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1 //
2 // ********************************************************************
3 // * License and Disclaimer *
4 // * *
5 // * The Geant4 software is copyright of the Copyright Holders of *
6 // * the Geant4 Collaboration. It is provided under the terms and *
7 // * conditions of the Geant4 Software License, included in the file *
8 // * LICENSE and available at . These *
9 // * include a list of copyright holders. *
10 // * *
11 // * Neither the authors of this software system, nor their employing *
12 // * institutes,nor the agencies providing financial support for this *
13 // * work make any representation or warranty, express or implied, *
14 // * regarding this software system or assume any liability for its *
15 // * use. Please see the license in the file LICENSE and URL above *
16 // * for the full disclaimer and the limitation of liability. *
17 // * *
18 // * This code implementation is the result of the scientific and *
19 // * technical work of the GEANT4 collaboration. *
20 // * By using, copying, modifying or distributing the software (or *
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24 // ********************************************************************
25 //
28 //
29 //
30 //....oooOO0OOooo........oooOO0OOooo........oooOO0OOooo........oooOO0OOooo......
31 //....oooOO0OOooo........oooOO0OOooo........oooOO0OOooo........oooOO0OOooo......
33 #include "MuCrossSections.hh"
35 #include "G4Material.hh"
36 #include "G4PhysicalConstants.hh"
37 #include "G4SystemOfUnits.hh"
39 //....oooOO0OOooo........oooOO0OOooo........oooOO0OOooo........oooOO0OOooo......
41 using namespace std;
44 { }
46 //....oooOO0OOooo........oooOO0OOooo........oooOO0OOooo........oooOO0OOooo......
49 { }
51 //....oooOO0OOooo........oooOO0OOooo........oooOO0OOooo........oooOO0OOooo......
54  const G4Material* material,
55  G4double tkin, G4double ep)
57 // return the macroscopic cross section (1/L) in GEANT4 internal units
58 {
59  const G4ElementVector* theElementVector = material->GetElementVector();
60  const G4double* NbOfAtomsPerVolume = material->GetVecNbOfAtomsPerVolume();
62  G4double SIGMA = 0.;
63  G4int nelm = material->GetNumberOfElements();
64  for (G4int i=0; i < nelm; ++i)
65  {
66  const G4Element* element = (*theElementVector)[i];
67  SIGMA += NbOfAtomsPerVolume[i] * CR_PerAtom(process, element, tkin, ep);
68  }
69  return SIGMA;
70 }
72 //....oooOO0OOooo........oooOO0OOooo........oooOO0OOooo........oooOO0OOooo......
75  const G4Element* element,
76  G4double tkin, G4double ep)
77 {
78  G4double z = element->GetZ();
79  G4double a = element->GetA();
81  G4double sigma = 0.;
82  if (process == "muBrems")
83  sigma = CRB_Mephi(z,a/(g/mole),tkin/GeV,ep/GeV)*(cm2/(g*GeV))*a/Avogadro;
85  else if (process == "muIoni")
86  sigma = CRK_Mephi(z,a/(g/mole),tkin/GeV,ep/GeV)*(cm2/(g*GeV))*a/Avogadro;
88  //else if (process == "muNucl")
89  else if (process == "muonNuclear")
90  sigma = CRN_Mephi(z,a/(g/mole),tkin/GeV,ep/GeV)*(cm2/(g*GeV))*a/Avogadro;
92  else if (process == "muPairProd")
93  sigma = CRP_Mephi(z,a/(g/mole),tkin/GeV,ep/GeV)*(cm2/(g*GeV))*a/Avogadro;
95  return sigma;
96 }
98 //....oooOO0OOooo........oooOO0OOooo........oooOO0OOooo........oooOO0OOooo......
100 double MuCrossSections::CRB_Mephi(double z,double a,double tkin,double ep)
102 //***********************************************************************
103 //*** in comparison with, following
104 //*** changes are introduced (September 24th, 1998):
105 //*** 1) function crb_g4 (Z,A,Tkin,EP), Tkin is kinetic energy
106 //*** 2) special case of hidrogen (Z<1.5; b,b1,Dn_star)
107 //*** Numerical comparison: 5 decimal digits coincide.
108 //***
109 //*** Cross section for bremsstrahlung by fast muon
110 //*** By R.P.Kokoulin, September 1998
111 //*** Formulae from Kelner,Kokoulin,Petrukhin 1995, Preprint MEPhI
112 //*** (7,18,19,20,21,25,26); Dn (18) is modified to incorporate
113 //*** Bugaev's inelatic nuclear correction (28) for Z > 1.
