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1 //
2 // ********************************************************************
3 // * License and Disclaimer *
4 // * *
5 // * The Geant4 software is copyright of the Copyright Holders of *
6 // * the Geant4 Collaboration. It is provided under the terms and *
7 // * conditions of the Geant4 Software License, included in the file *
8 // * LICENSE and available at . These *
9 // * include a list of copyright holders. *
10 // * *
11 // * Neither the authors of this software system, nor their employing *
12 // * institutes,nor the agencies providing financial support for this *
13 // * work make any representation or warranty, express or implied, *
14 // * regarding this software system or assume any liability for its *
15 // * use. Please see the license in the file LICENSE and URL above *
16 // * for the full disclaimer and the limitation of liability. *
17 // * *
18 // * This code implementation is the result of the scientific and *
19 // * technical work of the GEANT4 collaboration. *
20 // * By using, copying, modifying or distributing the software (or *
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23 // * acceptance of all terms of the Geant4 Software license. *
24 // ********************************************************************
25 //
26 //
27 //
28 //
29 // --------------------------------------------------------------
30 // GEANT 4 class implementation file
31 //
32 // History: first implementation, based on object model of
33 // 2nd December 1995, G.Cosmo
34 // ---------------- G4ParticleDefinition -----------------
35 // first implementation by Makoto Asai, 29 January 1996
36 // revised by G.Cosmo, 29 February 1996
37 // revised by H.Kurashige, 19 April 1996
38 // Code uses operators (+=, *=, ++, -> etc.) correctly, P. Urban, 26/6/96
39 // revised by H.Kurashige, 4 July 1996
40 // revised by H.Kurashige, 16 Feb 1997
41 // revised by H.Kurashige, 10 Nov 1997
42 // remove new/delete G4ProcessManager by H.Kurashige 06 June 1998
43 // added Resonance flag and ApplyCuts flag H.Kurashige 27 June 1998
44 // modify FillQuarkContents() for quarks/diquarks H.Kurashige 30 June 1998
45 // modify encoding rule H.Kurashige 23 Oct. 98
46 // modify FillQuarkContents() for deltas 25 Nov.,98 H.Kurashige
47 //
48 // modify FillQuarkContents() to use G4PDGCodeChecker 17 Aug. 99 H.Kurashige
49 // modified for thread-safety for MT - G.Cosmo, A.Dotti - January 2013
50 // added support for MuonicAtom - K.L.Genser - June 2017
51 // --------------------------------------------------------------
54 #include "G4ParticleDefinition.hh"
55 #include "G4PhysicalConstants.hh"
56 #include "G4SystemOfUnits.hh"
57 #include "G4ParticleTable.hh"
58 #include "G4IonTable.hh"
59 #include "G4DecayTable.hh"
60 #include "G4PDGCodeChecker.hh"
61 #include "G4StateManager.hh"
62 #include "G4UnitsTable.hh"
64 // This new field helps to use the class G4PDefManager.
65 //
68 // This macro changes the references to fields that are now encapsulated
69 // in the class G4PDefData.
