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1 //
2 // ********************************************************************
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4 // * *
5 // * The Geant4 software is copyright of the Copyright Holders of *
6 // * the Geant4 Collaboration. It is provided under the terms and *
7 // * conditions of the Geant4 Software License, included in the file *
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9 // * include a list of copyright holders. *
10 // * *
11 // * Neither the authors of this software system, nor their employing *
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18 // * This code implementation is the result of the scientific and *
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24 // ********************************************************************
25 //
26 //
27 //
28 //
29 // John Allison 31st December 1997.
30 // Model for physical volumes.
32 #include "G4PhysicalVolumeModel.hh"
34 #include "G4VGraphicsScene.hh"
35 #include "G4VPhysicalVolume.hh"
36 #include "G4VPVParameterisation.hh"
37 #include "G4LogicalVolume.hh"
38 #include "G4VSolid.hh"
39 #include "G4SubtractionSolid.hh"
40 #include "G4IntersectionSolid.hh"
41 #include "G4Material.hh"
42 #include "G4VisAttributes.hh"
43 #include "G4BoundingExtentScene.hh"
46 #include "G4Polyhedron.hh"
47 #include "HepPolyhedronProcessor.h"
48 #include "G4AttDefStore.hh"
49 #include "G4AttDef.hh"
50 #include "G4AttValue.hh"
51 #include "G4UnitsTable.hh"
52 #include "G4Vector3D.hh"
54 #include <sstream>
55 #include <iomanip>
57 namespace {
58  G4int volumeCount = 0;
59 }
63  , G4int requestedDepth
64  , const G4Transform3D& modelTransformation
65  , const G4ModelingParameters* pMP
66  , G4bool useFullExtent
67  , const std::vector<G4PhysicalVolumeNodeID>& baseFullPVPath)
68 : G4VModel (modelTransformation,pMP)
69 , fpTopPV (pVPV)
70 , fTopPVCopyNo (pVPV? pVPV->GetCopyNo(): 0)
71 , fRequestedDepth (requestedDepth)
72 , fUseFullExtent (useFullExtent)
73 , fCurrentDepth (0)
74 , fpCurrentPV (fpTopPV)
75 , fCurrentPVCopyNo (fpTopPV? fpTopPV->GetCopyNo(): 0)
76 , fpCurrentLV (fpTopPV? fpTopPV->GetLogicalVolume(): 0)
77 , fpCurrentMaterial (fpCurrentLV? fpCurrentLV->GetMaterial(): 0)
78 , fpCurrentTransform (const_cast<G4Transform3D*>(&modelTransformation))
79 , fBaseFullPVPath (baseFullPVPath)
80 , fAbort (false)
81 , fCurtailDescent (false)
82 , fpClippingSolid (0)
83 , fClippingMode (subtraction)
84 {
85  fType = "G4PhysicalVolumeModel";
87  if (!fpTopPV) {
89  // In some circumstances creating an "empty" G4PhysicalVolumeModel is
90  // allowed, so I have supressed the G4Exception below. If it proves to
91  // be a problem we might have to re-instate it, but it is unlikley to
92  // be used except by visualisation experts. See, for example, /vis/list,
93  // where it is used simply to get a list of G4AttDefs.
94  // G4Exception
95  // ("G4PhysicalVolumeModel::G4PhysicalVolumeModel",
96  // "modeling0010", FatalException, "Null G4PhysicalVolumeModel pointer.");
98  fTopPVName = "NULL";
99  fGlobalTag = "Empty";
100  fGlobalDescription = "G4PhysicalVolumeModel " + fGlobalTag;
102  } else {
104  fTopPVName = fpTopPV -> GetName ();
105  std::ostringstream oss;
106  oss << fpTopPV->GetName() << ':' << fpTopPV->GetCopyNo()
107  << " BasePath:" << fBaseFullPVPath;
108  fGlobalTag = oss.str();
109  fGlobalDescription = "G4PhysicalVolumeModel " + fGlobalTag;
110  CalculateExtent ();
111  }
112 }
115 {
116  delete fpClippingSolid;
117 }
120 (const std::vector<G4PhysicalVolumeNodeID>& path)
121 {
123  for (const auto& node: path) {
124  PVNameCopyNoPath.push_back
126  (node.GetPhysicalVolume()->GetName(),node.GetCopyNo()));
127  }
128  return PVNameCopyNoPath;
129 }
132 {
133  // To handle paramaterisations, set copy number and compute dimensions
134  // to get extent right
135  G4VPVParameterisation* pP = fpTopPV -> GetParameterisation ();
136  if (pP) {
137  fpTopPV -> SetCopyNo (fTopPVCopyNo);
138  G4VSolid* solid = pP -> ComputeSolid (fTopPVCopyNo, fpTopPV);
139  solid -> ComputeDimensions (pP, fTopPVCopyNo, fpTopPV);
140  }
141  if (fUseFullExtent) {
142  fExtent = fpTopPV -> GetLogicalVolume () -> GetSolid () -> GetExtent ();
143  } else {
144  // Calculate extent of *drawn* volumes, i.e., ignoring culled, e.g.,
145  // invisible volumes, by traversing the whole geometry hierarchy below
146  // this physical volume.
147  G4BoundingExtentScene beScene(this);
148  const G4int tempRequestedDepth = fRequestedDepth;
149  const G4Transform3D tempTransform = fTransform;
150  const G4ModelingParameters* tempMP = fpMP;
151  fRequestedDepth = -1; // Always search to all depths to define extent.
