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1 // -*- C++ -*-
2 // ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
3 //
4 // This file is a part of the CLHEP - a Class Library for High Energy Physics.
5 //
6 // Hep geometrical 3D Transformation library
7 //
8 // Author: Evgeni Chernyaev <>
9 //
10 // History:
11 // 24.09.96 E.Chernyaev - initial version
13 #include <iostream>
14 #include <cmath> // double std::abs()
17 namespace HepGeom {
21  // T R A N S F O R M A T I O N -------------------------------------------
23  double Transform3D::operator () (int i, int j) const {
24  if (i == 0) {
25  if (j == 0) { return xx_; }
26  if (j == 1) { return xy_; }
27  if (j == 2) { return xz_; }
28  if (j == 3) { return dx_; }
29  } else if (i == 1) {
30  if (j == 0) { return yx_; }
31  if (j == 1) { return yy_; }
32  if (j == 2) { return yz_; }
33  if (j == 3) { return dy_; }
34  } else if (i == 2) {
35  if (j == 0) { return zx_; }
36  if (j == 1) { return zy_; }
37  if (j == 2) { return zz_; }
38  if (j == 3) { return dz_; }
39  } else if (i == 3) {
40  if (j == 0) { return 0.0; }
41  if (j == 1) { return 0.0; }
42  if (j == 2) { return 0.0; }
43  if (j == 3) { return 1.0; }
44  }
45  std::cerr << "Transform3D subscripting: bad indices "
46  << "(" << i << "," << j << ")" << std::endl;
47  return 0.0;
48  }
50  //--------------------------------------------------------------------------
52  return Transform3D
53  (xx_*b.xx_+xy_*b.yx_+xz_*b.zx_, xx_*b.xy_+xy_*b.yy_+xz_*b.zy_,
54  xx_*b.xz_+xy_*b.yz_+xz_*b.zz_, xx_*b.dx_+xy_*b.dy_+xz_*b.dz_+dx_,
55  yx_*b.xx_+yy_*b.yx_+yz_*b.zx_, yx_*b.xy_+yy_*b.yy_+yz_*b.zy_,
56  yx_*b.xz_+yy_*b.yz_+yz_*b.zz_, yx_*b.dx_+yy_*b.dy_+yz_*b.dz_+dy_,
57  zx_*b.xx_+zy_*b.yx_+zz_*b.zx_, zx_*b.xy_+zy_*b.yy_+zz_*b.zy_,
58  zx_*b.xz_+zy_*b.yz_+zz_*b.zz_, zx_*b.dx_+zy_*b.dy_+zz_*b.dz_+dz_);
59  }
61  // -------------------------------------------------------------------------
63  const Point3D<double> & fr1,
64  const Point3D<double> & fr2,
65  const Point3D<double> & to0,
66  const Point3D<double> & to1,
67  const Point3D<double> & to2)
68  /***********************************************************************
69  * *
70  * Name: Transform3D::Transform3D Date: 24.09.96 *
71  * Author: E.Chernyaev (IHEP/Protvino) Revised: *
72  * *
73  * Function: Create 3D Transformation from one coordinate system *
74  * defined by its origin "fr0" and two axes "fr0->fr1", *
75  * "fr0->fr2" to another coordinate system "to0", "to0->to1" *
76  * and "to0->to2" *
77  * *
78  ***********************************************************************/
79  {
81  x1 = (fr1 - fr0).unit();
82  y1 = (fr2 - fr0).unit();
83  x2 = (to1 - to0).unit();
84  y2 = (to2 - to0).unit();
86  // C H E C K A N G L E S
88  double cos1, cos2;
89  cos1 = x1*y1;
90  cos2 = x2*y2;
92  if (std::abs(1.0-cos1) <= 0.000001 || std::abs(1.0-cos2) <= 0.000001) {
93  std::cerr << "Transform3D: zero angle between axes" << std::endl;
94  setIdentity();
95  }else{
96  if (std::abs(cos1-cos2) > 0.000001) {
97  std::cerr << "Transform3D: angles between axes are not equal"
98  << std::endl;
99  }
101  // F I N D R O T A T I O N M A T R I X
103  z1 = (x1.cross(y1)).unit();
104  y1 = z1.cross(x1);
106  z2 = (x2.cross(y2)).unit();
107  y2 = z2.cross(x2);
109  double detxx = (y1.y()*z1.z() - z1.y()*y1.z());
110  double detxy = -(y1.x()*z1.z() - z1.x()*y1.z());
111  double detxz = (y1.x()*z1.y() - z1.x()*y1.y());
112  double detyx = -(x1.y()*z1.z() - z1.y()*x1.z());
113  double detyy = (x1.x()*z1.z() - z1.x()*x1.z());
