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Go to the documentation of this file. Or view the newest version in sPHENIX GitHub for file LineSurface.ipp
1 // This file is part of the Acts project.
2 //
3 // Copyright (C) 2018 CERN for the benefit of the Acts project
4 //
5 // This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public
6 // License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this
7 // file, You can obtain one at
10 // LineSurface.ipp, Acts project
13 inline void LineSurface::localToGlobal(const GeometryContext& gctx,
14  const Vector2D& lposition,
15  const Vector3D& momentum,
16  Vector3D& position) const {
17  const auto& sTransform = transform(gctx);
18  const auto& tMatrix = sTransform.matrix();
19  Vector3D lineDirection(tMatrix(0, 2), tMatrix(1, 2), tMatrix(2, 2));
21  // get the vector perpendicular to the momentum and the straw axis
22  Vector3D radiusAxisGlobal(lineDirection.cross(momentum));
23  Vector3D locZinGlobal = sTransform * Vector3D(0., 0., lposition[eLOC_Z]);
24  // add eLOC_R * radiusAxis
25  position = Vector3D(locZinGlobal +
26  lposition[eLOC_R] * radiusAxisGlobal.normalized());
27 }
29 inline bool LineSurface::globalToLocal(const GeometryContext& gctx,
30  const Vector3D& position,
31  const Vector3D& momentum,
32  Vector2D& lposition) const {
33  using VectorHelpers::perp;
35  const auto& sTransform = transform(gctx);
36  const auto& tMatrix = sTransform.matrix();
37  Vector3D lineDirection(tMatrix(0, 2), tMatrix(1, 2), tMatrix(2, 2));
38  // Bring the global position into the local frame
39  Vector3D loc3Dframe = sTransform.inverse() * position;
40  // construct localPosition with sign*perp(candidate) and z.()
41  lposition = Vector2D(perp(loc3Dframe), loc3Dframe.z());
42  Vector3D sCenter(tMatrix(0, 3), tMatrix(1, 3), tMatrix(2, 3));
43  Vector3D decVec(position - sCenter);
44  // assign the right sign
45  double sign = ((lineDirection.cross(momentum)).dot(decVec) < 0.) ? -1. : 1.;
46  lposition[eLOC_R] *= sign;
47  return true;
48 }
50 inline std::string LineSurface::name() const {
51  return "Acts::LineSurface";
52 }
54 inline const RotationMatrix3D LineSurface::referenceFrame(
55  const GeometryContext& gctx, const Vector3D& /*unused*/,
56  const Vector3D& momentum) const {
57  RotationMatrix3D mFrame;
58  const auto& tMatrix = transform(gctx).matrix();
59  Vector3D measY(tMatrix(0, 2), tMatrix(1, 2), tMatrix(2, 2));
60  Vector3D measX(measY.cross(momentum).normalized());
61  Vector3D measDepth(measX.cross(measY));
62  // assign the columnes
63  mFrame.col(0) = measX;
64  mFrame.col(1) = measY;
65  mFrame.col(2) = measDepth;
66  // return the rotation matrix
67  return mFrame;
68 }
70 inline double LineSurface::pathCorrection(const GeometryContext& /*unused*/,
71  const Vector3D& /*pos*/,
72  const Vector3D& /*mom*/) const {
73  return 1.;
74 }
76 inline const Vector3D LineSurface::binningPosition(
77  const GeometryContext& gctx, BinningValue /*bValue*/) const {
78  return center(gctx);
79 }
82  const Vector2D& /*lpos*/) const {
83  const auto& tMatrix = transform(gctx).matrix();
84  return Vector3D(tMatrix(0, 2), tMatrix(1, 2), tMatrix(2, 2));
85 }
87 inline const SurfaceBounds& LineSurface::bounds() const {
88  if (m_bounds) {
89  return (*m_bounds.get());
90  }
91  return s_noBounds;
92 }
95  const GeometryContext& gctx, const Vector3D& position,
96  const Vector3D& direction, const BoundaryCheck& bcheck) const {
97  // following nominclature found in header file and doxygen documentation
98  // line one is the straight track
99  const Vector3D& ma = position;
100  const Vector3D& ea = direction;
101  // line two is the line surface
102  const auto& tMatrix = transform(gctx).matrix();
103  Vector3D mb = tMatrix.block<3, 1>(0, 3).transpose();
104  Vector3D eb = tMatrix.block<3, 1>(0, 2).transpose();
105  // now go ahead and solve for the closest approach
106  Vector3D mab(mb - ma);
107  double eaTeb =;
108  double denom = 1 - eaTeb * eaTeb;
109  // validity parameter
110  Intersection::Status status = Intersection::Status::unreachable;
111  if (denom * denom > s_onSurfaceTolerance * s_onSurfaceTolerance) {
112  double u = ( - * eaTeb) / denom;
113  // Check if we are on the surface already
114  status = (u * u < s_onSurfaceTolerance * s_onSurfaceTolerance)
115  ? Intersection::Status::onSurface
116  : Intersection::Status::reachable;
117  Vector3D result = (ma + u * ea);
118  // Evaluate the boundary check if requested
119  // m_bounds == nullptr prevents unecessary calulations for PerigeeSurface
120  if (bcheck and m_bounds) {
121  // At closest approach: check inside R or and inside Z
122  const Vector3D vecLocal(result - mb);
123  double cZ =;
124  double hZ =
125  m_bounds->get(LineBounds::eHalfLengthZ) + s_onSurfaceTolerance;
126  if ((cZ * cZ > hZ * hZ) or
127  ((vecLocal - cZ * eb).norm() >
128  m_bounds->get(LineBounds::eR) + s_onSurfaceTolerance)) {
129  status = Intersection::Status::missed;
130  }
131  }
132  return Intersection(result, u, status);
133  }
134  // return a false intersection
135  return Intersection(position, std::numeric_limits<double>::max(), status);
136 }
138 inline void LineSurface::initJacobianToGlobal(const GeometryContext& gctx,
139  BoundToFreeMatrix& jacobian,
140  const Vector3D& position,
141  const Vector3D& direction,
142  const BoundVector& pars) const {
143  // The trigonometry required to convert the direction to spherical
144  // coordinates and then compute the sines and cosines again can be
145  // surprisingly expensive from a performance point of view.