152  fTransform = G4Transform3D(); // Extent is in local cooridinates
153  G4ModelingParameters mParams
154  (0, // No default vis attributes needed.
155  G4ModelingParameters::wf, // wireframe (not relevant for this).
156  true, // Global culling.
157  true, // Cull invisible volumes.
158  false, // Density culling.
159  0., // Density (not relevant if density culling false).
160  true, // Cull daughters of opaque mothers.
161  24); // No of sides (not relevant for this operation).
162  fpMP = &mParams;
163  DescribeYourselfTo (beScene);
164  fExtent = beScene.GetBoundingExtent();
165  fpMP = tempMP;
166  fTransform = tempTransform;
167  fRequestedDepth = tempRequestedDepth;
168  }
170  if (radius < 0.) { // Nothing in the scene - revert to top extent
171  fExtent = fpTopPV -> GetLogicalVolume () -> GetSolid () -> GetExtent ();
172  }
173 }
176 (G4VGraphicsScene& sceneHandler)
177 {
178  if (!fpTopPV) G4Exception
179  ("G4PhysicalVolumeModel::DescribeYourselfTo",
180  "modeling0012", FatalException, "No model.");
182  if (!fpMP) G4Exception
183  ("G4PhysicalVolumeModel::DescribeYourselfTo",
184  "modeling0003", FatalException, "No modeling parameters.");
186  G4Transform3D startingTransformation = fTransform;
188  volumeCount = 0;
190  VisitGeometryAndGetVisReps
191  (fpTopPV,
192  fRequestedDepth,
193  startingTransformation,
194  sceneHandler);
196 // G4cout
197 // << "G4PhysicalVolumeModel::DescribeYourselfTo: volume count: "
198 // << volumeCount
199 // << G4endl;
201  // Reset or clear data...
202  fCurrentDepth = 0;
203  fpCurrentPV = fpTopPV;
204  fCurrentPVCopyNo = fpTopPV->GetCopyNo();
205  fpCurrentLV = fpTopPV->GetLogicalVolume();
206  fpCurrentMaterial = fpCurrentLV? fpCurrentLV->GetMaterial(): 0;
207  fFullPVPath = fBaseFullPVPath;
208  fDrawnPVPath.clear();
209  fAbort = false;
210  fCurtailDescent = false;
211 }
214 {
215  if (fpCurrentPV) {
216  std::ostringstream o;
217  o << fpCurrentPV -> GetCopyNo ();
218  return fpCurrentPV -> GetName () + "." + o.str();
219  }
220  else {
221  return "WARNING: NO CURRENT VOLUME - global tag is " + fGlobalTag;
222  }
223 }
226 {
227  return "G4PhysicalVolumeModel " + GetCurrentTag ();
228 }
232  G4int requestedDepth,
233  const G4Transform3D& theAT,
234  G4VGraphicsScene& sceneHandler)
235 {
236  // Visits geometry structure to a given depth (requestedDepth), starting
237  // at given physical volume with given starting transformation and
238  // describes volumes to the scene handler.
239  // requestedDepth < 0 (default) implies full visit.
240  // theAT is the Accumulated Transformation.
242  // Find corresponding logical volume and (later) solid, storing in
243  // local variables to preserve re-entrancy.
244  G4LogicalVolume* pLV = pVPV -> GetLogicalVolume ();
246  G4VSolid* pSol = nullptr;
247  G4Material* pMaterial = nullptr;
249  if (!(pVPV -> IsReplicated ())) {
250  // Non-replicated physical volume.
251  pSol = pLV -> GetSolid ();
252  pMaterial = pLV -> GetMaterial ();
253  DescribeAndDescend (pVPV, requestedDepth, pLV, pSol, pMaterial,
254  theAT, sceneHandler);
255  }
256  else {
257  // Replicated or parametrised physical volume.
258  EAxis axis;
259  G4int nReplicas;
260  G4double width;
262  G4bool consuming;
263  pVPV -> GetReplicationData (axis, nReplicas, width, offset, consuming);
264  G4int nBegin = 0;
265  G4int nEnd = nReplicas;
266  if (fCurrentDepth == 0) { // i.e., top volume
267  nBegin = fTopPVCopyNo; // Describe only one volume, namely the one
268  nEnd = nBegin + 1; // specified by the given copy number.
269  }
270  G4VPVParameterisation* pP = pVPV -> GetParameterisation ();
271  if (pP) { // Parametrised volume.
272  for (int n = nBegin; n < nEnd; n++) {
273  pSol = pP -> ComputeSolid (n, pVPV);
274  pP -> ComputeTransformation (n, pVPV);
275  pSol -> ComputeDimensions (pP, n, pVPV);
276  pVPV -> SetCopyNo (n);
277  fCurrentPVCopyNo = n;
278  // Create a touchable of current parent for ComputeMaterial.
279  // fFullPVPath has not been updated yet so at this point it
280  // corresponds to the parent.
281  G4PhysicalVolumeModelTouchable parentTouchable(fFullPVPath);
282  pMaterial = pP -> ComputeMaterial (n, pVPV, &parentTouchable);
283  DescribeAndDescend (pVPV, requestedDepth, pLV, pSol, pMaterial,
284  theAT, sceneHandler);
285  }
286  }
287  else { // Plain replicated volume. From geometry_guide.txt...
288  // The replica's positions are claculated by means of a linear formula.
