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1 //
2 // ********************************************************************
3 // * License and Disclaimer *
4 // * *
5 // * The Geant4 software is copyright of the Copyright Holders of *
6 // * the Geant4 Collaboration. It is provided under the terms and *
7 // * conditions of the Geant4 Software License, included in the file *
8 // * LICENSE and available at . These *
9 // * include a list of copyright holders. *
10 // * *
11 // * Neither the authors of this software system, nor their employing *
12 // * institutes,nor the agencies providing financial support for this *
13 // * work make any representation or warranty, express or implied, *
14 // * regarding this software system or assume any liability for its *
15 // * use. Please see the license in the file LICENSE and URL above *
16 // * for the full disclaimer and the limitation of liability. *
17 // * *
18 // * This code implementation is the result of the scientific and *
19 // * technical work of the GEANT4 collaboration. *
20 // * By using, copying, modifying or distributing the software (or *
21 // * any work based on the software) you agree to acknowledge its *
22 // * use in resulting scientific publications, and indicate your *
23 // * acceptance of all terms of the Geant4 Software license. *
24 // ********************************************************************
25 //
26 //
27 // Author: Luciano Pandola
28 //
29 // History:
30 // --------
31 // 23 Nov 2010 L Pandola First complete implementation
32 // 02 May 2011 L.Pandola Remove dependency on CLHEP::HepMatrix
33 // 24 May 2011 L.Pandola Renamed (make v2008 as default Penelope)
34 // 03 Oct 2013 L.Pandola Migration to MT
35 // 30 Oct 2013 L.Pandola Use G4Cache to avoid new/delete of the
36 // data vector on the fly in SampleGammaEnergy()
37 //
39 //....oooOO0OOooo........oooOO0OOooo........oooOO0OOooo........oooOO0OOooo....
41 #include "G4PhysicsFreeVector.hh"
42 #include "G4PhysicsTable.hh"
43 #include "G4Material.hh"
44 #include "Randomize.hh"
45 #include "G4AutoDelete.hh"
46 #include "G4Exp.hh"
47 #include "G4PhysicalConstants.hh"
48 #include "G4SystemOfUnits.hh"
50 //....oooOO0OOooo........oooOO0OOooo........oooOO0OOooo........oooOO0OOooo....
53  theReducedXSTable(0),theEffectiveZSq(0),theSamplingTable(0),
54  thePBcut(0),fVerbosity(verbosity)
55 {
56  fCache.Put(0);
57  G4double tempvector[nBinsX] =
58  {1.0e-12,0.025e0,0.05e0,0.075e0,0.1e0,0.15e0,0.2e0,0.25e0,
59  0.3e0,0.35e0,0.4e0,0.45e0,0.5e0,0.55e0,0.6e0,0.65e0,0.7e0,
60  0.75e0,0.8e0,0.85e0,0.9e0,0.925e0,0.95e0,0.97e0,0.99e0,
61  0.995e0,0.999e0,0.9995e0,0.9999e0,0.99995e0,0.99999e0,1.0e0};
63  for (size_t ix=0;ix<nBinsX;ix++)
64  theXGrid[ix] = tempvector[ix];
66  for (size_t i=0;i<nBinsE;i++)
67  theEGrid[i] = 0.;
69  theElementData = new std::map<G4int,G4DataVector*>;
70 }
72 //....oooOO0OOooo........oooOO0OOooo........oooOO0OOooo........oooOO0OOooo....
75 {
76  ClearTables();
78  //The G4Physics*Vector pointers contained in the fCache are automatically deleted by
79  //the G4AutoDelete so there is no need to take care of them manually
81  //Clear manually theElementData
82  if (theElementData)
83  {
84  for (auto& item : (*theElementData))
85  delete item.second;
86  delete theElementData;
87  theElementData = nullptr;
88  }
90 }
92 //....oooOO0OOooo........oooOO0OOooo........oooOO0OOooo........oooOO0OOooo...
