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1 //
2 // ********************************************************************
3 // * License and Disclaimer *
4 // * *
5 // * The Geant4 software is copyright of the Copyright Holders of *
6 // * the Geant4 Collaboration. It is provided under the terms and *
7 // * conditions of the Geant4 Software License, included in the file *
8 // * LICENSE and available at . These *
9 // * include a list of copyright holders. *
10 // * *
11 // * Neither the authors of this software system, nor their employing *
12 // * institutes,nor the agencies providing financial support for this *
13 // * work make any representation or warranty, express or implied, *
14 // * regarding this software system or assume any liability for its *
15 // * use. Please see the license in the file LICENSE and URL above *
16 // * for the full disclaimer and the limitation of liability. *
17 // * *
18 // * This code implementation is the result of the scientific and *
19 // * technical work of the GEANT4 collaboration. *
20 // * By using, copying, modifying or distributing the software (or *
21 // * any work based on the software) you agree to acknowledge its *
22 // * use in resulting scientific publications, and indicate your *
23 // * acceptance of all terms of the Geant4 Software license. *
24 // ********************************************************************
25 //
26 #include "G4MPIscorerMerger.hh"
27 #include <map>
28 #include <ostream>
29 #include <algorithm>
30 #include <assert.h>
31 #include <functional>
32 #include "G4MPIutils.hh"
34 #define DMSG( LVL , MSG ) { if ( verbose > LVL ) { G4cout << MSG << G4endl; } }
36 namespace {
37  //This class extends G4StatDouble to get access
38  //to all data-members of the base class.
39  //It provides two functions: pack and unpack
40  //into a buffer for sending/receiving via MPI
41  struct MPIStatDouble : public G4StatDouble {
42  G4int verbose;
43  inline void Pack(void* buffer,int bufferSize,int* position , MPI::Intracomm& comm ) const
44  {
45  DMSG(4,"Packing G4StatDouble(n,scale,sum_w,sum_w2,sum_wx,sum_wx2): "
46  <<m_n<<" "<<m_scale<<" "<<m_sum_w<<" "<<m_sum_w2
47  <<" "<<m_sum_wx<<" "<<m_sum_wx2);
48  MPI_Pack(&m_n,1,MPI::INT,buffer,bufferSize,position,comm);
49  const G4double data[]{m_scale,m_sum_w,m_sum_w2,m_sum_wx,m_sum_wx2};
50  MPI_Pack(&data,5,MPI::DOUBLE,buffer,bufferSize,position,comm);
51  }
52  inline void UnPack(void* buffer,int bufferSize,int* position , MPI::Intracomm& comm ) {
53  MPI_Unpack(buffer,bufferSize,position,&m_n,1,MPI::INT,comm);
54  G4double data[5];
55  MPI_Unpack(buffer,bufferSize,position,data,5,MPI::DOUBLE,comm);
56  m_scale = data[0];
57  m_sum_w = data[1];
58  m_sum_w2= data[2];
59  m_sum_wx= data[3];
60  m_sum_wx2=data[4];
61  DMSG(4,"UnPacking G4StatDouble(n,scale,sum_w,sum_w2,sum_wx,sum_wx2): "
62  <<m_n<<" "<<m_scale<<" "<<m_sum_w<<" "<<m_sum_w2
63  <<" "<<m_sum_wx<<" "<<m_sum_wx2);
64  }
65  MPIStatDouble(G4int ver = 0) : verbose(ver) {}
66  MPIStatDouble(const G4StatDouble& rhs , G4int ver) : verbose(ver)
67  {
69  }
70  };
71 }
74  outputBuffer(nullptr),outputBufferSize(0),outputBufferPosition(0),bytesSent(0),
75  ownsBuffer(false),scoringManager(nullptr),commSize(0),
76  destinationRank(G4MPImanager::kRANK_MASTER),verbose(0)
77 {}
80  G4int destination,
81  G4int verbosity) :
82  outputBuffer(nullptr),outputBufferSize(0),outputBufferPosition(0),bytesSent(0),
83  ownsBuffer(false),
84  scoringManager(mgr), commSize(0), destinationRank(destination),
85  verbose(verbosity)
86 {
87 }
90  if ( ownsBuffer ) delete[] outputBuffer;
91 }
93 /* Format of the message.
94  *
95  * Input:
96  * A vector of G4VScoringMesh, each of that is a
97  * std::map<name:G4String,G4THitsMap<G4double>*> where
98  * G4THitsMap<T> = std::map<int,T*>
99  *
100  * Output:
101  * A buffer:
102  * [0] : numMesh : int (**Begin Message**)
103  * [1] : meshID : int (** Begin Mesh**)
104  * [2] : numMaps : int
105  * [3] : sizeName : int (** Begin Map **)
106  * [4] : name[0] : char
107  * ...
