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1 //
2 // ********************************************************************
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4 // * *
5 // * The Geant4 software is copyright of the Copyright Holders of *
6 // * the Geant4 Collaboration. It is provided under the terms and *
7 // * conditions of the Geant4 Software License, included in the file *
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9 // * include a list of copyright holders. *
10 // * *
11 // * Neither the authors of this software system, nor their employing *
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14 // * regarding this software system or assume any liability for its *
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18 // * This code implementation is the result of the scientific and *
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24 // ********************************************************************
25 //
26 //
28 // Class Name: G4AdjointCrossSurfChecker
29 // Author: L. Desorgher
30 // Organisation: SpaceIT GmbH
31 // Contract: ESA contract 21435/08/NL/AT
32 // Customer: ESA/ESTEC
36 #include "G4PhysicalConstants.hh"
37 #include "G4SystemOfUnits.hh"
38 #include "G4Step.hh"
39 #include "G4StepPoint.hh"
40 #include "G4PhysicalVolumeStore.hh"
41 #include "G4VSolid.hh"
42 #include "G4AffineTransform.hh"
45 //
49 //
51 {;
52 }
54 //
56 {
57  delete instance;
58 }
60 //
62 {
64  return instance;
65 }
67 //
68 G4bool G4AdjointCrossSurfChecker::CrossingASphere(const G4Step* aStep,G4double sphere_radius, G4ThreeVector sphere_center,G4ThreeVector& crossing_pos, G4double& cos_th , G4bool& GoingIn)
69 {
70  G4ThreeVector pos1= aStep->GetPreStepPoint()->GetPosition() - sphere_center;
71  G4ThreeVector pos2= aStep->GetPostStepPoint()->GetPosition() - sphere_center;
72  G4double r1= pos1.mag();
73  G4double r2= pos2.mag();
74  G4bool did_cross =false;
76  if (r1<=sphere_radius && r2>sphere_radius){
77  did_cross=true;
78  GoingIn=false;
79  }
80  else if (r2<=sphere_radius && r1>sphere_radius){
81  did_cross=true;
82  GoingIn=true;
83  }
85  if (did_cross) {
87  G4ThreeVector dr=pos2-pos1;
88  G4double r12 = r1*r1;
89  G4double rdr = dr.mag();
90  G4double a,b,c,d;
91  a = rdr*rdr;
92  b = 2.*;
93  c = r12-sphere_radius*sphere_radius;
94  d=std::sqrt(b*b-4.*a*c);
95  G4double l= (-b+d)/2./a;
96  if (l > 1.) l=(-b-d)/2./a;
97  crossing_pos=pos1+l*dr;
98  cos_th = std::abs(dr.cosTheta(crossing_pos));
101  }
102  return did_cross;
103 }
105 //
106 G4bool G4AdjointCrossSurfChecker::GoingInOrOutOfaVolume(const G4Step* aStep,const G4String& volume_name, G4double& , G4bool& GoingIn) //from external surface
107 {
108  G4bool step_at_boundary = (aStep->GetPostStepPoint()->GetStepStatus() == fGeomBoundary);
109  G4bool did_cross =false;
110  if (step_at_boundary){
111  const G4VTouchable* postStepTouchable = aStep->GetPostStepPoint()->GetTouchable();
112  const G4VTouchable* preStepTouchable = aStep->GetPreStepPoint()->GetTouchable();
113  if (preStepTouchable && postStepTouchable && postStepTouchable->GetVolume() && preStepTouchable->GetVolume()){
