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1 //
2 // ********************************************************************
3 // * License and Disclaimer *
4 // * *
5 // * The Geant4 software is copyright of the Copyright Holders of *
6 // * the Geant4 Collaboration. It is provided under the terms and *
7 // * conditions of the Geant4 Software License, included in the file *
8 // * LICENSE and available at . These *
9 // * include a list of copyright holders. *
10 // * *
11 // * Neither the authors of this software system, nor their employing *
12 // * institutes,nor the agencies providing financial support for this *
13 // * work make any representation or warranty, express or implied, *
14 // * regarding this software system or assume any liability for its *
15 // * use. Please see the license in the file LICENSE and URL above *
16 // * for the full disclaimer and the limitation of liability. *
17 // * *
18 // * This code implementation is the result of the scientific and *
19 // * technical work of the GEANT4 collaboration. *
20 // * By using, copying, modifying or distributing the software (or *
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24 // ********************************************************************
25 //
26 //
27 //
28 //
29 // class G4GDMLParser Implementation
30 //
31 // -------------------------------------------------------------------------
33 #include "G4GDMLParser.hh"
35 #include "G4UnitsTable.hh"
36 #include "G4LogicalVolumeStore.hh"
37 #include "G4RegionStore.hh"
38 #include "G4UserLimits.hh"
39 #include "G4ProductionCuts.hh"
40 #include "G4ReflectionFactory.hh"
41 #include "G4Track.hh"
44  : rlist(0), ullist(0), urcode(false), uwcode(false), strip(true), rexp(false)
45 {
48  messenger = new G4GDMLMessenger(this);
51 }
54  : rlist(0), ullist(0), urcode(true), uwcode(false), strip(true), rexp(false)
55 {
56  reader = extr;
58  messenger = new G4GDMLMessenger(this);
61 }
65  : rlist(0), ullist(0), urcode(true), uwcode(true), strip(true), rexp(false)
66 {
67  reader = extr;
68  writer = extw;
69  messenger = new G4GDMLMessenger(this);
72 }
75 {
76  xercesc::XMLPlatformUtils::Terminate();
77  if (!urcode) { delete reader; }
78  if (!uwcode) { delete writer; delete ullist; delete rlist; }
80  delete messenger;
81 }
84 {
86  const G4GDMLAuxListType* auxInfoList = GetAuxList();
87  for(std::vector<G4GDMLAuxStructType>::const_iterator
88  iaux = auxInfoList->begin(); iaux != auxInfoList->end(); iaux++ )
89  {
90  if (iaux->type != "Region") return;
92  G4String name = iaux->value;
93  if (strip) { reader->StripName(name); }
94  if (name.contains("DefaultRegionForTheWorld")) continue;
96  if (!iaux->auxList)
97  {
98  G4Exception("G4GDMLParser::ImportRegions()",
99  "ReadError", FatalException,
100  "Invalid definition of geometrical region!");
101  }
102  else // Create region and loop over all region attributes
103  {
104  G4Region* aRegion = new G4Region(name);
105  G4ProductionCuts* pcuts = new G4ProductionCuts();
106  aRegion->SetProductionCuts(pcuts);
107  for(std::vector<G4GDMLAuxStructType>::const_iterator
108  raux = iaux->auxList->begin(); raux != iaux->auxList->end(); raux++ )
