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Go to the documentation of this file. Or view the newest version in sPHENIX GitHub for file rztog4.F
1 *
2 * ********************************************************************
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4 * * *
5 * * The Geant4 software is copyright of the Copyright Holders of *
6 * * the Geant4 Collaboration. It is provided under the terms and *
7 * * conditions of the Geant4 Software License, included in the file *
8 * * LICENSE and available at . These *
9 * * include a list of copyright holders. *
10 * * *
11 * * Neither the authors of this software system, nor their employing *
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18 * * This code implementation is the result of the scientific and *
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28  program rztog4
29 ************************************************************************
30 *
31 * rztog4
32 *
33 * A standalone program to convert a Geant RZ initialization file
34 * (containing geometry, materials, etc.) to a Geant4 C++
35 * geometry.
36 *
37 * Torre Wenaus, LLNL 6/95
38 *
39 * todo:
40 * - attributes
41 *
42 * JSHAPE routine of Jouko Vuoskoski, CERN employed.
43 *
44 *... History:
45 * 15-Jan-1997 Lockman : put tog4 in a separate file
46 ************************************************************************
47  implicit none
48 #include ""
49  integer iargc, lenocc, ln, lnout
50  character*256 file, ofile
51 *
52  real h, q
53  integer nh, nz
54  parameter(nh=1000000, nz=2000000)
55  common/pawc/h(nh)
56  common/gcbank/q(nz)
57 C
58  common/gcunit/lin,lout,nunits,lunits(5)
59  INTEGER lin,lout,nunits,lunits
60  common/gcmail/chmail
61  CHARACTER*132 chmail
62  logical lexist
63 *
64  lout = 6
65 *
66  if( iargc() .gt. 0 ) then
67  call getarg(1,file)
68  ln = lenocc(file)
69  else
70  print *,'rztog4 <rzfile> [ <call-list> ]'
71  print *,'<rzfile> : name of the ZEBRA rz file'
72  print *,'<call-list> : name of output call list file'
73  print *,'(def: g3calls.dat)'
74  print *,'You need to specify an rz file'
75  goto 999
76  endif
78  if (iargc() .gt. 1 ) then
79  call getarg(2,ofile)
80  else
81  ofile='g3calls.dat'
82  end if
83  inquire(file=file(:ln),exist=lexist)
84  if (.not.lexist) then
85  write(6,*) 'rz-file "',file(:ln),'" doesn''t exist.'
86  stop 1
87  end if
88 *
89 *** Geant/Zebra initialization
90  call gzebra(nz)
91  call gzinit
92  call grfile(90,file(:ln),'i')
93 *
94 *** conversion initialization
95  dogeom = .false.
96  context = '----'
97  lunlist = 98
98  lnout = lenocc(ofile)
99  open(unit=lunlist,file=ofile(:lnout),status='unknown')
100  print *,'Opened call list file ',ofile(:lnout)
101 *
102  luncode = 99
103  luncode = 0
104  nfile = 1
105  call g3source
106 *
107 *** do conversion
108  call tog4
109 *
110  999 end