114  G4String post_vol_name = postStepTouchable->GetVolume()->GetName();
115  G4String pre_vol_name = preStepTouchable->GetVolume()->GetName();
117  if (post_vol_name == volume_name ){
118  GoingIn=true;
119  did_cross=true;
120  }
121  else if (pre_vol_name == volume_name){
122  GoingIn=false;
123  did_cross=true;
125  }
127  }
128  }
129  return did_cross;
130  //still need to compute the cosine of the direction
131 }
133 //
134 G4bool G4AdjointCrossSurfChecker::GoingInOrOutOfaVolumeByExtSurface(const G4Step* aStep,const G4String& volume_name, const G4String& mother_logical_vol_name, G4double& , G4bool& GoingIn) //from external surface
135 {
136  G4bool step_at_boundary = (aStep->GetPostStepPoint()->GetStepStatus() == fGeomBoundary);
137  G4bool did_cross =false;
138  if (step_at_boundary){
139  const G4VTouchable* postStepTouchable = aStep->GetPostStepPoint()->GetTouchable();
140  const G4VTouchable* preStepTouchable = aStep->GetPreStepPoint()->GetTouchable();
141  if (preStepTouchable && postStepTouchable && postStepTouchable->GetVolume() && preStepTouchable->GetVolume()){
142  G4String post_vol_name = postStepTouchable->GetVolume()->GetName();
143  G4String post_log_vol_name = postStepTouchable->GetVolume()->GetLogicalVolume()->GetName();
144  G4String pre_vol_name = preStepTouchable->GetVolume()->GetName();
145  G4String pre_log_vol_name = preStepTouchable->GetVolume()->GetLogicalVolume()->GetName();
146  if (post_vol_name == volume_name && pre_log_vol_name == mother_logical_vol_name){
147  GoingIn=true;
148  did_cross=true;
149  }
150  else if (pre_vol_name == volume_name && post_log_vol_name == mother_logical_vol_name ){
151  GoingIn=false;
152  did_cross=true;
154  }
156  }
157  }
158  return did_cross;
159  //still need to compute the cosine of the direction
160 }
162 //
163 G4bool G4AdjointCrossSurfChecker::CrossingAGivenRegisteredSurface(const G4Step* aStep,const G4String& surface_name,G4ThreeVector& crossing_pos, G4double& cos_to_surface, G4bool& GoingIn)
164 {
165  G4int ind = FindRegisteredSurface(surface_name);
166  G4bool did_cross = false;
167  if (ind >=0){
168  did_cross = CrossingAGivenRegisteredSurface(aStep, ind, crossing_pos,cos_to_surface, GoingIn);
169  }
170  return did_cross;
171 }
173 //
174 G4bool G4AdjointCrossSurfChecker::CrossingAGivenRegisteredSurface(const G4Step* aStep, int ind,G4ThreeVector& crossing_pos, G4double& cos_to_surface, G4bool& GoingIn)
175 {
176  G4String surf_type = ListOfSurfaceType[ind];
178  G4ThreeVector center = ListOfSphereCenter[ind];
179  G4String vol1 = ListOfVol1Name[ind];
180  G4String vol2 = ListOfVol2Name[ind];
182  G4bool did_cross = false;
183  if (surf_type == "Sphere"){
184  did_cross = CrossingASphere(aStep, radius, center,crossing_pos, cos_to_surface, GoingIn);
185  }
186  else if (surf_type == "ExternalSurfaceOfAVolume"){
188  did_cross = GoingInOrOutOfaVolumeByExtSurface(aStep, vol1, vol2, cos_to_surface, GoingIn);
189  crossing_pos= aStep->GetPostStepPoint()->GetPosition();
191  }
192  else if (surf_type == "BoundaryBetweenTwoVolumes"){
193  did_cross = CrossingAnInterfaceBetweenTwoVolumes(aStep, vol1, vol2,crossing_pos, cos_to_surface, GoingIn);
