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1 //
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4 // * *
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11 // * Neither the authors of this software system, nor their employing *
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18 // * This code implementation is the result of the scientific and *
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26 //
28 #include "G4RPGProtonInelastic.hh"
29 #include "G4SystemOfUnits.hh"
30 #include "Randomize.hh"
34  G4Nucleus& targetNucleus )
35 {
37  const G4HadProjectile *originalIncident = &aTrack;
38  if (originalIncident->GetKineticEnergy()<= 0.1)
39  {
43  return &theParticleChange;
44  }
46  //
47  // create the target particle
48  //
49  G4DynamicParticle *originalTarget = targetNucleus.ReturnTargetParticle();
51  if (originalIncident->GetKineticEnergy()/GeV < 0.01+2.*G4UniformRand()/9. )
52  {
53  SlowProton( originalIncident, targetNucleus );
54  delete originalTarget;
55  return &theParticleChange;
56  }
58  // Fermi motion and evaporation
59  // As of Geant3, the Fermi energy calculation had not been Done
61  G4double ek = originalIncident->GetKineticEnergy();
62  G4double amas = originalIncident->GetDefinition()->GetPDGMass();
63  G4ReactionProduct modifiedOriginal;
64  modifiedOriginal = *originalIncident;
66  G4double tkin = targetNucleus.Cinema( ek );
67  ek += tkin;
68  modifiedOriginal.SetKineticEnergy(ek);
69  G4double et = ek + amas;
70  G4double p = std::sqrt( std::abs((et-amas)*(et+amas)) );
71  G4double pp = modifiedOriginal.GetMomentum().mag();
72  if (pp > 0.0) {
73  G4ThreeVector momentum = modifiedOriginal.GetMomentum();
74  modifiedOriginal.SetMomentum( momentum * (p/pp) );
75  }
76  //
77  // calculate black track energies
78  //
79  tkin = targetNucleus.EvaporationEffects(ek);
80  ek -= tkin;
81  modifiedOriginal.SetKineticEnergy(ek);
82  et = ek + amas;
83  p = std::sqrt( std::abs((et-amas)*(et+amas)) );
84  pp = modifiedOriginal.GetMomentum().mag();
85  if (pp > 0.0) {
86  G4ThreeVector momentum = modifiedOriginal.GetMomentum();
87  modifiedOriginal.SetMomentum( momentum * (p/pp) );
88  }
89  const G4double cutOff = 0.1;
90  if (modifiedOriginal.GetKineticEnergy() < cutOff) {
91  SlowProton( originalIncident, targetNucleus );
92  delete originalTarget;
93  return &theParticleChange;
94  }
96  G4ReactionProduct currentParticle = modifiedOriginal;
97  G4ReactionProduct targetParticle;
98  targetParticle = *originalTarget;
99  currentParticle.SetSide( 1 ); // incident always goes in forward hemisphere
100  targetParticle.SetSide( -1 ); // target always goes in backward hemisphere
101  G4bool incidentHasChanged = false;
102  G4bool targetHasChanged = false;
103  G4bool quasiElastic = false;
104  G4FastVector<G4ReactionProduct,256> vec; // vec will contain the sec. particles
105  G4int vecLen = 0;
106  vec.Initialize( 0 );
108  InitialCollision(vec, vecLen, currentParticle, targetParticle,
109  incidentHasChanged, targetHasChanged);
111  CalculateMomenta(vec, vecLen,
112  originalIncident, originalTarget, modifiedOriginal,
113  targetNucleus, currentParticle, targetParticle,
114  incidentHasChanged, targetHasChanged, quasiElastic);
116  SetUpChange( vec, vecLen,
117  currentParticle, targetParticle,
118  incidentHasChanged );
120  delete originalTarget;
121  return &theParticleChange;
122 }
125 void
127  G4Nucleus &targetNucleus )
128 {
129  const G4double A = targetNucleus.GetA_asInt(); // atomic weight
130  const G4double Z = targetNucleus.GetZ_asInt(); // atomic number
131  //
132  // calculate Q-value of reactions
133  //
134  G4double theAtomicMass = targetNucleus.AtomicMass( A, Z );
135  G4double massVec[9];
136  massVec[0] = targetNucleus.AtomicMass( A+1.0, Z+1.0 );
137  massVec[1] = 0.;
138  if (A > Z+1.0)
139  massVec[1] = targetNucleus.AtomicMass( A , Z+1.0 );
140  massVec[2] = theAtomicMass;
141  massVec[3] = 0.;
142  if (A > 1.0 && A-1.0 > Z)
143  massVec[3] = targetNucleus.AtomicMass( A-1.0, Z );
144  massVec[4] = 0.;
145  if (A > 2.0 && A-2.0 > Z)
146  massVec[4] = targetNucleus.AtomicMass( A-2.0, Z );
147  massVec[5] = 0.;
148  if (A > 3.0 && Z > 1.0 && A-3.0 > Z-1.0)
149  massVec[5] = targetNucleus.AtomicMass( A-3.0, Z-1.0 );
150  massVec[6] = 0.;
151  if (A > 1.0 && A-1.0 > Z+1.0)
152  massVec[6] = targetNucleus.AtomicMass( A-1.0, Z+1.0 );
153  massVec[7] = massVec[3];
154  massVec[8] = 0.;
155  if (A > 1.0 && Z > 1.0)
156  massVec[8] = targetNucleus.AtomicMass( A-1.0, Z-1.0 );
158  G4FastVector<G4ReactionProduct,4> vec; // vec will contain the secondary particles
159  G4int vecLen = 0;
160  vec.Initialize( 0 );
162  twoBody.NuclearReaction( vec, vecLen, originalIncident,
163  targetNucleus, theAtomicMass, massVec );
168  G4DynamicParticle *pd;
169  for( G4int i=0; i<vecLen; ++i )
170  {
171  pd = new G4DynamicParticle();
172  pd->SetDefinition( vec[i]->GetDefinition() );
173  pd->SetMomentum( vec[i]->GetMomentum() );
175  delete vec[i];
176  }
177 }
180 // Initial Collision
181 // selects the particle types arising from the initial collision of
182 // the proton and target nucleon. Secondaries are assigned to forward
183 // and backward reaction hemispheres, but final state energies and
184 // momenta are not calculated here.
