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Go to the documentation of this file. Or view the newest version in sPHENIX GitHub for file
1 // this is the new containers version
2 // it uses the same MapToPadPlane as the old containers version
4 #include "PHG4TpcElectronDrift.h"
5 #include "PHG4TpcDistortion.h"
6 #include "PHG4TpcPadPlane.h" // for PHG4TpcPadPlane
8 #include <g4main/PHG4Hit.h>
11 #include <trackbase/TrkrDefs.h>
12 #include <trackbase/TrkrHit.h> // for TrkrHit
13 #include <trackbase/TrkrHitSet.h>
15 #include <trackbase/TrkrHitTruthAssoc.h> // for TrkrHitTruthA...
17 #include <trackbase/TrkrHitv2.h>
19 #include <tpc/TpcDefs.h>
23 #include <phparameter/PHParameterInterface.h> // for PHParameterIn...
24 #include <phparameter/PHParameters.h>
25 #include <phparameter/PHParametersContainer.h>
27 #include <pdbcalbase/PdbParameterMapContainer.h>
30 #include <fun4all/Fun4AllServer.h>
31 #include <fun4all/SubsysReco.h> // for SubsysReco
33 #include <phool/PHCompositeNode.h>
34 #include <phool/PHDataNode.h> // for PHDataNode
35 #include <phool/PHIODataNode.h>
36 #include <phool/PHNode.h> // for PHNode
37 #include <phool/PHNodeIterator.h>
38 #include <phool/PHObject.h> // for PHObject
39 #include <phool/PHRandomSeed.h>
40 #include <phool/getClass.h>
41 #include <phool/phool.h> // for PHWHERE
43 #include <TFile.h>
44 #include <TH1.h>
45 #include <TH2.h>
46 #include <TNtuple.h>
47 #include <TSystem.h>
49 #include <gsl/gsl_randist.h>
50 #include <gsl/gsl_rng.h> // for gsl_rng_alloc
52 #include <cassert>
53 #include <cmath> // for sqrt, abs, NAN
54 #include <cstdlib> // for exit
55 #include <iostream>
56 #include <map> // for _Rb_tree_cons...
57 #include <utility> // for pair
59 namespace
60 {
61  template <class T>
62  inline constexpr T square(const T &x)
63  {
64  return x * x;
65  }
66 } // namespace
69  : SubsysReco(name)
70  , PHParameterInterface(name)
71  , temp_hitsetcontainer(new TrkrHitSetContainerv1)
72  , single_hitsetcontainer(new TrkrHitSetContainerv1)
73 {
75  RandomGenerator.reset(gsl_rng_alloc(gsl_rng_mt19937));
77 }
79 //_____________________________________________________________
81 {
82  padplane->Init(topNode);
83  event_num = 0;
85 }
87 //_____________________________________________________________
89 {
90  PHNodeIterator iter(topNode);
92  // Looking for the DST node
93  PHCompositeNode *dstNode = dynamic_cast<PHCompositeNode *>(iter.findFirst("PHCompositeNode", "DST"));
94  if (!dstNode)
95  {
96  std::cout << PHWHERE << "DST Node missing, doing nothing." << std::endl;
97  exit(1);
98  }
99  auto runNode = dynamic_cast<PHCompositeNode *>(iter.findFirst("PHCompositeNode", "RUN"));
100  auto parNode = dynamic_cast<PHCompositeNode *>(iter.findFirst("PHCompositeNode", "PAR"));
101  const std::string paramnodename = "G4CELLPARAM_" + detector;
102  const std::string geonodename = "G4CELLPAR_" + detector;
103  const std::string tpcgeonodename = "G4GEO_" + detector;
104  hitnodename = "G4HIT_" + detector;
105  PHG4HitContainer *g4hit = findNode::getClass<PHG4HitContainer>(topNode, hitnodename.c_str());
106  if (!g4hit)
107  {
108  std::cout << Name() << " Could not locate G4HIT node " << hitnodename << std::endl;
109  topNode->print();
110  gSystem->Exit(1);
111  exit(1);
112  }
114  // new containers
115  hitsetcontainer = findNode::getClass<TrkrHitSetContainer>(topNode, "TRKR_HITSET");
116  if (!hitsetcontainer)
117  {
118  PHNodeIterator dstiter(dstNode);