194  }
195  return did_cross;
198 }
200 //
201 //
202 G4bool G4AdjointCrossSurfChecker::CrossingOneOfTheRegisteredSurface(const G4Step* aStep,G4String& surface_name,G4ThreeVector& crossing_pos, G4double& cos_to_surface, G4bool& GoingIn)
203 {
204  for (size_t i=0;i <ListOfSurfaceName.size();i++){
205  if (CrossingAGivenRegisteredSurface(aStep, int(i),crossing_pos, cos_to_surface, GoingIn)){
206  surface_name = ListOfSurfaceName[i];
207  return true;
208  }
209  }
210  return false;
211 }
213 //
215 {
216  G4bool step_at_boundary = (aStep->GetPostStepPoint()->GetStepStatus() == fGeomBoundary);
217  G4bool did_cross =false;
218  if (step_at_boundary){
219  const G4VTouchable* postStepTouchable = aStep->GetPostStepPoint()->GetTouchable();
220  const G4VTouchable* preStepTouchable = aStep->GetPreStepPoint()->GetTouchable();
221  if (preStepTouchable && postStepTouchable){
223  G4String post_vol_name = postStepTouchable->GetVolume()->GetName();
224  if (post_vol_name =="") post_vol_name = postStepTouchable->GetVolume()->GetLogicalVolume()->GetName();
225  G4String pre_vol_name = preStepTouchable->GetVolume()->GetName();
226  if (pre_vol_name =="") pre_vol_name = preStepTouchable->GetVolume()->GetLogicalVolume()->GetName();
229  if ( pre_vol_name == vol1_name && post_vol_name == vol2_name){
230  GoingIn=true;
231  did_cross=true;
232  }
233  else if (pre_vol_name == vol2_name && post_vol_name == vol1_name){
234  GoingIn=false;
235  did_cross=true;
236  }
238  }
239  }
240  return did_cross;
241  //still need to compute the cosine of the direction
242 }
245 //
247 {
248  G4int ind = FindRegisteredSurface(SurfaceName);
249  Area= 4.*pi*radius*radius;
250  if (ind>=0) {
251  ListOfSurfaceType[ind]="Sphere";
253  ListOfSphereCenter[ind]=pos;
254  ListOfVol1Name[ind]="";
255  ListOfVol2Name[ind]="";
256  AreaOfSurface[ind]=Area;
257  }
258  else {
259  ListOfSurfaceName.push_back(SurfaceName);
260  ListOfSurfaceType.push_back("Sphere");
261  ListOfSphereRadius.push_back(radius);
262  ListOfSphereCenter.push_back(pos);
263  ListOfVol1Name.push_back("");
264  ListOfVol2Name.push_back("");
265  AreaOfSurface.push_back(Area);
266  }
267  return true;
268 }
270 //
272 {
274  G4VPhysicalVolume* thePhysicalVolume = 0;
276  for ( unsigned int i=0; i< thePhysVolStore->size();i++){
277  if ((*thePhysVolStore)[i]->GetName() == volume_name){
278  thePhysicalVolume = (*thePhysVolStore)[i];
279  };
281  }
282  if (thePhysicalVolume){
283  G4VPhysicalVolume* daughter =thePhysicalVolume;
284  G4LogicalVolume* mother = thePhysicalVolume->GetMotherLogical();
285  G4AffineTransform theTransformationFromPhysVolToWorld = G4AffineTransform();
286  while (mother){
287  theTransformationFromPhysVolToWorld *=
289  /*G4cout<<"Mother "<<mother->GetName()<<std::endl;
290  G4cout<<"Daughter "<<daughter->GetName()<<std::endl;
291  G4cout<<daughter->GetObjectTranslation()<<std::endl;
292  G4cout<<theTransformationFromPhysVolToWorld.NetTranslation()<<std::endl;*/
293  for ( unsigned int i=0; i< thePhysVolStore->size();i++){
294  if ((*thePhysVolStore)[i]->GetLogicalVolume() == mother){
295  daughter = (*thePhysVolStore)[i];
