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1 //
2 // ********************************************************************
3 // * License and Disclaimer *
4 // * *
5 // * The Geant4 software is copyright of the Copyright Holders of *
6 // * the Geant4 Collaboration. It is provided under the terms and *
7 // * conditions of the Geant4 Software License, included in the file *
8 // * LICENSE and available at . These *
9 // * include a list of copyright holders. *
10 // * *
11 // * Neither the authors of this software system, nor their employing *
12 // * institutes,nor the agencies providing financial support for this *
13 // * work make any representation or warranty, express or implied, *
14 // * regarding this software system or assume any liability for its *
15 // * use. Please see the license in the file LICENSE and URL above *
16 // * for the full disclaimer and the limitation of liability. *
17 // * *
18 // * This code implementation is the result of the scientific and *
19 // * technical work of the GEANT4 collaboration. *
20 // * By using, copying, modifying or distributing the software (or *
21 // * any work based on the software) you agree to acknowledge its *
22 // * use in resulting scientific publications, and indicate your *
23 // * acceptance of all terms of the Geant4 Software license. *
24 // ********************************************************************
25 //
26 // Author: G.Barrand
27 // --------------------------------------------------------------------
31 #include "G4UIWin32.hh"
33 #include <string.h>
35 #include <windows.h>
36 #include <windowsx.h>
37 #include <wingdi.h>
39 #include "G4UImanager.hh"
40 #include "G4StateManager.hh"
41 #include "G4UIcommandTree.hh"
42 #include "G4UIcommandStatus.hh"
43 #include "G4Win32.hh"
45 #define TEXT_MAX_LINES 300
47 class TextBuffer
48 {
49 public:
50  TextBuffer();
51  ~TextBuffer();
53  int GetNumberOfLines () { return linei;}
54  void SetHeightOfPage (int a_height) { heightOfPage = a_height; }
55  void SetEndOfPage (int a_value);
56  int GetEndOfPage () { return endOfPage; }
58  void IncrementEndOfPage ();
59  void DecrementEndOfPage ();
60  void JumpDownEndOfPage ();
61  void JumpUpEndOfPage ();
62  G4bool AppendString (char* a_string);
63  void Draw (HDC a_hdc,RECT* a_rect);
65 private:
66  G4String* lines;
67  int linen;
68  int linei;
69  int endOfPage,heightOfPage;
70  char spaces[256];
71 };
73 TextBuffer::TextBuffer()
74  : linei(0),linen(TEXT_MAX_LINES),endOfPage(0),heightOfPage(12)
75 {
76  lines = new G4String[linen];
77  for(int count=0;count<256;count++) spaces[count] = ' ';
78 }
80 TextBuffer::~TextBuffer()
81 {
82  delete [] lines;
83 }
85 void TextBuffer::SetEndOfPage (int a_value)
86 {
87  if( (a_value<0) || (a_value>=linei)) {
88  endOfPage = linei-1;
89  } else {
90  endOfPage = a_value;
91  }
92 }
94 void TextBuffer::IncrementEndOfPage ()
95 {
96  endOfPage++;
97  if(endOfPage>=linei) endOfPage = linei-1;
98 }
100 void TextBuffer::DecrementEndOfPage ()
101 {
102  endOfPage--;
103  if(endOfPage<0) endOfPage = 0;
104 }
106 void TextBuffer::JumpDownEndOfPage ()
107 {
108  endOfPage += heightOfPage;
109  if(endOfPage>=linei) endOfPage = linei-1;
110 }
112 void TextBuffer::JumpUpEndOfPage ()
113 {
114  endOfPage -= heightOfPage;
115  if(endOfPage<0) endOfPage = 0;
116 }
118 G4bool TextBuffer::AppendString (char* a_string)
119 {
120  G4bool value = false;
121  if( (a_string==NULL) || (a_string[0]=='\0') ) return value;
122  int length = strlen(a_string);
123  if(a_string[length-1]=='\n') {
124  lines[linei] += a_string;
125  lines[linei] = lines[linei].strip(G4String::trailing,'\n');
126  linei++;
127  value = true;
128  } else {
129  lines[linei] += a_string;
130  }
131  if(linei>=linen) {
132  for(int count=0;count<linen;count++) {
133  lines[count] = "";
134  }
135  linei = 0;
136  }
137  if(value==true) endOfPage = linei-1;
138  return value;
139 }
141 void TextBuffer::Draw (HDC a_hdc,RECT* a_rect)
142 {
144  GetTextMetrics (a_hdc,&tm);
145  short charWidth = (short)tm.tmAveCharWidth;
146  short charHeight = (short)(tm.tmHeight + tm.tmExternalLeading);
147  for(int row=0;row<heightOfPage;row++) {
148  int rowi = endOfPage - row;
149  short y = (short)(a_rect->bottom - charHeight * (row + 1));
