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1 //
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4 // * *
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27 // -------------------------------------------------------------------
28 //
29 // GEANT4 Class source file
30 //
31 // G4HadronicProcess
32 //
33 // original by H.P.Wellisch
34 // J.L. Chuma, TRIUMF, 10-Mar-1997
35 //
36 // Modifications:
37 // 05-Jul-2010 V.Ivanchenko cleanup commented lines
38 // 20-Jul-2011 M.Kelsey -- null-pointer checks in DumpState()
39 // 24-Sep-2011 M.Kelsey -- Use envvar G4HADRONIC_RANDOM_FILE to save random
40 // engine state before each model call
41 // 18-Oct-2011 M.Kelsey -- Handle final-state cases in conservation checks.
42 // 14-Mar-2012 G.Folger -- enhance checks for conservation of energy, etc.
43 // 28-Jul-2012 M.Maire -- add function GetTargetDefinition()
44 // 14-Sep-2012 Inherit from RestDiscrete, use subtype code (now in ctor) to
45 // configure base-class
46 // 28-Sep-2012 Restore inheritance from G4VDiscreteProcess, remove enable-flag
47 // changing, remove warning message from original ctor.
48 // 21-Aug-2019 V.Ivanchenko leave try/catch only for ApplyYourself(..), cleanup
50 #include "G4HadronicProcess.hh"
52 #include "G4Types.hh"
53 #include "G4SystemOfUnits.hh"
54 #include "G4HadProjectile.hh"
55 #include "G4ElementVector.hh"
56 #include "G4Track.hh"
57 #include "G4Step.hh"
58 #include "G4Element.hh"
59 #include "G4ParticleChange.hh"
60 #include "G4ProcessVector.hh"
61 #include "G4ProcessManager.hh"
62 #include "G4NucleiProperties.hh"
64 #include "G4HadronicException.hh"
68 #include "G4NistManager.hh"
69 #include "G4PhysicsModelCatalog.hh"
71 #include "G4Exp.hh"
73 #include <typeinfo>
74 #include <sstream>
75 #include <iostream>
77 // File-scope variable to capture environment variable at startup
79 static const char* G4Hadronic_Random_File = std::getenv("G4HADRONIC_RANDOM_FILE");
84  G4ProcessType procType)
85  : G4VDiscreteProcess(processName, procType)
86 {
87  SetProcessSubType(fHadronInelastic); // Default unless subclass changes
89 }
94  G4HadronicProcessType aHadSubType)
95  : G4VDiscreteProcess(processName, fHadronic)
96 {
97  SetProcessSubType(aHadSubType);
99 }
102 {
104  delete theTotalResult;
106 }
111  theInteraction = nullptr;
114  theProcessStore->Register(this);
116  aScaleFactor = 1.0;
117  fWeight = 1.0;
118  xBiasOn = false;
119  nMatWarn = 0;
120  useIntegralXS = true;
121  theLastCrossSection = 0.0;
122  nICelectrons = 0;
123  idxIC = -1;
126 }
129  levelsSetByProcess = false;
131  epReportLevel = std::getenv("G4Hadronic_epReportLevel") ?
132  std::strtol(std::getenv("G4Hadronic_epReportLevel"),0,10) : 0;
134  epCheckLevels.first = std::getenv("G4Hadronic_epCheckRelativeLevel") ?
135  std::strtod(std::getenv("G4Hadronic_epCheckRelativeLevel"),0) : DBL_MAX;
137  epCheckLevels.second = std::getenv("G4Hadronic_epCheckAbsoluteLevel") ?