289  // Replication may occur along:
290  //
291  // o Cartesian axes (kXAxis,kYAxis,kZAxis)
292  //
293  // The replications, of specified width have coordinates of
294  // form (-width*(nReplicas-1)*0.5+n*width,0,0) where n=0.. nReplicas-1
295  // for the case of kXAxis, and are unrotated.
296  //
297  // o Radial axis (cylindrical polar) (kRho)
298  //
299  // The replications are cons/tubs sections, centred on the origin
300  // and are unrotated.
301  // They have radii of width*n+offset to width*(n+1)+offset
302  // where n=0..nReplicas-1
303  //
304  // o Phi axis (cylindrical polar) (kPhi)
305  // The replications are `phi sections' or wedges, and of cons/tubs form
306  // They have phi of offset+n*width to offset+(n+1)*width where
307  // n=0..nReplicas-1
308  //
309  pSol = pLV -> GetSolid ();
310  pMaterial = pLV -> GetMaterial ();
311  G4ThreeVector originalTranslation = pVPV -> GetTranslation ();
312  G4RotationMatrix* pOriginalRotation = pVPV -> GetRotation ();
313  G4double originalRMin = 0., originalRMax = 0.;
314  if (axis == kRho && pSol->GetEntityType() == "G4Tubs") {
315  originalRMin = ((G4Tubs*)pSol)->GetInnerRadius();
316  originalRMax = ((G4Tubs*)pSol)->GetOuterRadius();
317  }
318  G4bool visualisable = true;
319  for (int n = nBegin; n < nEnd; n++) {
320  G4ThreeVector translation; // Identity.
321  G4RotationMatrix rotation; // Identity - life enough for visualizing.
322  G4RotationMatrix* pRotation = 0;
323  switch (axis) {
324  default:
325  case kXAxis:
326  translation = G4ThreeVector (-width*(nReplicas-1)*0.5+n*width,0,0);
327  break;
328  case kYAxis:
329  translation = G4ThreeVector (0,-width*(nReplicas-1)*0.5+n*width,0);
330  break;
331  case kZAxis:
332  translation = G4ThreeVector (0,0,-width*(nReplicas-1)*0.5+n*width);
333  break;
334  case kRho:
335  if (pSol->GetEntityType() == "G4Tubs") {
336  ((G4Tubs*)pSol)->SetInnerRadius(width*n+offset);
337  ((G4Tubs*)pSol)->SetOuterRadius(width*(n+1)+offset);
338  } else {
339  if (fpMP->IsWarning())
340  G4cout <<
341  "G4PhysicalVolumeModel::VisitGeometryAndGetVisReps: WARNING:"
342  "\n built-in replicated volumes replicated in radius for "
343  << pSol->GetEntityType() <<
344  "-type\n solids (your solid \""
345  << pSol->GetName() <<
346  "\") are not visualisable."
347  << G4endl;
348  visualisable = false;
349  }
350  break;
351  case kPhi:
352  rotation.rotateZ (-(offset+(n+0.5)*width));
353  // Minus Sign because for the physical volume we need the
354  // coordinate system rotation.
355  pRotation = &rotation;
356  break;
357  }
358  pVPV -> SetTranslation (translation);
359  pVPV -> SetRotation (pRotation);
360  pVPV -> SetCopyNo (n);
361  fCurrentPVCopyNo = n;
362  if (visualisable) {
363  DescribeAndDescend (pVPV, requestedDepth, pLV, pSol, pMaterial,
364  theAT, sceneHandler);
365  }
366  }
367  // Restore originals...
368  pVPV -> SetTranslation (originalTranslation);
369  pVPV -> SetRotation (pOriginalRotation);
370  if (axis == kRho && pSol->GetEntityType() == "G4Tubs") {
371  ((G4Tubs*)pSol)->SetInnerRadius(originalRMin);
372  ((G4Tubs*)pSol)->SetOuterRadius(originalRMax);
373  }
374  }
375  }
376 }
380  G4int requestedDepth,
381  G4LogicalVolume* pLV,
382  G4VSolid* pSol,
383  G4Material* pMaterial,
384  const G4Transform3D& theAT,
385  G4VGraphicsScene& sceneHandler)
386 {
387  // Maintain useful data members...
388  fpCurrentPV = pVPV;
389  fCurrentPVCopyNo = pVPV->GetCopyNo();
390  fpCurrentLV = pLV;
391  fpCurrentMaterial = pMaterial;
393  const G4RotationMatrix objectRotation = pVPV -> GetObjectRotationValue ();
394  const G4ThreeVector& translation = pVPV -> GetTranslation ();
395  G4Transform3D theLT (G4Transform3D (objectRotation, translation));
397  // Compute the accumulated transformation...
398  // Note that top volume's transformation relative to the world
399  // coordinate system is specified in theAT == startingTransformation
400  // = fTransform (see DescribeYourselfTo), so first time through the
401  // volume's own transformation, which is only relative to its
402  // mother, i.e., not relative to the world coordinate system, should
403  // not be accumulated.
404  G4Transform3D theNewAT (theAT);
405  if (fCurrentDepth != 0) theNewAT = theAT * theLT;
406  fpCurrentTransform = &theNewAT;
408  const G4VisAttributes* pVisAttribs = pLV->GetVisAttributes();
409  // If the volume does not have any vis attributes, create it.
410  G4VisAttributes* tempVisAtts = nullptr;
411  if (!pVisAttribs) {
412  tempVisAtts = new G4VisAttributes; // Default value.
413  // The user may request /vis/viewer/set/colourByDensity.