96 {
97  //Just to check
98  if (!isMaster)
99  G4Exception("G4PenelopeBremsstrahlungFS::ClearTables()",
100  "em0100",FatalException,"Worker thread in this method");
103  if (theReducedXSTable)
104  {
105  for (auto& item : (*theReducedXSTable))
106  {
107  //G4PhysicsTable* tab = item.second;
108  //tab->clearAndDestroy();
109  delete item.second;
110  }
111  delete theReducedXSTable;
112  theReducedXSTable = nullptr;
113  }
115  if (theSamplingTable)
116  {
117  for (auto& item : (*theSamplingTable))
118  {
119  //G4PhysicsTable* tab = item.second;
120  // tab->clearAndDestroy();
121  delete item.second;
122  }
123  delete theSamplingTable;
124  theSamplingTable = nullptr;
125  }
126  if (thePBcut)
127  {
128  /*
129  std::map< std::pair<const G4Material*,G4double> ,G4PhysicsFreeVector*>::iterator kk;
130  for (kk=thePBcut->begin(); kk != thePBcut->end(); kk++)
131  delete kk->second;
132  */
133  delete thePBcut;
134  thePBcut = nullptr;
135  }
138  if (theEffectiveZSq)
139  {
140  delete theEffectiveZSq;
141  theEffectiveZSq = nullptr;
142  }
144  return;
145 }
147 //....oooOO0OOooo........oooOO0OOooo........oooOO0OOooo........oooOO0OOooo....
150 {
151  if (!theEffectiveZSq)
152  {
154  ed << "The container for the <Z^2> values is not initialized" << G4endl;
155  G4Exception("G4PenelopeBremsstrahlungFS::GetEffectiveZSquared()",
156  "em2007",FatalException,ed);
157  return 0;
158  }
159  //found in the table: return it
160  if (theEffectiveZSq->count(material))
161  return theEffectiveZSq->find(material)->second;
162  else
163  {
165  ed << "The value of <Z^2> is not properly set for material " <<
166  material->GetName() << G4endl;
167  //requires running of BuildScaledXSTable()
168  G4Exception("G4PenelopeBremsstrahlungFS::GetEffectiveZSquared()",
169  "em2008",FatalException,ed);
170  }
171  return 0;
172 }
174 //....oooOO0OOooo........oooOO0OOooo........oooOO0OOooo........oooOO0OOooo....
177  G4double cut,G4bool isMaster)
178 {
179  //Corresponds to subroutines EBRaW and EBRaR of PENELOPE
180  /*
181  This method generates the table of the scaled energy-loss cross section from
182  bremsstrahlung emission for the given material. Original data are read from
183  file. The table is normalized according to the Berger-Seltzer cross section.
184  */
186  //Just to check
187  if (!isMaster)
188  G4Exception("G4PenelopeBremsstrahlungFS::BuildScaledXSTable()",
189  "em0100",FatalException,"Worker thread in this method");
191  if (fVerbosity > 2)
192  {
193  G4cout << "Entering in G4PenelopeBremsstrahlungFS::BuildScaledXSTable for " <<
194  material->GetName() << G4endl;
195  G4cout << "Threshold = " << cut/keV << " keV, isMaster= " << isMaster <<
196  G4endl;
197  }
199  //This method should be accessed by the master only
200  if (!theSamplingTable)
202  new std::map< std::pair<const G4Material*,G4double> , G4PhysicsTable*>;
203  if (!thePBcut)
204  thePBcut =
205  new std::map< std::pair<const G4Material*,G4double> , G4PhysicsFreeVector* >;
207  //check if the container exists (if not, create it)
208  if (!theReducedXSTable)
209  theReducedXSTable = new std::map< std::pair<const G4Material*,G4double> ,
210  G4PhysicsTable*>;
211  if (!theEffectiveZSq)
212  theEffectiveZSq = new std::map<const G4Material*,G4double>;
216  //*********************************************************************
217  //Determine the equivalent atomic number <Z^2>
218  //*********************************************************************
219  std::vector<G4double> *StechiometricFactors = new std::vector<G4double>;
220  G4int nElements = material->GetNumberOfElements();
221  const G4ElementVector* elementVector = material->GetElementVector();