114 //***********************************************************************
115 {
116 // G4double Z,A,Tkin,EP;
117  G4double crb_g4;
118  G4double e,v,delta,rab0,z_13,dn,b,b1,dn_star,rab1,fn,epmax1,fe,rab2;
119 //
120  G4double ame=0.51099907e-3; // GeV
121  G4double lamu=0.105658389; // GeV
122  G4double re=2.81794092e-13; // cm
123  G4double avno=6.022137e23;
124  G4double alpha=1./137.036;
125  G4double rmass=lamu/ame; // "207"
126  G4double coeff=16./3.*alpha*avno*(re/rmass)*(re/rmass); // cm^2
127  G4double sqrte=1.64872127; // sqrt(2.71828...)
128  G4double btf=183.;
129  G4double btf1=1429.;
130  G4double bh=202.4;
131  G4double bh1=446.;
132 //***
133  if(ep >= tkin)
134  {
135  crb_g4=0.;
136  return crb_g4;
137  }
138  e=tkin+lamu;
139  v=ep/e;
140  delta=lamu*lamu*v/(2.*(e-ep)); // qmin
141  rab0=delta*sqrte;
142  z_13=pow(z,-0.3333333); //
143 //*** nuclear size and excitation, screening parameters
144  dn=1.54*pow(a,0.27);
145  if(z <= 1.5) // special case for hydrogen
146  {
147  b=bh;
148  b1=bh1;
149  dn_star=dn;
150  }
151  else
152  {
153  b=btf;
154  b1=btf1;
155  dn_star=pow(dn,(1.-1./z)); // with Bugaev's correction
156  }
157 //*** nucleus contribution logarithm
158  rab1=b*z_13;
159  fn=log(rab1/(dn_star*(ame+rab0*rab1))*(lamu+delta*(dn_star*sqrte-2.)));
160  if(fn < 0.) fn=0.;
161 //*** electron contribution logarithm
162  epmax1=e/(1.+lamu*rmass/(2.*e));
163  if(ep >= epmax1)
164  {
165  fe=0.;
166  goto label10;
167  }
168  rab2=b1*z_13*z_13;
169  fe=log(rab2*lamu/((1.+delta*rmass/(ame*sqrte))*(ame+rab0*rab2)));
170  if(fe < 0.) fe=0.;
171 //***
172 label10:
173  crb_g4=coeff*(1.-v*(1.-0.75*v))*z*(z*fn+fe)/(a*ep);
174  return crb_g4;
175 }
177 //....oooOO0OOooo........oooOO0OOooo........oooOO0OOooo........oooOO0OOooo......
181 //***********************************************************************
182 //*** Cross section for knock-on electron production by fast muons
183 //*** (including bremsstrahlung e-diagrams and rad. correction).
184 //*** Units: cm^2/(g*GeV); Tkin, ep - GeV.
185 //*** By R.P.Kokoulin, October 1998
186 //*** Formulae from Kelner,Kokoulin,Petrukhin, Phys.Atom.Nuclei, 1997
187 //*** (a bit simplified Kelner's version of Eq.30 - with 2 logarithms).
188 //***
189 {
190 // G4double Z,A,Tkin,EP;
191  G4double crk_g4;
192  G4double v,sigma0,a1,a3;
193 //
194  G4double ame=0.51099907e-3; // GeV
195  G4double lamu=0.105658389; // GeV
196  G4double re=2.81794092e-13; // cm
197  G4double avno=6.022137e23;
198  G4double alpha=1./137.036;
199  G4double lpi=3.141592654;
200  G4double bmu=lamu*lamu/(2.*ame);
201  G4double coeff0=avno*2.*lpi*ame*re*re;
202  G4double coeff1=alpha/(2.*lpi);
203 //***
205  G4double e=tkin+lamu;
206  if(e < 0.) {
207  G4cout << "CRK: " << tkin << " " << ep << " " << e << G4endl;
208  }
209  G4double epmax=e/(1.+bmu/e);
210  if(ep >= epmax)
211  {
212  crk_g4=0.;
213  return crk_g4;
214  }
215  v=ep/e;
216  sigma0=coeff0*(z/a)*(1.-ep/epmax+0.5*v*v)/(ep*ep);
217  a1=std::log(1.+2.*ep/ame);
218  a3=std::log(4.*e*(e-ep)/(lamu*lamu));
219  crk_g4=sigma0*(1.+coeff1*a1*(a3-a1));
220  return crk_g4;
221 }
223 //....oooOO0OOooo........oooOO0OOooo........oooOO0OOooo........oooOO0OOooo......