150  if((rowi>=0)&&(rowi<linei)) {
151  TextOut (a_hdc,0,y,(char*)spaces,256); //Clear text background first.
152  const char* string = lines[rowi].data();
153  if(string!=NULL) {
154  TextOut (a_hdc,0,y,(char*)string,strlen((char*)string));
155  }
156  }
157  }
158 }
160 /***************************************************************************/
161 static char mainClassName[] = "G4UIWin32";
162 static char textClassName[] = "G4UIWin32/Text";
163 static G4bool exitSession = true;
164 static G4bool exitPause = true;
165 static G4bool exitHelp = true;
166 static G4UIsession* tmpSession = NULL;
168 static WNDPROC oldEditWindowProc;
169 static G4bool ConvertStringToInt(const char*,int&);
171 static int actionIdentifier = 0;
173 /***************************************************************************/
174 G4UIWin32::G4UIWin32 (
175 )
176 :mainWindow(NULL)
177 ,textWindow(NULL)
178 ,editWindow(NULL)
179 ,menuBar(NULL)
180 ,textBuffer(NULL)
181 ,textCols(80)
182 ,textRows(12)
183 ,fHelp(false)
184 ,fHelpChoice(0)
185 ,fHistoryPos(-1)
186 /***************************************************************************/
188 {
190  if(UI!=NULL) UI->SetSession(this);
192  interactorManager = G4Win32::getInstance ();
193  static G4bool Done = FALSE;
194  if(Done==FALSE) {
195  WNDCLASS wc;
197  wc.lpfnWndProc = (WNDPROC)G4UIWin32::MainWindowProc;
198  wc.cbClsExtra = 0;
199  wc.cbWndExtra = 0;
200  wc.hInstance = ::GetModuleHandle(NULL);
201  wc.hIcon = LoadIcon(NULL,IDI_APPLICATION);
202  wc.hCursor = LoadCursor(NULL,IDC_ARROW);
203  wc.hbrBackground = GetStockBrush(WHITE_BRUSH);
204  wc.lpszMenuName = mainClassName;
205  wc.lpszClassName = mainClassName;
206  ::RegisterClass (&wc);
209  wc.lpfnWndProc = (WNDPROC)G4UIWin32::TextWindowProc;
210  wc.cbClsExtra = 0;
211  wc.cbWndExtra = 0;
212  wc.hInstance = ::GetModuleHandle(NULL);
213  wc.hIcon = LoadIcon(NULL,IDI_APPLICATION);
214  wc.hCursor = LoadCursor(NULL,IDC_ARROW);
215  wc.hbrBackground = GetStockBrush(WHITE_BRUSH);
216  wc.lpszMenuName = textClassName;
217  wc.lpszClassName = textClassName;
218  ::RegisterClass (&wc);
219  Done = TRUE;
220  }
222  menuBar = CreateMenu();
223  defaultMenu = CreatePopupMenu();
224  AppendMenu(menuBar,MF_POPUP,(UINT_PTR)defaultMenu,"Geant4");
226  textBuffer = new TextBuffer();
228  tmpSession = this;
229  mainWindow = ::CreateWindow(mainClassName,mainClassName,
232  0,0,
233  NULL,menuBar,
234  ::GetModuleHandle(NULL),
235  NULL);
236  tmpSession = NULL;
237  ::SetWindowLongPtr(mainWindow,GWLP_USERDATA,(LONG_PTR)this);
239  ::SetForegroundWindow(mainWindow);
240  ::ShowWindow(mainWindow,SW_SHOWDEFAULT);
241  ::UpdateWindow(mainWindow);
243  if(UI!=NULL) UI->SetCoutDestination(this);
244 }
245 /***************************************************************************/
246 G4UIWin32::~G4UIWin32 (
247 )
248 /***************************************************************************/
250 {
252  if(UI!=NULL) {
253  UI->SetSession(NULL);
254  UI->SetCoutDestination(NULL);
255  }
256  delete textBuffer;
257  if(textWindow!=NULL) ::SetWindowLongPtr(textWindow,GWLP_USERDATA,LONG(NULL));
258  if(mainWindow!=NULL) {
259  ::SetWindowLongPtr(mainWindow,GWLP_USERDATA,LONG(NULL));
260  ::DestroyWindow(mainWindow);
261  }
262 }
263 /***************************************************************************/