146  //
147  // Here, we can avoid it because the direction is by definition a unit
148  // vector, with the following coordinate conversions...
149  const double x = direction(0); // == cos(phi) * sin(theta)
150  const double y = direction(1); // == sin(phi) * sin(theta)
151  const double z = direction(2); // == cos(theta)
153  // ...which we can invert to directly get the sines and cosines:
154  const double cos_theta = z;
155  const double sin_theta = sqrt(x * x + y * y);
156  const double inv_sin_theta = 1. / sin_theta;
157  const double cos_phi = x * inv_sin_theta;
158  const double sin_phi = y * inv_sin_theta;
159  // retrieve the reference frame
160  const auto rframe = referenceFrame(gctx, position, direction);
161  // the local error components - given by the reference frame
162  jacobian.topLeftCorner<3, 2>() = rframe.topLeftCorner<3, 2>();
163  // the time component
164  jacobian(3, eT) = 1;
165  // the momentum components
166  jacobian(4, ePHI) = (-sin_theta) * sin_phi;
167  jacobian(4, eTHETA) = cos_theta * cos_phi;
168  jacobian(5, ePHI) = sin_theta * cos_phi;
169  jacobian(5, eTHETA) = cos_theta * sin_phi;
170  jacobian(6, eTHETA) = (-sin_theta);
171  jacobian(7, eQOP) = 1;
173  // the projection of direction onto ref frame normal
174  double ipdn = 1. /;
175  // build the cross product of d(D)/d(ePHI) components with y axis
176  auto dDPhiY = rframe.block<3, 1>(0, 1).cross(jacobian.block<3, 1>(4, ePHI));
177  // and the same for the d(D)/d(eTheta) components
178  auto dDThetaY =
179  rframe.block<3, 1>(0, 1).cross(jacobian.block<3, 1>(4, eTHETA));
180  // and correct for the x axis components
181  dDPhiY -= rframe.block<3, 1>(0, 0) * (rframe.block<3, 1>(0, 0).dot(dDPhiY));
182  dDThetaY -=
183  rframe.block<3, 1>(0, 0) * (rframe.block<3, 1>(0, 0).dot(dDThetaY));
184  // set the jacobian components for global d/ phi/Theta
185  jacobian.block<3, 1>(0, ePHI) = dDPhiY * pars[eLOC_0] * ipdn;
186  jacobian.block<3, 1>(0, eTHETA) = dDThetaY * pars[eLOC_0] * ipdn;
187 }
189 inline const BoundRowVector LineSurface::derivativeFactors(
190  const GeometryContext& gctx, const Vector3D& position,
191  const Vector3D& direction, const RotationMatrix3D& rft,
192  const BoundToFreeMatrix& jacobian) const {
193  // the vector between position and center
194  ActsRowVectorD<3> pc = (position - center(gctx)).transpose();
195  // the longitudinal component vector (alogn local z)
196  ActsRowVectorD<3> locz = rft.block<1, 3>(1, 0);
197  // build the norm vector comonent by subtracting the longitudinal one
198  double long_c = locz * direction;
199  ActsRowVectorD<3> norm_vec = direction.transpose() - long_c * locz;
200  // calculate the s factors for the dependency on X
201  const BoundRowVector s_vec =
202  norm_vec * jacobian.topLeftCorner<3, eBoundParametersSize>();
203  // calculate the d factors for the dependency on Tx
204  const BoundRowVector d_vec =
205  locz * jacobian.block<3, eBoundParametersSize>(4, 0);
206  // normalisation of normal & longitudinal components
207  double norm = 1. / (1. - long_c * long_c);
208  // create a matrix representation
211  long_mat.colwise() += locz.transpose();
212  // build the combined normal & longitudinal components
213  return (norm *
214  (s_vec - pc * (long_mat * d_vec.asDiagonal() -
215  jacobian.block<3, eBoundParametersSize>(4, 0))));
216 }