119  auto DetNode = dynamic_cast<PHCompositeNode *>(dstiter.findFirst("PHCompositeNode", "TRKR"));
120  if (!DetNode)
121  {
122  DetNode = new PHCompositeNode("TRKR");
123  dstNode->addNode(DetNode);
124  }
127  auto newNode = new PHIODataNode<PHObject>(hitsetcontainer, "TRKR_HITSET", "PHObject");
128  DetNode->addNode(newNode);
129  }
131  hittruthassoc = findNode::getClass<TrkrHitTruthAssoc>(topNode, "TRKR_HITTRUTHASSOC");
132  if (!hittruthassoc)
133  {
134  PHNodeIterator dstiter(dstNode);
135  auto DetNode = dynamic_cast<PHCompositeNode *>(dstiter.findFirst("PHCompositeNode", "TRKR"));
136  if (!DetNode)
137  {
138  DetNode = new PHCompositeNode("TRKR");
139  dstNode->addNode(DetNode);
140  }
143  auto newNode = new PHIODataNode<PHObject>(hittruthassoc, "TRKR_HITTRUTHASSOC", "PHObject");
144  DetNode->addNode(newNode);
145  }
147  seggeonodename = "CYLINDERCELLGEOM_SVTX"; // + detector;
148  PHG4CylinderCellGeomContainer *seggeo = findNode::getClass<PHG4CylinderCellGeomContainer>(topNode, seggeonodename.c_str());
149  if (!seggeo)
150  {
151  seggeo = new PHG4CylinderCellGeomContainer();
152  auto runNode = dynamic_cast<PHCompositeNode *>(iter.findFirst("PHCompositeNode", "RUN"));
153  auto newNode = new PHIODataNode<PHObject>(seggeo, seggeonodename.c_str(), "PHObject");
154  runNode->addNode(newNode);
155  }
158  PHNodeIterator runIter(runNode);
159  auto RunDetNode = dynamic_cast<PHCompositeNode *>(runIter.findFirst("PHCompositeNode", detector));
160  if (!RunDetNode)
161  {
162  RunDetNode = new PHCompositeNode(detector);
163  runNode->addNode(RunDetNode);
164  }
165  SaveToNodeTree(RunDetNode, paramnodename);
167  // save this to the parNode for use
168  PHNodeIterator parIter(parNode);
169  auto ParDetNode = dynamic_cast<PHCompositeNode *>(parIter.findFirst("PHCompositeNode", detector));
170  if (!ParDetNode)
171  {
172  ParDetNode = new PHCompositeNode(detector);
173  parNode->addNode(ParDetNode);
174  }
175  PutOnParNode(ParDetNode, geonodename);
177  // find Tpc Geo
178  PHNodeIterator tpcpariter(ParDetNode);
179  auto tpcparams = findNode::getClass<PHParametersContainer>(ParDetNode, tpcgeonodename);
180  if (!tpcparams)
181  {
182  const std::string runparamname = "G4GEOPARAM_" + detector;
183  auto tpcpdbparams = findNode::getClass<PdbParameterMapContainer>(RunDetNode, runparamname);
184  if (tpcpdbparams)
185  {
186  tpcparams = new PHParametersContainer(detector);
187  if (Verbosity()) tpcpdbparams->print();
188  tpcparams->CreateAndFillFrom(tpcpdbparams, detector);
189  ParDetNode->addNode(new PHDataNode<PHParametersContainer>(tpcparams, tpcgeonodename));
190  }
191  else
192  {
193  std::cout << "PHG4TpcElectronDrift::InitRun - failed to find " << runparamname << " in order to initialize " << tpcgeonodename << ". Aborting run ..." << std::endl;
195  }
196  }
197  assert(tpcparams);
199  if (Verbosity()) tpcparams->Print();
200  const PHParameters *tpcparam = tpcparams->GetParameters(0);
201  assert(tpcparam);
202  tpc_length = tpcparam->get_double_param("tpc_length");
204  diffusion_long = get_double_param("diffusion_long");
205  added_smear_sigma_long = get_double_param("added_smear_long");
206  diffusion_trans = get_double_param("diffusion_trans");
207  added_smear_sigma_trans = get_double_param("added_smear_trans");
208  drift_velocity = get_double_param("drift_velocity");
209  min_time = 0.0;
210  max_time = (tpc_length / 1.75) / drift_velocity;
211  electrons_per_gev = get_double_param("electrons_per_gev");