264 G4UIsession* G4UIWin32::SessionStart (
265 )
266 /***************************************************************************/
268 {
269  if(interactorManager==NULL) return this;
270  Prompt ("session");
271  exitSession = false;
272  interactorManager->DisableSecondaryLoop ();
273  void* event;
274  while((event = interactorManager->GetEvent())!=NULL) {
275  interactorManager->DispatchEvent(event);
276  if(exitSession==true) break;
277  }
278  interactorManager->EnableSecondaryLoop ();
279  return this;
280 }
281 /***************************************************************************/
282 void G4UIWin32::Prompt (
283  const G4String& a_prompt
284 )
285 /***************************************************************************/
287 {
288 }
289 /***************************************************************************/
290 void G4UIWin32::SessionTerminate (
291 )
292 /***************************************************************************/
294 {
295 }
296 /***************************************************************************/
297 void G4UIWin32::PauseSessionStart (
298  const G4String& a_state
299 )
300 /***************************************************************************/
302 {
303  if(a_state=="G4_pause> ") {
304  SecondaryLoop ("Pause, type continue to exit this state");
305  }
307  if(a_state=="EndOfEvent") {
308  // Picking with feed back in event data Done here !!!
309  SecondaryLoop ("End of event, type continue to exit this state");
310  }
311 }
312 /***************************************************************************/
313 void G4UIWin32::SecondaryLoop (
314  const G4String& a_prompt
315 )
316 /***************************************************************************/
318 {
319  if(interactorManager==NULL) return;
320  Prompt(a_prompt);
321  exitPause = false;
322  void* event;
323  while((event = interactorManager->GetEvent())!=NULL) {
324  interactorManager->DispatchEvent(event);
325  if(exitPause==true) break;
326  }
327  Prompt("session");
328 }
329 /***************************************************************************/
330 G4int G4UIWin32::ReceiveG4cout (
331  const G4String& a_string
332 )
333 /***************************************************************************/
335 {
336  TextAppendString((char*);
337  return 0;
338 }
339 /***************************************************************************/
340 G4int G4UIWin32::ReceiveG4cerr (
341  const G4String& a_string
342 )
343 /***************************************************************************/
345 {
346  TextAppendString((char*);
347  return 0;
348 }
349 /***************************************************************************/
350 G4bool G4UIWin32::GetHelpChoice(
351  G4int& aInt
352 )
353 /***************************************************************************/
355 {
356  fHelp = true;
357  //
358  if(interactorManager==NULL) return false;
359  Prompt("Help");
360  exitHelp = false;
361  void* event;
362  while((event = interactorManager->GetEvent())!=NULL) {
363  interactorManager->DispatchEvent(event);
364  if(exitHelp==true) break;
365  }
366  Prompt("session");
367  //
368  if(fHelp==false) return false;
369  aInt = fHelpChoice;
370  fHelp = false;
371  return true;
372 }
373 /***************************************************************************/
