;
288  }
289  // Write the boundary surfaces
290  if (not value.boundaries.empty()) {
291  ACTS_VERBOSE("a2j: ---> Found " << value.boundaries.size()
292  << " boundary/ies ");
293  json boundariesj;
294  for (auto& [bkey, bvalue] : value.boundaries) {
295  ACTS_VERBOSE("a2j: ----> Convert boundary " << bkey);
296  boundariesj[std::to_string(bkey)] = surfaceMaterialToJson(*bvalue);
297  if (value.boundarySurfaces.find(bkey) != value.boundarySurfaces.end())
298  addSurfaceToJson(boundariesj[std::to_string(bkey)],
300  }
301  volj[m_cfg.boukey] = boundariesj;
302  }
304  volumesj[std::to_string(key)] = volj;
305  }
306  // Assign the volume json to the detector json
307  detectorj[m_cfg.volkey] = volumesj;
309  return detectorj;
310 }
315  Acts::ISurfaceMaterial* sMaterial = nullptr;
316  // The bin utility for deescribing the data
317  Acts::BinUtility bUtility;
318  // Convert the material
320  // Structured binding
321  for (auto& [key, value] : material.items()) {
322  // Check json keys
323  if (key == m_cfg.bin0key and not value.empty()) {
324  bUtility += jsonToBinUtility(value);
325  } else if (key == m_cfg.bin1key and not value.empty()) {
326  bUtility += jsonToBinUtility(value);
327  }
328  if (key == m_cfg.datakey and not value.empty()) {
329  mpMatrix = jsonToMaterialMatrix(value);
330  }
331  }
333  // We have protoMaterial
334  if (mpMatrix.empty()) {
335  sMaterial = new Acts::ProtoSurfaceMaterial(bUtility);
336  } else if (bUtility.bins() == 1) {
337  sMaterial = new Acts::HomogeneousSurfaceMaterial(mpMatrix[0][0]);
338  } else {
339  sMaterial = new Acts::BinnedSurfaceMaterial(bUtility, mpMatrix);
340  }
341  // return what you have
342  return sMaterial;
343 }
347  const json& material) {
348  Acts::IVolumeMaterial* vMaterial = nullptr;
349  // The bin utility for deescribing the data
350  Acts::BinUtility bUtility;
351  // Convert the material
352  std::vector<std::vector<float>> mmat;
353  // Structured binding
354  for (auto& [key, value] : material.items()) {
355  // Check json keys
356  if (key == m_cfg.bin0key and not value.empty()) {
357  bUtility += jsonToBinUtility(value);
358  } else if (key == m_cfg.bin1key and not value.empty()) {
359  bUtility += jsonToBinUtility(value);
360  } else if (key == m_cfg.bin2key and not value.empty()) {
361  bUtility += jsonToBinUtility(value);
362  }
363  if (key == m_cfg.datakey and not value.empty()) {
364  for (auto& bin : value) {
365  std::vector<float> mpVector{bin[0], bin[1], bin[2], bin[3], bin[4]};
366  mmat.push_back(mpVector);
367  }
368  }
369  }
371  // We have protoMaterial
372  if (mmat.empty()) {
373  vMaterial = new Acts::ProtoVolumeMaterial(bUtility);
374  } else if (mmat.size() == 1) {
376  mmat[0][0], mmat[0][1], mmat[0][2], mmat[0][3], mmat[0][4]));
377  } else {
378  if (bUtility.dimensions() == 2) {
379  std::function<Acts::Vector2D(Acts::Vector3D)> transfoGlobalToLocal;
380  Acts::Grid2D grid = createGrid2D(bUtility, transfoGlobalToLocal);
384  Acts::Grid2D::index_t nBins = grid.numLocalBins();
386  Acts::EAxis axis1(min[0], max[0], nBins[0]);
387  Acts::EAxis axis2(min[1], max[1], nBins[1]);
389  // Build the grid and fill it with data
390  MaterialGrid2D mGrid(std::make_tuple(axis1, axis2));
