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Go to the documentation of this file. Or view the newest version in sPHENIX GitHub for file CovarianceEngine.cpp
1 // This file is part of the Acts project.
2 //
3 // Copyright (C) 2019-2020 CERN for the benefit of the Acts project
4 //
5 // This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public
6 // License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this
7 // file, You can obtain one at
11 namespace Acts {
12 namespace {
14 using Jacobian = BoundMatrix;
16 using BoundState = std::tuple<BoundParameters, Jacobian, double>;
17 using CurvilinearState = std::tuple<CurvilinearParameters, Jacobian, double>;
24 FreeToBoundMatrix freeToCurvilinearJacobian(const Vector3D& direction) {
25  // Optimized trigonometry on the propagation direction
26  const double x = direction(0); // == cos(phi) * sin(theta)
27  const double y = direction(1); // == sin(phi) * sin(theta)
28  const double z = direction(2); // == cos(theta)
29  // can be turned into cosine/sine
30  const double cosTheta = z;
31  const double sinTheta = sqrt(x * x + y * y);
32  const double invSinTheta = 1. / sinTheta;
33  const double cosPhi = x * invSinTheta;
34  const double sinPhi = y * invSinTheta;
35  // prepare the jacobian to curvilinear
36  FreeToBoundMatrix jacToCurv = FreeToBoundMatrix::Zero();
37  if (std::abs(cosTheta) < s_curvilinearProjTolerance) {
38  // We normally operate in curvilinear coordinates defined as follows
39  jacToCurv(0, 0) = -sinPhi;
40  jacToCurv(0, 1) = cosPhi;
41  jacToCurv(1, 0) = -cosPhi * cosTheta;
42  jacToCurv(1, 1) = -sinPhi * cosTheta;
43  jacToCurv(1, 2) = sinTheta;
44  } else {
45  // Under grazing incidence to z, the above coordinate system definition
46  // becomes numerically unstable, and we need to switch to another one
47  const double c = sqrt(y * y + z * z);
48  const double invC = 1. / c;
49  jacToCurv(0, 1) = -z * invC;
50  jacToCurv(0, 2) = y * invC;
51  jacToCurv(1, 0) = c;
52  jacToCurv(1, 1) = -x * y * invC;
53  jacToCurv(1, 2) = -x * z * invC;
54  }
55  // Time parameter
56  jacToCurv(5, 3) = 1.;
57  // Directional and momentum parameters for curvilinear
58  jacToCurv(2, 4) = -sinPhi * invSinTheta;
59  jacToCurv(2, 5) = cosPhi * invSinTheta;
60  jacToCurv(3, 4) = cosPhi * cosTheta;
61  jacToCurv(3, 5) = sinPhi * cosTheta;
62  jacToCurv(3, 6) = -sinTheta;
63  jacToCurv(4, 7) = 1.;
65  return jacToCurv;
66 }
85 FreeToBoundMatrix surfaceDerivative(
86  std::reference_wrapper<const GeometryContext> geoContext,
87  const FreeVector& parameters, BoundToFreeMatrix& jacobianLocalToGlobal,
88  const FreeVector& derivatives, const Surface& surface) {
89  // Initialize the transport final frame jacobian
90  FreeToBoundMatrix jacToLocal = FreeToBoundMatrix::Zero();
91  // Initalize the jacobian to local, returns the transposed ref frame
92  auto rframeT = surface.initJacobianToLocal(geoContext, jacToLocal,
93  parameters.segment<3>(eFreePos0),
94  parameters.segment<3>(eFreeDir0));
95  // Calculate the form factors for the derivatives
96  const BoundRowVector sVec = surface.derivativeFactors(
97  geoContext, parameters.segment<3>(eFreePos0),
98  parameters.segment<3>(eFreeDir0), rframeT, jacobianLocalToGlobal);
99  jacobianLocalToGlobal -= derivatives * sVec;
100  // Return the jacobian to local
101  return jacToLocal;
102 }
121 const FreeToBoundMatrix surfaceDerivative(
122  const Vector3D& direction, BoundToFreeMatrix& jacobianLocalToGlobal,
123  const FreeVector& derivatives) {
124  // Transport the covariance
125  const ActsRowVectorD<3> normVec(direction);