374 void G4UIWin32::ExitHelp(
375 ) const
376 /***************************************************************************/
378 {
379 }
380 /***************************************************************************/
381 void G4UIWin32::AddMenu (
382  const char* a_name
383 ,const char* a_label
384 )
385 /***************************************************************************/
387 {
388  if(a_name==NULL) return;
389  if(defaultMenu!=NULL) {
390  DeleteMenu (menuBar,0,MF_BYPOSITION);
391  defaultMenu = NULL;
392  }
393  HMENU hMenu = CreatePopupMenu();
394  AppendMenu(menuBar,MF_POPUP,(UINT_PTR)hMenu,a_label);
395  AddInteractor(a_name,(G4Interactor)hMenu);
396  DrawMenuBar(mainWindow);
397 }
398 /***************************************************************************/
399 void G4UIWin32::AddButton (
400  const char* a_menu
401 ,const char* a_label
402 ,const char* a_command
403 )
404 /***************************************************************************/
406 {
407  if(a_menu==NULL) return;
408  if(a_label==NULL) return;
409  if(a_command==NULL) return;
410  HMENU hMenu = (HMENU)GetInteractor(a_menu);
411  actionIdentifier++;
412  commands[actionIdentifier] = a_command;
413  AppendMenu (hMenu,MF_STRING,actionIdentifier,a_label);
414 }
415 /***************************************************************************/
416 G4String G4UIWin32::GetCommand (
417  int a_id
418 )
419 /***************************************************************************/
421 {
422  return commands[a_id];
423 }
424 /***************************************************************************/
425 /***************************************************************************/
426 /***************************************************************************/
427 LRESULT CALLBACK G4UIWin32::MainWindowProc (
428  HWND a_window
429 ,UINT a_message
430 ,WPARAM a_wParam
431 ,LPARAM a_lParam
432 )
433 /***************************************************************************/
435 {
436  static short charWidth,charHeight;
438  switch (a_message) {
439  case WM_CREATE:{
440  HDC hdc;
442  RECT rect;
443  GetWindowRect (a_window,&rect);
445  hdc = GetDC (a_window);
446  GetTextMetrics (hdc,&tm);
447  charWidth = (short)tm.tmAveCharWidth;
448  charHeight = (short)(tm.tmHeight + tm.tmExternalLeading);
449  ReleaseDC (a_window,hdc);
451  G4UIWin32* This = (G4UIWin32*)tmpSession;
452  if(This!=NULL) {
453  This->textWindow = CreateWindow (textClassName,NULL,
455  0,0,
456  This->textCols * charWidth,
457  This->textRows * charHeight,
458  a_window,NULL,
459  GetWindowInstance(a_window),
460  NULL);
461  ::SetWindowLongPtr (This->textWindow,GWLP_USERDATA,(LONG_PTR)This);
463  This->editWindow = CreateWindow ("edit",NULL,
465  0,This->textRows * charHeight,
466  This->textCols * charWidth,charHeight,
467  a_window,(HMENU)1,
468  GetWindowInstance(a_window),
469  NULL);
470  oldEditWindowProc = (WNDPROC)GetWindowLongPtr(This->editWindow,GWLP_WNDPROC);
471  SetWindowLongPtr (This->editWindow,GWLP_WNDPROC,(LONG_PTR)EditWindowProc);
473  MoveWindow (a_window,
474  rect.left,,
475  2 * GetSystemMetrics(SM_CXFRAME) +
476  This->textCols * charWidth,
477  GetSystemMetrics(SM_CYCAPTION) +
478  2 * GetSystemMetrics(SM_CYFRAME) +
479  This->textRows * charHeight + charHeight,
480  TRUE);
481  }
482  }return 0;
483  case WM_SIZE:{