392  for (size_t bin = 0; bin < mmat.size(); bin++) {
393 = Acts::Material(mmat[bin][0], mmat[bin][1], mmat[bin][2],
394  mmat[bin][3], mmat[bin][4])
396  }
397  MaterialMapper<MaterialGrid2D> matMap(transfoGlobalToLocal, mGrid);
398  vMaterial =
400  std::move(matMap), bUtility);
401  } else if (bUtility.dimensions() == 3) {
402  std::function<Acts::Vector3D(Acts::Vector3D)> transfoGlobalToLocal;
403  Acts::Grid3D grid = createGrid3D(bUtility, transfoGlobalToLocal);
407  Acts::Grid3D::index_t nBins = grid.numLocalBins();
409  Acts::EAxis axis1(min[0], max[0], nBins[0]);
410  Acts::EAxis axis2(min[1], max[1], nBins[1]);
411  Acts::EAxis axis3(min[2], max[2], nBins[2]);
413  // Build the grid and fill it with data
414  MaterialGrid3D mGrid(std::make_tuple(axis1, axis2, axis3));
416  for (size_t bin = 0; bin < mmat.size(); bin++) {
417 = Acts::Material(mmat[bin][0], mmat[bin][1], mmat[bin][2],
418  mmat[bin][3], mmat[bin][4])
420  }
421  MaterialMapper<MaterialGrid3D> matMap(transfoGlobalToLocal, mGrid);
422  vMaterial =
424  std::move(matMap), bUtility);
425  }
426  }
427  // return what you have
428  return vMaterial;
429 }
433  DetectorRep detRep;
434  convertToRep(detRep, *tGeometry.highestTrackingVolume());
435  return detectorRepToJson(detRep);
436 }
439  DetectorRep& detRep, const Acts::TrackingVolume& tVolume) {
440  // The writer reader volume representation
441  VolumeRep volRep;
442  volRep.volumeName = tVolume.volumeName();
443  // there are confined volumes
444  if (tVolume.confinedVolumes() != nullptr) {
445  // get through the volumes
446  auto& volumes = tVolume.confinedVolumes()->arrayObjects();
447  // loop over the volumes
448  for (auto& vol : volumes) {
449  // recursive call
450  convertToRep(detRep, *vol);
451  }
452  }
453  // there are dense volumes
454  if (!tVolume.denseVolumes().empty()) {
455  // loop over the volumes
456  for (auto& vol : tVolume.denseVolumes()) {
457  // recursive call
458  convertToRep(detRep, *vol);
459  }
460  }
461  // Get the volume Id
462  Acts::GeometryID volumeID = tVolume.geoID();
463  geo_id_value vid = volumeID.volume();
465  // Write the material if there's one
466  if (tVolume.volumeMaterial() != nullptr) {
467  volRep.material = tVolume.volumeMaterial();
468  } else if (m_cfg.processnonmaterial == true) {
469  Acts::BinUtility bUtility = DefaultBin(tVolume);
470  Acts::IVolumeMaterial* bMaterial = new Acts::ProtoVolumeMaterial(bUtility);
471  volRep.material = bMaterial;
472  }
473  // there are confied layers
474  if (tVolume.confinedLayers() != nullptr) {
475  // get the layers
476  auto& layers = tVolume.confinedLayers()->arrayObjects();
477  // loop of the volumes
478  for (auto& lay : layers) {
479  auto layRep = convertToRep(*lay);
480  if (layRep) {
481  // it's a valid representation so let's go with it
482  Acts::GeometryID layerID = lay->geoID();
483  geo_id_value lid = layerID.layer();
484  volRep.layers.insert({lid, std::move(layRep)});
485  }
486  }
487  }
488  // Let's finally check the boundaries
489  for (auto& bsurf : tVolume.boundarySurfaces()) {
490  // the surface representation
491  auto& bssfRep = bsurf->surfaceRepresentation();
492  if (bssfRep.surfaceMaterial() != nullptr) {