138  std::strtod(std::getenv("G4Hadronic_epCheckAbsoluteLevel"),0) : DBL_MAX;
139 }
142 {
143  if(!a) { return; }
144  try{ theEnergyRangeManager.RegisterMe( a ); }
145  catch(G4HadronicException & aE)
146  {
148  aE.Report(ed);
149  ed << "Unrecoverable error in " << GetProcessName()
150  << " to register " << a->GetModelName() << G4endl;
151  G4Exception("G4HadronicProcess::RegisterMe", "had001", FatalException,
152  ed);
153  }
155 }
157 G4double
159  const G4Element * elm,
160  const G4Material* mat)
161 {
162  if(!mat)
163  {
164  ++nMatWarn;
165  static const G4int nmax = 5;
166  if(nMatWarn < nmax) {
168  ed << "Cannot compute Element x-section for " << GetProcessName()
169  << " because no material defined \n"
170  << " Please, specify material pointer or define simple material"
171  << " for Z= " << elm->GetZasInt();
172  G4Exception("G4HadronicProcess::GetElementCrossSection", "had066",
173  JustWarning, ed);
174  }
175  }
176  return
177  std::max(theCrossSectionDataStore->GetCrossSection(part, elm, mat),0.0);
178 }
181 {
182  if(std::getenv("G4HadronicProcess_debug")) {
184  }
186 }
189 {
193 }
197 {
198  //G4cout << "GetMeanFreePath " << aTrack.GetDefinition()->GetParticleName()
199  // << " Ekin= " << aTrack.GetKineticEnergy() << G4endl;
203  //G4cout << " xsection= " << theLastCrossSection << G4endl;
204  return res;
205 }
209 {
210  //G4cout << "PostStepDoIt " << aTrack.GetDefinition()->GetParticleName()
211  // << " Ekin= " << aTrack.GetKineticEnergy() << G4endl;
212  // if primary is not Alive then do nothing
214  theTotalResult->Initialize(aTrack);
215  fWeight = aTrack.GetWeight();
217  if(aTrack.GetTrackStatus() != fAlive) { return theTotalResult; }
219  // Find cross section at end of step and check if <= 0
220  //
221  const G4DynamicParticle* aParticle = aTrack.GetDynamicParticle();
222  const G4Material* aMaterial = aTrack.GetMaterial();
224  // check only for charged particles
225  if(aParticle->GetDefinition()->GetPDGCharge() != 0.0) {
226  G4double xs = aScaleFactor*
227  theCrossSectionDataStore->ComputeCrossSection(aParticle,aMaterial);
228  if(xs <= 0.0 || xs < theLastCrossSection*G4UniformRand()) {
229  // No interaction
230  return theTotalResult;
231  }
232  }
234  const G4Element* anElement =
235  theCrossSectionDataStore->SampleZandA(aParticle,aMaterial,targetNucleus);
237  // Next check for illegal track status
238  //
239  if (aTrack.GetTrackStatus() != fAlive &&
240  aTrack.GetTrackStatus() != fSuspend) {
241  if (aTrack.GetTrackStatus() == fStopAndKill ||
243  aTrack.GetTrackStatus() == fPostponeToNextEvent) {
245  ed << "G4HadronicProcess: track in unusable state - "
246  << aTrack.GetTrackStatus() << G4endl;
247  ed << "G4HadronicProcess: returning unchanged track " << G4endl;
248  DumpState(aTrack,"PostStepDoIt",ed);
249  G4Exception("G4HadronicProcess::PostStepDoIt", "had004", JustWarning, ed);
250  }
251  // No warning for fStopButAlive which is a legal status here
252  return theTotalResult;
253  }
255  // Initialize the hadronic projectile from the track
256  thePro.Initialise(aTrack);
259  aMaterial, anElement);
260  if(!theInteraction) {
262  ed << "Target element "<<anElement->GetName()<<" Z= "
263  << targetNucleus.GetZ_asInt() << " A= "
265  DumpState(aTrack,"ChooseHadronicInteraction",ed);
266  ed << " No HadronicInteraction found out" << G4endl;
267  G4Exception("G4HadronicProcess::PostStepDoIt", "had005", FatalException, ed);
268  return theTotalResult;
269  }
271  G4HadFinalState* result = nullptr;
272  G4int reentryCount = 0;
273  /*
274  G4cout << "### " << aParticle->GetDefinition()->GetParticleName()
275  << " Ekin(MeV)= " << aParticle->GetKineticEnergy()
276  << " Z= " << targetNucleus.GetZ_asInt()
277  << " A= " << targetNucleus.GetA_asInt()
278  << " by " << theInteraction->GetModelName()