222  const G4double* fractionVector = material->GetFractionVector();
223  for (G4int i=0;i<nElements;i++)
224  {
225  G4double fraction = fractionVector[i];
226  G4double atomicWeigth = (*elementVector)[i]->GetA()/(g/mole);
227  StechiometricFactors->push_back(fraction/atomicWeigth);
228  }
229  //Find max
230  G4double MaxStechiometricFactor = 0.;
231  for (G4int i=0;i<nElements;i++)
232  {
233  if ((*StechiometricFactors)[i] > MaxStechiometricFactor)
234  MaxStechiometricFactor = (*StechiometricFactors)[i];
235  }
236  //Normalize
237  for (G4int i=0;i<nElements;i++)
238  (*StechiometricFactors)[i] /= MaxStechiometricFactor;
240  G4double sumz2 = 0;
241  G4double sums = 0;
242  for (G4int i=0;i<nElements;i++)
243  {
244  G4double Z = (*elementVector)[i]->GetZ();
245  sumz2 += (*StechiometricFactors)[i]*Z*Z;
246  sums += (*StechiometricFactors)[i];
247  }
248  G4double ZBR2 = sumz2/sums;
250  theEffectiveZSq->insert(std::make_pair(material,ZBR2));
253  //*********************************************************************
254  // loop on elements and read data files
255  //*********************************************************************
256  G4DataVector* tempData = new G4DataVector(nBinsE);
257  G4DataVector* tempMatrix = new G4DataVector(nBinsE*nBinsX,0.);
259  for (G4int iel=0;iel<nElements;iel++)
260  {
261  G4double Z = (*elementVector)[iel]->GetZ();
262  G4int iZ = (G4int) Z;
263  G4double wgt = (*StechiometricFactors)[iel]*Z*Z/ZBR2;
264  //
266  //the element is not already loaded
267  if (!theElementData->count(iZ))
268  {
269  ReadDataFile(iZ);
270  if (!theElementData->count(iZ))
271  {
273  ed << "Error in G4PenelopeBremsstrahlungFS::BuildScaledXSTable" << G4endl;
274  ed << "Unable to retrieve data for element " << iZ << G4endl;
275  G4Exception("G4PenelopeBremsstrahlungFS::BuildScaledXSTable()",
276  "em2009",FatalException,ed);
277  }
278  }
280  G4DataVector* atomData = theElementData->find(iZ)->second;
282  for (size_t ie=0;ie<nBinsE;ie++)
283  {
284  (*tempData)[ie] += wgt*(*atomData)[ie*(nBinsX+1)+nBinsX]; //last column contains total XS
285  for (size_t ix=0;ix<nBinsX;ix++)
286  (*tempMatrix)[ie*nBinsX+ix] += wgt*(*atomData)[ie*(nBinsX+1)+ix];
287  }
288  }
290  //*********************************************************************
291  // the total energy loss spectrum is re-normalized to reproduce the total
292  // scaled cross section of Berger and Seltzer
293  //*********************************************************************
294  for (size_t ie=0;ie<nBinsE;ie++)
295  {
296  //for each energy, calculate integral of dSigma/dx over dx
297  G4double* tempData2 = new G4double[nBinsX];
298  for (size_t ix=0;ix<nBinsX;ix++)
299  tempData2[ix] = (*tempMatrix)[ie*nBinsX+ix];
300  G4double rsum = GetMomentumIntegral(tempData2,1.0,0);
301  delete[] tempData2;
304  G4double fnorm = (*tempData)[ie]/(rsum*fact);
305  G4double TST = 100.*std::fabs(fnorm-1.0);
306  if (TST > 1.0)
307  {
309  ed << "G4PenelopeBremsstrahlungFS. Corrupted data files?" << G4endl;
310  G4cout << "TST= " << TST << "; fnorm = " << fnorm << G4endl;
311  G4cout << "rsum = " << rsum << G4endl;
312  G4cout << "fact = " << fact << G4endl;
313  G4cout << ie << " " << theEGrid[ie]/keV << " " << (*tempData)[ie]/barn << G4endl;
314  G4Exception("G4PenelopeBremsstrahlungFS::BuildScaledXSTable()",
315  "em2010",FatalException,ed);
316  }
317  for (size_t ix=0;ix<nBinsX;ix++)
318  (*tempMatrix)[ie*nBinsX+ix] *= fnorm;
319  }
321  //*********************************************************************
322  // create and fill the tables
323  //*********************************************************************
324  G4PhysicsTable* thePhysicsTable = new G4PhysicsTable();