493  Acts::GeometryID boundaryID = bssfRep.geoID();
494  geo_id_value bid = boundaryID.boundary();
495  // Ignore if the volumeID is not correct (i.e. shared boundary)
496  // if (boundaryID.value(Acts::GeometryID::volume_mask) == vid){
497  volRep.boundaries[bid] = bssfRep.surfaceMaterial();
498  volRep.boundarySurfaces[bid] = &bssfRep;
499  // }
500  } else if (m_cfg.processnonmaterial == true) {
501  // if no material suface exist add a default one for the mapping
502  // configuration
503  Acts::GeometryID boundaryID = bssfRep.geoID();
504  geo_id_value bid = boundaryID.boundary();
505  Acts::BinUtility bUtility = DefaultBin(bssfRep);
506  Acts::ISurfaceMaterial* bMaterial =
507  new Acts::ProtoSurfaceMaterial(bUtility);
508  volRep.boundaries[bid] = bMaterial;
509  volRep.boundarySurfaces[bid] = &bssfRep;
510  }
511  }
512  // Write if it's good
513  if (volRep) {
514  volRep.volumeName = tVolume.volumeName();
515  volRep.volumeID = volumeID;
516  detRep.volumes.insert({vid, std::move(volRep)});
517  }
518  return;
519 }
522  const Acts::Layer& tLayer) {
523  LayerRep layRep;
524  // fill layer ID information
525  layRep.layerID = tLayer.geoID();
526  if (m_cfg.processSensitives and tLayer.surfaceArray() != nullptr) {
527  for (auto& ssf : tLayer.surfaceArray()->surfaces()) {
528  if (ssf != nullptr && ssf->surfaceMaterial() != nullptr) {
529  Acts::GeometryID sensitiveID = ssf->geoID();
530  geo_id_value sid = sensitiveID.sensitive();
531  layRep.sensitives.insert({sid, ssf->surfaceMaterial()});
532  layRep.sensitiveSurfaces.insert({sid, ssf});
533  } else if (m_cfg.processnonmaterial == true) {
534  // if no material suface exist add a default one for the mapping
535  // configuration
536  Acts::GeometryID sensitiveID = ssf->geoID();
537  geo_id_value sid = sensitiveID.sensitive();
538  Acts::BinUtility sUtility = DefaultBin(*ssf);
539  Acts::ISurfaceMaterial* sMaterial =
540  new Acts::ProtoSurfaceMaterial(sUtility);
541  layRep.sensitives.insert({sid, sMaterial});
542  layRep.sensitiveSurfaces.insert({sid, ssf});
543  }
544  }
545  }
546  // the representing
547  if (!(tLayer.surfaceRepresentation().geoID() == GeometryID())) {
548  if (tLayer.surfaceRepresentation().surfaceMaterial() != nullptr) {
550  layRep.representingSurface = &tLayer.surfaceRepresentation();
551  } else if (m_cfg.processnonmaterial == true) {
552  // if no material suface exist add a default one for the mapping
553  // configuration
554  Acts::BinUtility rUtility = DefaultBin(tLayer.surfaceRepresentation());
555  Acts::ISurfaceMaterial* rMaterial =
556  new Acts::ProtoSurfaceMaterial(rUtility);
557  layRep.representing = rMaterial;
558  layRep.representingSurface = &tLayer.surfaceRepresentation();
559  }
560  }
561  // the approach
562  if (tLayer.approachDescriptor() != nullptr) {
563  for (auto& asf : tLayer.approachDescriptor()->containedSurfaces()) {
564  // get the surface and check for material
565  if (asf->surfaceMaterial() != nullptr) {
566  Acts::GeometryID approachID = asf->geoID();
567  geo_id_value aid = approachID.approach();
568  layRep.approaches.insert({aid, asf->surfaceMaterial()});
569  layRep.approacheSurfaces.insert({aid, asf});
570  } else if (m_cfg.processnonmaterial == true) {