279  << G4endl;
280  */
281  do
282  {
283  try
284  {
285  // Save random engine if requested for debugging
288  }
289  // Call the interaction
291  ++reentryCount;
292  }
293  catch(G4HadronicException & aR)
294  {
296  aR.Report(ed);
297  ed << "Call for " << theInteraction->GetModelName() << G4endl;
298  ed << "Target element "<<anElement->GetName()<<" Z= "
300  << " A= " << targetNucleus.GetA_asInt() << G4endl;
301  DumpState(aTrack,"ApplyYourself",ed);
302  ed << " ApplyYourself failed" << G4endl;
303  G4Exception("G4HadronicProcess::PostStepDoIt", "had006", FatalException,
304  ed);
305  }
307  // Check the result for catastrophic energy non-conservation
308  result = CheckResult(thePro, targetNucleus, result);
310  if(reentryCount>100) {
312  ed << "Call for " << theInteraction->GetModelName() << G4endl;
313  ed << "Target element "<<anElement->GetName()<<" Z= "
315  << " A= " << targetNucleus.GetA_asInt() << G4endl;
316  DumpState(aTrack,"ApplyYourself",ed);
317  ed << " ApplyYourself does not completed after 100 attempts" << G4endl;
318  G4Exception("G4HadronicProcess::PostStepDoIt", "had006", FatalException,
319  ed);
320  }
321  }
322  while(!result); /* Loop checking, 30-Oct-2015, G.Folger */
324  // Check whether kaon0 or anti_kaon0 are present between the secondaries:
325  // if this is the case, transform them into either kaon0S or kaon0L,
326  // with equal, 50% probability, keeping their dynamical masses (and
327  // the other kinematical properties).
328  // When this happens - very rarely - a "JustWarning" exception is thrown.
329  G4int nSec = result->GetNumberOfSecondaries();
330  if ( nSec > 0 ) {
331  for ( G4int i = 0; i < nSec; ++i ) {
332  G4DynamicParticle* dynamicParticle = result->GetSecondary(i)->GetParticle();
333  const G4ParticleDefinition* particleDefinition =
334  dynamicParticle->GetParticleDefinition();
335  if ( particleDefinition == G4KaonZero::Definition() ||
336  particleDefinition == G4AntiKaonZero::Definition() ) {
337  G4ParticleDefinition* newPart;
338  if( G4UniformRand() > 0.5 ) { newPart = G4KaonZeroShort::Definition(); }
339  else { newPart = G4KaonZeroLong::Definition(); }
340  dynamicParticle->SetDefinition( newPart );
342  ed << " Hadronic model " << theInteraction->GetModelName() << G4endl;
343  ed << " created " << particleDefinition->GetParticleName() << G4endl;
344  ed << " -> forced to be " << newPart->GetParticleName() << G4endl;
345  G4Exception( "G4HadronicProcess::PostStepDoIt", "had007", JustWarning, ed );
346  }
347  }
348  }
354  FillResult(result, aTrack);
356  if (epReportLevel != 0) {
358  }
359  //G4cout << "PostStepDoIt done nICelectrons= " << nICelectrons << G4endl;
360  return theTotalResult;
361 }
363 void G4HadronicProcess::ProcessDescription(std::ostream& outFile) const
364 {
365  outFile << "The description for this process has not been written yet.\n";
366 }
370 {
372  G4double biasedProbability = 1.-G4Exp(-nLTraversed);
373  G4double realProbability = 1-G4Exp(-nLTraversed/aScaleFactor);
374  G4double result = (biasedProbability-realProbability)/biasedProbability;
375  return result;
376 }
379 {
381  G4double result =
382  1./aScaleFactor*G4Exp(-nLTraversed/aScaleFactor*(1-1./aScaleFactor));
383  return result;
384 }
386 void
388 {
390  const G4ThreeVector& dir = aT.GetMomentumDirection();
392  G4double efinal = std::max(aR->GetEnergyChange(), 0.0);
394  // check status of primary
395  if(aR->GetStatusChange() == stopAndKill) {
399  // check its final energy
400  } else if(0.0 == efinal) {
403  ->GetAtRestProcessVector()->size() > 0)
407  // primary is not killed apply rotation and Lorentz transformation
408  } else {
410  G4ThreeVector newDir = aR->GetMomentumChange();
411  newDir.rotateUz(dir);
413  theTotalResult->ProposeEnergy(efinal);
414  }
415  //G4cout << "FillResult: Efinal= " << efinal << " status= "