325  // the table will contain 32 G4PhysicsFreeVectors with different
326  // values of x. Each of the G4PhysicsFreeVectors has a profile of
327  // log(XS) vs. log(E)
329  //reserve space of the vectors. Everything is log-log
330  //I add one extra "fake" point at low energy, since the Penelope
331  //table starts at 1 keV
332  for (size_t i=0;i<nBinsX;i++)
333  thePhysicsTable->push_back(new G4PhysicsFreeVector(nBinsE+1));
335  for (size_t ix=0;ix<nBinsX;ix++)
336  {
337  G4PhysicsFreeVector* theVec =
338  (G4PhysicsFreeVector*) ((*thePhysicsTable)[ix]);
339  for (size_t ie=0;ie<nBinsE;ie++)
340  {
341  G4double logene = std::log(theEGrid[ie]);
342  G4double aValue = (*tempMatrix)[ie*nBinsX+ix];
343  if (aValue < 1e-20*millibarn) //protection against log(0)
344  aValue = 1e-20*millibarn;
345  theVec->PutValue(ie+1,logene,std::log(aValue));
346  }
347  //Add fake point at 1 eV using an extrapolation with the derivative
348  //at the first valid point (Penelope approach)
349  G4double derivative = ((*theVec)[2]-(*theVec)[1])/(theVec->Energy(2) - theVec->Energy(1));
350  G4double log1eV = std::log(1*eV);
351  G4double val1eV = (*theVec)[1]+derivative*(log1eV-theVec->Energy(1));
352  //fake point at very low energy
353  theVec->PutValue(0,log1eV,val1eV);
354  }
355  std::pair<const G4Material*,G4double> theKey = std::make_pair(material,cut);
356  theReducedXSTable->insert(std::make_pair(theKey,thePhysicsTable));
358  delete StechiometricFactors;
359  delete tempData;
360  delete tempMatrix;
362  //Do here also the initialization of the energy sampling
363  if (!(theSamplingTable->count(theKey)))
364  InitializeEnergySampling(material,cut);
366  return;
367 }
369 //....oooOO0OOooo........oooOO0OOooo........oooOO0OOooo........oooOO0OOooo....
372 {
374  char* path = std::getenv("G4LEDATA");
375  if (!path)
376  {
377  G4String excep = "G4PenelopeBremsstrahlungFS - G4LEDATA environment variable not set!";
378  G4Exception("G4PenelopeBremsstrahlungFS::ReadDataFile()",
379  "em0006",FatalException,excep);
380  return;
381  }
382  /*
383  Read the cross section file
384  */
385  std::ostringstream ost;
386  if (Z>9)
387  ost << path << "/penelope/bremsstrahlung/pdebr" << Z << ".p08";
388  else
389  ost << path << "/penelope/bremsstrahlung/pdebr0" << Z << ".p08";
390  std::ifstream file(ost.str().c_str());
391  if (!file.is_open())
392  {
393  G4String excep = "G4PenelopeBremsstrahlungFS - data file " +
394  G4String(ost.str()) + " not found!";
395  G4Exception("G4PenelopeBremsstrahlungFS::ReadDataFile()",
396  "em0003",FatalException,excep);
397  return;
398  }
400  G4int readZ =0;
401  file >> readZ;
403  //check the right file is opened.
404  if (readZ != Z)
405  {
407  ed << "Corrupted data file for Z=" << Z << G4endl;
408  G4Exception("G4PenelopeBremsstrahlungFS::ReadDataFile()",
409  "em0005",FatalException,ed);
410  return;
411  }
413  G4DataVector* theMatrix = new G4DataVector(nBinsE*(nBinsX+1),0.); //initialized with zeros
415  for (size_t ie=0;ie<nBinsE;ie++)
416  {
417  G4double myDouble = 0;
418  file >> myDouble; //energy (eV)
419  if (!theEGrid[ie]) //fill only the first time
420  theEGrid[ie] = myDouble*eV;
421  //
422  for (size_t ix=0;ix<nBinsX;ix++)
423  {
424  file >> myDouble;
425  (*theMatrix)[ie*(nBinsX+1)+ix] = myDouble*millibarn;
426  }
427  file >> myDouble; //total cross section
428  (*theMatrix)[ie*(nBinsX+1)+nBinsX] = myDouble*millibarn;
429  }
431  if (theElementData)
432  theElementData->insert(std::make_pair(Z,theMatrix));
433  else
434  delete theMatrix;
435  file.close();
436  return;
437 }
438 //....oooOO0OOooo........oooOO0OOooo........oooOO0OOooo........oooOO0OOooo....