126  const BoundRowVector sfactors =
127  normVec *
128  jacobianLocalToGlobal.template topLeftCorner<3, eBoundParametersSize>();
129  jacobianLocalToGlobal -= derivatives * sfactors;
130  // Since the jacobian to local needs to calculated for the bound parameters
131  // here, it is convenient to do the same here
132  return freeToCurvilinearJacobian(direction);
133 }
146 void reinitializeJacobians(
147  std::reference_wrapper<const GeometryContext> geoContext,
148  FreeMatrix& transportJacobian, FreeVector& derivatives,
149  BoundToFreeMatrix& jacobianLocalToGlobal, const FreeVector& parameters,
150  const Surface& surface) {
151  using VectorHelpers::phi;
152  using VectorHelpers::theta;
154  // Reset the jacobians
155  transportJacobian = FreeMatrix::Identity();
156  derivatives = FreeVector::Zero();
157  jacobianLocalToGlobal = BoundToFreeMatrix::Zero();
159  // Reset the jacobian from local to global
160  Vector2D loc{0., 0.};
161  const Vector3D position = parameters.segment<3>(eFreePos0);
162  const Vector3D direction = parameters.segment<3>(eFreeDir0);
163  surface.globalToLocal(geoContext, position, direction, loc);
164  BoundVector pars;
165  pars << loc[eLOC_0], loc[eLOC_1], phi(direction), theta(direction),
166  parameters[eFreeQOverP], parameters[eFreeTime];
167  surface.initJacobianToGlobal(geoContext, jacobianLocalToGlobal, position,
168  direction, pars);
169 }
180 void reinitializeJacobians(FreeMatrix& transportJacobian,
181  FreeVector& derivatives,
182  BoundToFreeMatrix& jacobianLocalToGlobal,
183  const Vector3D& direction) {
184  // Reset the jacobians
185  transportJacobian = FreeMatrix::Identity();
186  derivatives = FreeVector::Zero();
187  jacobianLocalToGlobal = BoundToFreeMatrix::Zero();
189  // Optimized trigonometry on the propagation direction
190  const double x = direction(0); // == cos(phi) * sin(theta)
191  const double y = direction(1); // == sin(phi) * sin(theta)
192  const double z = direction(2); // == cos(theta)
193  // can be turned into cosine/sine
194  const double cosTheta = z;
195  const double sinTheta = sqrt(x * x + y * y);
196  const double invSinTheta = 1. / sinTheta;
197  const double cosPhi = x * invSinTheta;
198  const double sinPhi = y * invSinTheta;
200  jacobianLocalToGlobal(0, eLOC_0) = -sinPhi;
201  jacobianLocalToGlobal(0, eLOC_1) = -cosPhi * cosTheta;
202  jacobianLocalToGlobal(1, eLOC_0) = cosPhi;
203  jacobianLocalToGlobal(1, eLOC_1) = -sinPhi * cosTheta;
204  jacobianLocalToGlobal(2, eLOC_1) = sinTheta;
205  jacobianLocalToGlobal(3, eT) = 1;
206  jacobianLocalToGlobal(4, ePHI) = -sinTheta * sinPhi;
207  jacobianLocalToGlobal(4, eTHETA) = cosTheta * cosPhi;
208  jacobianLocalToGlobal(5, ePHI) = sinTheta * cosPhi;
209  jacobianLocalToGlobal(5, eTHETA) = cosTheta * sinPhi;
210  jacobianLocalToGlobal(6, eTHETA) = -sinTheta;
211  jacobianLocalToGlobal(7, eQOP) = 1;
212 }
213 } // namespace
215 namespace detail {
217 BoundState boundState(std::reference_wrapper<const GeometryContext> geoContext,
218  Covariance& covarianceMatrix, Jacobian& jacobian,
219  FreeMatrix& transportJacobian, FreeVector& derivatives,
220  BoundToFreeMatrix& jacobianLocalToGlobal,
221  const FreeVector& parameters, bool covTransport,
222  double accumulatedPath, const Surface& surface) {
223  // Covariance transport
224  std::optional<BoundSymMatrix> cov = std::nullopt;
225  if (covTransport) {
226  covarianceTransport(geoContext, covarianceMatrix, jacobian,
227  transportJacobian, derivatives, jacobianLocalToGlobal,
228  parameters, surface);
229  cov = covarianceMatrix;
230  }
231  // Create the bound parameters