571  // if no material suface exist add a default one for the mapping
572  // configuration
573  Acts::GeometryID approachID = asf->geoID();
574  geo_id_value aid = approachID.approach();
575  Acts::BinUtility aUtility = DefaultBin(*asf);
576  Acts::ISurfaceMaterial* aMaterial =
577  new Acts::ProtoSurfaceMaterial(aUtility);
578  layRep.approaches.insert({aid, aMaterial});
579  layRep.approacheSurfaces.insert({aid, asf});
580  }
581  }
582  }
583  // return the layer representation
584  return layRep;
585 }
588  const Acts::ISurfaceMaterial& sMaterial) {
589  json smj;
591  // lemma 0 : accept the surface
592  auto convertMaterialProperties =
593  [](const Acts::MaterialProperties& mp) -> std::vector<float> {
594  // convert when ready
595  if (mp) {
597  return {
598  mp.material().X0(), mp.material().L0(), mp.material().Ar(),
599  mp.material().Z(), mp.material().massDensity(), mp.thickness(),
600  };
601  }
602  return {};
603  };
605  // A bin utility needs to be written
606  const Acts::BinUtility* bUtility = nullptr;
607  // Check if we have a proto material
608  auto psMaterial = dynamic_cast<const Acts::ProtoSurfaceMaterial*>(&sMaterial);
609  if (psMaterial != nullptr) {
610  // Type is proto material
611  smj[m_cfg.typekey] = "proto";
612  // by default the protoMaterial is not used for mapping
613  smj[m_cfg.mapkey] = false;
614  bUtility = &(psMaterial->binUtility());
615  } else {
616  // Now check if we have a homogeneous material
617  auto hsMaterial =
618  dynamic_cast<const Acts::HomogeneousSurfaceMaterial*>(&sMaterial);
619  if (hsMaterial != nullptr) {
620  // type is homogeneous
621  smj[m_cfg.typekey] = "homogeneous";
622  smj[m_cfg.mapkey] = true;
623  if (m_cfg.writeData) {
624  // write out the data, it's a [[[X0,L0,Z,A,rho,thickness]]]
625  auto& mp = hsMaterial->materialProperties(0, 0);
626  std::vector<std::vector<std::vector<float>>> mmat = {
627  {convertMaterialProperties(mp)}};
628  smj[m_cfg.datakey] = mmat;
629  }
630  } else {
631  // Only option remaining: BinnedSurface material
632  auto bsMaterial =
633  dynamic_cast<const Acts::BinnedSurfaceMaterial*>(&sMaterial);
634  if (bsMaterial != nullptr) {
635  // type is binned
636  smj[m_cfg.typekey] = "binned";
637  smj[m_cfg.mapkey] = true;
638  bUtility = &(bsMaterial->binUtility());
639  // convert the data
640  // get the material matrix
641  if (m_cfg.writeData) {
642  auto& mpMatrix = bsMaterial->fullMaterial();
643  std::vector<std::vector<std::vector<float>>> mmat;
644  mmat.reserve(mpMatrix.size());
645  for (auto& mpVector : mpMatrix) {
646  std::vector<std::vector<float>> mvec;
647  mvec.reserve(mpVector.size());
648  for (auto& mp : mpVector) {
649  mvec.push_back(convertMaterialProperties(mp));
650  }
651  mmat.push_back(std::move(mvec));
652  }
653  smj[m_cfg.datakey] = mmat;
654  }
655  }
656  }
657  }
658  // add the bin utility
659  if (bUtility != nullptr) {
660  std::vector<std::string> binkeys = {m_cfg.bin0key, m_cfg.bin1key};
661  // loop over dimensions and write
662  auto& binningData = bUtility->binningData();
663  // loop over the dimensions
664  for (size_t ibin = 0; ibin < binningData.size(); ++ibin) {
665  json binj;
666  auto cbData = binningData[ibin];