416  // << theTotalResult->GetTrackStatus()
417  // << " fKill= " << fStopAndKill << G4endl;
419  // check secondaries
420  nICelectrons = 0;
421  if(idxIC == -1) {
422  G4int idx = G4PhysicsModelCatalog::GetIndex("e-InternalConvertion");
423  idxIC = -1 == idx ? -2 : idx;
424  }
425  G4int nSec = aR->GetNumberOfSecondaries();
427  G4double time0 = aT.GetGlobalTime();
429  for (G4int i = 0; i < nSec; ++i) {
430  G4DynamicParticle* dynParticle = aR->GetSecondary(i)->GetParticle();
432  // apply rotation
433  G4ThreeVector newDir = dynParticle->GetMomentumDirection();
434  newDir.rotateUz(dir);
435  dynParticle->SetMomentumDirection(newDir);
437  // check if secondary is on the mass shell
438  const G4ParticleDefinition* part = dynParticle->GetDefinition();
439  G4double mass = part->GetPDGMass();
440  G4double dmass= dynParticle->GetMass();
441  const G4double delta_mass_lim = 1.0*CLHEP::keV;
442  const G4double delta_ekin = 0.001*CLHEP::eV;
443  if(std::abs(dmass - mass) > delta_mass_lim) {
444  G4double e = std::max(dynParticle->GetKineticEnergy() + dmass - mass, delta_ekin);
447  ed << "TrackID= "<< aT.GetTrackID()
448  << " " << aT.GetParticleDefinition()->GetParticleName()
449  << " Target Z= " << targetNucleus.GetZ_asInt() << " A= "
451  << " Ekin(GeV)= " << aT.GetKineticEnergy()/CLHEP::GeV
452  << "\n Secondary is out of mass shell: " << part->GetParticleName()
453  << " EkinNew(MeV)= " << e
454  << " DeltaMass(MeV)= " << dmass - mass << G4endl;
455  G4Exception("G4HadronicProcess::FillResults", "had012", JustWarning, ed);
456  }
457  dynParticle->SetKineticEnergy(e);
458  dynParticle->SetMass(mass);
459  }
460  G4int idxModel = aR->GetSecondary(i)->GetCreatorModelType();
461  //if(idxIC == idxModel) { ++nICelectrons; }
462  if(part->GetPDGEncoding() == 11) { ++nICelectrons; }
464  // time of interaction starts from zero + global time
465  G4double time = std::max(aR->GetSecondary(i)->GetTime(), 0.0) + time0;
467  G4Track* track = new G4Track(dynParticle, time, aT.GetPosition());
468  track->SetCreatorModelIndex(idxModel);
469  G4double newWeight = fWeight*aR->GetSecondary(i)->GetWeight();
470  track->SetWeight(newWeight);
474  G4double e = dynParticle->GetKineticEnergy();
475  if (e == 0.0) {
477  DumpState(aT,"Secondary has zero energy",ed);
478  ed << "Secondary " << part->GetParticleName()
479  << G4endl;
480  G4Exception("G4HadronicProcess::FillResults", "had011",
481  JustWarning,ed);
482  }
483  }
484  }
485  aR->Clear();
486  // G4cout << "FillResults done nICe= " << nICelectrons << G4endl;
487 }
490 {
491  BiasCrossSectionByFactor(factor);
492 }
495 {
496  if (aScale <= 0.0) {
498  ed << " Wrong biasing factor " << aScale << " for " << GetProcessName();
499  G4Exception("G4HadronicProcess::BiasCrossSectionByFactor", "had010",
500  JustWarning, ed, "Cross-section bias is ignored");
501  } else {
502  xBiasOn = true;
503  aScaleFactor = aScale;
504  }
505 }
508  const G4Nucleus &aNucleus,
509  G4HadFinalState * result)
510 {
511  // check for catastrophic energy non-conservation
512  // to re-sample the interaction
515  G4double nuclearMass(0);
516  if (theModel) {
518  // Compute final-state total energy
519  G4double finalE(0.);
520  G4int nSec = result->GetNumberOfSecondaries();
522  nuclearMass = G4NucleiProperties::GetNuclearMass(aNucleus.GetA_asInt(),
523  aNucleus.GetZ_asInt());
524  if (result->GetStatusChange() != stopAndKill) {
525  // Interaction didn't complete, returned "do nothing" state
526  // and reset nucleus or the primary survived the interaction
527  // (e.g. electro-nuclear ) => keep nucleus
528  finalE=result->GetLocalEnergyDeposit() +
529  aPro.GetDefinition()->GetPDGMass() + result->GetEnergyChange();
530  if( nSec == 0 ){
531  // Since there are no secondaries, there is no recoil nucleus.