109  {
110  const G4String& tag = raux->type;
111  if (tag=="volume")
112  {
113  G4String volname = raux->value;
114  if (strip) { reader->StripName(volname); }
116  aRegion->AddRootLogicalVolume(lvol);
117  if(reflFactory->IsConstituent(lvol)) aRegion->AddRootLogicalVolume(reflFactory->GetReflectedLV(lvol));
118  } else
119  if (tag=="pcut")
120  {
121  const G4String& cvalue = raux->value;
122  const G4String& cunit = raux->unit;
123  if (G4UnitDefinition::GetCategory(cunit)!="Length") {
124  G4Exception("G4GDMLParser::ImportRegions()", "InvalidRead",
125  FatalException, "Invalid unit for length!"); }
126  G4double cut = eval.Evaluate(cvalue) * G4UnitDefinition::GetValueOf(cunit);
127  pcuts->SetProductionCut(cut,"proton");
128  } else
129  if (tag=="ecut")
130  {
131  const G4String& cvalue = raux->value;
132  const G4String& cunit = raux->unit;
133  if (G4UnitDefinition::GetCategory(cunit)!="Length") {
134  G4Exception("G4GDMLParser::ImportRegions()", "InvalidRead",
135  FatalException, "Invalid unit for length!"); }
136  G4double cut = eval.Evaluate(cvalue) * G4UnitDefinition::GetValueOf(cunit);
137  pcuts->SetProductionCut(cut,"e-");
138  } else
139  if (tag=="poscut")
140  {
141  const G4String& cvalue = raux->value;
142  const G4String& cunit = raux->unit;
143  if (G4UnitDefinition::GetCategory(cunit)!="Length") {
144  G4Exception("G4GDMLParser::ImportRegions()", "InvalidRead",
145  FatalException, "Invalid unit for length!"); }
146  G4double cut = eval.Evaluate(cvalue) * G4UnitDefinition::GetValueOf(cunit);
147  pcuts->SetProductionCut(cut,"e+");
148  } else
149  if (tag=="gamcut")
150  {
151  const G4String& cvalue = raux->value;
152  const G4String& cunit = raux->unit;
153  if (G4UnitDefinition::GetCategory(cunit)!="Length") {
154  G4Exception("G4GDMLParser::ImportRegions()", "InvalidRead",
155  FatalException, "Invalid unit for length!"); }
156  G4double cut = eval.Evaluate(cvalue) * G4UnitDefinition::GetValueOf(cunit);
157  pcuts->SetProductionCut(cut,"gamma");
158  } else
159  if (tag=="ulimits")
160  {
161  G4double ustepMax=DBL_MAX, utrakMax=DBL_MAX, utimeMax=DBL_MAX;
162  G4double uekinMin=0., urangMin=0.;
163  const G4String& ulname = raux->value;
164  for(std::vector<G4GDMLAuxStructType>::const_iterator
165  uaux=raux->auxList->begin(); uaux!=raux->auxList->end(); uaux++ )
166  {
167  const G4String& ultag = uaux->type;
168  const G4String& uvalue = uaux->value;
169  const G4String& uunit = uaux->unit;
170  G4double ulvalue = eval.Evaluate(uvalue) * eval.Evaluate(uunit);
171  if (ultag=="ustepMax") { ustepMax = ulvalue; } else
172  if (ultag=="utrakMax") { utrakMax = ulvalue; } else
173  if (ultag=="utimeMax") { utimeMax = ulvalue; } else
174  if (ultag=="uekinMin") { uekinMin = ulvalue; } else
175  if (ultag=="urangMin") { urangMin = ulvalue; }
176  else
177  {
178  G4Exception("G4GDMLParser::ImportRegions()",
179  "ReadError", FatalException,
180  "Invalid definition of user-limits!");
181  }
182  }
183  G4UserLimits* ulimits = new G4UserLimits(ulname, ustepMax, utrakMax,
184  utimeMax, uekinMin, urangMin);
185  aRegion->SetUserLimits(ulimits);
186  }