667  binj.push_back(Acts::binningValueNames[cbData.binvalue]);
668  if (cbData.option == Acts::closed) {
669  binj.push_back("closed");
670  } else {
671  binj.push_back("open");
672  }
673  binj.push_back(cbData.bins());
674  // If protoMaterial has a non uniform binning (non default) then it is
675  // used by default in the mapping
676  if (smj[m_cfg.typekey] == "proto" && cbData.bins() > 1)
677  smj[m_cfg.mapkey] = true;
678  // If it's not a proto map, write min / max
679  if (smj[m_cfg.typekey] != "proto") {
680  std::pair<double, double> minMax = {cbData.min, cbData.max};
681  binj.push_back(minMax);
682  }
683  smj[binkeys[ibin]] = binj;
684  }
685  }
686  return smj;
687 }
690  const Acts::IVolumeMaterial& vMaterial) {
691  json smj;
692  // A bin utility needs to be written
693  const Acts::BinUtility* bUtility = nullptr;
694  // Check if we have a proto material
695  auto pvMaterial = dynamic_cast<const Acts::ProtoVolumeMaterial*>(&vMaterial);
696  if (pvMaterial != nullptr) {
697  // Type is proto material
698  smj[m_cfg.typekey] = "proto";
699  // by default the protoMaterial is not used for mapping
700  smj[m_cfg.mapkey] = false;
701  bUtility = &(pvMaterial->binUtility());
702  } else {
703  // Now check if we have a homogeneous material
704  auto hvMaterial =
705  dynamic_cast<const Acts::HomogeneousVolumeMaterial*>(&vMaterial);
706  if (hvMaterial != nullptr) {
707  // type is homogeneous
708  smj[m_cfg.typekey] = "homogeneous";
709  smj[m_cfg.mapkey] = true;
710  if (m_cfg.writeData) {
711  // write out the data, it's a [[[X0,L0,Z,A,rho,thickness]]]
712  auto mat = hvMaterial->material({0, 0, 0});
713  std::vector<std::vector<float>> mmat;
714  mmat.push_back(
715  {mat.X0(), mat.L0(), mat.Ar(), mat.Z(), mat.massDensity()});
716  smj[m_cfg.datakey] = mmat;
717  }
718  } else {
719  // Only option remaining: material map
720  auto bvMaterial2D = dynamic_cast<
722  &vMaterial);
723  // Now check if we have a 2D map
724  if (bvMaterial2D != nullptr) {
725  // type is binned
726  smj[m_cfg.typekey] = "interpolated2D";
727  smj[m_cfg.mapkey] = true;
728  bUtility = &(bvMaterial2D->binUtility());
729  // convert the data
730  if (m_cfg.writeData) {
731  std::vector<std::vector<float>> mmat;
732  MaterialGrid2D grid = bvMaterial2D->getMapper().getGrid();
733  for (size_t bin = 0; bin < grid.size(); bin++) {
734  auto mat = Material(;
735  if (mat != Material()) {
736  mmat.push_back(
737  {mat.X0(), mat.L0(), mat.Ar(), mat.Z(), mat.massDensity()});
738  } else {
739  mmat.push_back({0, 0, 0, 0, 0});
740  }
741  }
742  smj[m_cfg.datakey] = mmat;
743  }
744  } else {
745  // Only option remaining: material map
746  auto bvMaterial3D = dynamic_cast<const Acts::InterpolatedMaterialMap<
747  MaterialMapper<MaterialGrid3D>>*>(&vMaterial);
748  // Now check if we have a 3D map
749  if (bvMaterial3D != nullptr) {
750  // type is binned
751  smj[m_cfg.typekey] = "interpolated3D";
752  smj[m_cfg.mapkey] = true;
753  bUtility = &(bvMaterial3D->binUtility());
754  // convert the data
755  if (m_cfg.writeData) {
756  std::vector<std::vector<float>> mmat;
757  MaterialGrid3D grid = bvMaterial3D->getMapper().getGrid();
758  for (size_t bin = 0; bin < grid.size(); bin++) {