227 //***********************************************************************
228 //*** Differential cross section for photonuclear muon interaction.
229 //*** Formulae from Borog & Petrukhin, 1975
230 //*** Real photon cross section: Caldwell e.a., 1979
231 //*** Nuclear shadowing: Brodsky e.a., 1972
232 //*** Units: cm^2 / g GeV.
233 //*** January 31st, 1998 R.P.Kokoulin
234 //***********************************************************************
235 {
236 // G4double Z,A,Tkin,EP;
237  G4double crn_g4;
238  G4double e,aeff,sigph,v,v1,v2,amu2,up,down;
239 //***
240  G4double lamu=0.105658389; // GeV
241  G4double avno=6.022137e23;
242  G4double amp=0.9382723; // GeV
243  G4double lpi=3.14159265;
244  G4double alpha=1./137.036;
245 //***
246  G4double epmin_phn=0.20; // GeV
247  G4double alam2=0.400000; // GeV**2
248  G4double alam =0.632456; // sqrt(alam2)
249  G4double coeffn=alpha/lpi*avno*1e-30; // cm^2/microbarn
250 //***
251  e=tkin+lamu;
252  crn_g4=0.;
253  if(ep >= e-0.5*amp) return crn_g4;
254  if(ep <= epmin_phn) return crn_g4;
255  aeff=0.22*a+0.78*pow(a,0.89); // shadowing
256  sigph=49.2+11.1*log(ep)+151.8/sqrt(ep); // microbarn
257  v=ep/e;
258  v1=1.-v;
259  v2=v*v;
260  amu2=lamu*lamu;
261  up=e*e*v1/amu2*(1.+amu2*v2/(alam2*v1));
262  down=1.+ep/alam*(1.+alam/(2.*amp)+ep/alam);
263  crn_g4=coeffn*aeff/a*sigph/ep*(-v1+(v1+0.5*v2*(1.+2.*amu2/alam2))*log(up/down));
264  if(crn_g4 < 0.) crn_g4=0.;
265  return crn_g4;
266 }
268 //....oooOO0OOooo........oooOO0OOooo........oooOO0OOooo........oooOO0OOooo......
272 //**********************************************************************
273 //*** in comparison with, following
274 //*** changes are introduced (January 16th, 1998):
275 //*** 1) Avno/A, cm^2/gram GeV
276 //*** 2) zeta_loss(E,Z) from Kelner 1997, Eqs.(53-54)
277 //*** 3) function crp_g4 (Z,A,Tkin,EP), Tkin is kinetic energy
278 //*** 4) bbb=183 (Thomas-Fermi)
279 //*** 5) special case of hidrogen (Z<1.5), bbb,g1,g2
280 //*** 6) expansions in 'xi' are simplified (Jan.17th,1998)
281 //***
282 //*** Cross section for electron pair production by fast muon
283 //*** By R.P.Kokoulin, December 1997
284 //*** Formulae from Kokoulin & Petrukhin 1971, Hobart, Eqs.(1,8,9,10)
285 {
286 // G4double Z,A,Tkin,EP;
287  G4double crp_g4;
288  G4double bbbtf,bbbh,g1tf,g2tf,g1h,g2h,e,z13,e1,alf,a3,bbb;
289  G4double g1,g2,zeta1,zeta2,zeta,z2,screen0,a0,a1,bet,xi0,del;
290  G4double tmn,sum,a4,a5,a6,a7,a9,xi,xii,xi1,screen,yeu,yed,ye1;
291  G4double ale,cre,be,fe,ymu,ymd,ym1,alm_crm,a10,bm,fm;
292 //
293  G4double ame=0.51099907e-3; // GeV
294  G4double lamu=0.105658389; // GeV
295  G4double re=2.81794092e-13; // cm
296  G4double avno=6.022137e23;
297  G4double lpi=3.14159265;
298  G4double alpha=1./137.036;
299  G4double rmass=lamu/ame; // "207"
300  G4double coeff=4./(3.*lpi)*(alpha*re)*(alpha*re)*avno; // cm^2
301  G4double sqrte=1.64872127; // sqrt(2.71828...)
302  G4double c3=3.*sqrte*lamu/4.; // for limits
303  G4double c7=4.*ame; // -"-
304  G4double c8=6.*lamu*lamu; // -"-
306  G4double xgi[8]={.0199,.1017,.2372,.4083,.5917,.7628,.8983,.9801}; // Gauss, 8
307  G4double wgi[8]={.0506,.1112,.1569,.1813,.1813,.1569,.1112,.0506}; // Gauss, 8
308  bbbtf=183.; // for the moment...
