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1 // -*- C++ -*-
2 //
3 // -----------------------------------------------------------------------
4 // HEP Random
5 // --- RanshiEngine ---
6 // class implementation file
7 // -----------------------------------------------------------------------
8 //
9 // This algorithm implements the random number generator as proposed by
10 // "F. Gutbrod, Comp. Phys. Comm. 87 (1995) 291-306".
11 //
12 // =======================================================================
13 // Ken Smith - Created: 9th June 1998
14 // - Removed std::pow() from flat method: 21st Jul 1998
15 // - Added conversion operators: 6th Aug 1998
16 // J. Marraffino - Added some explicit casts to deal with
17 // machines where sizeof(int) != sizeof(long) 22 Aug 1998
18 // M. Fischler - Modified constructors taking seeds to not
19 // depend on numEngines (same seeds should
20 // produce same sequences). Default still
21 // depends on numEngines. 16 Sep 1998
22 // - Modified use of the various exponents of 2
23 // to avoid per-instance space overhead and
24 // correct the rounding procedure 16 Sep 1998
25 // J. Marraffino - Remove dependence on hepString class 13 May 1999
26 // M. Fischler - In restore, checkFile for file not found 03 Dec 2004
27 // M. Fischler - Methods for instance save/restore 12/8/04
28 // M. Fischler - split get() into tag validation and
29 // getState() for anonymous restores 12/27/04
30 // M. Fischler - State-saving using only ints, for portability 4/12/05
31 // L. Garren - use explicit 32bit mask to avoid compiler warnings 6/6/2014
32 // L. Garren - adding pragma for 32bit gcc 4.9 11/20/2014
33 //
34 // =======================================================================
40 #include <string.h> // for strcmp
41 #include <iostream>
43 // don't generate warnings about agressive loop optimization
44 #if defined __GNUC__
45  #if __GNUC__ > 3 && __GNUC_MINOR__ > 8
46  #pragma GCC diagnostic push
47  #pragma GCC diagnostic ignored "-Waggressive-loop-optimizations"
48  #endif
49 #endif
51 namespace CLHEP {
53 namespace {
54  // Number of instances with automatic seed selection
55  CLHEP_ATOMIC_INT_TYPE numberOfEngines(0);
56 }
58 static const int MarkerLen = 64; // Enough room to hold a begin or end marker.
60 std::string RanshiEngine::name() const {return "RanshiEngine";}
63 : HepRandomEngine(),
64  halfBuff(0), numFlats(0)
65 {
66  int numEngines = numberOfEngines++;
67  int i = 0;
68  while (i < numBuff) {
69  buffer[i] = (unsigned int)((numEngines+19780503L*(i+1))& 0xffffffff);
70  ++i;
71  }
72  theSeed = numEngines+19780503L*++i;
73  redSpin = (unsigned int)(theSeed & 0xffffffff);
75  for( i = 0; i < 10000; ++i) flat(); // Warm-up by running thorugh 10000 nums
76 }
78 RanshiEngine::RanshiEngine(std::istream& is)
79 : HepRandomEngine(),
80  halfBuff(0), numFlats(0)
81 {
82  is >> *this;
83 }
86 : HepRandomEngine(),
87  halfBuff(0), numFlats(0)
88 {
89  for (int i = 0; i < numBuff; ++i) {
90  buffer[i] = (unsigned int)seed&0xffffffff;
91  }
92  theSeed = seed;
93  redSpin = (unsigned int)(theSeed & 0xffffffff);
94  int j;
95  for (j = 0; j < numBuff*20; ++j) { // "warm-up" for engine to hit
96  flat(); // every ball on average 20X.