484  G4UIWin32* This = (G4UIWin32*)::GetWindowLongPtr(a_window,GWLP_USERDATA);
485  if(This!=NULL) {
486  // Client size :
487  int width = LOWORD(a_lParam);
488  int height = HIWORD(a_lParam);
489  int editHeight = /*2 * GetSystemMetrics(SM_CYBORDER) + */ charHeight;
490  MoveWindow (This->textWindow,
491  0,0,
492  width,height - editHeight,
493  FALSE);
494  MoveWindow (This->editWindow,
495  0,height - editHeight,
496  width,charHeight,
497  FALSE);
498  ((TextBuffer*)This->textBuffer)->SetHeightOfPage(height/charHeight);
499  }
500  }return 0;
501  case WM_SETFOCUS:{
502  G4UIWin32* This = (G4UIWin32*)::GetWindowLongPtr(a_window,GWLP_USERDATA);
503  if(This!=NULL) SetFocus (This->editWindow);
504  }return 0;
505  case WM_COMMAND:{
506  G4UIWin32* This = (G4UIWin32*)::GetWindowLongPtr(a_window,GWLP_USERDATA);
507  if(This!=NULL) {
508  if(This->fHelp==false) {
509  G4String command = This->GetCommand(a_wParam);
510  This->ApplyShellCommand (command,exitSession,exitPause);
511  }
512  }
513  }return 0;
514  case WM_DESTROY:
515  PostQuitMessage(0);
516  return 0;
517  }
518  return (DefWindowProc(a_window,a_message,a_wParam,a_lParam));
519 }
520 /***************************************************************************/
521 LRESULT CALLBACK G4UIWin32::TextWindowProc (
522  HWND a_window
523 ,UINT a_message
524 ,WPARAM a_wParam
525 ,LPARAM a_lParam
526 )
527 /***************************************************************************/
529 {
530  switch (a_message) {
531  case WM_PAINT:{
532  G4UIWin32* This = (G4UIWin32*)::GetWindowLongPtr(a_window,GWLP_USERDATA);
533  if(This!=NULL) {
534  TextBuffer* textBuffer = (TextBuffer*)This->textBuffer;
535  RECT rect;
536  GetClientRect (a_window,&rect);
538  HDC hdc = BeginPaint(a_window,&ps);
539  textBuffer->Draw(hdc,&rect);
540  EndPaint(a_window,&ps);
541  }
542  }return 0;
543  case WM_VSCROLL:{
544  G4UIWin32* This = (G4UIWin32*)::GetWindowLongPtr(a_window,GWLP_USERDATA);
545  if(This!=NULL) {
546  TextBuffer* textBuffer = (TextBuffer*)This->textBuffer;
547  int what = LOWORD(a_wParam);
548  switch(what) {
549  case SB_LINEUP:
550  textBuffer->DecrementEndOfPage();
551  break;
552  case SB_LINEDOWN:
553  textBuffer->IncrementEndOfPage();
554  break;
555  case SB_PAGEUP:
556  textBuffer->JumpUpEndOfPage();
557  break;
558  case SB_PAGEDOWN:
559  textBuffer->JumpDownEndOfPage();
560  break;
562  case SB_THUMBTRACK:
563  textBuffer->SetEndOfPage(HIWORD(a_wParam));
564  break;
565  default:
566  return 0;
567  }
568  int eop = textBuffer->GetEndOfPage();
569  SetScrollPos(a_window,SB_VERT,eop,TRUE);
570  InvalidateRect(a_window,NULL,TRUE);
571  }}return 0;
572  case WM_DESTROY:
573  PostQuitMessage(0);
574  return 0;
575  }
576  return (DefWindowProc(a_window,a_message,a_wParam,a_lParam));
577 }
578 /***************************************************************************/
579 LRESULT CALLBACK G4UIWin32::EditWindowProc (
580  HWND a_window
581 ,UINT a_message
582 ,WPARAM a_wParam
583 ,LPARAM a_lParam
584 )
585 /***************************************************************************/
587 {
588  switch (a_message) {
589  case WM_KEYDOWN:
590  switch(a_wParam){
591  case VK_RETURN:{
592  G4UIWin32* This = (G4UIWin32*)::GetWindowLongPtr(
593  GetParent(a_window),GWLP_USERDATA);
594  char buffer[128];
595  GetWindowText (a_window,buffer,128);