414  if (fpMP->GetCBDAlgorithmNumber() == 1) {
415  // Algorithm 1: 3 parameters: Simple rainbow mapping.
416  if (fpMP->GetCBDParameters().size() != 3) {
417  G4Exception("G4PhysicalVolumeModelTouchable::DescribeAndDescend",
418  "modeling0014",
420  "Algorithm-parameter mismatch for Colour By Density");
421  } else {
422  const G4double d = pMaterial? pMaterial->GetDensity(): 0.;
423  const G4double d0 = fpMP->GetCBDParameters()[0]; // Invisible d < d0.
424  const G4double d1 = fpMP->GetCBDParameters()[1]; // Rainbow d0->d1->d2.
425  const G4double d2 = fpMP->GetCBDParameters()[2]; // Blue d > d2.
426  if (d < d0) { // Density < d0 is invisible.
427  tempVisAtts->SetVisibility(false);
428  } else { // Intermediate densities are on a spectrum.
429  G4double red, green, blue;
430  if (d < d1) {
431  red = (d1-d)/(d1-d0); green = (d-d0)/(d1-d0); blue = 0.;
432  } else if (d < d2) {
433  red = 0.; green = (d2-d)/(d2-d1); blue = (d-d1)/(d2-d1);
434  } else { // Density >= d2 is blue.
435  red = 0.; green = 0.; blue = 1.;
436  }
437  tempVisAtts->SetColour(G4Colour(red,green,blue));
438  }
439  }
440  } else if (fpMP->GetCBDAlgorithmNumber() == 2) {
441  // Algorithm 2
442  // ...etc.
443  }
444  pVisAttribs = tempVisAtts;
445  }
446  // From here, can assume pVisAttribs is a valid pointer. This is necessary
447  // because PreAddSolid needs a vis attributes object.
449  // Make decision to draw...
450  G4bool thisToBeDrawn = true;
452  // Update full path of physical volumes...
453  G4int copyNo = fpCurrentPV->GetCopyNo();
454  fFullPVPath.push_back
456  (fpCurrentPV,copyNo,fCurrentDepth,*fpCurrentTransform));
458  // Check if vis attributes are to be modified by a /vis/touchable/set/ command.
459  const auto& vams = fpMP->GetVisAttributesModifiers();
460  if (vams.size()) {
461  // OK, we have some VAMs (Vis Attributes Modifiers).
462  for (const auto& vam: vams) {
463  const auto& vamPath = vam.GetPVNameCopyNoPath();
464  if (vamPath.size() == fFullPVPath.size()) {
465  // OK, we have a size match.
466  // Check the volume name/copy number path.
467  auto iVAMNameCopyNo = vamPath.begin();
468  auto iPVNodeId = fFullPVPath.begin();
469  for (; iVAMNameCopyNo != vamPath.end(); ++iVAMNameCopyNo, ++iPVNodeId) {
470  if (!(
471  iVAMNameCopyNo->GetName() ==
472  iPVNodeId->GetPhysicalVolume()->GetName() &&
473  iVAMNameCopyNo->GetCopyNo() ==
474  iPVNodeId->GetPhysicalVolume()->GetCopyNo()
475  )) {
476  // This path element does NOT match.
477  break;
478  }
479  }
480  if (iVAMNameCopyNo == vamPath.end()) {
481  // OK, the paths match (the above loop terminated normally).
482  // Create a vis atts object for the modified vis atts.
483  // It is static so that we may return a reliable pointer to it.
484  static G4VisAttributes modifiedVisAtts;
485  // Initialise it with the current vis atts and reset the pointer.
486  modifiedVisAtts = *pVisAttribs;
487  pVisAttribs = &modifiedVisAtts;
488  const G4VisAttributes& transVisAtts = vam.GetVisAttributes();
489  switch (vam.GetVisAttributesSignifier()) {
491  modifiedVisAtts.SetVisibility(transVisAtts.IsVisible());
492  break;
494  modifiedVisAtts.SetDaughtersInvisible
495  (transVisAtts.IsDaughtersInvisible());
496  break;
498  modifiedVisAtts.SetColour(transVisAtts.GetColour());
499  break;
501  modifiedVisAtts.SetLineStyle(transVisAtts.GetLineStyle());
502  break;
504  modifiedVisAtts.SetLineWidth(transVisAtts.GetLineWidth());
505  break;
507  if (transVisAtts.IsForceDrawingStyle()) {
508  if (transVisAtts.GetForcedDrawingStyle() ==
510  modifiedVisAtts.SetForceWireframe(true);
511  }
512  }
513  break;
515  if (transVisAtts.IsForceDrawingStyle()) {
516  if (transVisAtts.GetForcedDrawingStyle() ==
518  modifiedVisAtts.SetForceSolid(true);
519  }
520  }
521  break;
523  if (transVisAtts.IsForceDrawingStyle()) {
524  if (transVisAtts.GetForcedDrawingStyle() ==
526  modifiedVisAtts.SetForceCloud(true);
527  }
528  }
529  break;
531  modifiedVisAtts.SetForceNumberOfCloudPoints
532  (transVisAtts.GetForcedNumberOfCloudPoints());
533  break;
535  if (transVisAtts.IsForceAuxEdgeVisible()) {
536  modifiedVisAtts.SetForceAuxEdgeVisible
537  (transVisAtts.IsForcedAuxEdgeVisible());
538  }
539  break;
541  modifiedVisAtts.SetForceLineSegmentsPerCircle
542  (transVisAtts.GetForcedLineSegmentsPerCircle());
543  break;
544  }
545  }
546  }
547  }
548  }
550  // There are various reasons why this volume
551  // might not be drawn...