759  auto mat = Material(;
760  if (mat != Material()) {
761  mmat.push_back(
762  {mat.X0(), mat.L0(), mat.Ar(), mat.Z(), mat.massDensity()});
763  } else {
764  mmat.push_back({0, 0, 0, 0, 0});
765  }
766  }
767  smj[m_cfg.datakey] = mmat;
768  }
769  }
770  }
771  }
772  }
773  // add the bin utility
774  if (bUtility != nullptr) {
775  std::vector<std::string> binkeys = {m_cfg.bin0key, m_cfg.bin1key,
776  m_cfg.bin2key};
777  // loop over dimensions and write
778  auto& binningData = bUtility->binningData();
779  // loop over the dimensions
780  for (size_t ibin = 0; ibin < binningData.size(); ++ibin) {
781  json binj;
782  auto cbData = binningData[ibin];
783  binj.push_back(Acts::binningValueNames[cbData.binvalue]);
784  if (cbData.option == Acts::closed) {
785  binj.push_back("closed");
786  } else {
787  binj.push_back("open");
788  }
789  binj.push_back(cbData.bins());
790  // If protoMaterial has a non uniform binning (non default) then it is
791  // used by default in the mapping
792  if (smj[m_cfg.typekey] == "proto" && cbData.bins() > 1)
793  smj[m_cfg.mapkey] = true;
794  // If it's not a proto map, write min / max
795  if (smj[m_cfg.typekey] != "proto") {
796  std::pair<double, double> minMax = {cbData.min, cbData.max};
797  binj.push_back(minMax);
798  }
799  smj[binkeys[ibin]] = binj;
800  }
801  }
802  return smj;
803 }
806  const Surface* surface) {
807  // Get the ID of the surface (redundant but help readability)
808  std::ostringstream SurfaceID;
809  SurfaceID << surface->geoID();
810  sjson[m_cfg.surfacegeoidkey] = SurfaceID.str();
812  // Cast the surface bound to both disk and cylinder
813  const Acts::SurfaceBounds& surfaceBounds = surface->bounds();
814  auto sTransform = surface->transform(GeometryContext());
816  const Acts::RadialBounds* radialBounds =
817  dynamic_cast<const Acts::RadialBounds*>(&surfaceBounds);
818  const Acts::CylinderBounds* cylinderBounds =
819  dynamic_cast<const Acts::CylinderBounds*>(&surfaceBounds);
820  const Acts::AnnulusBounds* annulusBounds =
821  dynamic_cast<const Acts::AnnulusBounds*>(&surfaceBounds);
823  if (radialBounds != nullptr) {
824  sjson[m_cfg.surfacetypekey] = "Disk";
825  sjson[m_cfg.surfacepositionkey] = sTransform.translation().z();
826  sjson[m_cfg.surfacerangekey] = {radialBounds->rMin(), radialBounds->rMax()};
827  }
828  if (cylinderBounds != nullptr) {
829  sjson[m_cfg.surfacetypekey] = "Cylinder";
830  sjson[m_cfg.surfacepositionkey] = cylinderBounds->get(CylinderBounds::eR);
831  sjson[m_cfg.surfacerangekey] = {
832  -1 * cylinderBounds->get(CylinderBounds::eHalfLengthZ),
833  cylinderBounds->get(CylinderBounds::eHalfLengthZ)};
834  }
835  if (annulusBounds != nullptr) {
836  sjson[m_cfg.surfacetypekey] = "Annulus";
837  sjson[m_cfg.surfacepositionkey] = sTransform.translation().z();
838  sjson[m_cfg.surfacerangekey] = {
839  {annulusBounds->rMin(), annulusBounds->rMax()},
840  {annulusBounds->phiMin(), annulusBounds->phiMax()}};
841  }
842 }
849  for (auto& outer : data) {
851  for (auto& inner : outer) {
852  if (inner.size() > 5) {
853  mpVector.push_back(Acts::MaterialProperties(
854  inner[0], inner[1], inner[2], inner[3], inner[4], inner[5]));
855  } else {
856  mpVector.push_back(Acts::MaterialProperties());
