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1 // ********************************************************************
2 // * License and Disclaimer *
3 // * *
4 // * The Geant4 software is copyright of the Copyright Holders of *
5 // * the Geant4 Collaboration. It is provided under the terms and *
6 // * conditions of the Geant4 Software License, included in the file *
7 // * LICENSE and available at . These *
8 // * include a list of copyright holders. *
9 // * *
10 // * Neither the authors of this software system, nor their employing *
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17 // * This code implementation is the result of the scientific and *
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26 //
28 #include "G4GenericMessenger.hh"
29 #include "G4Types.hh"
30 #include "G4UImessenger.hh"
31 #include "G4UIcommand.hh"
34 #include "G4UIdirectory.hh"
35 #include "G4Threading.hh"
37 #include <iostream>
39 class G4InvalidUICommand: public std::bad_cast {
40 public:
42  virtual const char* what() const throw() {
43  return "G4InvalidUICommand: command does not exists or is of invalid type";
44  }
45 };
48 G4GenericMessenger::G4GenericMessenger(void* obj, const G4String& dir, const G4String& doc): directory(dir), object(obj) {
49  // Check if parent commnand is already existing.
50  // In fact there is no way to check this. UImanager->GetTree()->FindPath() will always rerurn NULL is a dicrectory is given
51  size_t pos = dir.find_last_of('/', dir.size()-2);
52  while(pos != 0 && pos != std::string::npos) {
53  G4UIdirectory* d = new G4UIdirectory(dir.substr(0,pos+1).c_str());
54  G4String guidance = "Commands for ";
55  guidance += dir.substr(1,pos-1);
56  d->SetGuidance(guidance);
57  pos = dir.find_last_of('/', pos-1);
58  }
59  dircmd = new G4UIdirectory(dir);
60  dircmd->SetGuidance(doc);
61 }
64  delete dircmd;
65  for (std::map<G4String, Property>::iterator i = properties.begin(); i != properties.end(); i++) delete i->second.command;
66  for (std::map<G4String, Method>::iterator i = methods.begin(); i != methods.end(); i++) delete i->second.command;
67 }
72  G4String fullpath = directory+name;
73  G4UIcommand* cmd = new G4UIcommand(fullpath.c_str(), this);
74  if(doc != "") cmd->SetGuidance(doc);
75  char ptype;
76  if(var.TypeInfo() == typeid(int) || var.TypeInfo() == typeid(long) ||
77  var.TypeInfo() == typeid(unsigned int) || var.TypeInfo() == typeid(unsigned long)) ptype = 'i';
78  else if(var.TypeInfo() == typeid(float) || var.TypeInfo() == typeid(double)) ptype = 'd';
79  else if(var.TypeInfo() == typeid(bool)) ptype = 'b';
80  else if(var.TypeInfo() == typeid(G4String)) ptype = 's';
81  else ptype = 's';
82  cmd->SetParameter(new G4UIparameter("value", ptype, false));
83  return properties[name] = Property(var, cmd);
84 }
88 (const G4String& name, const G4String& defaultUnit, const G4AnyType& var, const G4String& doc) {
89  if(var.TypeInfo()!=typeid(float) && var.TypeInfo()!=typeid(double) && var.TypeInfo()!= typeid(G4ThreeVector))
90  { return DeclareProperty(name,var,doc); }
91  G4String fullpath = directory+name;
92  G4UIcommand* cmd;
93  if(var.TypeInfo()==typeid(float) || var.TypeInfo()==typeid(double))
94  {
95  cmd = new G4UIcmdWithADoubleAndUnit(fullpath.c_str(), this);
96  (static_cast<G4UIcmdWithADoubleAndUnit*>(cmd))->SetParameterName("value",false,false);
97  (static_cast<G4UIcmdWithADoubleAndUnit*>(cmd))->SetDefaultUnit(defaultUnit);
98  }
99  else
100  {
101  cmd = new G4UIcmdWith3VectorAndUnit(fullpath.c_str(), this);
102  (static_cast<G4UIcmdWith3VectorAndUnit*>(cmd))->SetParameterName("valueX","valueY","valueZ",false,false);
103  (static_cast<G4UIcmdWith3VectorAndUnit*>(cmd))->SetDefaultUnit(defaultUnit);
104  }
106  if(doc != "") cmd->SetGuidance(doc);
107  return properties[name] = Property(var, cmd);
108 }
112 G4GenericMessenger::DeclareMethod(const G4String& name, const G4AnyMethod& fun, const G4String& doc) {
113  G4String fullpath = directory+name;
114  G4UIcommand* cmd = new G4UIcommand(fullpath.c_str(), this);
115  if(doc != "") cmd->SetGuidance(doc);
116  for (size_t i = 0; i < fun.NArg(); i++) {
117  cmd->SetParameter(new G4UIparameter("arg", 's', false));
118  }
119  return methods[name] = Method(fun, object, cmd);
120 }
123  (const G4String& name, const G4String& defaultUnit, const G4AnyMethod& fun, const G4String& doc) {
124  G4String fullpath = directory+name;
125  if(fun.NArg()!=1) {
127  ed<<"G4GenericMessenger::DeclareMethodWithUnit() does not support a method that has more than\n"
128  <<"one arguments (or no argument). Please use G4GenericMessenger::DeclareMethod method for\n"
129  <<"your command <"<<fullpath<<">.";