532  // To check energy balance we must neglect the initial nucleus too.
533  nuclearMass=0.0;
534  }
535  }
536  for (G4int i = 0; i < nSec; i++) {
537  G4DynamicParticle *pdyn=result->GetSecondary(i)->GetParticle();
538  finalE += pdyn->GetTotalEnergy();
539  G4double mass_pdg=pdyn->GetDefinition()->GetPDGMass();
540  G4double mass_dyn=pdyn->GetMass();
541  if ( std::abs(mass_pdg - mass_dyn) > 0.1*mass_pdg + 1.*MeV ) {
542  // If it is shortlived, then a difference less than 3 times the width is acceptable
543  if ( pdyn->GetDefinition()->IsShortLived() &&
544  std::abs(mass_pdg - mass_dyn) < 3.0*pdyn->GetDefinition()->GetPDGWidth() ) {
545  continue;
546  }
547  result->Clear();
548  result = nullptr;
550  desc << "Warning: Secondary with off-shell dynamic mass detected: "
551  << G4endl
552  << " " << pdyn->GetDefinition()->GetParticleName()
553  << ", PDG mass: " << mass_pdg << ", dynamic mass: "
554  << mass_dyn << G4endl
555  << (epReportLevel<0 ? "abort the event"
556  : "re-sample the interaction") << G4endl
557  << " Process / Model: " << GetProcessName()<< " / "
558  << theModel->GetModelName() << G4endl
559  << " Primary: " << aPro.GetDefinition()->GetParticleName()
560  << " (" << aPro.GetDefinition()->GetPDGEncoding() << "), "
561  << " E= " << aPro.Get4Momentum().e()
562  << ", target nucleus (" << aNucleus.GetZ_asInt() << ", "
563  << aNucleus.GetA_asInt() << ")" << G4endl;
564  G4Exception("G4HadronicProcess:CheckResult()", "had012",
566  // must return here.....