212  min_active_radius = get_double_param("min_active_radius");
213  max_active_radius = get_double_param("max_active_radius");
215  auto se = Fun4AllServer::instance();
216  dlong = new TH1F("difflong", "longitudinal diffusion", 100, diffusion_long - diffusion_long / 2., diffusion_long + diffusion_long / 2.);
217  se->registerHisto(dlong);
218  dtrans = new TH1F("difftrans", "transversal diffusion", 100, diffusion_trans - diffusion_trans / 2., diffusion_trans + diffusion_trans / 2.);
219  se->registerHisto(dtrans);
221  do_ElectronDriftQAHistos = false; // Whether or not to produce an ElectronDriftQA.root file with useful info
223  {
224  hitmapstart = new TH2F("hitmapstart", "g4hit starting X-Y locations", 1560, -78, 78, 1560, -78, 78);
225  hitmapend = new TH2F("hitmapend", "g4hit final X-Y locations", 1560, -78, 78, 1560, -78, 78);
226  z_startmap = new TH2F("z_startmap", "g4hit starting Z vs. R locations", 2000, -100, 100, 780, 0, 78);
227  deltaphi = new TH2F("deltaphi", "Total delta phi; phi (rad);#Delta phi (rad)", 600, -M_PI, M_PI, 1000, -.2, .2);
228  deltaRphinodiff = new TH2F("deltaRphinodiff", "Total delta R*phi, no diffusion; r (cm);#Delta R*phi (cm)", 600, 20, 80, 1000, -3, 5);
229  deltaphivsRnodiff = new TH2F("deltaphivsRnodiff", "Total delta phi vs. R; phi (rad);#Delta phi (rad)", 600, 20, 80, 1000, -.2, .2);
230  deltaz = new TH2F("deltaz", "Total delta z; z (cm);#Delta z (cm)", 1000, 0, 100, 1000, -.5, 5);
231  deltaphinodiff = new TH2F("deltaphinodiff", "Total delta phi (no diffusion, only SC distortion); phi (rad);#Delta phi (rad)", 600, -M_PI, M_PI, 1000, -.2, .2);
232  deltaphinodist = new TH2F("deltaphinodist", "Total delta phi (no SC distortion, only diffusion); phi (rad);#Delta phi (rad)", 600, -M_PI, M_PI, 1000, -.2, .2);
233  deltar = new TH2F("deltar", "Total Delta r; r (cm);#Delta r (cm)", 580, 20, 78, 1000, -3, 5);
234  deltarnodiff = new TH2F("deltarnodiff", "Delta r (no diffusion, only SC distortion); r (cm);#Delta r (cm)", 580, 20, 78, 1000, -2, 5);
235  deltarnodist = new TH2F("deltarnodist", "Delta r (no SC distortion, only diffusion); r (cm);#Delta r (cm)", 580, 20, 78, 1000, -2, 5);
236  }
238  if (Verbosity())
239  {
240  // eval tree only when verbosity is on
241  m_outf.reset(new TFile("nt_out.root", "recreate"));
242  nt = new TNtuple("nt", "electron drift stuff", "hit:ts:tb:tsig:rad:zstart:zfinal");
243  nthit = new TNtuple("nthit", "TrkrHit collecting", "layer:phipad:zbin:neffelectrons");
244  ntfinalhit = new TNtuple("ntfinalhit", "TrkrHit collecting", "layer:phipad:zbin:neffelectrons");
245  ntpad = new TNtuple("ntpad", "electron by electron pad centroid", "layer:phigem:phiclus:zgem:zclus");
246  se->registerHisto(nt);
247  se->registerHisto(nthit);
248  se->registerHisto(ntpad);
249  }
250  padplane->InitRun(topNode);
251  padplane->CreateReadoutGeometry(topNode, seggeo);
254 }
257 {
258  static constexpr unsigned int print_layer = 18;
260  // tells m_distortionMap which event to look at
261  if (m_distortionMap)
262  {
263  m_distortionMap->load_event(event_num);
264  }
266  // g4hits
267  auto g4hit = findNode::getClass<PHG4HitContainer>(topNode, hitnodename.c_str());
268  if (!g4hit)
269  {
270  std::cout << "Could not locate g4 hit node " << hitnodename << std::endl;
271  gSystem->Exit(1);
272  }
274  PHG4HitContainer::ConstRange hit_begin_end = g4hit->getHits();
275  //std::cout << "g4hits size " << g4hit->size() << std::endl;