552  G4bool culling = fpMP->IsCulling();
553  G4bool cullingInvisible = fpMP->IsCullingInvisible();
554  G4bool markedVisible = pVisAttribs->IsVisible();
555  G4bool cullingLowDensity = fpMP->IsDensityCulling();
556  G4double density = pMaterial? pMaterial->GetDensity(): 0;
557  G4double densityCut = fpMP -> GetVisibleDensity ();
559  // 1) Global culling is on....
560  if (culling) {
561  // 2) Culling of invisible volumes is on...
562  if (cullingInvisible) {
563  // 3) ...and the volume is marked not visible...
564  if (!markedVisible) thisToBeDrawn = false;
565  }
566  // 4) Or culling of low density volumes is on...
567  if (cullingLowDensity) {
568  // 5) ...and density is less than cut value...
569  if (density < densityCut) thisToBeDrawn = false;
570  }
571  }
572  // 6) The user has asked for all further traversing to be aborted...
573  if (fAbort) thisToBeDrawn = false;
575  // Record thisToBeDrawn in path...
576  fFullPVPath.back().SetDrawn(thisToBeDrawn);
578  if (thisToBeDrawn) {
580  // Update path of drawn physical volumes...
581  fDrawnPVPath.push_back
583  (fpCurrentPV,copyNo,fCurrentDepth,*fpCurrentTransform,thisToBeDrawn));
585  if (fpMP->IsExplode() && fDrawnPVPath.size() == 1) {
586  // For top-level drawn volumes, explode along radius...
587  G4Transform3D centering = G4Translate3D(fpMP->GetExplodeCentre());
588  G4Transform3D centred = centering.inverse() * theNewAT;
589  G4Scale3D oldScale;
590  G4Rotate3D oldRotation;
591  G4Translate3D oldTranslation;
592  centred.getDecomposition(oldScale, oldRotation, oldTranslation);
593  G4double explodeFactor = fpMP->GetExplodeFactor();
594  G4Translate3D newTranslation =
595  G4Translate3D(explodeFactor * oldTranslation.dx(),
596  explodeFactor * oldTranslation.dy(),
597  explodeFactor *;
598  theNewAT = centering * newTranslation * oldRotation * oldScale;
599  }
601  volumeCount++;
602  DescribeSolid (theNewAT, pSol, pVisAttribs, sceneHandler);
604  }
606  // Make decision to draw daughters, if any. There are various
607  // reasons why daughters might not be drawn...
609  // First, reasons that do not depend on culling policy...
610  G4int nDaughters = pLV->GetNoDaughters();
611  G4bool daughtersToBeDrawn = true;
612  // 1) There are no daughters...
613  if (!nDaughters) daughtersToBeDrawn = false;
614  // 2) We are at the limit if requested depth...
615  else if (requestedDepth == 0) daughtersToBeDrawn = false;
616  // 3) The user has asked for all further traversing to be aborted...
617  else if (fAbort) daughtersToBeDrawn = false;
618  // 4) The user has asked that the descent be curtailed...
619  else if (fCurtailDescent) daughtersToBeDrawn = false;
621  // Now, reasons that depend on culling policy...
622  else {
623  G4bool daughtersInvisible = pVisAttribs->IsDaughtersInvisible();
624  // Culling of covered daughters request. This is computed in
625  // G4VSceneHandler::CreateModelingParameters() depending on view
626  // parameters...
627  G4bool cullingCovered = fpMP->IsCullingCovered();
628  G4bool surfaceDrawing =
629  fpMP->GetDrawingStyle() == G4ModelingParameters::hsr ||
630  fpMP->GetDrawingStyle() == G4ModelingParameters::hlhsr;
631  if (pVisAttribs->IsForceDrawingStyle()) {
632  switch (pVisAttribs->GetForcedDrawingStyle()) {
633  default:
634  case G4VisAttributes::wireframe: surfaceDrawing = false; break;
635  case G4VisAttributes::solid: surfaceDrawing = true; break;
636  }
637  }
638  G4bool opaque = pVisAttribs->GetColour().GetAlpha() >= 1.;
639  // 5) Global culling is on....
640  if (culling) {
641  // 6) ..and culling of invisible volumes is on...
642  if (cullingInvisible) {
643  // 7) ...and the mother requests daughters invisible
644  if (daughtersInvisible) daughtersToBeDrawn = false;
645  }
646  // 8) Or culling of covered daughters is requested...
647  if (cullingCovered) {
648  // 9) ...and surface drawing is operating...
649  if (surfaceDrawing) {
650  // 10) ...but only if mother is visible...
651  if (thisToBeDrawn) {
652  // 11) ...and opaque...
653  if (opaque) daughtersToBeDrawn = false;
654  }
655  }
656  }
657  }
658  }
660  if (daughtersToBeDrawn) {
661  for (G4int iDaughter = 0; iDaughter < nDaughters; iDaughter++) {
662  // Store daughter pVPV in local variable ready for recursion...
663  G4VPhysicalVolume* pDaughterVPV = pLV -> GetDaughter (iDaughter);
664  // Descend the geometry structure recursively...
665  fCurrentDepth++;
666  VisitGeometryAndGetVisReps
667  (pDaughterVPV, requestedDepth - 1, theNewAT, sceneHandler);
668  fCurrentDepth--;
669  }
670  }
672  delete tempVisAtts;
674  // Reset for normal descending of next volume at this level...