108  * [...] : name[sizeName-1] : chare
109  * [...] : mapSize : int
110  * [...] : THitsMap.keys()[0] : int
111  * ...
112  * [...] : THitsMap.keys()[mapSize-1] : int
113  * [...] : THitsMap.values()[0] : double
114  * ...
115  * [...] : THitsMap.values()[mapSize-1] : double (**End Map**)
116  * [...] : Next Map : repeat from (**Begin Map**)
117  * ...
118  * [...] : Next Mesh : repeat from (**Begin Mesh**)
119  *
120  *
121  */
124  DMSG(0, "G4MPIscorerMerger::Merge called");
125  const unsigned int myrank = G4MPImanager::GetManager()->GetRank();
127  if ( commSize == 1 ) {
128  DMSG(1,"Comm world size is 1, nothing to do");
129  return;
130  }
131  const MPI::Intracomm* parentComm = G4MPImanager::GetManager()->GetComm();
132  comm = parentComm->Dup();
133  DestroyBuffer();
135  //ANDREA:->
136 // G4cout<<"Before sending: "<<G4endl;
137 // scoringManager->GetMesh(0)->Dump();
138 // for ( int i = 0 ; i < scoringManager->GetNumberOfMesh() ; ++i ) {
139 // for ( auto e : scoringManager->GetMesh(i)->GetScoreMap() )
140 // {
141 // G4cout<<e.first<<" : "<<e.second<<G4endl;
142 // for ( auto c: *(e.second->GetMap()) ) {
143 // G4cout<<c.first<<"="<<*c.second<<G4endl;
144 //
145 // }
146 // }
147 // }
148  //ANDREA:<-
150  bytesSent=0;
151  const G4double sttime = MPI::Wtime();
153  //Use G4MPIutils to optimize communications between ranks
154  typedef std::function<void(unsigned int)> handler_t;
155  using std::placeholders::_1;
156  handler_t sender = std::bind(&G4MPIscorerMerger::Send , this , _1);
157  handler_t receiver = std::bind(&G4MPIscorerMerger::Receive, this, _1);
158  std::function<void(void)> barrier = std::bind(&MPI::Intracomm::Barrier,&comm);
159  G4mpi::Merge( sender , receiver , barrier , commSize , myrank );
161  //OLD Style p2p communications
162  /*
163  if ( myrank != destinationRank ) {
164  DMSG(1,"Comm world size: "<<commSize<<" this rank is: "
165  <<myrank<<" sending to rank "<<destinationRank
166  <<" Number of mesh: "<< scoringManager->GetNumberOfMesh() );
167  Send(destinationRank);
168  } else {
169  DMSG(1,"Comm world size: "<<commSize<<" this rank is: "
170  <<myrank<<" receiving "
171  <<" Number of mesh: "<< scoringManager->GetNumberOfMesh() );
172  for ( unsigned int i = 0 ; i < commSize ; ++i ) {
173  if ( i != myrank ) Receive(i);
174  }
175  }
176 */
177  const G4double elapsed = MPI::Wtime() - sttime;
178  long total=0;
179  comm.Reduce(&bytesSent,&total,1,MPI::LONG,MPI::SUM,destinationRank);
180  if ( verbose > 0 && myrank == destinationRank ) {
181  //Collect from ranks how much data was sent around
182  G4cout<<"G4MPIscorerMerger::Merge() -data transfer performances: "
183  <<double(total)/1000./elapsed<<" kB/s"
184  <<" (Total Data Transfer= "<<double(total)/1000.<<" kB in "
185  <<elapsed<<" s)."<<G4endl;
186  }
187  //ANDREA:->
188 // G4cout<<"After Receiving: "<<G4endl;
189 // scoringManager->GetMesh(0)->Dump();
190 // for ( int i = 0 ; i < scoringManager->GetNumberOfMesh() ; ++i ) {
191 // for ( auto e : scoringManager->GetMesh(i)->GetScoreMap() )
192 // {
193 // G4cout<<e.first<<" : "<<e.second<<G4endl;
194 // for ( auto c: *(e.second->GetMap()) ) {
195 // G4cout<<c.first<<"="<<*c.second<<" (=2x"<<.5*(*c.second)<<")"<<G4endl;
196 //
197 // }
198 // }
199 // }
200  //ANDREA:<-
201  comm.Free();
202  DMSG(0,"G4MPIscorerMerger::Merge done.");
203 }
205 void G4MPIscorerMerger::Receive(const unsigned int source) {
206  DMSG(1,"Receiving scorers");
207  // DestroyBuffer();
208  DMSG(2,"Receiving from: "<<source);
209  MPI::Status status;
210  comm.Probe(source, G4MPImanager::kTAG_CMDSCR, status);
211  const G4int newbuffsize = status.Get_count(MPI::PACKED);
212  DMSG(2,"Preparing to receive buffer of size: "<<newbuffsize);
213  char* buffer = outputBuffer;
214  if ( newbuffsize > outputBufferSize ) {
215  DMSG(3,"New larger buffer expected, resize");
216  //New larger buffer incoming, recreate buffer
217  //TODO: use realloc?