276  unsigned int count_g4hits = 0;
277  int count_electrons = 0;
279  double ecollectedhits = 0.0;
280  int ncollectedhits = 0;
281  double ihit = 0;
282  unsigned int dump_interval = 5000; // dump temp_hitsetcontainer to the node tree after this many g4hits
283  unsigned int dump_counter = 0;
284  for (auto hiter = hit_begin_end.first; hiter != hit_begin_end.second; ++hiter)
285  {
286  count_g4hits++;
287  dump_counter++;
289  const double t0 = fmax(hiter->second->get_t(0), hiter->second->get_t(1));
290  if (t0 > max_time)
291  {
292  continue;
293  }
295  // for very high occupancy events, accessing the TrkrHitsets on the node tree for every drifted electron seems to be very slow
296  // Instead, use a temporary map to accumulate the charge from all drifted electrons, then copy to the node tree later
297  double eion = hiter->second->get_eion();
298  unsigned int n_electrons = gsl_ran_poisson(RandomGenerator.get(), eion * electrons_per_gev);
299  count_electrons += n_electrons;
301  /*
302  if(count_g4hits%50000 == 0)
303  std::cout << " g4hit->size() " << g4hit->size() << " count_g4hits " << count_g4hits << " remaining " <<
304  g4hit->size() - count_g4hits << " count_electrons " << count_electrons << std::endl;
305  */
307  if (Verbosity() > 100)
308  std::cout << " new hit with t0, " << t0 << " g4hitid " << hiter->first
309  << " eion " << eion << " n_electrons " << n_electrons
310  << " entry z " << hiter->second->get_z(0) << " exit z " << hiter->second->get_z(1) << " avg z" << (hiter->second->get_z(0) + hiter->second->get_z(1)) / 2.0
311  << std::endl;
313  if (n_electrons == 0)
314  {
315  continue;
316  }
318  if (Verbosity() > 100)
319  {
320  std::cout << std::endl
321  << "electron drift: g4hit " << hiter->first << " created electrons: " << n_electrons
322  << " from " << eion * 1000000 << " keV" << std::endl;
323  std::cout << " entry x,y,z = " << hiter->second->get_x(0) << " " << hiter->second->get_y(0) << " " << hiter->second->get_z(0)
324  << " radius " << sqrt(pow(hiter->second->get_x(0), 2) + pow(hiter->second->get_y(0), 2)) << std::endl;
325  std::cout << " exit x,y,z = " << hiter->second->get_x(1) << " " << hiter->second->get_y(1) << " " << hiter->second->get_z(1)
326  << " radius " << sqrt(pow(hiter->second->get_x(1), 2) + pow(hiter->second->get_y(1), 2)) << std::endl;
327  }
329  for (unsigned int i = 0; i < n_electrons; i++)
330  {
331  // We choose the electron starting position at random from a flat distribution along the path length
332  // the parameter t is the fraction of the distance along the path betwen entry and exit points, it has values between 0 and 1
333  const double f = gsl_ran_flat(RandomGenerator.get(), 0.0, 1.0);
335  const double x_start = hiter->second->get_x(0) + f * (hiter->second->get_x(1) - hiter->second->get_x(0));
336  const double y_start = hiter->second->get_y(0) + f * (hiter->second->get_y(1) - hiter->second->get_y(0));
337  const double z_start = hiter->second->get_z(0) + f * (hiter->second->get_z(1) - hiter->second->get_z(0));
338  const double t_start = hiter->second->get_t(0) + f * (hiter->second->get_t(1) - hiter->second->get_t(0));
340  const double r_sigma = diffusion_trans * sqrt(tpc_length / 2. - std::abs(z_start));
341  const double rantrans =
342  gsl_ran_gaussian(RandomGenerator.get(), r_sigma) +
343  gsl_ran_gaussian(RandomGenerator.get(), added_smear_sigma_trans);
345  const double t_path = (tpc_length / 2. - std::abs(z_start)) / drift_velocity;