857  }
858  }
859  mpMatrix.push_back(std::move(mpVector));
860  }
861  return mpMatrix;
862 }
866  const json& bin) {
867  // finding the iterator position to determine the binning value
868  auto bit = std::find(Acts::binningValueNames.begin(),
869  Acts::binningValueNames.end(), bin[0]);
870  size_t indx = std::distance(Acts::binningValueNames.begin(), bit);
872  Acts::BinningOption bopt = bin[1] == "open" ? Acts::open : Acts::closed;
873  unsigned int bins = bin[2];
874  float min = 0;
875  float max = 0;
876  if (bin[3].size() == 2) {
877  min = bin[3][0];
878  max = bin[3][1];
879  }
880  return Acts::BinUtility(bins, min, max, bopt, bval);
881 }
884  const Acts::Surface& surface) {
885  Acts::BinUtility bUtility;
887  const Acts::SurfaceBounds& surfaceBounds = surface.bounds();
888  const Acts::RadialBounds* radialBounds =
889  dynamic_cast<const Acts::RadialBounds*>(&surfaceBounds);
890  const Acts::CylinderBounds* cylinderBounds =
891  dynamic_cast<const Acts::CylinderBounds*>(&surfaceBounds);
892  const Acts::AnnulusBounds* annulusBounds =
893  dynamic_cast<const Acts::AnnulusBounds*>(&surfaceBounds);
895  if (radialBounds != nullptr) {
896  bUtility += BinUtility(1,
897  radialBounds->get(RadialBounds::eAveragePhi) -
898  radialBounds->get(RadialBounds::eHalfPhiSector),
899  radialBounds->get(RadialBounds::eAveragePhi) +
900  radialBounds->get(RadialBounds::eHalfPhiSector),
902  bUtility += BinUtility(1, radialBounds->rMin(), radialBounds->rMax(),
904  }
905  if (cylinderBounds != nullptr) {
906  bUtility +=
907  BinUtility(1,
908  cylinderBounds->get(CylinderBounds::eAveragePhi) -
909  cylinderBounds->get(CylinderBounds::eHalfPhiSector),
910  cylinderBounds->get(CylinderBounds::eAveragePhi) +
911  cylinderBounds->get(CylinderBounds::eHalfPhiSector),
913  bUtility +=
914  BinUtility(1, -1 * cylinderBounds->get(CylinderBounds::eHalfLengthZ),
915  cylinderBounds->get(CylinderBounds::eHalfLengthZ),
917  }
918  if (annulusBounds != nullptr) {
919  bUtility += BinUtility(1, annulusBounds->get(AnnulusBounds::eMinPhiRel),
920  annulusBounds->get(AnnulusBounds::eMaxPhiRel),
922  bUtility += BinUtility(1, annulusBounds->rMin(), annulusBounds->rMax(),
924  }
925  return bUtility;
926 }
929  const Acts::TrackingVolume& volume) {
930  Acts::BinUtility bUtility;
932  auto cyBounds =
933  dynamic_cast<const CylinderVolumeBounds*>(&(volume.volumeBounds()));
934  auto cuBounds =
935  dynamic_cast<const CuboidVolumeBounds*>(&(volume.volumeBounds()));
937  if (cyBounds != nullptr) {
938  bUtility += BinUtility(1, cyBounds->get(CylinderVolumeBounds::eMinR),
939  cyBounds->get(CylinderVolumeBounds::eMaxR),
941  bUtility +=
945  bUtility +=
947  cyBounds->get(CylinderVolumeBounds::eHalfLengthZ),
949  } else if (cuBounds != nullptr) {
950  bUtility += BinUtility(1, -cuBounds->get(CuboidVolumeBounds::eHalfLengthX),
951  cuBounds->get(CuboidVolumeBounds::eHalfLengthX),
953  bUtility += BinUtility(1, -cuBounds->get(CuboidVolumeBounds::eHalfLengthY),
954  cuBounds->get(CuboidVolumeBounds::eHalfLengthY),
956  bUtility += BinUtility(1, -cuBounds->get(CuboidVolumeBounds::eHalfLengthZ),
957  cuBounds->get(CuboidVolumeBounds::eHalfLengthZ),
959  }
960  return bUtility;
961 }