218  delete[] outputBuffer;
219  buffer = new char[newbuffsize];
220  //Avoid complains from valgrind (i'm not really sure why this is needed, but, beside the
221  //small cpu penalty, we can live with that).)
222  std::fill( buffer , buffer + newbuffsize , 0 );
223  ownsBuffer = true;
224  }
225  SetupOutputBuffer(buffer,newbuffsize,0);
226  comm.Recv(buffer, newbuffsize, MPI::PACKED, source,
227  G4MPImanager::kTAG_CMDSCR, status);
228  DMSG(3,"Buffer Size: "<<outputBufferSize<< " bytes at: "<<(void*)outputBuffer);
230  DMSG(1,"Receiving of comamnd line scorers done");
231 }
233 void G4MPIscorerMerger::Send(const unsigned int destination) {
234  DMSG(1,"Sending scorers "<<this);
235  //Step 1: Setup buffer to pack/unpack data
236  const G4int newbuffsize = CalculatePackSize(scoringManager);
237  //DestroyBuffer();
238  char* buffer = outputBuffer;
239  if ( newbuffsize > outputBufferSize ) {
240  delete[] outputBuffer;
241  buffer = new char[newbuffsize];
242  //Avoid complains from valgrind (i'm not really sure why this is needed, but, beside the
243  //small cpu penalty, we can live with that).)
244  std::fill( buffer , buffer+newbuffsize,0);
245  ownsBuffer = true;
246  }
247  SetupOutputBuffer(buffer,newbuffsize,0);
248  DMSG(3,"Buffer Size: "<<newbuffsize<< " bytes at: "<<(void*)outputBuffer);
252  //Version 1: p2p communication
253  comm.Send(outputBuffer, outputBufferSize, MPI::PACKED, destination, G4MPImanager::kTAG_CMDSCR);
254  bytesSent += newbuffsize;
255  //Receiver should use probe to get size of the package being sent
256  DMSG(1,"Sending done");
257 }
260  assert(sm!=nullptr);
261  if ( outputBuffer == nullptr || outputBufferPosition>=outputBufferSize) {
262  G4Exception("G4MPIscorerMerger::Pack(const G4ScoringManager*)",
263  "MPI001",FatalException,
264  "Call SetOututBuffer before trying to pack");
265  return;
266  }
267  DMSG(2,"Starting packing of meshes, # meshes: "<<sm->GetNumberOfMesh());
268  /*const*/ size_t numMeshes=sm->GetNumberOfMesh();//TODO: OLD MPI interface
269  MPI_Pack(&numMeshes,1,MPI::UNSIGNED,
272  comm);
273  for (size_t i = 0; i <numMeshes; ++i)
274  {
275  MPI_Pack(&i,1,MPI::UNSIGNED,
278  Pack(sm->GetMesh(i));
279  }
280 }
283  assert(sm!=nullptr);
284  if ( outputBuffer == nullptr || outputBufferPosition>=outputBufferSize) {
285  G4Exception("G4MPIscorerMerger::UnPack(const G4ScroingManager*)",
286  "MPI001",FatalException,
287  "Call SetOututBuffer before trying to un-pack");
288  return;
289  }
290  size_t numMeshes=0;
292  &numMeshes,1,MPI::UNSIGNED,comm);
293  if ( numMeshes != sm->GetNumberOfMesh() ) {
295  msg << "Number of meshes to unpack ("<<numMeshes;
296  msg <<") does not correspond to expected number ("<<sm->GetNumberOfMesh();
297  msg<<")";
298  G4Exception("G4MPIscorerMerger::UnPack(const G4ScroingManager*)",
299  "MPI001",FatalException,msg);
300  return;
301  }
303  size_t meshid=0;
304  for ( size_t i = 0 ; i < numMeshes ; ++i ) {
306  &meshid,1,MPI::UNSIGNED,comm);
307  if ( meshid != i ) {
309  msg<<"Cannot unpack: expecting mesh "<<i<<" and found "<<meshid;
310  msg<<" during unpack.";
311  G4Exception("G4MPIscorerMerger::UnPack(const G4ScroingManager*)",
312  "MPI001",FatalException,msg);
313  return;
314  }
315  G4VScoringMesh* original = sm->GetMesh(i);
316  UnPackAndMerge(original);
317  }
318 }
321  assert(mesh!=nullptr);
322  assert(outputBuffer!=nullptr);