441  G4double xup,G4int momOrder) const
442 //x is always the gridX
443 {
444  //Corresponds to the function RLMOM of Penelope
445  //This method performs the calculation of the integral of (x^momOrder)*y over the interval
446  //from x[0] to xup, obtained by linear interpolation on a table of y.
447  //The independent variable is assumed to take positive values only.
448  //
449  size_t size = nBinsX;
450  const G4double eps = 1e-35;
452  //Check that the call is valid
453  if (momOrder<-1 || size<2 || theXGrid[0]<0)
454  {
455  G4Exception("G4PenelopeBremsstrahlungFS::GetMomentumIntegral()",
456  "em2011",FatalException,"Invalid call");
457  }
459  for (size_t i=1;i<size;i++)
460  {
461  if (theXGrid[i]<0 || theXGrid[i]<theXGrid[i-1])
462  {
464  ed << "Invalid call for bin " << i << G4endl;
465  G4Exception("G4PenelopeBremsstrahlungFS::GetMomentumIntegral()",
466  "em2012",FatalException,ed);
467  }
468  }
470  //Compute the integral
471  G4double result = 0;
472  if (xup < theXGrid[0])
473  return result;
474  bool loopAgain = true;
475  G4double xt = std::min(xup,theXGrid[size-1]);
476  G4double xtc = 0;
477  for (size_t i=0;i<size-1;i++)
478  {
479  G4double x1 = std::max(theXGrid[i],eps);
480  G4double y1 = y[i];
481  G4double x2 = std::max(theXGrid[i+1],eps);
482  G4double y2 = y[i+1];
483  if (xt < x2)
484  {
485  xtc = xt;
486  loopAgain = false;
487  }
488  else
489  xtc = x2;
490  G4double dx = x2-x1;
491  G4double dy = y2-y1;
492  G4double ds = 0;
493  if (std::fabs(dx)>1e-14*std::fabs(dy))
494  {
495  G4double b=dy/dx;
496  G4double a=y1-b*x1;
497  if (momOrder == -1)
498  ds = a*std::log(xtc/x1)+b*(xtc-x1);
499  else if (momOrder == 0) //speed it up, not using pow()
500  ds = a*(xtc-x1) + 0.5*b*(xtc*xtc-x1*x1);
501  else
502  ds = a*(std::pow(xtc,momOrder+1)-std::pow(x1,momOrder+1))/((G4double) (momOrder + 1))
503  + b*(std::pow(xtc,momOrder+2)-std::pow(x1,momOrder+2))/((G4double) (momOrder + 2));
504  }
505  else
506  ds = 0.5*(y1+y2)*(xtc-x1)*std::pow(xtc,momOrder);
507  result += ds;
508  if (!loopAgain)
509  return result;
510  }
511  return result;
512 }
514 //....oooOO0OOooo........oooOO0OOooo........oooOO0OOooo........oooOO0OOooo....
517  const G4double cut) const
518 {
519  //check if it already contains the entry
520  std::pair<const G4Material*,G4double> theKey = std::make_pair(mat,cut);
522  if (!(theReducedXSTable->count(theKey)))
523  {
524  G4Exception("G4PenelopeBremsstrahlungFS::GetScaledXSTable()",
525  "em2013",FatalException,"Unable to retrieve the cross section table");
526  }
528  return theReducedXSTable->find(theKey)->second;
529 }
531 //....oooOO0OOooo........oooOO0OOooo........oooOO0OOooo........oooOO0OOooo....