187  else continue; // Ignore unknown tags
188  }
189  }
190  }
191 }
193 void G4GDMLParser::ExportRegions(G4bool storeReferences)
194 {
197  for (size_t i=0; i<rstore->size(); ++i) // Skip default regions associated to worlds
198  {
199  const G4String& tname = (*rstore)[i]->GetName();
200  if (tname.contains("DefaultRegionForParallelWorld")) continue;
201  const G4String& rname = writer->GenerateName(tname,(*rstore)[i]);
202  rlist = new G4GDMLAuxListType();
203  G4GDMLAuxStructType raux = {"Region", rname, "", rlist};
204  std::vector<G4LogicalVolume*>::iterator rlvol_iter
205  = (*rstore)[i]->GetRootLogicalVolumeIterator();
206  for (size_t j=0; j<(*rstore)[i]->GetNumberOfRootVolumes(); ++j)
207  {
208  G4LogicalVolume* rlvol = *rlvol_iter;
209  if(reflFactory->IsReflected(rlvol)) continue;
210  G4String vname = writer->GenerateName(rlvol->GetName(), rlvol);
211  if (!storeReferences) { reader->StripName(vname); }
212  G4GDMLAuxStructType rsubaux = {"volume", vname, "", 0};
213  rlist->push_back(rsubaux);
214  rlvol_iter++;
215  }
216  G4double gam_cut = (*rstore)[i]->GetProductionCuts()->GetProductionCut("gamma");
217  G4GDMLAuxStructType caux1 = {"gamcut", eval.ConvertToString(gam_cut), "mm", 0};
218  rlist->push_back(caux1);
219  G4double e_cut = (*rstore)[i]->GetProductionCuts()->GetProductionCut("e-");
220  G4GDMLAuxStructType caux2 = {"ecut", eval.ConvertToString(e_cut), "mm", 0};
221  rlist->push_back(caux2);
222  G4double pos_cut = (*rstore)[i]->GetProductionCuts()->GetProductionCut("e+");
223  G4GDMLAuxStructType caux3 = {"poscut", eval.ConvertToString(pos_cut), "mm", 0};
224  rlist->push_back(caux3);
225  G4double p_cut = (*rstore)[i]->GetProductionCuts()->GetProductionCut("proton");
226  G4GDMLAuxStructType caux4 = {"pcut", eval.ConvertToString(p_cut), "mm", 0};
227  rlist->push_back(caux4);
228  if ((*rstore)[i]->GetUserLimits())
229  {
230  const G4Track fake_trk;
231  ullist = new G4GDMLAuxListType();
232  const G4String& utype = (*rstore)[i]->GetUserLimits()->GetType();
233  G4GDMLAuxStructType uaux = {"ulimits", utype, "mm", ullist};
234  G4double max_step = (*rstore)[i]->GetUserLimits()->GetMaxAllowedStep(fake_trk);
235  G4GDMLAuxStructType ulaux1 = {"ustepMax", eval.ConvertToString(max_step), "mm", 0};
236  ullist->push_back(ulaux1);
237  G4double max_trk = (*rstore)[i]->GetUserLimits()->GetUserMaxTrackLength(fake_trk);
238  G4GDMLAuxStructType ulaux2 = {"utrakMax", eval.ConvertToString(max_trk), "mm", 0};
239  ullist->push_back(ulaux2);
240  G4double max_time = (*rstore)[i]->GetUserLimits()->GetUserMaxTime(fake_trk);
241  G4GDMLAuxStructType ulaux3 = {"utimeMax", eval.ConvertToString(max_time), "mm", 0};
242  ullist->push_back(ulaux3);
243  G4double min_ekin = (*rstore)[i]->GetUserLimits()->GetUserMinEkine(fake_trk);
244  G4GDMLAuxStructType ulaux4 = {"uekinMin", eval.ConvertToString(min_ekin), "mm", 0};
245  ullist->push_back(ulaux4);
246  G4double min_rng = (*rstore)[i]->GetUserLimits()->GetUserMinRange(fake_trk);
247  G4GDMLAuxStructType ulaux5 = {"urangMin", eval.ConvertToString(min_rng), "mm", 0};
248  ullist->push_back(ulaux5);
249  rlist->push_back(uaux);
250  }
251  AddAuxiliary(raux);
252  }
253 }