324  DMSG(3,"Packing mesh: "<<mesh);
326  auto map = mesh->GetScoreMap();
327  /*const*/ size_t nummaps = map.size();//TODO: old MPI interface
328  MPI_Pack(&nummaps,1,MPI::UNSIGNED,
331  for ( const auto& ele: map ) {
332  const G4String& name = ele.first;
333  /*const*/ size_t ss = name.size();
334  MPI_Pack(&ss,1,MPI::UNSIGNED,
338  char* nn = new char[name.length()];
339  std::copy(name.begin(),name.end(),nn);
340 #else
341  const char* nn = name.c_str();
342 #endif
344  Pack(ele.second);
346  delete[] nn;
347 #endif
348  }
349 }
352  assert(outputBuffer!=nullptr);
354  assert(inmesh!=nullptr);
355  DMSG(3,"Preparing to unpack a mesh and merge into: "<<inmesh);
356  const G4String& detName = inmesh->GetWorldName();
357  size_t nummaps = 0;
359  &nummaps,1,MPI::UNSIGNED,comm);
360  for ( size_t i = 0 ; i < nummaps ; ++i ) {
361  size_t nameSize = 0;
363  &nameSize,1,MPI::UNSIGNED,comm);
364  //Create a null-terminated c-string: needed later when converting this to a G4String
365  //(Not sure: but issue reported by valgrind with the use of MPI_Unpack)
366  char* name = new char[nameSize+1];
367  std::fill(name,name+nameSize+1,0);
369  name,nameSize,MPI::CHAR,comm);
370  const G4String colname(name,nameSize);
371  delete[] name;
372  //This memory churn is very inefficient, but we cannot reuse the HitMap
373  //because we cannot change the names
374  //TODO: Evaluate change in HitMap class to allow for change of names
375  //HitMap* hm = UnPackHitMap(detName,colname);
376  HitStatDoubleMap* hm = UnPackHitStatDoubleMap(detName,colname);
377  inmesh->Accumulate(hm);
378  delete hm;
379  }
380 }
383 //void G4MPIscorerMerger::Pack(const HitMap* sm) {
384 // assert(sm!=nullptr);
385 // assert(outputBuffer!=nullptr);
386 // assert(outputBufferPosition<=outputBufferSize);
387 // DMSG(3,"Packing hitmap: "<<sm<<" with: "<<sm->GetSize()<<" elements.");
388 // /*const*/ size_t numEl = sm->GetSize();//TODO: old MPI implementation
389 // MPI_Pack(&numEl,1,MPI::UNSIGNED,
390 // outputBuffer,outputBufferSize,
391 // &outputBufferPosition,comm);
392 // const auto& theMap = *sm->GetMap();
393 // std::vector<G4int> ids;
394 // std::vector<G4double> vals;
395 // std::transform(theMap.begin(),theMap.end(),std::back_inserter(ids),
396 // [](decltype(*theMap.begin())& e){ return e.first;});
397 // std::transform(theMap.begin(),theMap.end(),std::back_inserter(vals),
398 // [](decltype(*theMap.begin())& e){ return *e.second;});
399 // assert(ids.size()==vals.size()&&ids.size()==numEl);
400 // MPI_Pack(,ids.size(),MPI::INT,
401 // outputBuffer,outputBufferSize,
402 // &outputBufferPosition,comm);
403 // MPI_Pack(,vals.size(),MPI::DOUBLE,
404 // outputBuffer,outputBufferSize,
405 // &outputBufferPosition,comm);
406 //}
409  assert(sm!=nullptr);
410  assert(outputBuffer!=nullptr);
412  DMSG(3,"Packing hitmap: "<<sm<<" with: "<<sm->GetSize()<<" elements.");
413  /*const*/ size_t numEl = sm->GetSize();//TODO: old MPI implementation
414  MPI_Pack(&numEl,1,MPI::UNSIGNED,
417  const auto& theMap = *sm->GetMap();
418  std::vector<G4int> ids;
419  std::transform(theMap.begin(),theMap.end(),std::back_inserter(ids),
420  [](decltype(*theMap.begin())& e){ return e.first;});
421  assert(/*ids.size()==vals.size()&&*/ids.size()==numEl);
422  MPI_Pack(,ids.size(),MPI::INT,outputBuffer,outputBufferSize,
424  for( const auto& e : theMap) {
425  const MPIStatDouble sd(*e.second,verbose);