534  G4double cut)
535 {
536  if (fVerbosity > 2)
537  G4cout << "Entering in G4PenelopeBremsstrahlungFS::InitializeEnergySampling() for " <<
538  material->GetName() << G4endl;
540  //This method should be accessed by the master only
541  std::pair<const G4Material*,G4double> theKey = std::make_pair(material,cut);
543  G4PhysicsTable* thePhysicsTable = new G4PhysicsTable();
544  // the table will contain 57 G4PhysicsFreeVectors with different
545  // values of E.
548  //I reserve space of the vectors.
549  for (size_t i=0;i<nBinsE;i++)
550  thePhysicsTable->push_back(new G4PhysicsFreeVector(nBinsX));
552  //Retrieve the table. Must already exist at this point, because this
553  //method is invoked by GetScaledXSTable()
554  if (!(theReducedXSTable->count(theKey)))
555  G4Exception("G4PenelopeBremsstrahlungFS::InitializeEnergySampling()",
556  "em2013",FatalException,"Unable to retrieve the cross section table");
557  G4PhysicsTable* theTableReduced = theReducedXSTable->find(theKey)->second;
559  for (size_t ie=0;ie<nBinsE;ie++)
560  {
561  G4PhysicsFreeVector* theVec =
562  (G4PhysicsFreeVector*) ((*thePhysicsTable)[ie]);
563  //Fill the table
564  G4double value = 0; //first value
565  theVec->PutValue(0,theXGrid[0],value);
566  for (size_t ix=1;ix<nBinsX;ix++)
567  {
568  //Here calculate the cumulative distribution
569  // int_{0}^{x} dSigma(x',E)/dx' (1/x') dx'
570  G4PhysicsFreeVector* v1 = (G4PhysicsFreeVector*) (*theTableReduced)[ix-1];
571  G4PhysicsFreeVector* v2 = (G4PhysicsFreeVector*) (*theTableReduced)[ix];
573  G4double x1=std::max(theXGrid[ix-1],1.0e-35);
574  //Remember: the table theReducedXSTable has a fake first point in energy
575  //so, it contains one more bin than nBinsE.
576  G4double y1=G4Exp((*v1)[ie+1]);
577  G4double x2=std::max(theXGrid[ix],1.0e-35);
578  G4double y2=G4Exp((*v2)[ie+1]);
579  G4double B = (y2-y1)/(x2-x1);
580  G4double A = y1-B*x1;
581  G4double dS = A*std::log(x2/x1)+B*(x2-x1);
582  value += dS;
583  theVec->PutValue(ix,theXGrid[ix],value);
584  }
586  //fill the PB vector
587  G4double xc = cut/theEGrid[ie];
588  //Fill a temp data vector
589  G4double* tempData = new G4double[nBinsX];
590  for (size_t ix=0;ix<nBinsX;ix++)
591  {
592  G4PhysicsFreeVector* vv = (G4PhysicsFreeVector*) (*theTableReduced)[ix];
593  tempData[ix] = G4Exp((*vv)[ie+1]);
594  }
595  G4double pbval = (xc<=1) ?
596  GetMomentumIntegral(tempData,xc,-1) :
597  GetMomentumIntegral(tempData,1.0,-1);
598  thePBvec->PutValue(ie,theEGrid[ie],pbval);
599  delete[] tempData;
600  }
602  theSamplingTable->insert(std::make_pair(theKey,thePhysicsTable));
603  thePBcut->insert(std::make_pair(theKey,thePBvec));
604  return;
605 }
607 //....oooOO0OOooo........oooOO0OOooo........oooOO0OOooo........oooOO0OOooo....