232  const Vector3D& position = parameters.segment<3>(eFreePos0);
233  const Vector3D momentum =
234  std::abs(1. / parameters[eFreeQOverP]) * parameters.segment<3>(eFreeDir0);
235  const double charge = std::copysign(1., parameters[eFreeQOverP]);
236  const double time = parameters[eFreeTime];
237  BoundParameters boundParameters(geoContext, cov, position, momentum, charge,
238  time, surface.getSharedPtr());
239  // Create the bound state
240  return std::make_tuple(std::move(boundParameters), jacobian, accumulatedPath);
241  ;
242 }
244 CurvilinearState curvilinearState(Covariance& covarianceMatrix,
245  Jacobian& jacobian,
246  FreeMatrix& transportJacobian,
247  FreeVector& derivatives,
248  BoundToFreeMatrix& jacobianLocalToGlobal,
249  const FreeVector& parameters,
250  bool covTransport, double accumulatedPath) {
251  const Vector3D& direction = parameters.segment<3>(eFreeDir0);
253  // Covariance transport
254  std::optional<BoundSymMatrix> cov = std::nullopt;
255  if (covTransport) {
256  covarianceTransport(covarianceMatrix, jacobian, transportJacobian,
257  derivatives, jacobianLocalToGlobal, direction);
258  cov = covarianceMatrix;
259  }
260  // Create the curvilinear parameters
261  const Vector3D& position = parameters.segment<3>(eFreePos0);
262  const Vector3D momentum = std::abs(1. / parameters[eFreeQOverP]) * direction;
263  const double charge = std::copysign(1., parameters[eFreeQOverP]);
264  const double time = parameters[eFreeTime];
265  CurvilinearParameters curvilinearParameters(cov, position, momentum, charge,
266  time);
267  // Create the curvilinear state
268  return std::make_tuple(std::move(curvilinearParameters), jacobian,
269  accumulatedPath);
270 }
272 void covarianceTransport(Covariance& covarianceMatrix, Jacobian& jacobian,
273  FreeMatrix& transportJacobian, FreeVector& derivatives,
274  BoundToFreeMatrix& jacobianLocalToGlobal,
275  const Vector3D& direction) {
276  // Build the full jacobian
277  jacobianLocalToGlobal = transportJacobian * jacobianLocalToGlobal;
278  const FreeToBoundMatrix jacToLocal =
279  surfaceDerivative(direction, jacobianLocalToGlobal, derivatives);
280  const Jacobian jacFull = jacToLocal * jacobianLocalToGlobal;
282  // Apply the actual covariance transport
283  covarianceMatrix = jacFull * covarianceMatrix * jacFull.transpose();
285  // Reinitialize jacobian components
286  reinitializeJacobians(transportJacobian, derivatives, jacobianLocalToGlobal,
287  direction);
289  // Store The global and bound jacobian (duplication for the moment)
290  jacobian = jacFull;
291 }
294  std::reference_wrapper<const GeometryContext> geoContext,
295  Covariance& covarianceMatrix, Jacobian& jacobian,
296  FreeMatrix& transportJacobian, FreeVector& derivatives,
297  BoundToFreeMatrix& jacobianLocalToGlobal, const FreeVector& parameters,
298  const Surface& surface) {
299  // Build the full jacobian
300  jacobianLocalToGlobal = transportJacobian * jacobianLocalToGlobal;
301  const FreeToBoundMatrix jacToLocal = surfaceDerivative(
302  geoContext, parameters, jacobianLocalToGlobal, derivatives, surface);
303  const Jacobian jacFull = jacToLocal * jacobianLocalToGlobal;
305  // Apply the actual covariance transport
306  covarianceMatrix = jacFull * covarianceMatrix * jacFull.transpose();
308  // Reinitialize jacobian components
309  reinitializeJacobians(geoContext, transportJacobian, derivatives,
310  jacobianLocalToGlobal, parameters, surface);
312  // Store The global and bound jacobian (duplication for the moment)
313  jacobian = jacFull;
314 }
315 } // namespace detail
316 } // namespace Acts