70 //
71 #define G4MT_pmanager ((subInstanceManager.offset()[g4particleDefinitionInstanceID]).theProcessManager)
74  const G4String& aName,
75  G4double mass,
76  G4double width,
78  G4int iSpin,
79  G4int iParity,
80  G4int iConjugation,
81  G4int iIsospin,
82  G4int iIsospin3,
83  G4int gParity,
84  const G4String& pType,
85  G4int lepton,
86  G4int baryon,
88  G4bool stable,
89  G4double lifetime,
90  G4DecayTable *decaytable,
91  G4bool shortlived,
92  const G4String& subType,
93  G4int anti_encoding,
94  G4double magneticMoment)
96  : theParticleName(aName),
97  thePDGMass(mass),
98  thePDGWidth(width),
99  thePDGCharge(charge),
100  thePDGiSpin(iSpin),
101  thePDGSpin(iSpin*0.5),
102  thePDGiParity(iParity),
103  thePDGiConjugation(iConjugation),
104  thePDGiGParity(gParity),
105  thePDGiIsospin(iIsospin),
106  thePDGiIsospin3(iIsospin3),
107  thePDGIsospin(iIsospin*0.5),
108  thePDGIsospin3(iIsospin3*0.5),
109  thePDGMagneticMoment(magneticMoment),
110  theLeptonNumber(lepton),
111  theBaryonNumber(baryon),
112  theParticleType(pType),
113  theParticleSubType(subType),
114  thePDGEncoding(encoding),
115  theAntiPDGEncoding(-1*encoding),
116  fShortLivedFlag(shortlived),
117  thePDGStable(stable),
118  thePDGLifeTime(lifetime),
119  theDecayTable(decaytable),
120  theAtomicNumber(0),
121  theAtomicMass(0),
122  verboseLevel(1),
123  fApplyCutsFlag(false),
124  isGeneralIon(false),
125  isMuonicAtom(false)
126 {
127  static const G4String nucleus("nucleus");
128  static const G4String muAtom("MuonicAtom");
135  //set verboseLevel equal to ParticleTable
138  if (anti_encoding !=0) theAntiPDGEncoding = anti_encoding;
140  // check quark contents
141  if (this->FillQuarkContents() != thePDGEncoding) {
142 #ifdef G4VERBOSE
143  if (verboseLevel>0) {
144  // Using G4cout expecting that it is available in construction of static objects
145  G4cout << "Particle " << aName << " has a strange PDGEncoding " <<G4endl;
146  }
147 #endif
148  G4Exception( "G4ParticleDefintion::G4ParticleDefintion",
149  "PART102", JustWarning,
150  "Strange PDGEncoding ");
151  }
153  // check initialization is in Pre_Init state except for ions
156  if ( !fShortLivedFlag && (theParticleType!=nucleus) && (theParticleType!=muAtom) && (currentState!=G4State_PreInit)){
157 #ifdef G4VERBOSE
158  if (GetVerboseLevel()>0) {
159  G4cout << "G4ParticleDefintion (other than ions and shortlived) should be created in Pre_Init state "
160  << aName << G4endl;
161  }
162 #endif
163  G4Exception( "G4ParticleDefintion::G4ParticleDefintion",
164  "PART101", JustWarning,
165  "G4ParticleDefinition should be created in PreInit state");
166  }
169  if (theParticleTable->GetIonTable()->IsIon(this)) {
172  }
174  if (theParticleTable->GetIonTable()->IsAntiIon(this)) {
177  }
179  // check name and register this particle into ParticleTable
180  theParticleTable->Insert(this);
182 }
185 {
186  G4Exception("G4ParticleDefinition::G4ParticleDefinition()",
187  "PART001", FatalException,
188  "Illegal call of copy Constructor for G4ParticleDefinition ");
189 }
192 {
193  G4Exception("G4ParticleDefinition::G4ParticleDefinition()",
194  "PART001", FatalException,
195  "Illegal call of default Constructor for G4ParticleDefinition ");
196 }
200 {
201  if (G4ParticleTable::GetParticleTable()->GetReadiness()) {
203  G4ApplicationState currentState = pStateManager->GetCurrentState();
204  if (currentState != G4State_PreInit) {
205  G4String msg = "Request of deletion for ";
206  msg += GetParticleName();
207  msg += " has No effects because readyToUse is true.";
208  G4Exception("G4ParticleDefinition::~G4ParticleDefinition()",
209  "PART117", JustWarning, msg);
210  return ;
211  } else {
212 #ifdef G4VERBOSE
213  if (verboseLevel>0){
215  << " will be deleted " << G4endl;
216  }
217 #endif
218  }
219  }
221  if (theDecayTable!= 0) delete theDecayTable;
222 }
226 {
227  if (this != &right) {
228  }
229  return *this;
230 }
233 {
234  return (this->theParticleName == right.theParticleName);
235 }
238 {
239  return (this->theParticleName != right.theParticleName);
240 }
244  // Returns the private data instance manager.
245 {
246  return subInstanceManager;
247 }
251  // Clears memory allocated by sub-instance manager
252 {
254 }
258 {
259  if(g4particleDefinitionInstanceID<0) return 0;
260  return G4MT_pmanager;
261 }
264  // calculate quark and anti-quark contents
265  // return value is PDG encoding for this particle.