296  mother =daughter->GetMotherLogical();
297  break;
298  };
299  }
301  }
302  center = theTransformationFromPhysVolToWorld.NetTranslation();
303  G4cout<<"Center of the spherical surface is at the position: "<<center/cm<<" cm"<<std::endl;
305  }
306  else {
307  G4cout<<"The physical volume with name "<<volume_name<<" does not exist!!"<<std::endl;
308  return false;
309  }
310  return AddaSphericalSurface(SurfaceName, radius, center, area);
312 }
314 //
316 {
317  G4int ind = FindRegisteredSurface(SurfaceName);
319  G4VPhysicalVolume* thePhysicalVolume = 0;
321  for ( unsigned int i=0; i< thePhysVolStore->size();i++){
322  if ((*thePhysVolStore)[i]->GetName() == volume_name){
323  thePhysicalVolume = (*thePhysVolStore)[i];
324  };
326  }
327  if (!thePhysicalVolume){
328  G4cout<<"The physical volume with name "<<volume_name<<" does not exist!!"<<std::endl;
329  return false;
330  }
331  Area = thePhysicalVolume->GetLogicalVolume()->GetSolid()->GetSurfaceArea();
332  G4String mother_vol_name = "";
333  G4LogicalVolume* theMother = thePhysicalVolume->GetMotherLogical();
335  if (theMother) mother_vol_name= theMother->GetName();
336  if (ind>=0) {
337  ListOfSurfaceType[ind]="ExternalSurfaceOfAVolume";
338  ListOfSphereRadius[ind]=0.;
339  ListOfSphereCenter[ind]=G4ThreeVector(0.,0.,0.);
340  ListOfVol1Name[ind]=volume_name;
341  ListOfVol2Name[ind]=mother_vol_name;
342  AreaOfSurface[ind]=Area;
343  }
344  else {
345  ListOfSurfaceName.push_back(SurfaceName);
346  ListOfSurfaceType.push_back("ExternalSurfaceOfAVolume");
347  ListOfSphereRadius.push_back(0.);
348  ListOfSphereCenter.push_back(G4ThreeVector(0.,0.,0.));
349  ListOfVol1Name.push_back(volume_name);
350  ListOfVol2Name.push_back(mother_vol_name);
351  AreaOfSurface.push_back(Area);
352  }
353  return true;
354 }
356 //
357 G4bool G4AdjointCrossSurfChecker::AddanInterfaceBetweenTwoVolumes(const G4String& SurfaceName, const G4String& volume_name1, const G4String& volume_name2,G4double& Area)
358 {
359  G4int ind = FindRegisteredSurface(SurfaceName);
360  Area=-1.; //the way to compute the surface is not known yet
361  if (ind>=0) {
362  ListOfSurfaceType[ind]="BoundaryBetweenTwoVolumes";
363  ListOfSphereRadius[ind]=0.;
364  ListOfSphereCenter[ind]=G4ThreeVector(0.,0.,0.);
365  ListOfVol1Name[ind]=volume_name1;
366  ListOfVol2Name[ind]=volume_name2;
367  AreaOfSurface[ind]=Area;
369  }
370  else {
371  ListOfSurfaceName.push_back(SurfaceName);
372  ListOfSurfaceType.push_back("BoundaryBetweenTwoVolumes");
373  ListOfSphereRadius.push_back(0.);
374  ListOfSphereCenter.push_back(G4ThreeVector(0.,0.,0.));
375  ListOfVol1Name.push_back(volume_name1);
376  ListOfVol2Name.push_back(volume_name2);
377  AreaOfSurface.push_back(Area);
378  }
379  return true;
380 }
382 //
384 {
385  ListOfSurfaceName.clear();
386  ListOfSurfaceType.clear();
387  ListOfSphereRadius.clear();
388  ListOfSphereCenter.clear();
389  ListOfVol1Name.clear();
390  ListOfVol2Name.clear();
391 }
393 //
395 {
396  G4int ind=-1;
397  for (size_t i = 0; i<ListOfSurfaceName.size();i++){
398  if (name == ListOfSurfaceName[i]) {
399  ind = int (i);
400  return ind;
401  }
402  }
403  return ind;
404 }