675  fCurtailDescent = false;
677  // Pop item from paths physical volumes...
678  fFullPVPath.pop_back();
679  if (thisToBeDrawn) {
680  fDrawnPVPath.pop_back();
681  }
682 }
685 (const G4Transform3D& theAT,
686  G4VSolid* pSol,
687  const G4VisAttributes* pVisAttribs,
688  G4VGraphicsScene& sceneHandler)
689 {
690  G4DisplacedSolid* pSectionSolid = fpMP->GetSectionSolid();
691  G4DisplacedSolid* pCutawaySolid = fpMP->GetCutawaySolid();
693  if (!fpClippingSolid && !pSectionSolid && !pCutawaySolid) {
695  sceneHandler.PreAddSolid (theAT, *pVisAttribs);
696  pSol -> DescribeYourselfTo (sceneHandler); // Standard treatment.
697  sceneHandler.PostAddSolid ();
699  } else {
701  // Clipping, etc., performed by Boolean operations.
703  // First, get polyhedron for current solid...
704  if (pVisAttribs->IsForceLineSegmentsPerCircle())
706  (pVisAttribs->GetForcedLineSegmentsPerCircle());
707  else
708  G4Polyhedron::SetNumberOfRotationSteps(fpMP->GetNoOfSides());
709  const G4Polyhedron* pOriginalPolyhedron = pSol->GetPolyhedron();
712  if (!pOriginalPolyhedron) {
714  if (fpMP->IsWarning())
715  G4cout <<
716  "WARNING: G4PhysicalVolumeModel::DescribeSolid: solid\n \""
717  << pSol->GetName() <<
718  "\" has no polyhedron. Cannot by clipped."
719  << G4endl;
720  pSol -> DescribeYourselfTo (sceneHandler); // Standard treatment.
722  } else {
724  G4VSolid* pResultantSolid = 0;
726  if (fpClippingSolid) {
727  switch (fClippingMode) {
728  default:
729  case subtraction:
730  pResultantSolid = new G4SubtractionSolid
731  ("subtracted_clipped_solid", pSol, fpClippingSolid, theAT.inverse());
732  break;
733  case intersection:
734  pResultantSolid = new G4IntersectionSolid
735  ("intersected_clipped_solid", pSol, fpClippingSolid, theAT.inverse());
736  break;
737  }
738  }
740  if (pSectionSolid) {
741  pResultantSolid = new G4IntersectionSolid
742  ("sectioned_solid", pSol, pSectionSolid, theAT.inverse());
743  }
745  if (pCutawaySolid) {
746  // Follow above...
747  pResultantSolid = new G4SubtractionSolid
748  ("cutaway_solid", pSol, pCutawaySolid, theAT.inverse());
749  }
751  const G4Polyhedron* pResultantPolyhedron = pResultantSolid->GetPolyhedron();
752  if (!pResultantPolyhedron) {
753  if (fpMP->IsWarning())
754  G4cout <<
755  "WARNING: G4PhysicalVolumeModel::DescribeSolid: resultant polyhedron for"
756  "\n solid \"" << pSol->GetName() <<
757  "\" not defined due to error during Boolean processing."
758  << G4endl;
759  } else {
760  // It seems that if the sectioning solid does not intersect the
761  // original solid the Boolean Processor returns the original
762  // polyhedron, or a copy thereof. We do not want it.
763  // Check the number of facets, etc. If same, ignore.
764  // What we need from the Boolean Processor is a null pointer or a
765  // null polyhedron. It seems to return the original or a copy of it.
766  if (pResultantPolyhedron->GetNoFacets() == pOriginalPolyhedron->GetNoFacets())
767  // This works in most cases but I still get a box in test202 with
768  // /vis/viewer/set/sectionPlane on 0 0 0 m 0.1 0.1 1
769  {
770  pResultantPolyhedron = nullptr;
771  }
772  }
774  if (pResultantPolyhedron) {
775  // Finally, draw polyhedron...
776  sceneHandler.BeginPrimitives(theAT);
777  sceneHandler.AddPrimitive(*pResultantPolyhedron);
778  sceneHandler.EndPrimitives();
779  }
781  delete pResultantSolid;
782  }
783  }
784 }
787 {
788  G4TransportationManager* transportationManager =
791  size_t nWorlds = transportationManager->GetNoWorlds();
793  G4bool found = false;
795  std::vector<G4VPhysicalVolume*>::iterator iterWorld =
796  transportationManager->GetWorldsIterator();
797  for (size_t i = 0; i < nWorlds; ++i, ++iterWorld) {
798  G4VPhysicalVolume* world = (*iterWorld);
799  if (!world) break; // This can happen if geometry has been cleared/destroyed.
800  // The idea now is to seek a PV with the same name and copy no
801  // in the hope it's the same one!!
802  G4PhysicalVolumeModel searchModel (world);
803  G4int verbosity = 0; // Suppress messages from G4PhysicalVolumeSearchScene.
804  G4PhysicalVolumeSearchScene searchScene
805  (&searchModel, fTopPVName, fTopPVCopyNo, verbosity);
806  G4ModelingParameters mp; // Default modeling parameters for this search.
808  searchModel.SetModelingParameters (&mp);
809  searchModel.DescribeYourselfTo (searchScene);
810  G4VPhysicalVolume* foundVolume = searchScene.GetFoundVolume ();
811  if (foundVolume) {
812  if (foundVolume != fpTopPV && warn) {
813  G4cout <<
814  "G4PhysicalVolumeModel::Validate(): A volume of the same name and"
815  "\n copy number (\""
816  << fTopPVName << "\", copy " << fTopPVCopyNo
817  << ") still exists and is being used."
