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Go to the documentation of this file. Or view the newest version in sPHENIX GitHub for file TrapezoidVolumeBounds.cpp
1 // This file is part of the Acts project.
2 //
3 // Copyright (C) 2016-2018 CERN for the benefit of the Acts project
4 //
5 // This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public
6 // License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this
7 // file, You can obtain one at
10 // TrapezoidVolumeBounds.cpp, Acts project
21 #include <cmath>
22 #include <iomanip>
23 #include <iostream>
26  double maxhalex,
27  double haley, double halez)
28  : VolumeBounds() {
29  m_values[eHalfLengthXnegY] = minhalex;
30  m_values[eHalfLengthXposY] = maxhalex;
31  m_values[eHalfLengthY] = haley;
32  m_values[eHalfLengthZ] = halez;
33  m_values[eAlpha] =
36  0.5 * M_PI;
40 }
43  double haley, double halez,
44  double alpha, double beta)
45  : VolumeBounds() {
46  m_values[eHalfLengthXnegY] = minhalex;
47  m_values[eHalfLengthY] = haley;
48  m_values[eHalfLengthZ] = halez;
50  m_values[eBeta] = beta;
51  // now calculate the remaining max half X
52  double gamma = (alpha > beta) ? (alpha - 0.5 * M_PI) : (beta - 0.5 * M_PI);
53  m_values[eHalfLengthXposY] = minhalex + (2. * haley) * tan(gamma);
57 }
59 std::vector<std::shared_ptr<const Acts::Surface>>
61  const Transform3D* transformPtr) const {
62  std::vector<std::shared_ptr<const Surface>> rSurfaces;
65  (transformPtr == nullptr) ? Transform3D::Identity() : (*transformPtr);
66  const Transform3D* tTransform = nullptr;
67  // face surfaces xy
68  RotationMatrix3D trapezoidRotation(transform.rotation());
69  Vector3D trapezoidX(trapezoidRotation.col(0));
70  Vector3D trapezoidY(trapezoidRotation.col(1));
71  Vector3D trapezoidZ(trapezoidRotation.col(2));
72  Vector3D trapezoidCenter(transform.translation());
74  // (1) - at negative local z
75  tTransform =
76  new Transform3D(transform * AngleAxis3D(M_PI, Vector3D(0., 1., 0.)) *
77  Translation3D(Vector3D(0., 0., get(eHalfLengthZ))));
79  rSurfaces.push_back(Surface::makeShared<PlaneSurface>(
80  std::shared_ptr<const Transform3D>(tTransform), m_faceXYTrapezoidBounds));
81  // (2) - at positive local z
82  tTransform = new Transform3D(
83  transform * Translation3D(Vector3D(0., 0., get(eHalfLengthZ))));
84  rSurfaces.push_back(Surface::makeShared<PlaneSurface>(
85  std::shared_ptr<const Transform3D>(tTransform), m_faceXYTrapezoidBounds));
87  // face surfaces yz
88  // transmute cyclical
89  // (3) - at point A, attached to alpha opening angle
90  Vector3D A(get(eHalfLengthXnegY), get(eHalfLengthY), trapezoidCenter.z());
91  RotationMatrix3D alphaZRotation =
92  (s_idRotation *
93  AngleAxis3D(get(eAlpha) - 0.5 * M_PI, Vector3D(0., 0., 1.)))
94  .toRotationMatrix();
95  RotationMatrix3D faceAlphaRotation;
96  faceAlphaRotation.col(0) = alphaZRotation.col(1);
97  faceAlphaRotation.col(1) = -alphaZRotation.col(2);
98  faceAlphaRotation.col(2) = -alphaZRotation.col(0);
100  // Vector3D
101  // faceAlphaPosition(A+faceAlphaRotation.colX()*m_faceAlphaRectangleBounds->halflengthX());
102  Vector3D faceAlphaPosition0(
103  -0.5 * (get(eHalfLengthXnegY) + get(eHalfLengthXposY)), 0., 0.);
104  Vector3D faceAlphaPosition = transform * faceAlphaPosition0;
105  tTransform = new Transform3D(Translation3D(faceAlphaPosition) *
106  (trapezoidRotation * faceAlphaRotation));
107  rSurfaces.push_back(Surface::makeShared<PlaneSurface>(
108  std::shared_ptr<const Transform3D>(tTransform),
109  m_faceAlphaRectangleBounds));