596  G4String command (buffer);
597  //SetWindowText (a_window,"");
598  Edit_SetText(a_window,"");
599  Edit_SetSel(a_window,0,0);
601  if(This!=NULL) {
602  if(This->fHelp==true) {
603  exitHelp = true;
604  This->fHelp = ConvertStringToInt(,This->fHelpChoice);
605  } else {
606  This->fHistory.push_back(command);
607  This->fHistoryPos = -1;
608  This->ApplyShellCommand (command,exitSession,exitPause);
609  }
610  }
612  }break;
613  case VK_TAB:{
614  G4UIWin32* This = (G4UIWin32*)::GetWindowLongPtr(
615  GetParent(a_window),GWLP_USERDATA);
616  if( (This!=NULL) && (This->fHelp==true) ) break;
617  char buffer[128];
618  Edit_GetText(a_window,buffer,128);
620  G4String command(buffer);
622  if(This!=NULL) {
623  G4String cmd = This->Complete(command);
624  const char* d =;
625  int l = strlen(d);
626  Edit_SetText(a_window,d);
627  Edit_SetSel(a_window,l,l);
628  }
630  }break;
631  case VK_UP:{
632  G4UIWin32* This = (G4UIWin32*)::GetWindowLongPtr(
633  GetParent(a_window),GWLP_USERDATA);
634  if(This!=NULL) {
635  int pos = This->fHistoryPos== -1 ?
636  This->fHistory.size()-1 : This->fHistoryPos-1;
637  if((pos>=0)&&(pos<(int)This->fHistory.size())) {
638  G4String command = This->fHistory[pos];
639  const char* d =;
640  int l = strlen(d);
641  Edit_SetText(a_window,d);
642  Edit_SetSel(a_window,l,l);
643  //
644  This->fHistoryPos = pos;
645  }
646  }
647  }return 0; //Do not jump into oldEditProc.
648  case VK_DOWN:{
649  G4UIWin32* This = (G4UIWin32*)::GetWindowLongPtr(
650  GetParent(a_window),GWLP_USERDATA);
651  if(This!=NULL) {
652  int pos = This->fHistoryPos + 1;
653  if((pos>=0)&&(pos<(int)This->fHistory.size())) {
654  G4String command = This->fHistory[pos];
655  const char* d =;
656  int l = strlen(d);
657  Edit_SetText(a_window,d);
658  Edit_SetSel(a_window,l,l);
659  //
660  This->fHistoryPos = pos;
661  } else if(pos>=(int)This->fHistory.size()) {
662  Edit_SetText(a_window,"");
663  Edit_SetSel(a_window,0,0);
664  //
665  This->fHistoryPos = -1;
666  }
667  }
668  }return 0; //Do not jump into oldEditProc.
669  }
670  }
671  return CallWindowProc(oldEditWindowProc,
672  a_window,a_message,
673  a_wParam,a_lParam);
674 }
675 /***************************************************************************/
676 void G4UIWin32::TextAppendString (
677  char* a_string
678 )
679 /***************************************************************************/
681 {
682  if( (a_string==NULL) || (a_string[0]=='\0') ) return;
683  if(textWindow==NULL) return;
684  if(((TextBuffer*)textBuffer)->AppendString(a_string)==true) {
685  // The appending triggers and end of line, and then updates window :
686  RECT rect;
687  GetClientRect(textWindow,&rect);
688  InvalidateRect(textWindow,NULL,TRUE); //To erase background.
689  HDC hdc = GetDC(textWindow);
690  ((TextBuffer*)textBuffer)->Draw(hdc,&rect);
691  ReleaseDC (textWindow,hdc);
692  int linen = ((TextBuffer*)textBuffer)->GetNumberOfLines();
693  SetScrollRange(textWindow,SB_VERT,0,linen-1,TRUE);
694  SetScrollPos(textWindow,SB_VERT,linen-1,TRUE);
695  }
696 }
698 G4bool ConvertStringToInt(
699  const char* aString
700 ,int& aInt
701 )
704 {
705  aInt = 0;
706  if(aString==NULL) return false;
707  char* s;
708  long value = strtol(aString,&s,10);
709  if(s==aString) return false;
710  aInt = value;
711  return true;
712 }
715 #endif