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1 //
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4 // * *
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11 // * Neither the authors of this software system, nor their employing *
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18 // * This code implementation is the result of the scientific and *
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25 //
26 // neutron_hp -- source file
27 // J.P. Wellisch, Nov-1996
28 // A prototype of the low energy neutron transport model.
29 //
30 // 070523 bug fix for G4FPE_DEBUG on by A. Howard ( and T. Koi)
31 // 080319 Compilation warnings - gcc-4.3.0 fix by T. Koi
32 //
33 // P. Arce, June-2014 Conversion neutron_hp to particle_hp
34 //
35 #include "G4ParticleHPElastic.hh"
36 #include "G4SystemOfUnits.hh"
37 #include "G4ParticleHPElasticFS.hh"
38 #include "G4ParticleHPManager.hh"
39 #include "G4Threading.hh"
42  :G4HadronicInteraction("NeutronHPElastic")
43  ,theElastic(NULL)
44  ,numEle(0)
45  {
46  overrideSuspension = false;
47 /*
48  G4ParticleHPElasticFS * theFS = new G4ParticleHPElasticFS;
49  if(!std::getenv("G4NEUTRONHPDATA"))
50  throw G4HadronicException(__FILE__, __LINE__, "Please setenv G4NEUTRONHPDATA to point to the neutron cross-section files.");
51  dirName = std::getenv("G4NEUTRONHPDATA");
52  G4String tString = "/Elastic";
53  dirName = dirName + tString;
54 // G4cout <<"G4ParticleHPElastic::G4ParticleHPElastic testit "<<dirName<<G4endl;
55  numEle = G4Element::GetNumberOfElements();
56  //theElastic = new G4ParticleHPChannel[numEle];
57  //for (G4int i=0; i<numEle; i++)
58  //{
59  // theElastic[i].Init((*(G4Element::GetElementTable()))[i], dirName);
60  // while(!theElastic[i].Register(theFS)) ;
61  //}
62  for ( G4int i = 0 ; i < numEle ; i++ )
63  {
64  theElastic.push_back( new G4ParticleHPChannel );
65  (*theElastic[i]).Init((*(G4Element::GetElementTable()))[i], dirName);
66  while(!(*theElastic[i]).Register(theFS)) ;
67  }
68  delete theFS;
69 */
70  SetMinEnergy(0.*eV);
71  SetMaxEnergy(20.*MeV);
72  }
75  {
76  //the vectror is shared among threads, only master deletes
77  if ( ! G4Threading::IsWorkerThread() ) {
78  //delete [] theElastic;
79  if ( theElastic != NULL ) {
80  for ( std::vector<G4ParticleHPChannel*>::iterator
81  it = theElastic->begin() ; it != theElastic->end() ; it++ ) {
82  delete *it;
83  }
84  theElastic->clear();
85  }
86  }
87  }
92  {
94  //if ( numEle < (G4int)G4Element::GetNumberOfElements() ) addChannelForNewElement();
97  const G4Material * theMaterial = aTrack.GetMaterial();
98  G4int n = theMaterial->GetNumberOfElements();
99  G4int index = theMaterial->GetElement(0)->GetIndex();
100  if(n!=1)
101  {
102  G4int i;
103  G4double* xSec = new G4double[n];
104  G4double sum=0;
105  const G4double * NumAtomsPerVolume = theMaterial->GetVecNbOfAtomsPerVolume();
106  G4double rWeight;
107  G4ParticleHPThermalBoost aThermalE;
108  for (i=0; i<n; i++)
109  {
110  index = theMaterial->GetElement(i)->GetIndex();
111  rWeight = NumAtomsPerVolume[i];
112  //xSec[i] = theElastic[index].GetXsec(aThermalE.GetThermalEnergy(aTrack,
113  xSec[i] = ((*theElastic)[index])->GetXsec(aThermalE.GetThermalEnergy(aTrack,
114  theMaterial->GetElement(i),
115  theMaterial->GetTemperature()));
116  xSec[i] *= rWeight;
117  sum+=xSec[i];
118  }
119  G4double random = G4UniformRand();
120  G4double running = 0;
121  for (i=0; i<n; i++)
122  {
123  running += xSec[i];
124  index = theMaterial->GetElement(i)->GetIndex();
125  //if(random<=running/sum) break;
126  if( sum == 0 || random <= running/sum ) break;
127  }
128  delete [] xSec;
129  // it is element-wise initialised.