111  // (4) - at point B, attached to beta opening angle
112  Vector3D B(get(eHalfLengthXnegY), -get(eHalfLengthY), trapezoidCenter.z());
113  RotationMatrix3D betaZRotation =
114  (s_idRotation *
115  AngleAxis3D(-(get(eBeta) - 0.5 * M_PI), Vector3D(0., 0., 1.)))
116  .toRotationMatrix();
117  RotationMatrix3D faceBetaRotation;
118  faceBetaRotation.col(0) = betaZRotation.col(1);
119  faceBetaRotation.col(1) = betaZRotation.col(2);
120  faceBetaRotation.col(2) = betaZRotation.col(0);
121  // Vector3D
122  // faceBetaPosition(B+faceBetaRotation.colX()*m_faceBetaRectangleBounds->halflengthX());
123  Vector3D faceBetaPosition0(
124  0.5 * (get(eHalfLengthXnegY) + get(eHalfLengthXposY)), 0., 0.);
125  Vector3D faceBetaPosition = transform * faceBetaPosition0;
126  tTransform = new Transform3D(Translation3D(faceBetaPosition) *
127  (trapezoidRotation * faceBetaRotation));
128  rSurfaces.push_back(Surface::makeShared<PlaneSurface>(
129  std::shared_ptr<const Transform3D>(tTransform),
130  m_faceBetaRectangleBounds));
132  // face surfaces zx
133  // (5) - at negative local y
134  tTransform =
135  new Transform3D(transform * AngleAxis3D(M_PI, Vector3D(1., 0., 0.)) *
136  Translation3D(Vector3D(0., get(eHalfLengthY), 0.)) *
137  AngleAxis3D(-0.5 * M_PI, Vector3D(0., 1., 0.)) *
138  AngleAxis3D(-0.5 * M_PI, Vector3D(1., 0., 0.)));
139  rSurfaces.push_back(Surface::makeShared<PlaneSurface>(
140  std::shared_ptr<const Transform3D>(tTransform),
141  std::shared_ptr<const PlanarBounds>(m_faceZXRectangleBoundsBottom)));
142  // (6) - at positive local y
143  tTransform = new Transform3D(
144  transform * Translation3D(Vector3D(0., get(eHalfLengthY), 0.)) *
145  AngleAxis3D(-0.5 * M_PI, Vector3D(0., 1., 0.)) *
146  AngleAxis3D(-0.5 * M_PI, Vector3D(1., 0., 0.)));
147  rSurfaces.push_back(Surface::makeShared<PlaneSurface>(
148  std::shared_ptr<const Transform3D>(tTransform),
149  std::shared_ptr<const PlanarBounds>(m_faceZXRectangleBoundsTop)));
151  return rSurfaces;
152 }
155  m_faceXYTrapezoidBounds = std::make_shared<const TrapezoidBounds>(
156  get(eHalfLengthXnegY), get(eHalfLengthXposY), get(eHalfLengthY));
158  m_faceAlphaRectangleBounds = std::make_shared<const RectangleBounds>(
159  get(eHalfLengthY) / cos(get(eAlpha) - 0.5 * M_PI), get(eHalfLengthZ));
161  m_faceBetaRectangleBounds = std::make_shared<const RectangleBounds>(
162  get(eHalfLengthY) / cos(get(eBeta) - 0.5 * M_PI), get(eHalfLengthZ));
164  m_faceZXRectangleBoundsBottom = std::make_shared<const RectangleBounds>(
165  get(eHalfLengthZ), get(eHalfLengthXnegY));
167  m_faceZXRectangleBoundsTop = std::make_shared<const RectangleBounds>(
168  get(eHalfLengthZ), get(eHalfLengthXposY));
169 }
172  double tol) const {
173  if (std::abs(pos.z()) > get(eHalfLengthZ) + tol) {
174  return false;
175  }
176  if (std::abs(pos.y()) > get(eHalfLengthY) + tol) {
177  return false;
178  }
179  Vector2D locp(pos.x(), pos.y());
180  bool inside(m_faceXYTrapezoidBounds->inside(
181  locp, BoundaryCheck(true, true, tol, tol)));
182  return inside;
183 }
185 std::ostream& Acts::TrapezoidVolumeBounds::toStream(std::ostream& sl) const {
186  return dumpT<std::ostream>(sl);
187 }
190  const Acts::Transform3D* trf, const Vector3D& envelope,
191  const Volume* entity) const {
192  double minx = get(eHalfLengthXnegY);
193  double maxx = get(eHalfLengthXposY);
194  double haley = get(eHalfLengthY);
195  double halez = get(eHalfLengthZ);
197  std::array<Vector3D, 8> vertices = {{{-minx, -haley, -halez},
198  {+minx, -haley, -halez},
199  {-maxx, +haley, -halez},
200  {+maxx, +haley, -halez},
201  {-minx, -haley, +halez},
202  {+minx, -haley, +halez},
203  {-maxx, +haley, +halez},
204  {+maxx, +haley, +halez}}};
206  Transform3D transform = Transform3D::Identity();
207  if (trf != nullptr) {
208  transform = *trf;
209  }
211  Vector3D vmin = transform * vertices[0];
212  Vector3D vmax = transform * vertices[0];
214  for (size_t i = 1; i < 8; i++) {
215  const Vector3D vtx = transform * vertices[i];
216  vmin = vmin.cwiseMin(vtx);
217  vmax = vmax.cwiseMax(vtx);
218  }
220  return {entity, vmin - envelope, vmax + envelope};
221 }