266  // It means error if the return value is differnt from
267  // this->thePDGEncoding.
268 {
269  G4int flavor;
270  for (flavor= 0; flavor<NumberOfQuarkFlavor; flavor++){
271  theQuarkContent[flavor] = 0;
272  theAntiQuarkContent[flavor] = 0;
273  }
275  G4PDGCodeChecker checker;
276  checker.SetVerboseLevel(verboseLevel);
280  if ( temp != 0) {
281  for (flavor= 0; flavor<NumberOfQuarkFlavor; flavor++){
282  theQuarkContent[flavor] = checker.GetQuarkContent(flavor);
283  theAntiQuarkContent[flavor] = checker.GetAntiQuarkContent(flavor);
284  }
285  if ((theParticleType == "meson")||(theParticleType == "baryon")) {
286  // check charge
287  if (!checker.CheckCharge(thePDGCharge) ){
288  temp = 0;
289  G4Exception( "G4ParticleDefintion::G4ParticleDefintion",
290  "PART103", JustWarning,
291  "Inconsistent charge against PDG code ");
292 #ifdef G4VERBOSE
293  if (verboseLevel>0) {
294  G4cout << "G4ParticleDefinition::FillQuarkContents : "
295  << " illegal charge (" << thePDGCharge/eplus
296  << " PDG code=" << thePDGEncoding <<G4endl;
297  }
298 #endif
299  }
300  // check spin
301  if (checker.GetSpin() != thePDGiSpin) {
302  temp=0;
303  G4Exception( "G4ParticleDefintion::G4ParticleDefintion",
304  "PART104", JustWarning,
305  "Inconsistent spin against PDG code ");
306 #ifdef G4VERBOSE
307  if (verboseLevel>0) {
308  G4cout << "G4ParticleDefinition::FillQuarkContents : "
309  << " illegal SPIN (" << thePDGiSpin << "/2"
310  << " PDG code=" << thePDGEncoding <<G4endl;
311  }
312 #endif
313  }
314  }
315  }
316  return temp;
317 }
319 //-- No longer needed to access to G4IonTable.
320 //-- Method GetIonLifeTime() itself is kept for compatibility
321 //-- but moved to icc file as an inlined method.
322 //G4double G4ParticleDefinition::GetIonLifeTime() const
323 //{
324 // if(!isGeneralIon) return thePDGLifeTime;
325 //
326 // G4IonTable* ionTable = G4IonTable::GetIonTable();
327 // return ionTable->GetLifeTime(this);
328 //}
331 {
332  G4cout << G4endl;
333  G4cout << "--- G4ParticleDefinition ---" << G4endl;
334  G4cout << " Particle Name : " << theParticleName << G4endl;
335  G4cout << " PDG particle code : " << thePDGEncoding;
336  G4cout << " [PDG anti-particle code: " << this->GetAntiPDGEncoding() << "]"<< G4endl;
337  G4cout << " Mass [GeV/c2] : " << thePDGMass/GeV ;
338  G4cout << " Width : " << thePDGWidth/GeV << G4endl;
339  G4cout << " Lifetime [nsec] : " << thePDGLifeTime/ns << G4endl;
340  G4cout << " Charge [e]: " << thePDGCharge/eplus << G4endl;
341  G4cout << " Spin : " << thePDGiSpin << "/2" << G4endl;
342  G4cout << " Parity : " << thePDGiParity << G4endl;
343  G4cout << " Charge conjugation : " << thePDGiConjugation << G4endl;
344  G4cout << " Isospin : (I,Iz): (" << thePDGiIsospin <<"/2";
345  G4cout << " , " << thePDGiIsospin3 << "/2 ) " << G4endl;
346  G4cout << " GParity : " << thePDGiGParity << G4endl;
347  if (thePDGMagneticMoment != 0.0) {
348  G4cout << " MagneticMoment [MeV/T] : " << thePDGMagneticMoment/MeV*tesla << G4endl;
349  }
350  G4cout << " Quark contents (d,u,s,c,b,t) : " << theQuarkContent[0];
351  G4cout << ", " << theQuarkContent[1];
352  G4cout << ", " << theQuarkContent[2];
353  G4cout << ", " << theQuarkContent[3];