346  const double t_sigma = diffusion_long * sqrt(tpc_length / 2. - std::abs(z_start)) / drift_velocity;
347  const double rantime =
348  gsl_ran_gaussian(RandomGenerator.get(), t_sigma) +
349  gsl_ran_gaussian(RandomGenerator.get(), added_smear_sigma_long) / drift_velocity;
350  const double t_final = t_start + t_path + rantime;
351  if (t_final < min_time || t_final > max_time) continue;
353  double z_final;
354  if (z_start < 0)
355  z_final = -tpc_length / 2. + t_final * drift_velocity;
356  else
357  z_final = tpc_length / 2. - t_final * drift_velocity;
359  const double radstart = std::sqrt(square(x_start) + square(y_start));
360  const double phistart = std::atan2(y_start, x_start);
361  const double ranphi = gsl_ran_flat(RandomGenerator.get(), -M_PI, M_PI);
363  double x_final = x_start + rantrans * std::cos(ranphi); // Initialize these to be only diffused first, will be overwritten if doing SC distortion
364  double y_final = y_start + rantrans * std::sin(ranphi);
366  double rad_final = sqrt(square(x_final) + square(y_final));
367  double phi_final = atan2(y_final, x_final);
370  {
371  z_startmap->Fill(z_start, radstart); // map of starting location in Z vs. R
372  deltaphinodist->Fill(phistart, rantrans / rad_final); // delta phi no distortion, just diffusion+smear
373  deltarnodist->Fill(radstart, rantrans); // delta r no distortion, just diffusion+smear
374  }
376  if (m_distortionMap)
377  {
378  const double r_distortion = m_distortionMap->get_r_distortion(radstart, phistart, z_start);
379  const double phi_distortion = m_distortionMap->get_rphi_distortion(radstart, phistart, z_start)/radstart;
380  const double z_distortion = m_distortionMap->get_z_distortion(radstart, phistart, z_start);
382  rad_final+=r_distortion;
383  phi_final+=phi_distortion;
384  z_final += z_distortion;
386  x_final=rad_final*std::cos(phi_final);
387  y_final=rad_final*std::sin(phi_final);
390  {
391  const double phi_final_nodiff = phistart+phi_distortion;
392  const double rad_final_nodiff = radstart+r_distortion;
393  deltarnodiff->Fill(radstart, rad_final_nodiff - radstart); //delta r no diffusion, just distortion
394  deltaphinodiff->Fill(phistart, phi_final_nodiff - phistart); //delta phi no diffusion, just distortion
395  deltaphivsRnodiff->Fill(radstart, phi_final_nodiff - phistart);
396  deltaRphinodiff->Fill(radstart, rad_final_nodiff * phi_final_nodiff - radstart * phistart);
398  // Fill Diagnostic plots, written into ElectronDriftQA.root
399  hitmapstart->Fill(x_start, y_start); // G4Hit starting positions
400  hitmapend->Fill(x_final, y_final); //INcludes diffusion and distortion
401  deltar->Fill(radstart, rad_final - radstart); //total delta r
402  deltaphi->Fill(phistart, phi_final - phistart); // total delta phi
403  deltaz->Fill(z_start, z_distortion); // map of distortion in Z (time)
404  }
405  }
407  // remove electrons outside of our acceptance. Careful though, electrons from just inside 30 cm can contribute in the 1st active layer readout, so leave a little margin
408  if (rad_final < min_active_radius - 2.0 || rad_final > max_active_radius + 1.0)
409  {
410  continue;
411  }
413  if (Verbosity() > 1000)
414  {
415  std::cout << "electron " << i << " g4hitid " << hiter->first << " f " << f << std::endl;
416  std::cout << "radstart " << radstart << " x_start: " << x_start
417  << ", y_start: " << y_start
418  << ",z_start: " << z_start
419  << " t_start " << t_start