186 void
188  G4int& vecLen,
189  G4ReactionProduct& currentParticle,
190  G4ReactionProduct& targetParticle,
191  G4bool& incidentHasChanged,
192  G4bool& targetHasChanged)
193 {
194  G4double KE = currentParticle.GetKineticEnergy()/GeV;
196  G4int mult;
197  G4int partType;
198  std::vector<G4int> fsTypes;
199  G4int part1;
200  G4int part2;
202  G4double testCharge;
203  G4double testBaryon;
204  G4double testStrange;
206  // Get particle types according to incident and target types
208  if (targetParticle.GetDefinition() == particleDef[pro]) {
209  mult = GetMultiplicityT1(KE);
210  fsTypes = GetFSPartTypesForPP(mult, KE);
212  part1 = fsTypes[0];
213  part2 = fsTypes[1];
214  currentParticle.SetDefinition(particleDef[part1]);
215  targetParticle.SetDefinition(particleDef[part2]);
216  if (part1 == pro) {
217  if (part2 == neu) {
218  if (G4UniformRand() > 0.5) {
219  incidentHasChanged = true;
220  targetParticle.SetDefinition(particleDef[part1]);
221  currentParticle.SetDefinition(particleDef[part2]);
222  } else {
223  targetHasChanged = true;
224  }
225  } else if (part2 > neu && part2 < xi0) {
226  targetHasChanged = true;
227  }
229  } else { // neutron
230  targetHasChanged = true;
231  incidentHasChanged = true;
232  }
234  testCharge = 2.0;
235  testBaryon = 2.0;
236  testStrange = 0.0;
238  } else { // target was a neutron
239  mult = GetMultiplicityT0(KE);
240  fsTypes = GetFSPartTypesForPN(mult, KE);
242  part1 = fsTypes[0];
243  part2 = fsTypes[1];
244  currentParticle.SetDefinition(particleDef[part1]);
245  targetParticle.SetDefinition(particleDef[part2]);
246  if (part1 == pro) {
247  if (part2 == pro) {
248  targetHasChanged = true;
249  } else if (part2 == neu) {
250  if (G4UniformRand() > 0.5) {
251  incidentHasChanged = true;
252  targetHasChanged = true;
253  targetParticle.SetDefinition(particleDef[part1]);
254  currentParticle.SetDefinition(particleDef[part2]);
255  }
256  } else { // hyperon
257  targetHasChanged = true;
258  }
260  } else { // neutron
261  incidentHasChanged = true;
262  if (part2 > neu && part2 < xi0) targetHasChanged = true;
263  }
265  testCharge = 1.0;
266  testBaryon = 2.0;
267  testStrange = 0.0;
268  }
270  // Remove incident and target from fsTypes
272  fsTypes.erase(fsTypes.begin());
273  fsTypes.erase(fsTypes.begin());
275  // Remaining particles are secondaries. Put them into vec.
277  G4ReactionProduct* rp(0);
278  for(G4int i=0; i < mult-2; ++i ) {
279  partType = fsTypes[i];
280  rp = new G4ReactionProduct();
281  rp->SetDefinition(particleDef[partType]);
282  (G4UniformRand() < 0.5) ? rp->SetSide(-1) : rp->SetSide(1);
283  vec.SetElement(vecLen++, rp);
284  }
286  // Check conservation of charge, strangeness, baryon number
288  CheckQnums(vec, vecLen, currentParticle, targetParticle,
289  testCharge, testBaryon, testStrange);
291  return;
292 }