130  G4Exception("G4GenericMessenger::DeclareMethodWithUnit()","Intercom70002",FatalException,ed);
131  }
132  G4UIcommand* cmd = new G4UIcmdWithADoubleAndUnit(fullpath.c_str(), this);
133  (static_cast<G4UIcmdWithADoubleAndUnit*>(cmd))->SetParameterName("value",false,false);
134  (static_cast<G4UIcmdWithADoubleAndUnit*>(cmd))->SetDefaultUnit(defaultUnit);
135  if(doc != "") cmd->SetGuidance(doc);
136  return methods[name] = Method(fun, object, cmd);
137 }
141  if ( properties.find(command->GetCommandName()) != properties.end()) {
142  Property& p = properties[command->GetCommandName()];
143  return p.variable.ToString();
144  }
145  else if ( methods.find(command->GetCommandName()) != methods.end()) {
146  G4cout<<" GetCurrentValue() is not available for a command defined by G4GenericMessenger::DeclareMethod()."<<G4endl;
147  return G4String();
148  }
149  else {
150  throw G4InvalidUICommand();
151  }
152 }
155  // Check if there are units on this commands
156  if (typeid(*command) == typeid(G4UIcmdWithADoubleAndUnit)) {
158  }
159  else if (typeid(*command) == typeid(G4UIcmdWith3VectorAndUnit)) {
161  }
163  if ( properties.find(command->GetCommandName()) != properties.end()) {
164  Property& p = properties[command->GetCommandName()];
165  p.variable.FromString(newValue);
166  }
167  else if (methods.find(command->GetCommandName()) != methods.end()) {
168  Method& m = methods[command->GetCommandName()];
169  if(m.method.NArg() == 0)
170  m.method.operator()(m.object);
171  else if (m.method.NArg() > 0) {
172  m.method.operator()(m.object,newValue);
173  }
174  else {
175  throw G4InvalidUICommand();
176  }
177  }
178 }
182  dircmd->SetGuidance(s);
183 }
186  // Change the type of command (unfortunatelly this is done a posteriory)
187  // We need to delete the old command before creating the new one and therefore we need to recover the information
188  // before the deletetion
190  G4String cmdpath = command->GetCommandPath();
192  ed<<"G4GenericMessenger::Command::SetUnit() is thread-unsafe and should not be used\n"
193  <<"in multi-threaded mode. For your command <"<<cmdpath<<">, use\n"
194  <<" DeclarePropertyWithUnit(const G4String& name, const G4String& defaultUnit,\n"
195  <<" const G4AnyType& variable, const G4String& doc)\n"
196  <<"or\n"
197  <<" DeclareMethodWithUnit(const G4String& name, const G4String& defaultUnit,\n"
198  <<" const G4AnyType& variable, const G4String& doc)\n"
199  <<"to define a command with a unit <"<<unit<<">.";
200  if(spec!=UnitDefault) { ed<<"\nPlease use a default unit instead of unit category."; }
201  G4Exception("G4GenericMessenger::Command::SetUnit()","Intercom70001",FatalException,ed);
202  return *this;
203  }
205  G4String cmdpath = command->GetCommandPath();
206  G4UImessenger* messenger = command->GetMessenger();
207  G4String range = command->GetRange();
208  std::vector<G4String> guidance;
209  G4String par_name = command->GetParameter(0)->GetParameterName();
210  G4bool par_omitable = command->GetParameter(0)->IsOmittable();
211  for (size_t i = 0; i < command->GetGuidanceEntries(); ++i) guidance.push_back(command->GetGuidanceLine(i));
212  // Before deleting the command we need to add a fake one to avoid deleting the directory entry and with its guidance
213  G4UIcommand tmp((cmdpath+"_tmp").c_str(), messenger);
214  delete command;
216  if (*type == typeid(float) || *type == typeid(double) ) {
217  G4UIcmdWithADoubleAndUnit* cmd_t = new G4UIcmdWithADoubleAndUnit(cmdpath, messenger);
218  if(spec == UnitDefault) cmd_t->SetDefaultUnit(unit);
219  else if(spec == UnitCategory) cmd_t->SetUnitCategory(unit);
220  cmd_t->SetParameterName(par_name, par_omitable);
221  command = cmd_t;
222  }
223  else if (*type == typeid(G4ThreeVector)) {
224  G4UIcmdWith3VectorAndUnit* cmd_t = new G4UIcmdWith3VectorAndUnit(cmdpath, messenger);
225  if(spec == UnitDefault) cmd_t->SetDefaultUnit(unit);
226  else if(spec == UnitCategory) cmd_t->SetUnitCategory(unit);
227  command = cmd_t;
228  }
229  else {
230  G4cerr << "Only parameters of type <double> or <float> can be associated with units" << G4endl;
231  return *this;
232  }
233  for (size_t i = 0; i < guidance.size(); i++) command->SetGuidance(guidance[i]);
234  command->SetRange(range);
235  return *this;
236 }
239  G4UIparameter* theParam = command->GetParameter(0);
240  theParam->SetParameterName(name);
241  theParam->SetOmittable(omittable);
242  theParam->SetCurrentAsDefault(currentAsDefault);
243  return *this;
244 }
247  G4UIparameter * theParam = command->GetParameter(0);
248  theParam->SetParameterCandidates(candList);
249  return *this;
250 }
253  G4UIparameter * theParam = command->GetParameter(0);
254  theParam->SetDefaultValue(defVal);
255  return *this;
256 }