420  << " t_path " << t_path
421  << " t_sigma " << t_sigma
422  << " rantime " << rantime
423  << std::endl;
425  //if( sqrt(x_start*x_start+y_start*y_start) > 68.0 && sqrt(x_start*x_start+y_start*y_start) < 72.0)
426  std::cout << " rad_final " << rad_final << " x_final " << x_final << " y_final " << y_final
427  << " z_final " << z_final << " t_final " << t_final << " zdiff " << z_final - z_start << std::endl;
428  }
430  if (Verbosity() > 0)
431  {
432  assert(nt);
433  nt->Fill(ihit, t_start, t_final, t_sigma, rad_final, z_start, z_final);
434  }
435  // this fills the cells and updates the hits in temp_hitsetcontainer for this drifted electron hitting the GEM stack
436  MapToPadPlane(x_final, y_final, z_final, hiter, ntpad, nthit);
437  } // end loop over electrons for this g4hit
439  // The hit-truth association has to be done for each g4hit
440  // we use the single_hitsetcontainer for this
443  for (TrkrHitSetContainer::ConstIterator single_hitset_iter = single_hitset_range.first;
444  single_hitset_iter != single_hitset_range.second;
445  ++single_hitset_iter)
446  {
447  // we have an itrator to one TrkrHitSet for the Tpc from the single_hitsetcontainer
448  TrkrDefs::hitsetkey node_hitsetkey = single_hitset_iter->first;
449  const unsigned int layer = TrkrDefs::getLayer(node_hitsetkey);
450  const int sector = TpcDefs::getSectorId(node_hitsetkey);
451  const int side = TpcDefs::getSide(node_hitsetkey);
453  if (Verbosity() > 2)
454  std::cout << " hitsetkey " << node_hitsetkey << " layer " << layer << " sector " << sector << " side " << side << std::endl;
455  // get all of the hits from the single hitset
456  TrkrHitSet::ConstRange single_hit_range = single_hitset_iter->second->getHits();
457  for (TrkrHitSet::ConstIterator single_hit_iter = single_hit_range.first;
458  single_hit_iter != single_hit_range.second;
459  ++single_hit_iter)
460  {
461  TrkrDefs::hitkey single_hitkey = single_hit_iter->first;
463  // Add the hit-g4hit association
464  // no need to check for duplicates, since the hit is new
465  hittruthassoc->addAssoc(node_hitsetkey, single_hitkey, hiter->first);
466  if (Verbosity() > 100)
467  std::cout << " adding assoc for node_hitsetkey " << node_hitsetkey << " single_hitkey " << single_hitkey << " g4hitkey " << hiter->first << std::endl;
468  }
469  }
471  // Dump the temp_hitsetcontainer to the node tree and reset it
472  // - after every "dump_interval" g4hits
473  // - if this is the last g4hit
474  if (dump_counter >= dump_interval || count_g4hits == g4hit->size())
475  {
476  //std::cout << " dump_counter " << dump_counter << " count_g4hits " << count_g4hits << std::endl;
478  double eg4hit = 0.0;
480  for (TrkrHitSetContainer::ConstIterator temp_hitset_iter = temp_hitset_range.first;
481  temp_hitset_iter != temp_hitset_range.second;
482  ++temp_hitset_iter)
483  {
484  // we have an itrator to one TrkrHitSet for the Tpc from the temp_hitsetcontainer
485  TrkrDefs::hitsetkey node_hitsetkey = temp_hitset_iter->first;
486  const unsigned int layer = TrkrDefs::getLayer(node_hitsetkey);
487  const int sector = TpcDefs::getSectorId(node_hitsetkey);
488  const int side = TpcDefs::getSide(node_hitsetkey);
489  if (Verbosity() > 100)
490  std::cout << "PHG4TpcElectronDrift: temp_hitset with key: " << node_hitsetkey << " in layer " << layer
491  << " with sector " << sector << " side " << side << std::endl;
493  // find or add this hitset on the node tree
