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1 //
2 // ********************************************************************
3 // * License and Disclaimer *
4 // * *
5 // * The Geant4 software is copyright of the Copyright Holders of *
6 // * the Geant4 Collaboration. It is provided under the terms and *
7 // * conditions of the Geant4 Software License, included in the file *
8 // * LICENSE and available at . These *
9 // * include a list of copyright holders. *
10 // * *
11 // * Neither the authors of this software system, nor their employing *
12 // * institutes,nor the agencies providing financial support for this *
13 // * work make any representation or warranty, express or implied, *
14 // * regarding this software system or assume any liability for its *
15 // * use. Please see the license in the file LICENSE and URL above *
16 // * for the full disclaimer and the limitation of liability. *
17 // * *
18 // * This code implementation is the result of the scientific and *
19 // * technical work of the GEANT4 collaboration. *
20 // * By using, copying, modifying or distributing the software (or *
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24 // ********************************************************************
25 //
26 // class G4PartialPhantomParameterisation implementation
27 //
28 // May 2007 Pedro Arce (CIEMAT), first version
29 // --------------------------------------------------------------------
33 #include "globals.hh"
34 #include "G4Material.hh"
35 #include "G4VSolid.hh"
36 #include "G4VPhysicalVolume.hh"
37 #include "G4LogicalVolume.hh"
39 #include "G4GeometryTolerance.hh"
41 #include <list>
43 //------------------------------------------------------------------
46 {
47 }
50 //------------------------------------------------------------------
52 {
53 }
55 //------------------------------------------------------------------
57 ComputeTransformation( const G4int copyNo, G4VPhysicalVolume *physVol ) const
58 {
59  // Voxels cannot be rotated, return translation
60  //
61  G4ThreeVector trans = GetTranslation( copyNo );
62  physVol->SetTranslation( trans );
63 }
66 //------------------------------------------------------------------
68 GetTranslation(const G4int copyNo ) const
69 {
70  CheckCopyNo( copyNo );
72  size_t nx, ny, nz;
73  ComputeVoxelIndices( copyNo, nx, ny, nz );
75  G4ThreeVector trans( (2*nx+1)*fVoxelHalfX - fContainerWallX,
76  (2*ny+1)*fVoxelHalfY - fContainerWallY,
77  (2*nz+1)*fVoxelHalfZ - fContainerWallZ);
78  return trans;
79 }
82 //------------------------------------------------------------------
85 {
86  CheckCopyNo( copyNo );
87  auto matIndex = GetMaterialIndex(copyNo);
89  return fMaterials[ matIndex ];
90 }
93 //------------------------------------------------------------------
95 GetMaterialIndex( size_t copyNo ) const
96 {
97  CheckCopyNo( copyNo );
99  if( fMaterialIndices == nullptr ) { return 0; }
101  return *(fMaterialIndices+copyNo);
102 }
105 //------------------------------------------------------------------
107 GetMaterialIndex( size_t nx, size_t ny, size_t nz ) const
108 {
109  size_t copyNo = nx + fNoVoxelX*ny + fNoVoxelXY*nz;
110  return GetMaterialIndex( copyNo );
111 }
114 //------------------------------------------------------------------
116 GetMaterial( size_t nx, size_t ny, size_t nz) const
117 {
118  return fMaterials[GetMaterialIndex(nx,ny,nz)];
119 }
122 //------------------------------------------------------------------
124 GetMaterial( size_t copyNo ) const
125 {
126  return fMaterials[GetMaterialIndex(copyNo)];
127 }
130 //------------------------------------------------------------------
132 ComputeVoxelIndices(const G4int copyNo, size_t& nx,
133  size_t& ny, size_t& nz ) const
134 {
135  CheckCopyNo( copyNo );
137  auto ite = fFilledIDs.lower_bound(size_t(copyNo));
138  G4int dist = std::distance( fFilledIDs.cbegin(), ite );
139  nz = size_t( dist/fNoVoxelY );
140  ny = size_t( dist%fNoVoxelY );
142  G4int ifmin = (*ite).second;
143  G4int nvoxXprev;
144  if( dist != 0 )
145  {
146  ite--;
147  nvoxXprev = (*ite).first;
148  }
149  else
150  {
151  nvoxXprev = -1;
152  }
154  nx = ifmin+copyNo-nvoxXprev-1;
155 }
158 //------------------------------------------------------------------
160 GetReplicaNo( const G4ThreeVector& localPoint, const G4ThreeVector& localDir )
161 {
162  // Check the voxel numbers corresponding to localPoint
163  // When a particle is on a surface, it may be between -kCarTolerance and
164  // +kCartolerance. By a simple distance as:
165  // G4int nx = G4int( (localPoint.x()+)/fVoxelHalfX/2.);
166  // those between -kCartolerance and 0 will be placed on voxel N-1 and those
167  // between 0 and kCarTolerance on voxel N.
168  // To avoid precision problems place the tracks that are on the surface on
169  // voxel N-1 if they have negative direction and on voxel N if they have
170  // positive direction.