97  }
98 }
100 RanshiEngine::RanshiEngine(int rowIndex, int colIndex)
101 : HepRandomEngine(),
102  halfBuff(0), numFlats(0)
103 {
104  int i = 0;
105  while( i < numBuff ) {
106  buffer[i] = (unsigned int)((rowIndex + (i+1)*(colIndex+8))&0xffffffff);
107  ++i;
108  }
109  theSeed = rowIndex;
110  redSpin = colIndex & 0xffffffff;
111  for( i = 0; i < 100; ++i) flat(); // Warm-up by running thorugh 100 nums
112 }
117  unsigned int redAngle = (((numBuff/2) - 1) & redSpin) + halfBuff;
118  unsigned int blkSpin = buffer[redAngle] & 0xffffffff;
119  unsigned int boostResult = blkSpin ^ redSpin;
121  buffer[redAngle] = ((blkSpin << 17) | (blkSpin >> (32-17))) ^ redSpin;
123  redSpin = (blkSpin + numFlats++) & 0xffffffff;
124  halfBuff = numBuff/2 - halfBuff;
126  return ( blkSpin * twoToMinus_32() + // most significant part
127  (boostResult>>11) * twoToMinus_53() + // fill in remaining bits
128  nearlyTwoToMinus_54()); // non-zero
129 }
131 void RanshiEngine::flatArray(const int size, double* vect) {
132  for (int i = 0; i < size; ++i) {
133  vect[i] = flat();
134  }
135 }
137 void RanshiEngine::setSeed(long seed, int) {
138  *this = RanshiEngine(seed);
139 }
141 void RanshiEngine::setSeeds(const long* seeds, int) {
142  if (*seeds) {
143  int i = 0;
144  while (seeds[i] && i < numBuff) {
145  buffer[i] = (unsigned int)seeds[i];
146  ++i;
147  }
148  while (i < numBuff) {
149  buffer[i] = buffer[i-1];
150  ++i;
151  }
152  theSeed = seeds[0];
153  redSpin = (unsigned int)theSeed;
154  }
155  theSeeds = seeds;
156 }
158 void RanshiEngine::saveStatus(const char filename[]) const {
159  std::ofstream outFile(filename, std::ios::out);
160  if (!outFile.bad()) {
161  outFile << "Uvec\n";
162  std::vector<unsigned long> v = put();
163  for (unsigned int i=0; i<v.size(); ++i) {
164  outFile << v[i] << "\n";
165  }
166  }
167 }
170  std::ifstream inFile(filename, std::ios::in);
171  if (!checkFile ( inFile, filename, engineName(), "restoreStatus" )) {
172  std::cerr << " -- Engine state remains unchanged\n";
173  return;
174  }
175  if ( possibleKeywordInput ( inFile, "Uvec", theSeed ) ) {
176  std::vector<unsigned long> v;
177  unsigned long xin;
178  for (unsigned int ivec=0; ivec < VECTOR_STATE_SIZE; ++ivec) {
179  inFile >> xin;
180  if (!inFile) {
181  inFile.clear(std::ios::badbit | inFile.rdstate());
182  std::cerr << "\nRanshiEngine state (vector) description improper."
183  << "\nrestoreStatus has failed."
184  << "\nInput stream is probably mispositioned now." << std::endl;
185  return;
186  }
187  v.push_back(xin);
188  }
189  getState(v);
190  return;
191  }
193  if (!inFile.bad()) {
194 // inFile >> theSeed; removed -- encompased by possibleKeywordInput
195  for (int i = 0; i < numBuff; ++i) {
196  inFile >> buffer[i];
197  }
198  inFile >> redSpin >> numFlats >> halfBuff;
199  }
200 }
203  std::cout << std::setprecision(20) << std::endl;
204  std::cout << "----------- Ranshi engine status ----------" << std::endl;
205  std::cout << "Initial seed = " << theSeed << std::endl;
206  std::cout << "Current red spin = " << redSpin << std::endl;
207  std::cout << "Values produced = " << numFlats << std::endl;
208  std::cout << "Side of buffer = " << (halfBuff ? "upper" : "lower")
209  << std::endl;
210  std::cout << "Current buffer = " << std::endl;
211  for (int i = 0; i < numBuff; i+=4) {
212  std::cout << std::setw(10) << std::setiosflags(std::ios::right)
213  << buffer[i] << std::setw(11) << buffer[i+1] << std::setw(11)
214  << buffer[i+2] << std::setw(11) << buffer[i+3] << std::endl;
215  }
216  std::cout << "-------------------------------------------" << std::endl;
217 }
219 RanshiEngine::operator double() {
220  return flat();
221 }
223 RanshiEngine::operator float() {
224  unsigned int redAngle = (((numBuff/2) - 1) & redSpin) + halfBuff;
225  unsigned int blkSpin = buffer[redAngle] & 0xffffffff;
227  buffer[redAngle] = ((blkSpin << 17) | (blkSpin >> (32-17))) ^ redSpin;