354  G4cout << ", " << theQuarkContent[4];
355  G4cout << ", " << theQuarkContent[5] << G4endl;
356  G4cout << " AntiQuark contents : " << theAntiQuarkContent[0];
357  G4cout << ", " << theAntiQuarkContent[1];
358  G4cout << ", " << theAntiQuarkContent[2];
359  G4cout << ", " << theAntiQuarkContent[3];
360  G4cout << ", " << theAntiQuarkContent[4];
361  G4cout << ", " << theAntiQuarkContent[5] << G4endl;
362  G4cout << " Lepton number : " << theLeptonNumber;
363  G4cout << " Baryon number : " << theBaryonNumber << G4endl;
364  G4cout << " Particle type : " << theParticleType ;
365  G4cout << " [" << theParticleSubType << "]" << G4endl;
367  if ( (theParticleTable->GetIonTable()->IsIon(this))
368  || (theParticleTable->GetIonTable()->IsAntiIon(this)) ) {
369  G4cout << " Atomic Number : " << GetAtomicNumber();
370  G4cout << " Atomic Mass : " << GetAtomicMass() << G4endl;
371  }
372  if ( fShortLivedFlag ){
373  G4cout << " ShortLived : ON" << G4endl;
374  }
376  if ( IsGeneralIon() ) {
377  G4double lftm = GetIonLifeTime();
378  if(lftm<-1000.)
379  { G4cout << " Stable : No data found -- unknown" << G4endl; }
380  else if(lftm<0.)
381  { G4cout << " Stable : stable" << G4endl; }
382  else
383  {
384  G4cout << " Stable : unstable -- lifetime = " << G4BestUnit(lftm,"Time")
385  << "\n Decay table should be consulted to G4RadioactiveDecayProcess."
386  << G4endl;
387  }
388  }
389  else
390  {
391  if ( thePDGStable ){
392  G4cout << " Stable : stable" << G4endl;
393  } else {
394  if( theDecayTable != 0 ){
396  } else {
397  G4cout << "Decay Table is not defined !!" <<G4endl;
398  }
399  }
400  }
401 }
404 {
405  if(theParticleName=="gamma"
406  || theParticleName=="e-"
407  || theParticleName=="e+"
408  || theParticleName=="proton")
409  { fApplyCutsFlag = flg; }
410  else
411  {
412  G4cout
413  << "G4ParticleDefinition::SetApplyCutsFlag() for " << theParticleName
414  << G4endl;
415  G4cout
416  << "becomes obsolete. Production threshold is applied only for "
417  << "gamma, e- ,e+ and proton." << G4endl;
418  }
419 }
422 {
423  G4Exception( "G4ParticleDefintion::G4ParticleDefintion",
424  "PART114", JustWarning,
425  "CalculateAnomaly() method will be removed in next release");
427  // gives the anomaly of magnetic moment for spin 1/2 particles
428  if (thePDGiSpin==1) {
430  return 0.5*std::fabs(thePDGMagneticMoment/muB - 2.*thePDGCharge/CLHEP::eplus);
431  } else {
432  return 0.0;
433  }
434 }
437 {
438  if(id<0)
439  {
441  G4MT_pmanager = nullptr;
442  }
443  else
444  {
445  if( isGeneralIon || isMuonicAtom )
447  else
448  {
450  ed << "ParticleDefinitionID should not be set for the particles <"
451  << theParticleName << ">.";
452  G4Exception( "G4ParticleDefintion::SetParticleDefinitionID","PART10114",
453  FatalException,ed);
454  }
455  }
456 }
458 #include "G4Threading.hh"
461 {
463  {
464  if(G4Threading::G4GetThreadId() >= 0)
465  {
467  ed << "ProcessManager is being set to " << theParticleName
468  << " without proper initialization of TLS pointer vector.\n"
469  << "This operation is thread-unsafe.";
470  G4Exception( "G4ParticleDefintion::SetProcessManager","PART10116",
471  JustWarning,ed);
472  }
474  }
475  G4MT_pmanager = aProcessManager;
476 }