130  }
131  //G4HadFinalState* finalState = theElastic[index].ApplyYourself(aTrack);
132  G4HadFinalState* finalState = ((*theElastic)[index])->ApplyYourself(aTrack);
133  if (overrideSuspension) finalState->SetStatusChange(isAlive);
135  //Overwrite target parameters
136  aNucleus.SetParameters(G4ParticleHPManager::GetInstance()->GetReactionWhiteBoard()->GetTargA(),G4ParticleHPManager::GetInstance()->GetReactionWhiteBoard()->GetTargZ());
137  const G4Element* target_element = (*G4Element::GetElementTable())[index];
138  const G4Isotope* target_isotope=NULL;
139  G4int iele = target_element->GetNumberOfIsotopes();
140  for ( G4int j = 0 ; j != iele ; j++ ) {
141  target_isotope=target_element->GetIsotope( j );
142  if ( target_isotope->GetN() == G4ParticleHPManager::GetInstance()->GetReactionWhiteBoard()->GetTargA() ) break;
143  }
144  //G4cout << "Target Material of this reaction is " << theMaterial->GetName() << G4endl;
145  //G4cout << "Target Element of this reaction is " << target_element->GetName() << G4endl;
146  //G4cout << "Target Isotope of this reaction is " << target_isotope->GetName() << G4endl;
147  aNucleus.SetIsotope( target_isotope );
150  return finalState;
151  }
153 const std::pair<G4double, G4double> G4ParticleHPElastic::GetFatalEnergyCheckLevels() const
154 {
155  //return std::pair<G4double, G4double>(10*perCent,10*GeV);
156  return std::pair<G4double, G4double>(10*perCent,DBL_MAX);
157 }
159 /*
160 void G4ParticleHPElastic::addChannelForNewElement()
161 {
162  G4ParticleHPElasticFS* theFS = new G4ParticleHPElasticFS;
163  for ( G4int i = numEle ; i < (G4int)G4Element::GetNumberOfElements() ; i++ )
164  {
165  G4cout << "G4ParticleHPElastic Prepairing Data for the new element of " << (*(G4Element::GetElementTable()))[i]->GetName() << G4endl;
166  theElastic.push_back( new G4ParticleHPChannel );
167  (*theElastic[i]).Init((*(G4Element::GetElementTable()))[i], dirName);
168  while(!(*theElastic[i]).Register(theFS)) ;
169  }
170  delete theFS;
171  numEle = (G4int)G4Element::GetNumberOfElements();
172 }
173 */
176 {
178 }
180 {
182 }
184 {
188  theElastic = hpmanager->GetElasticFinalStates();
190  if ( G4Threading::IsMasterThread() ) {
192  if ( theElastic == NULL ) theElastic = new std::vector<G4ParticleHPChannel*>;
194  if ( numEle == (G4int)G4Element::GetNumberOfElements() ) return;
196  if ( theElastic->size() == G4Element::GetNumberOfElements() ) {
198  return;
199  }
202  if(!std::getenv("G4NEUTRONHPDATA"))
203  throw G4HadronicException(__FILE__, __LINE__, "Please setenv G4NEUTRONHPDATA to point to the neutron cross-section files.");
204  dirName = std::getenv("G4NEUTRONHPDATA");
205  G4String tString = "/Elastic";
206  dirName = dirName + tString;
207  for ( G4int i = numEle ; i < (G4int)G4Element::GetNumberOfElements() ; i++ ) {
208  theElastic->push_back( new G4ParticleHPChannel );
209  ((*theElastic)[i])->Init((*(G4Element::GetElementTable()))[i], dirName);
210  //while(!((*theElastic)[i])->Register(theFS)) ;
211  ((*theElastic)[i])->Register(theFS) ;
212  }
213  delete theFS;
216  }
218 }
219 void G4ParticleHPElastic::ModelDescription(std::ostream& outFile) const
220 {
221  outFile << "High Precision model based on Evaluated Nuclear Data Files (ENDF) for inelastic reaction of neutrons below 20MeV\n";
222 }