171  // Add +kCarTolerance so that they are first placed on voxel N, and then
172  // if the direction is negative substract 1
174  G4double fx = (localPoint.x()+fContainerWallX+kCarTolerance)/(fVoxelHalfX*2.);
175  G4int nx = G4int(fx);
177  G4double fy = (localPoint.y()+fContainerWallY+kCarTolerance)/(fVoxelHalfY*2.);
178  G4int ny = G4int(fy);
180  G4double fz = (localPoint.z()+fContainerWallZ+kCarTolerance)/(fVoxelHalfZ*2.);
181  G4int nz = G4int(fz);
183  // If it is on the surface side, check the direction: if direction is
184  // negative place it on the previous voxel (if direction is positive it is
185  // already in the next voxel...).
186  // Correct also cases where n = -1 or n = fNoVoxel. It is always traced to be
187  // due to multiple scattering: track is entering a voxel but multiple
188  // scattering changes the angle towards outside
189  //
190  if( fx - nx < kCarTolerance/fVoxelHalfX )
191  {
192  if( localDir.x() < 0 )
193  {
194  if( nx != 0 )
195  {
196  nx -= 1;
197  }
198  }
199  else
200  {
201  if( nx == G4int(fNoVoxelX) )
202  {
203  nx -= 1;
204  }
205  }
206  }
207  if( fy - ny < kCarTolerance/fVoxelHalfY )
208  {
209  if( localDir.y() < 0 )
210  {
211  if( ny != 0 )
212  {
213  ny -= 1;
214  }
215  }
216  else
217  {
218  if( ny == G4int(fNoVoxelY) )
219  {
220  ny -= 1;
221  }
222  }
223  }
224  if( fz - nz < kCarTolerance/fVoxelHalfZ )
225  {
226  if( localDir.z() < 0 )
227  {
228  if( nz != 0 )
229  {
230  nz -= 1;
231  }
232  }
233  else
234  {
235  if( nz == G4int(fNoVoxelZ) )
236  {
237  nz -= 1;
238  }
239  }
240  }
242  // Check if there are still errors
243  //
244  G4bool isOK = true;
245  if( nx < 0 )
246  {
247  nx = 0;
248  isOK = false;
249  }
250  else if( nx >= G4int(fNoVoxelX) )
251  {
252  nx = fNoVoxelX-1;
253  isOK = false;
254  }
255  if( ny < 0 )
256  {
257  ny = 0;
258  isOK = false;
259  }
260  else if( ny >= G4int(fNoVoxelY) )
261  {
262  ny = fNoVoxelY-1;
263  isOK = false;
264  }
265  if( nz < 0 )
266  {
267  nz = 0;
268  isOK = false;
269  }
270  else if( nz >= G4int(fNoVoxelZ) )
271  {
272  nz = fNoVoxelZ-1;
273  isOK = false;
274  }
275  if( !isOK )
276  {
277  std::ostringstream message;
278  message << "Corrected the copy number! It was negative or too big."
279  << G4endl
280  << " LocalPoint: " << localPoint << G4endl
281  << " LocalDir: " << localDir << G4endl
282  << " Voxel container size: " << fContainerWallX
283  << " " << fContainerWallY << " " << fContainerWallZ << G4endl
284  << " LocalPoint - wall: "
285  << localPoint.x()-fContainerWallX << " "
286  << localPoint.y()-fContainerWallY << " "
287  << localPoint.z()-fContainerWallZ;
288  G4Exception("G4PartialPhantomParameterisation::GetReplicaNo()",
289  "GeomNav1002", JustWarning, message);
290  }
292  G4int nyz = nz*fNoVoxelY+ny;
293  auto ite = fFilledIDs.cbegin();
294 /*
295  for( ite = fFilledIDs.cbegin(); ite != fFilledIDs.cend(); ++ite )
296  {
297  G4cout << " G4PartialPhantomParameterisation::GetReplicaNo filled "
298  << (*ite).first << " , " << (*ite).second << std::endl;
299  }
300 */
302  advance(ite,nyz);
303  auto iteant = ite; iteant--;
304  G4int copyNo = (*iteant).first + 1 + ( nx - (*ite).second );
305 /*
306  G4cout << " G4PartialPhantomParameterisation::GetReplicaNo getting copyNo "
307  << copyNo << " nyz " << nyz << " (*iteant).first "
308  << (*iteant).first << " (*ite).second " << (*ite).second << G4endl;
310  G4cout << " G4PartialPhantomParameterisation::GetReplicaNo " << copyNo
311  << " nx " << nx << " ny " << ny << " nz " << nz
312  << " localPoint " << localPoint << " localDir " << localDir << G4endl;
313 */
314  return copyNo;
315 }
318 //------------------------------------------------------------------
320 {
321  if( copyNo < 0 || copyNo >= G4int(fNoVoxel) )
322  {
323  std::ostringstream message;
324  message << "Copy number is negative or too big!" << G4endl
325  << " Copy number: " << copyNo << G4endl
326  << " Total number of voxels: " << fNoVoxel;
327  G4Exception("G4PartialPhantomParameterisation::CheckCopyNo()",
328  "GeomNav0002", FatalErrorInArgument, message);
329  }
330 }
333 //------------------------------------------------------------------
335 {
339 }