114  double detyz = -(x1.x()*z1.y() - z1.x()*x1.y());
115  double detzx = (x1.y()*y1.z() - y1.y()*x1.z());
116  double detzy = -(x1.x()*y1.z() - y1.x()*x1.z());
117  double detzz = (x1.x()*y1.y() - y1.x()*x1.y());
119  double txx = x2.x()*detxx + y2.x()*detyx + z2.x()*detzx;
120  double txy = x2.x()*detxy + y2.x()*detyy + z2.x()*detzy;
121  double txz = x2.x()*detxz + y2.x()*detyz + z2.x()*detzz;
122  double tyx = x2.y()*detxx + y2.y()*detyx + z2.y()*detzx;
123  double tyy = x2.y()*detxy + y2.y()*detyy + z2.y()*detzy;
124  double tyz = x2.y()*detxz + y2.y()*detyz + z2.y()*detzz;
125  double tzx = x2.z()*detxx + y2.z()*detyx + z2.z()*detzx;
126  double tzy = x2.z()*detxy + y2.z()*detyy + z2.z()*detzy;
127  double tzz = x2.z()*detxz + y2.z()*detyz + z2.z()*detzz;
129  // S E T T R A N S F O R M A T I O N
131  double dx1 = fr0.x(), dy1 = fr0.y(), dz1 = fr0.z();
132  double dx2 = to0.x(), dy2 = to0.y(), dz2 = to0.z();
134  setTransform(txx, txy, txz, dx2-txx*dx1-txy*dy1-txz*dz1,
135  tyx, tyy, tyz, dy2-tyx*dx1-tyy*dy1-tyz*dz1,
136  tzx, tzy, tzz, dz2-tzx*dx1-tzy*dy1-tzz*dz1);
137  }
138  }
140  // -------------------------------------------------------------------------
142  /***********************************************************************
143  * *
144  * Name: Transform3D::inverse Date: 24.09.96 *
145  * Author: E.Chernyaev (IHEP/Protvino) Revised: *
146  * *
147  * Function: Find inverse affine transformation *
148  * *
149  ***********************************************************************/
150  {
151  double detxx = yy_*zz_-yz_*zy_;
152  double detxy = yx_*zz_-yz_*zx_;
153  double detxz = yx_*zy_-yy_*zx_;
154  double det = xx_*detxx - xy_*detxy + xz_*detxz;
155  if (det == 0) {
156  std::cerr << "Transform3D::inverse error: zero determinant" << std::endl;
157  return Transform3D();
158  }
159  det = 1./det; detxx *= det; detxy *= det; detxz *= det;
160  double detyx = (xy_*zz_ - xz_*zy_)*det;
161  double detyy = (xx_*zz_ - xz_*zx_)*det;
162  double detyz = (xx_*zy_ - xy_*zx_)*det;
163  double detzx = (xy_*yz_ - xz_*yy_)*det;
164  double detzy = (xx_*yz_ - xz_*yx_)*det;
165  double detzz = (xx_*yy_ - xy_*yx_)*det;
166  return Transform3D
167  (detxx, -detyx, detzx, -detxx*dx_+detyx*dy_-detzx*dz_,
168  -detxy, detyy, -detzy, detxy*dx_-detyy*dy_+detzy*dz_,
169  detxz, -detyz, detzz, -detxz*dx_+detyz*dy_-detzz*dz_);
170  }
172  // -------------------------------------------------------------------------
174  Rotate3D & rotation,
175  Translate3D & translation) const
176  /***********************************************************************
177  * CLHEP-1.7 *
178  * Name: Transform3D::getDecomposition Date: 09.06.01 *
179  * Author: E.Chernyaev (IHEP/Protvino) Revised: *
180  * *
181  * Function: Gets decomposition of general transformation on *
182  * three consequentive specific transformations: *
183  * Scale, then Rotation, then Translation. *
184  * If there was a reflection, then ScaleZ will be negative. *
185  * *
186  ***********************************************************************/
187  {
188  double sx = std::sqrt(xx_*xx_ + yx_*yx_ + zx_*zx_);
189  double sy = std::sqrt(xy_*xy_ + yy_*yy_ + zy_*zy_);
190  double sz = std::sqrt(xz_*xz_ + yz_*yz_ + zz_*zz_);
192  if (xx_*(yy_*zz_-yz_*zy_) -
193  xy_*(yx_*zz_-yz_*zx_) +
194  xz_*(yx_*zy_-yy_*zx_) < 0) sz = -sz;
195  scale.setTransform(sx,0,0,0, 0,sy,0,0, 0,0,sz,0);
196  rotation.setTransform(xx_/sx,xy_/sy,xz_/sz,0,
197  yx_/sx,yy_/sy,yz_/sz,0,
198  zx_/sx,zy_/sy,zz_/sz,0);
199  translation.setTransform(1,0,0,dx_, 0,1,0,dy_, 0,0,1,dz_);