818  "\n But it is not the same volume you originally specified"
819  "\n in /vis/scene/add/."
820  << G4endl;
821  }
822  fpTopPV = foundVolume;
823  CalculateExtent ();
824  found = true;
825  }
826  }
827  if (found) return true;
828  else {
829  if (warn) {
830  G4cout <<
831  "G4PhysicalVolumeModel::Validate(): No volume of name and"
832  "\n copy number (\""
833  << fTopPVName << "\", copy " << fTopPVCopyNo
834  << ") exists."
835  << G4endl;
836  }
837  return false;
838  }
839 }
841 const std::map<G4String,G4AttDef>* G4PhysicalVolumeModel::GetAttDefs() const
842 {
843  G4bool isNew;
844  std::map<G4String,G4AttDef>* store
845  = G4AttDefStore::GetInstance("G4PhysicalVolumeModel", isNew);
846  if (isNew) {
847  (*store)["PVPath"] =
848  G4AttDef("PVPath","Physical Volume Path","Physics","","G4String");
849  (*store)["BasePVPath"] =
850  G4AttDef("BasePVPath","Base Physical Volume Path","Physics","","G4String");
851  (*store)["LVol"] =
852  G4AttDef("LVol","Logical Volume","Physics","","G4String");
853  (*store)["Solid"] =
854  G4AttDef("Solid","Solid Name","Physics","","G4String");
855  (*store)["EType"] =
856  G4AttDef("EType","Entity Type","Physics","","G4String");
857  (*store)["DmpSol"] =
858  G4AttDef("DmpSol","Dump of Solid properties","Physics","","G4String");
859  (*store)["LocalTrans"] =
860  G4AttDef("LocalTrans","Local transformation of volume","Physics","","G4String");
861  (*store)["GlobalTrans"] =
862  G4AttDef("GlobalTrans","Global transformation of volume","Physics","","G4String");
863  (*store)["Material"] =
864  G4AttDef("Material","Material Name","Physics","","G4String");
865  (*store)["Density"] =
866  G4AttDef("Density","Material Density","Physics","G4BestUnit","G4double");
867  (*store)["State"] =
868  G4AttDef("State","Material State (enum undefined,solid,liquid,gas)","Physics","","G4String");
869  (*store)["Radlen"] =
870  G4AttDef("Radlen","Material Radiation Length","Physics","G4BestUnit","G4double");
871  (*store)["Region"] =
872  G4AttDef("Region","Cuts Region","Physics","","G4String");
873  (*store)["RootRegion"] =
874  G4AttDef("RootRegion","Root Region (0/1 = false/true)","Physics","","G4bool");
875  }
876  return store;
877 }
879 static std::ostream& operator<< (std::ostream& o, const G4Transform3D t)
880 {
881  using namespace std;
883  G4Scale3D sc;
884  G4Rotate3D r;
885  G4Translate3D tl;
886  t.getDecomposition(sc, r, tl);
888  const int w = 10;
890  // Transformation itself
891  o << setw(w) << t.xx() << setw(w) << t.xy() << setw(w) << t.xz() << setw(w) << t.dx() << endl;
892  o << setw(w) << t.yx() << setw(w) << t.yy() << setw(w) << t.yz() << setw(w) << t.dy() << endl;
893  o << setw(w) << t.zx() << setw(w) << t.zy() << setw(w) << t.zz() << setw(w) << << endl;
895  // Translation
896  o << "= translation:" << endl;
897  o << setw(w) << tl.dx() << setw(w) << tl.dy() << setw(w) << << endl;
899  // Rotation
900  o << "* rotation:" << endl;
901  o << setw(w) << r.xx() << setw(w) << r.xy() << setw(w) << r.xz() << endl;
902  o << setw(w) << r.yx() << setw(w) << r.yy() << setw(w) << r.yz() << endl;
903  o << setw(w) << r.zx() << setw(w) << r.zy() << setw(w) << r.zz() << endl;
905  // Scale
906  o << "* scale:" << endl;
907  o << setw(w) << sc.xx() << setw(w) << sc.yy() << setw(w) << sc.zz() << endl;
909  // Transformed axes
910  o << "Transformed axes:" << endl;
911  o << "x': " << r * G4Vector3D(1., 0., 0.) << endl;
912  o << "y': " << r * G4Vector3D(0., 1., 0.) << endl;
913  o << "z': " << r * G4Vector3D(0., 0., 1.) << endl;
915  return o;
916 }
918 std::vector<G4AttValue>* G4PhysicalVolumeModel::CreateCurrentAttValues() const
919 {
920  std::vector<G4AttValue>* values = new std::vector<G4AttValue>;
922  if (!fpCurrentLV) {
924  ("G4PhysicalVolumeModel::CreateCurrentAttValues",
925  "modeling0004",
926  JustWarning,
927  "Current logical volume not defined.");
928  return values;
929  }
931  std::ostringstream oss; oss << fFullPVPath;
932  values->push_back(G4AttValue("PVPath", oss.str(),""));
933  oss.str(""); oss << fBaseFullPVPath;
934  values->push_back(G4AttValue("BasePVPath", oss.str(),""));
935  values->push_back(G4AttValue("LVol", fpCurrentLV->GetName(),""));
936  G4VSolid* pSol = fpCurrentLV->GetSolid();
937  values->push_back(G4AttValue("Solid", pSol->GetName(),""));