567  return result;
568  }
569  }
570  G4double deltaE= nuclearMass + aPro.GetTotalEnergy() - finalE;
572  std::pair<G4double, G4double> checkLevels =
573  theModel->GetFatalEnergyCheckLevels(); // (relative, absolute)
574  if (std::abs(deltaE) > checkLevels.second &&
575  std::abs(deltaE) > checkLevels.first*aPro.GetKineticEnergy()){
576  // do not delete result, this is a pointer to a data member;
577  result->Clear();
578  result = nullptr;
580  desc << "Warning: Bad energy non-conservation detected, will "
581  << (epReportLevel<0 ? "abort the event"
582  : "re-sample the interaction") << G4endl
583  << " Process / Model: " << GetProcessName()<< " / "
584  << theModel->GetModelName() << G4endl
585  << " Primary: " << aPro.GetDefinition()->GetParticleName()
586  << " (" << aPro.GetDefinition()->GetPDGEncoding() << "), "
587  << " E= " << aPro.Get4Momentum().e()
588  << ", target nucleus (" << aNucleus.GetZ_asInt() << ", "
589  << aNucleus.GetA_asInt() << ")" << G4endl
590  << " E(initial - final) = " << deltaE << " MeV." << G4endl;
591  G4Exception("G4HadronicProcess:CheckResult()", "had012",
593  }
594  }
595  return result;
596 }
598 void
600  const G4Nucleus& aNucleus)
601 {
602  G4int target_A=aNucleus.GetA_asInt();
603  G4int target_Z=aNucleus.GetZ_asInt();
604  G4double targetMass = G4NucleiProperties::GetNuclearMass(target_A,target_Z);
605  G4LorentzVector target4mom(0, 0, 0, targetMass
608  G4LorentzVector projectile4mom = aTrack.GetDynamicParticle()->Get4Momentum();
609  G4int track_A = aTrack.GetDefinition()->GetBaryonNumber();
610  G4int track_Z = G4lrint(aTrack.GetDefinition()->GetPDGCharge());
612  G4int initial_A = target_A + track_A;
613  G4int initial_Z = target_Z + track_Z - nICelectrons;
615  G4LorentzVector initial4mom = projectile4mom + target4mom;
617  // Compute final-state momentum for scattering and "do nothing" results
618  G4LorentzVector final4mom;
619  G4int final_A(0), final_Z(0);
622  if (theTotalResult->GetTrackStatus() != fStopAndKill) { // If it is Alive
623  // Either interaction didn't complete, returned "do nothing" state
624  // or the primary survived the interaction (e.g. electro-nucleus )
626  // Interaction didn't complete, returned "do nothing" state
627  // - or suppressed recoil (e.g. Neutron elastic )
628  final4mom = initial4mom;
629  final_A = initial_A;
630  final_Z = initial_Z;
631  if (nSec > 0 && aTrack.GetDynamicParticle()) {
632  // The primary remains in final state (e.g. electro-nucleus )
633  G4Track temp(aTrack);
635  // Use the final energy / momentum
638  final4mom = temp.GetDynamicParticle()->Get4Momentum();
639  final_A = track_A;
640  final_Z = track_Z;
641  // Expect that the target nucleus will have interacted,
642  // and its products, including recoil, will be included in secondaries.
643  }
644  }
645  if( nSec > 0 ) {
646  G4Track* sec;
648  for (G4int i = 0; i < nSec; i++) {
649  sec = theTotalResult->GetSecondary(i);
650  final4mom += sec->GetDynamicParticle()->Get4Momentum();
651  final_A += sec->GetDefinition()->GetBaryonNumber();
652  final_Z += G4lrint(sec->GetDefinition()->GetPDGCharge());
653  }
654  }
656  // Get level-checking information (used to cut-off relative checks)
657  G4String processName = GetProcessName();
659  G4String modelName("none");
660  if (theModel) modelName = theModel->GetModelName();
661  std::pair<G4double, G4double> checkLevels = epCheckLevels;
662  if (!levelsSetByProcess) {
663  if (theModel) checkLevels = theModel->GetEnergyMomentumCheckLevels();
664  checkLevels.first= std::min(checkLevels.first, epCheckLevels.first);
665  checkLevels.second=std::min(checkLevels.second, epCheckLevels.second);
666  }
668  // Compute absolute total-energy difference, and relative kinetic-energy
669  G4bool checkRelative = (aTrack.GetKineticEnergy() > checkLevels.second);
671  G4LorentzVector diff = initial4mom - final4mom;
672  G4double absolute = diff.e();