229  redSpin = (blkSpin + numFlats++) & 0xffffffff;
230  halfBuff = numBuff/2 - halfBuff;
232  return float(blkSpin * twoToMinus_32());
233 }
235 RanshiEngine::operator unsigned int() {
236  unsigned int redAngle = (((numBuff/2) - 1) & redSpin) + halfBuff;
237  unsigned int blkSpin = buffer[redAngle] & 0xffffffff;
239  buffer[redAngle] = ((blkSpin << 17) | (blkSpin >> (32-17))) ^ redSpin;
241  redSpin = (blkSpin + numFlats++) & 0xffffffff;
242  halfBuff = numBuff/2 - halfBuff;
244  return blkSpin;
245 }
247 std::ostream& RanshiEngine::put (std::ostream& os ) const {
248  char beginMarker[] = "RanshiEngine-begin";
249  os << beginMarker << "\nUvec\n";
250  std::vector<unsigned long> v = put();
251  for (unsigned int i=0; i<v.size(); ++i) {
252  os << v[i] << "\n";
253  }
254  return os;
255 }
257 std::vector<unsigned long> RanshiEngine::put () const {
258  std::vector<unsigned long> v;
259  v.push_back (engineIDulong<RanshiEngine>());
260  for (int i = 0; i < numBuff; ++i) {
261  v.push_back(static_cast<unsigned long>(buffer[i]));
262  }
263  v.push_back(static_cast<unsigned long>(redSpin));
264  v.push_back(static_cast<unsigned long>(numFlats));
265  v.push_back(static_cast<unsigned long>(halfBuff));
266  return v;
267 }
269 std::istream& RanshiEngine::get (std::istream& is) {
270  char beginMarker [MarkerLen];
271  is >> std::ws;
272  is.width(MarkerLen); // causes the next read to the char* to be <=
273  // that many bytes, INCLUDING A TERMINATION \0
274  // (Stroustrup, section 21.3.2)
275  is >> beginMarker;
276  if (strcmp(beginMarker,"RanshiEngine-begin")) {
277  is.clear(std::ios::badbit | is.rdstate());
278  std::cerr << "\nInput mispositioned or"
279  << "\nRanshiEngine state description missing or"
280  << "\nwrong engine type found." << std::endl;
281  return is;
282  }
283  return getState(is);
284 }
286 std::string RanshiEngine::beginTag ( ) {
287  return "RanshiEngine-begin";
288 }
290 std::istream& RanshiEngine::getState (std::istream& is) {
291  if ( possibleKeywordInput ( is, "Uvec", theSeed ) ) {
292  std::vector<unsigned long> v;
293  unsigned long uu;
294  for (unsigned int ivec=0; ivec < VECTOR_STATE_SIZE; ++ivec) {
295  is >> uu;
296  if (!is) {
297  is.clear(std::ios::badbit | is.rdstate());
298  std::cerr << "\nRanshiEngine state (vector) description improper."
299  << "\ngetState() has failed."
300  << "\nInput stream is probably mispositioned now." << std::endl;
301  return is;
302  }
303  v.push_back(uu);
304  }
305  getState(v);
306  return (is);
307  }
309 // is >> theSeed; Removed, encompassed by possibleKeywordInput()
311  char endMarker [MarkerLen];
312  for (int i = 0; i < numBuff; ++i) {
313  is >> buffer[i];
314  }
315  is >> redSpin >> numFlats >> halfBuff;
316  is >> std::ws;
317  is.width(MarkerLen);
318  is >> endMarker;
319  if (strcmp(endMarker,"RanshiEngine-end")) {
320  is.clear(std::ios::badbit | is.rdstate());
321  std::cerr << "\nRanshiEngine state description incomplete."
322  << "\nInput stream is probably mispositioned now." << std::endl;
323  return is;
324  }
325  return is;
326 }
328 bool RanshiEngine::get (const std::vector<unsigned long> & v) {
329  if ((v[0] & 0xffffffffUL) != engineIDulong<RanshiEngine>()) {
330  std::cerr <<
331  "\nRanshiEngine get:state vector has wrong ID word - state unchanged\n";
332  return false;
333  }
334  return getState(v);
335 }
337 bool RanshiEngine::getState (const std::vector<unsigned long> & v) {
338  if (v.size() != VECTOR_STATE_SIZE ) {
339  std::cerr <<
340  "\nRanshiEngine get:state vector has wrong length - state unchanged\n";
341  return false;
342  }
343  for (int i = 0; i < numBuff; ++i) {
344  buffer[i] = v[i+1];
345  }
346  redSpin = v[numBuff+1];
347  numFlats = v[numBuff+2];
348  halfBuff = v[numBuff+3];
349  return true;
350 }
352 } // namespace CLHEP
354 #if defined __GNUC__
355  #if __GNUC__ > 3 && __GNUC_MINOR__ > 8
356  #pragma GCC diagnostic pop
357  #endif
358 #endif