494  TrkrHitSetContainer::Iterator node_hitsetit = hitsetcontainer->findOrAddHitSet(node_hitsetkey);
496  // get all of the hits from the temporary hitset
497  TrkrHitSet::ConstRange temp_hit_range = temp_hitset_iter->second->getHits();
498  for (TrkrHitSet::ConstIterator temp_hit_iter = temp_hit_range.first;
499  temp_hit_iter != temp_hit_range.second;
500  ++temp_hit_iter)
501  {
502  TrkrDefs::hitkey temp_hitkey = temp_hit_iter->first;
503  TrkrHit *temp_tpchit = temp_hit_iter->second;
504  if (Verbosity() > 10 && layer == print_layer)
505  {
506  std::cout << " temp_hitkey " << temp_hitkey << " l;ayer " << layer << " pad " << TpcDefs::getPad(temp_hitkey)
507  << " z bin " << TpcDefs::getTBin(temp_hitkey)
508  << " energy " << temp_tpchit->getEnergy() << " eg4hit " << eg4hit << std::endl;
510  eg4hit += temp_tpchit->getEnergy();
511  ecollectedhits += temp_tpchit->getEnergy();
512  ncollectedhits++;
513  }
515  // find or add this hit to the node tree
516  TrkrHit *node_hit = node_hitsetit->second->getHit(temp_hitkey);
517  if (!node_hit)
518  {
519  // Otherwise, create a new one
520  node_hit = new TrkrHitv2();
521  node_hitsetit->second->addHitSpecificKey(temp_hitkey, node_hit);
522  }
524  // Either way, add the energy to it
525  node_hit->addEnergy(temp_tpchit->getEnergy());
527  } // end loop over temp hits
529  if (Verbosity() > 100 && layer == print_layer)
530  std::cout << " ihit " << ihit << " collected energy = " << eg4hit << std::endl;
532  } // end loop over temp hitsets
534  // erase all entries in the temp hitsetcontainer
535  temp_hitsetcontainer->Reset();
537  // reset the dump counter
538  dump_counter = 0;
539  } // end copy of temp hitsetcontainer to node tree hitsetcontainer
541  ++ihit;
543  // we are done with this until the next g4hit
544  single_hitsetcontainer->Reset();
546  } // end loop over g4hits
548  if (Verbosity() > 2)
549  {
550  std::cout << "From PHG4TpcElectronDrift: hitsetcontainer printout at end:" << std::endl;
551  // We want all hitsets for the Tpc
553  for (TrkrHitSetContainer::ConstIterator hitset_iter = hitset_range.first;
554  hitset_iter != hitset_range.second;
555  ++hitset_iter)
556  {
557  // we have an itrator to one TrkrHitSet for the Tpc from the trkrHitSetContainer
558  TrkrDefs::hitsetkey hitsetkey = hitset_iter->first;
559  const unsigned int layer = TrkrDefs::getLayer(hitsetkey);
560  if (layer != print_layer) continue;
561  const int sector = TpcDefs::getSectorId(hitsetkey);
562  const int side = TpcDefs::getSide(hitsetkey);
564  std::cout << "PHG4TpcElectronDrift: hitset with key: " << hitsetkey << " in layer " << layer << " with sector " << sector << " side " << side << std::endl;
566  // get all of the hits from this hitset
567  TrkrHitSet *hitset = hitset_iter->second;
568  TrkrHitSet::ConstRange hit_range = hitset->getHits();
569  for (TrkrHitSet::ConstIterator hit_iter = hit_range.first;
570  hit_iter != hit_range.second;
571  ++hit_iter)
572  {
573  TrkrDefs::hitkey hitkey = hit_iter->first;
574  TrkrHit *tpchit = hit_iter->second;
575  std::cout << " hitkey " << hitkey << " pad " << TpcDefs::getPad(hitkey) << " z bin " << TpcDefs::getTBin(hitkey)
576  << " energy " << tpchit->getEnergy() << std::endl;
577  }
578  }
579  }
581  if (Verbosity() > 1000)
582  {
583  std::cout << "From PHG4TpcElectronDrift: hittruthassoc dump:" << std::endl;
585  }
587  ++event_num; // if doing more than one event, event_num will be incremented.