426  sd.Pack(outputBuffer,outputBufferSize,&outputBufferPosition,comm);
427  }
428 }
430 //HitMap* G4MPIscorerMerger::UnPackHitMap(const G4String& detName,
431 // const G4String& colName) {
432 // assert(outputBuffer!=nullptr);
433 // assert(outputBufferPosition<=outputBufferSize);
434 // DMSG(3,"Preparing to unpack a hit map for: "<<detName<<","<<colName);
435 // size_t numEl =0 ;
436 // MPI_Unpack(outputBuffer,outputBufferSize,&outputBufferPosition,
437 // &numEl,1,MPI::UNSIGNED,comm);
438 // G4int* ids = new G4int[numEl];
439 // MPI_Unpack(outputBuffer,outputBufferSize,&outputBufferPosition,
440 // ids,numEl,MPI::INT,comm);
441 // G4double* vals = new G4double[numEl];
442 // MPI_Unpack(outputBuffer,outputBufferSize,&outputBufferPosition,
443 // vals,numEl,MPI::DOUBLE,comm);
444 // HitMap* result = new HitMap(detName,colName);
445 // for ( unsigned int i = 0; i<numEl;++i) result->set(ids[i],vals[i]);
446 // delete[] ids;
447 // delete[] vals;
448 // return result;
449 //}
452  const G4String& detName, const G4String& colName)
453 {
454  assert(outputBuffer!=nullptr);
456  DMSG(3,"Preparing to unpack a hit map for: "<<detName<<","<<colName);
457  size_t numEl =0 ;
459  &numEl,1,MPI::UNSIGNED,comm);
460  DMSG(3,"Will receive "<<numEl<<" values");
461  G4int* ids = new G4int[numEl];
463  ids,numEl,MPI::INT,comm);
464  HitStatDoubleMap* result = new HitStatDoubleMap(detName,colName);
465  for ( unsigned int i = 0; i<numEl;++i) {
466  MPIStatDouble sd(verbose);
468  result->set(ids[i],sd);
469  }
470  delete[] ids;
471  return result;
472 }
476 {
477  DMSG(3,"Calculating dimension of data to send");
478  if ( sm == nullptr ) return 0;
479  //Calcualte how much data each call to Pack* appends to the buffer
480  //e.g. sizeof(data)
481  //The number of sizeof here should match the number of calls to MPI_Pack
483  //Pack(ScoringMgr)
484  G4int size = sizeof(unsigned int);
485  DMSG(3,"There are "<<sm->GetNumberOfMesh()<<" meshes.");
486  //Loop on mesh
487  for ( size_t i = 0 ; i<sm->GetNumberOfMesh() ; ++i ) {
488  size += sizeof(unsigned int);//ID
489  size += CalculatePackSize(sm->GetMesh(i));
490  }
491  return size;
492 }
495 {
496  DMSG(3,"Calculating size for mesh: "<<mesh);
497  //PackSingleMesh(Mesh)
498  G4int size = sizeof(unsigned int);//num maps
499  auto map = mesh->GetScoreMap();
500  for (const auto& ele : map ) {
501  //PackHitsMap
502  size += sizeof(unsigned int);//name size
503  const G4String& name = ele.first;
504  size += sizeof(char)*name.size();//name
505  size += CalculatePackSize(ele.second);
506  }
507  DMSG(3,"mesh "<<mesh<<" size: "<<size);
508  return size;
509 }
511 //G4int G4MPIscorerMerger::CalculatePackSize(const HitMap* map) const {
512 // const G4int numEls = map->GetSize();
513 // G4int size = sizeof(unsigned int);
514 // size += sizeof(G4int)*numEls;
515 // size += sizeof(G4double)*numEls;
516 // DMSG(3,"HitMap "<<map<<" size: "<<size<<" in "<<numEls<<" elements.");
517 // return size;
518 //}
521  const G4int numEls = map->GetSize();
522  G4int size = sizeof(unsigned int);
523  size += sizeof(G4int)*numEls;
524  //G4StatDouble: 5 doubles and 1 int
525  //Can I use sizeof(G4StatDouble)? NO sizeof(G4StatDouble)==56
526  size += numEls*(sizeof(G4double)*5+sizeof(G4int));
527  DMSG(3,"HitStatDoubleMap "<<map<<" size: "<<size<<" in "<<numEls<<" elements.");
528  return size;
529 }