938  values->push_back(G4AttValue("EType", pSol->GetEntityType(),""));
939  oss.str(""); oss << '\n' << *pSol;
940  values->push_back(G4AttValue("DmpSol", oss.str(),""));
941  const G4RotationMatrix localRotation = fpCurrentPV->GetObjectRotationValue();
942  const G4ThreeVector& localTranslation = fpCurrentPV->GetTranslation();
943  oss.str(""); oss << '\n' << G4Transform3D(localRotation,localTranslation);
944  values->push_back(G4AttValue("LocalTrans", oss.str(),""));
945  oss.str(""); oss << '\n' << *fpCurrentTransform;
946  values->push_back(G4AttValue("GlobalTrans", oss.str(),""));
947  G4String matName = fpCurrentMaterial? fpCurrentMaterial->GetName(): G4String("No material");
948  values->push_back(G4AttValue("Material", matName,""));
950  values->push_back(G4AttValue("Density", G4BestUnit(matDensity,"Volumic Mass"),""));
952  oss.str(""); oss << matState;
953  values->push_back(G4AttValue("State", oss.str(),""));
955  values->push_back(G4AttValue("Radlen", G4BestUnit(matRadlen,"Length"),""));
956  G4Region* region = fpCurrentLV->GetRegion();
957  G4String regionName = region? region->GetName(): G4String("No region");
958  values->push_back(G4AttValue("Region", regionName,""));
959  oss.str(""); oss << fpCurrentLV->IsRootRegion();
960  values->push_back(G4AttValue("RootRegion", oss.str(),""));
961  return values;
962 }
964 G4bool G4PhysicalVolumeModel::G4PhysicalVolumeNodeID::operator<
966 {
967  if (fpPV < right.fpPV) return true;
968  if (fpPV == right.fpPV) {
969  if (fCopyNo < right.fCopyNo) return true;
970  if (fCopyNo == right.fCopyNo)
971  return fNonCulledDepth < right.fNonCulledDepth;
972  }
973  return false;
974 }
976 std::ostream& operator<<
977  (std::ostream& os, const G4PhysicalVolumeModel::G4PhysicalVolumeNodeID& node)
978 {
979  G4VPhysicalVolume* pPV = node.GetPhysicalVolume();
980  if (pPV) {
981  os << pPV->GetName()
982  << ' ' << node.GetCopyNo()
983 // << '[' << node.GetNonCulledDepth() << ']'
984 // << ':' << node.GetTransform()
985  ;
986 // os << " (";
987 // if (!node.GetDrawn()) os << "not ";
988 // os << "drawn)";
989  } else {
990  os << " (Null node)";
991  }
992  return os;
993 }
995 std::ostream& operator<<
996 (std::ostream& os, const std::vector<G4PhysicalVolumeModel::G4PhysicalVolumeNodeID>& path)
997 {
998  if (path.empty()) {
999  os << " TOP";
1000  } else {
1001  for (const auto& nodeID: path) {
1002  os << ' ' << nodeID;
1003  }
1004  }
1005  return os;
1006 }
1009 (const std::vector<G4PhysicalVolumeNodeID>& fullPVPath):
1010  fFullPVPath(fullPVPath) {}
1013 {
1014  size_t i = fFullPVPath.size() - depth - 1;
1015  if (i >= fFullPVPath.size()) {
1016  G4Exception("G4PhysicalVolumeModelTouchable::GetTranslation",
1017  "modeling0005",
1019  "Index out of range. Asking for non-existent depth");
1020  }
1021  static G4ThreeVector tempTranslation;
1022  tempTranslation = fFullPVPath[i].GetTransform().getTranslation();
1023  return tempTranslation;
1024 }
1027 {
1028  size_t i = fFullPVPath.size() - depth - 1;
1029  if (i >= fFullPVPath.size()) {
1030  G4Exception("G4PhysicalVolumeModelTouchable::GetRotation",
1031  "modeling0006",
1033  "Index out of range. Asking for non-existent depth");
1034  }
1035  static G4RotationMatrix tempRotation;
1036  tempRotation = fFullPVPath[i].GetTransform().getRotation();
1037  return &tempRotation;
1038 }
1041 {
1042  size_t i = fFullPVPath.size() - depth - 1;
1043  if (i >= fFullPVPath.size()) {
1044  G4Exception("G4PhysicalVolumeModelTouchable::GetVolume",
1045  "modeling0007",
1047  "Index out of range. Asking for non-existent depth");
1048  }
1049  return fFullPVPath[i].GetPhysicalVolume();
1050 }
1053 {
1054  size_t i = fFullPVPath.size() - depth - 1;
1055  if (i >= fFullPVPath.size()) {
1056  G4Exception("G4PhysicalVolumeModelTouchable::GetSolid",
1057  "modeling0008",
1059  "Index out of range. Asking for non-existent depth");
1060  }
1061  return fFullPVPath[i].GetPhysicalVolume()->GetLogicalVolume()->GetSolid();
1062 }
1065 {
1066  size_t i = fFullPVPath.size() - depth - 1;
1067  if (i >= fFullPVPath.size()) {
1068  G4Exception("G4PhysicalVolumeModelTouchable::GetReplicaNumber",
1069  "modeling0009",
1071  "Index out of range. Asking for non-existent depth");
1072  }
1073  return fFullPVPath[i].GetCopyNo();
1074 }