309  bbbh=202.4; // for the moment...
310  g1tf=1.95e-5;
311  g2tf=5.3e-5;
312  g1h=4.4e-5;
313  g2h=4.8e-5;
315  e=tkin+lamu;
316  z13=pow(z,0.3333333);
317  e1=e-ep;
318  crp_g4=0.;
319  if(e1 <= c3*z13) return crp_g4; // ep > max
320  alf=c7/ep; // 4m/ep
321  a3=1.-alf;
322  if(a3 <= 0.) return crp_g4; // ep < min
323 //*** zeta calculation
324  if(z <= 1.5) // special case of hidrogen
325  {
326  bbb=bbbh;
327  g1=g1h;
328  g2=g2h;
329  }
330  else
331  {
332  bbb=bbbtf;
333  g1=g1tf;
334  g2=g2tf;
335  }
336  zeta1=0.073*log(e/(lamu+g1*z13*z13*e))-0.26;
337  if(zeta1 > 0.)
338  {
339  zeta2=0.058*log(e/(lamu+g2*z13*e))-0.14;
340  zeta=zeta1/zeta2;
341  }
342  else
343  {
344  zeta=0.;
345  }
346  z2=z*(z+zeta); //
347 //*** just to check (for comparison with crp_m)
348 // z2=z*(z+1.)
349 // bbb=189.
350 //***
351  screen0=2.*ame*sqrte*bbb/(z13*ep); // be careful with "ame"
352  a0=e*e1;
353  a1=ep*ep/a0; // 2*beta
354  bet=0.5*a1; // beta
355  xi0=0.25*rmass*rmass*a1; // xi0
356  del=c8/a0; // 6mu^2/EE'
357  tmn=log((alf+2.*del*a3)/(1.+(1.-del)*sqrt(a3))); // log(1-rmax)
358  sum=0.;
359  for(int i=0; i<=7; i++) // integration
360  {
361  a4=exp(tmn*xgi[i]); // 1-r
362  a5=a4*(2.-a4); // 1-r2
363  a6=1.-a5; // r2
364  a7=1.+a6; // 1+r2
365  a9=3.+a6; // 3+r2
366  xi=xi0*a5;
367  xii=1./xi;
368  xi1=1.+xi;
369  screen=screen0*xi1/a5;
370  yeu=5.-a6+4.*bet*a7;
371  yed=2.*(1.+3.*bet)*log(3.+xii)-a6-a1*(2.-a6);
372  ye1=1.+yeu/yed;
373  ale=log(bbb/z13*sqrt(xi1*ye1)/(1.+screen*ye1));
374  cre=0.5*log(1.+(1.5/rmass*z13)*(1.5/rmass*z13)*xi1*ye1);
375  if(xi <= 1e3) //
376  {
377  be=((2.+a6)*(1.+bet)+xi*a9)*log(1.+xii)+(a5-bet)/xi1-a9;
378  }
379  else
380  {
381  be=(3.-a6+a1*a7)/(2.*xi); // -(6.-5.*a6+3.*bet*a6)/(6.*xi*xi);
382  }
383  fe=max(0.,(ale-cre)*be);
384  ymu=4.+a6+3.*bet*a7;
385  ymd=a7*(1.5+a1)*log(3.+xi)+1.-1.5*a6;
386  ym1=1.+ymu/ymd;
387  alm_crm=log(bbb*rmass/(1.5*z13*z13*(1.+screen*ym1)));
388  if(xi >= 1e-3) //
389  {
390  a10=(1.+a1)*a5; // (1+2b)(1-r2)
391  bm=(a7*(1.+1.5*bet)-a10*xii)*log(xi1)+xi*(a5-bet)/xi1+a10;
392  }
393  else
394  {
395  bm=(5.-a6+bet*a9)*(xi/2.); // -(11.-5.*a6+.5*bet*(5.+a6))*(xi*xi/6.)
396  }
397  fm=max(0.,(alm_crm)*bm);
398 //***
399  sum=sum+a4*(fe+fm/(rmass*rmass))*wgi[i];
400  }
401  crp_g4=-tmn*sum*(z2/a)*coeff*e1/(e*ep);
402  return crp_g4;
403 }
404 //....oooOO0OOooo........oooOO0OOooo........oooOO0OOooo........oooOO0OOooo......