673  G4double relative = checkRelative ? absolute/aTrack.GetKineticEnergy() : 0.;
675  G4double absolute_mom = diff.vect().mag();
676  G4double relative_mom = checkRelative ? absolute_mom/aTrack.GetMomentum().mag() : 0.;
678  // Evaluate relative and absolute conservation
679  G4bool relPass = true;
680  G4String relResult = "pass";
681  if ( std::abs(relative) > checkLevels.first
682  || std::abs(relative_mom) > checkLevels.first) {
683  relPass = false;
684  relResult = checkRelative ? "fail" : "N/A";
685  }
687  G4bool absPass = true;
688  G4String absResult = "pass";
689  if ( std::abs(absolute) > checkLevels.second
690  || std::abs(absolute_mom) > checkLevels.second ) {
691  absPass = false ;
692  absResult = "fail";
693  }
695  G4bool chargePass = true;
696  G4String chargeResult = "pass";
697  if ( (initial_A-final_A)!=0
698  || (initial_Z-final_Z)!=0 ) {
699  chargePass = checkLevels.second < DBL_MAX ? false : true;
700  chargeResult = "fail";
701  }
703  G4bool conservationPass = (relPass || absPass) && chargePass;
705  std::stringstream Myout;
706  G4bool Myout_notempty(false);
707  // Options for level of reporting detail:
708  // 0. off
709  // 1. report only when E/p not conserved
710  // 2. report regardless of E/p conservation
711  // 3. report only when E/p not conserved, with model names, process names, and limits
712  // 4. report regardless of E/p conservation, with model names, process names, and limits
713  // negative -1.., as above, but send output to stderr
715  if( std::abs(epReportLevel) == 4
716  || ( std::abs(epReportLevel) == 3 && ! conservationPass ) ){
717  Myout << " Process: " << processName << " , Model: " << modelName << G4endl;
718  Myout << " Primary: " << aTrack.GetParticleDefinition()->GetParticleName()
719  << " (" << aTrack.GetParticleDefinition()->GetPDGEncoding() << "),"
720  << " E= " << aTrack.GetDynamicParticle()->Get4Momentum().e()
721  << ", target nucleus (" << aNucleus.GetZ_asInt() << ","
722  << aNucleus.GetA_asInt() << ")" << G4endl;
723  Myout_notempty=true;
724  }
725  if ( std::abs(epReportLevel) == 4
726  || std::abs(epReportLevel) == 2
727  || ! conservationPass ){
729  Myout << " "<< relResult <<" relative, limit " << checkLevels.first << ", values E/T(0) = "
730  << relative << " p/p(0)= " << relative_mom << G4endl;
731  Myout << " "<< absResult << " absolute, limit (MeV) " << checkLevels.second/MeV << ", values E / p (MeV) = "
732  << absolute/MeV << " / " << absolute_mom/MeV << " 3mom: " << (diff.vect())*1./MeV << G4endl;
733  Myout << " "<< chargeResult << " charge/baryon number balance " << (initial_Z-final_Z) << " / " << (initial_A-final_A) << " "<< G4endl;
734  Myout_notempty=true;
736  }
737  Myout.flush();
738  if ( Myout_notempty ) {
739  if (epReportLevel > 0) G4cout << Myout.str()<< G4endl;
740  else if (epReportLevel < 0) G4cerr << Myout.str()<< G4endl;
741  }
742 }
745  const G4String& method,
747 {
748  ed << "Unrecoverable error in the method " << method << " of "
749  << GetProcessName() << G4endl;
750  ed << "TrackID= "<< aTrack.GetTrackID() << " ParentID= "
751  << aTrack.GetParentID()
752  << " " << aTrack.GetParticleDefinition()->GetParticleName()
753  << G4endl;
754  ed << "Ekin(GeV)= " << aTrack.GetKineticEnergy()/CLHEP::GeV
755  << "; direction= " << aTrack.GetMomentumDirection() << G4endl;
756  ed << "Position(mm)= " << aTrack.GetPosition()/CLHEP::mm << ";";
758  if (aTrack.GetMaterial()) {
759  ed << " material " << aTrack.GetMaterial()->GetName();
760  }
761  ed << G4endl;
763  if (aTrack.GetVolume()) {
764  ed << "PhysicalVolume <" << aTrack.GetVolume()->GetName()
765  << ">" << G4endl;
766  }
767 }
770 {
772 }
775 {
777 }
779 std::vector<G4HadronicInteraction*>&
781 {
783 }
787 {
788  std::vector<G4HadronicInteraction*>& list
790  for (size_t li=0; li<list.size(); li++) {
791  if (list[li]->GetModelName() == modelName) return list[li];
792  }
793  return nullptr;
794 }