200  }
202  // -------------------------------------------------------------------------
203  bool Transform3D::isNear(const Transform3D & t, double tolerance) const
204  {
205  return ( (std::abs(xx_ - t.xx_) <= tolerance) &&
206  (std::abs(xy_ - t.xy_) <= tolerance) &&
207  (std::abs(xz_ - t.xz_) <= tolerance) &&
208  (std::abs(dx_ - t.dx_) <= tolerance) &&
209  (std::abs(yx_ - t.yx_) <= tolerance) &&
210  (std::abs(yy_ - t.yy_) <= tolerance) &&
211  (std::abs(yz_ - t.yz_) <= tolerance) &&
212  (std::abs(dy_ - t.dy_) <= tolerance) &&
213  (std::abs(zx_ - t.zx_) <= tolerance) &&
214  (std::abs(zy_ - t.zy_) <= tolerance) &&
215  (std::abs(zz_ - t.zz_) <= tolerance) &&
216  (std::abs(dz_ - t.dz_) <= tolerance) );
217  }
219  // -------------------------------------------------------------------------
221  {
222  return (this == &t) ? true :
223  (xx_==t.xx_ && xy_==t.xy_ && xz_==t.xz_ && dx_==t.dx_ &&
224  yx_==t.yx_ && yy_==t.yy_ && yz_==t.yz_ && dy_==t.dy_ &&
225  zx_==t.zx_ && zy_==t.zy_ && zz_==t.zz_ && dz_==t.dz_ );
226  }
228  // 3 D R O T A T I O N -------------------------------------------------
231  const Point3D<double> & p1,
232  const Point3D<double> & p2) : Transform3D()
233  /***********************************************************************
234  * *
235  * Name: Rotate3D::Rotate3D Date: 24.09.96 *
236  * Author: E.Chernyaev (IHEP/Protvino) Revised: *
237  * *
238  * Function: Create 3D Rotation through angle "a" (counterclockwise) *
239  * around the axis p1->p2 *
240  * *
241  ***********************************************************************/
242  {
243  if (a == 0) return;
245  double cx = p2.x()-p1.x(), cy = p2.y()-p1.y(), cz = p2.z()-p1.z();
246  double ll = std::sqrt(cx*cx + cy*cy + cz*cz);
247  if (ll == 0) {
248  std::cerr << "Rotate3D: zero axis" << std::endl;
249  }else{
250  double cosa = std::cos(a), sina = std::sin(a);
251  cx /= ll; cy /= ll; cz /= ll;
253  double txx = cosa + (1-cosa)*cx*cx;
254  double txy = (1-cosa)*cx*cy - sina*cz;
255  double txz = (1-cosa)*cx*cz + sina*cy;
257  double tyx = (1-cosa)*cy*cx + sina*cz;
258  double tyy = cosa + (1-cosa)*cy*cy;
259  double tyz = (1-cosa)*cy*cz - sina*cx;
261  double tzx = (1-cosa)*cz*cx - sina*cy;
262  double tzy = (1-cosa)*cz*cy + sina*cx;
263  double tzz = cosa + (1-cosa)*cz*cz;
265  double tdx = p1.x(), tdy = p1.y(), tdz = p1.z();
267  setTransform(txx, txy, txz, tdx-txx*tdx-txy*tdy-txz*tdz,
268  tyx, tyy, tyz, tdy-tyx*tdx-tyy*tdy-tyz*tdz,
269  tzx, tzy, tzz, tdz-tzx*tdx-tzy*tdy-tzz*tdz);
270  }
271  }
273  // 3 D R E F L E C T I O N ---------------------------------------------
275  Reflect3D::Reflect3D(double a, double b, double c, double d)
276  /***********************************************************************
277  * *
278  * Name: Reflect3D::Reflect3D Date: 24.09.96 *
279  * Author: E.Chernyaev (IHEP/Protvino) Revised: *
280  * *
281  * Function: Create 3D Reflection in a plane a*x + b*y + c*z + d = 0 *
282  * *
283  ***********************************************************************/
284  {
285  double ll = a*a+b*b+c*c;
286  if (ll == 0) {
287  std::cerr << "Reflect3D: zero normal" << std::endl;
288  setIdentity();
289  }else{
290  ll = 1/ll;
291  double aa = a*a*ll, ab = a*b*ll, ac = a*c*ll, ad = a*d*ll,
292  bb = b*b*ll, bc = b*c*ll, bd = b*d*ll,
293  cc = c*c*ll, cd = c*d*ll;
294  setTransform(-aa+bb+cc, -ab-ab, -ac-ac, -ad-ad,
295  -ab-ab, aa-bb+cc, -bc-bc, -bd-bd,
296  -ac-ac, -bc-bc, aa+bb-cc, -cd-cd);
297  }
298  }
299 } /* namespace HepGeom */