610  const G4double cut) const
611 {
612  std::pair<const G4Material*,G4double> theKey = std::make_pair(mat,cut);
613  if (!(theSamplingTable->count(theKey)) || !(thePBcut->count(theKey)))
614  {
616  ed << "Unable to retrieve the SamplingTable: " <<
617  theSamplingTable->count(theKey) << " " <<
618  thePBcut->count(theKey) << G4endl;
619  G4Exception("G4PenelopeBremsstrahlungFS::SampleGammaEnergy()",
620  "em2014",FatalException,ed);
621  }
624  const G4PhysicsTable* theTableInte = theSamplingTable->find(theKey)->second;
625  const G4PhysicsTable* theTableRed = theReducedXSTable->find(theKey)->second;
627  //Find the energy bin using bi-partition
628  size_t eBin = 0;
629  G4bool firstOrLastBin = false;
631  if (energy < theEGrid[0]) //below first bin
632  {
633  eBin = 0;
634  firstOrLastBin = true;
635  }
636  else if (energy > theEGrid[nBinsE-1]) //after last bin
637  {
638  eBin = nBinsE-1;
639  firstOrLastBin = true;
640  }
641  else
642  {
643  size_t i=0;
644  size_t j=nBinsE-1;
645  while ((j-i)>1)
646  {
647  size_t k = (i+j)/2;
648  if (energy > theEGrid[k])
649  i = k;
650  else
651  j = k;
652  }
653  eBin = i;
654  }
656  //Get the appropriate physics vector
657  const G4PhysicsFreeVector* theVec1 = (G4PhysicsFreeVector*) (*theTableInte)[eBin];
659  //Use a "temporary" vector which contains the linear interpolation of the x spectra
660  //in energy. The temporary vector is thread-local, so that there is no conflict.
661  //This is achieved via G4Cache. The theTempVect is allocated only once per thread
662  //(member variable), but it is overwritten at every call of this method
663  //(because the interpolation factors change!)
664  G4PhysicsFreeVector* theTempVec = fCache.Get();
665  if (!theTempVec) //First time this thread gets the cache
666  {
667  theTempVec = new G4PhysicsFreeVector(nBinsX);
668  fCache.Put(theTempVec);
669  // The G4AutoDelete takes care here to clean up the vectors
670  G4AutoDelete::Register(theTempVec);
671  if (fVerbosity > 4)
672  G4cout << "Creating new instance of G4PhysicsFreeVector() on the worker" << G4endl;
673  }
675  //theTempVect is allocated only once (member variable), but it is overwritten at
676  //every call of this method (because the interpolation factors change!)
677  if (!firstOrLastBin)
678  {
679  const G4PhysicsFreeVector* theVec2 = (G4PhysicsFreeVector*) (*theTableInte)[eBin+1];
680  for (size_t iloop=0;iloop<nBinsX;iloop++)
681  {
682  G4double val = (*theVec1)[iloop]+(((*theVec2)[iloop]-(*theVec1)[iloop]))*
683  (energy-theEGrid[eBin])/(theEGrid[eBin+1]-theEGrid[eBin]);
684  theTempVec->PutValue(iloop,theXGrid[iloop],val);
685  }
686  }
687  else //first or last bin, no interpolation
688  {
689  for (size_t iloop=0;iloop<nBinsX;iloop++)
690  theTempVec->PutValue(iloop,theXGrid[iloop],(*theVec1)[iloop]);
691  }
693  //Start the game
694  G4double pbcut = (*(thePBcut->find(theKey)->second))[eBin];
696  if (!firstOrLastBin) //linear interpolation on pbcut as well
697  {
698  pbcut = (*(thePBcut->find(theKey)->second))[eBin] +
699  ((*(thePBcut->find(theKey)->second))[eBin+1]-(*(thePBcut->find(theKey)->second))[eBin])*
700  (energy-theEGrid[eBin])/(theEGrid[eBin+1]-theEGrid[eBin]);
701  }
703  G4double pCumulative = (*theTempVec)[nBinsX-1]; //last value
705  G4double eGamma = 0;
706  G4int nIterations = 0;
707  do
708  {
709  G4double pt = pbcut + G4UniformRand()*(pCumulative - pbcut);
710  nIterations++;
712  //find where it is
713  size_t ibin = 0;
714  if (pt < (*theTempVec)[0])
715  ibin = 0;
716  else if (pt > (*theTempVec)[nBinsX-1])
717  {
718  //We observed problems due to numerical rounding here (STT).