589 }
591 void PHG4TpcElectronDrift::MapToPadPlane(const double x_gem, const double y_gem, const double t_gem, PHG4HitContainer::ConstIterator hiter, TNtuple *ntpad, TNtuple *nthit)
592 {
593  padplane->MapToPadPlane(single_hitsetcontainer.get(), temp_hitsetcontainer.get(), hittruthassoc, x_gem, y_gem, t_gem, hiter, ntpad, nthit);
594 }
597 {
598  if (Verbosity() > 0)
599  {
600  assert(m_outf);
601  assert(nt);
602  assert(ntpad);
603  assert(nthit);
604  assert(ntfinalhit);
606  m_outf->cd();
607  nt->Write();
608  ntpad->Write();
609  nthit->Write();
610  ntfinalhit->Write();
611  m_outf->Close();
612  }
614  {
615  EDrift_outf.reset(new TFile("ElectronDriftQA.root", "recreate"));
616  EDrift_outf->cd();
617  deltar->Write();
618  deltaphi->Write();
619  deltaz->Write();
620  deltarnodist->Write();
621  deltaphinodist->Write();
622  deltarnodiff->Write();
623  deltaphinodiff->Write();
624  deltaRphinodiff->Write();
625  deltaphivsRnodiff->Write();
626  hitmapstart->Write();
627  hitmapend->Write();
628  z_startmap->Write();
629  EDrift_outf->Close();
630  }
632 }
634 void PHG4TpcElectronDrift::set_seed(const unsigned int seed)
635 {
636  gsl_rng_set(RandomGenerator.get(), seed);
637 }
640 {
641  // Data on gasses @20 C and 760 Torr from the following source:
642  //
643  // diffusion and drift velocity for 400kV for NeCF4 50/50 from calculations:
644  //
645  static constexpr double Ne_dEdx = 1.56; // keV/cm
646  static constexpr double CF4_dEdx = 7.00; // keV/cm
647  // double Ne_NPrimary = 12; // Number/cm
648  // double CF4_NPrimary = 51; // Number/cm
649  static constexpr double Ne_NTotal = 43; // Number/cm
650  static constexpr double CF4_NTotal = 100; // Number/cm
651  static constexpr double Tpc_NTot = 0.5 * Ne_NTotal + 0.5 * CF4_NTotal;
652  static constexpr double Tpc_dEdx = 0.5 * Ne_dEdx + 0.5 * CF4_dEdx;
653  static constexpr double Tpc_ElectronsPerKeV = Tpc_NTot / Tpc_dEdx;
654  set_default_double_param("diffusion_long", 0.012); // cm/SQRT(cm)
655  set_default_double_param("diffusion_trans", 0.004); // cm/SQRT(cm)
656  set_default_double_param("electrons_per_gev", Tpc_ElectronsPerKeV * 1000000.);
657  set_default_double_param("min_active_radius", 30.); // cm
658  set_default_double_param("max_active_radius", 78.); // cm
659  set_default_double_param("drift_velocity", 8.0 / 1000.0); // cm/ns
661  // These are purely fudge factors, used to increase the resolution to 150 microns and 500 microns, respectively
662  // override them from the macro to get a different resolution
663  set_default_double_param("added_smear_trans", 0.085); // cm
664  set_default_double_param("added_smear_long", 0.105); // cm
666  return;
667 }
670 {
671  m_distortionMap.reset(distortionMap);
672 }
675 {
676  std::cout << "Registering padplane " << std::endl;
677  padplane.reset(inpadplane);
678  padplane->Detector(Detector());
679  padplane->UpdateInternalParameters();
680  std::cout << "padplane registered and parameters updated" << std::endl;
682  return;
683 }