719  //delta here is a tiny positive number
720  G4double delta = pt-(*theTempVec)[nBinsX-1];
721  if (delta < pt*1e-10) // very small! Numerical rounding only
722  {
723  ibin = nBinsX-2;
725  ed << "Found that (pt > (*theTempVec)[nBinsX-1]) with pt = " << pt <<
726  " , (*theTempVec)[nBinsX-1] = " << (*theTempVec)[nBinsX-1] << " and delta = " <<
727  (pt-(*theTempVec)[nBinsX-1]) << G4endl;
728  ed << "Possible symptom of problem with numerical precision" << G4endl;
729  G4Exception("G4PenelopeBremsstrahlungFS::SampleGammaEnergy()",
730  "em2015",JustWarning,ed);
731  }
732  else //real problem
733  {
735  ed << "Crash at (pt > (*theTempVec)[nBinsX-1]) with pt = " << pt <<
736  " , (*theTempVec)[nBinsX-1]=" << (*theTempVec)[nBinsX-1] << " and nBinsX = " <<
737  nBinsX << G4endl;
738  ed << "Material: " << mat->GetName() << ", energy = " << energy/keV << " keV" <<
739  G4endl;
740  G4Exception("G4PenelopeBremsstrahlungFS::SampleGammaEnergy()",
741  "em2015",FatalException,ed);
742  }
743  }
744  else
745  {
746  size_t i=0;
747  size_t j=nBinsX-1;
748  while ((j-i)>1)
749  {
750  size_t k = (i+j)/2;
751  if (pt > (*theTempVec)[k])
752  i = k;
753  else
754  j = k;
755  }
756  ibin = i;
757  }
759  G4double w1 = theXGrid[ibin];
760  G4double w2 = theXGrid[ibin+1];
762  const G4PhysicsFreeVector* v1 = (G4PhysicsFreeVector*) (*theTableRed)[ibin];
763  const G4PhysicsFreeVector* v2 = (G4PhysicsFreeVector*) (*theTableRed)[ibin+1];
764  //Remember: the table theReducedXSTable has a fake first point in energy
765  //so, it contains one more bin than nBinsE.
766  G4double pdf1 = G4Exp((*v1)[eBin+1]);
767  G4double pdf2 = G4Exp((*v2)[eBin+1]);
768  G4double deltaW = w2-w1;
769  G4double dpdfb = pdf2-pdf1;
770  G4double B = dpdfb/deltaW;
771  G4double A = pdf1-B*w1;
772  //I already made an interpolation in energy, so I can use the actual value for the
773  //calculation of the wbcut, instead of the grid values (except for the last bin)
774  G4double wbcut = (cut < energy) ? cut/energy : 1.0;
775  if (firstOrLastBin) //this is an particular case: no interpolation available
776  wbcut = (cut < theEGrid[eBin]) ? cut/theEGrid[eBin] : 1.0;
778  if (w1 < wbcut)
779  w1 = wbcut;
780  if (w2 < w1)
781  {
782  //This configuration can happen if initially wbcut > w2 > w1. Due to the previous
783  //statement, (w1 = wbcut), it becomes wbcut = w1 > w2. In this case, it is not a
784  //real problem. It becomes a problem if w2 < w1 before the w1 = wbcut statement. Issue
785  //a warning only in this specific case.
786  if (w2 > wbcut)
787  {
789  ed << "Warning in G4PenelopeBremsstrahlungFS::SampleX()" << G4endl;
790  ed << "Conflicting end-point values: w1=" << w1 << "; w2 = " << w2 << G4endl;
791  ed << "wbcut = " << wbcut << " energy= " << energy/keV << " keV" << G4endl;
792  ed << "cut = " << cut/keV << " keV" << G4endl;
793  G4Exception("G4PenelopeBremsstrahlungFS::SampleGammaEnergy()","em2015",
794  JustWarning,ed);
795  }
796  return w1*energy;
797  }
799  G4double pmax = std::max(A+B*w1,A+B*w2);
800  G4bool loopAgain = false;
801  do
802  {
803  loopAgain = false;
804  eGamma = w1* std::pow((w2/w1),G4UniformRand());
805  if (G4UniformRand()*pmax > (A+B*eGamma))
806  loopAgain = true;
807  }while(loopAgain);
808  eGamma *= energy;
809  if (nIterations > 100) //protection against infinite loops
810  return eGamma;
811  }while(eGamma < cut); //repeat if sampled sub-cut!
813  return eGamma;
814 }