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Go to the documentation of this file. Or view the newest version in sPHENIX GitHub for file G4VisAttributes.hh
1 //
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4 // * *
5 // * The Geant4 software is copyright of the Copyright Holders of *
6 // * the Geant4 Collaboration. It is provided under the terms and *
7 // * conditions of the Geant4 Software License, included in the file *
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9 // * include a list of copyright holders. *
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11 // * Neither the authors of this software system, nor their employing *
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18 // * This code implementation is the result of the scientific and *
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28 //
29 // John Allison 23rd October 1996
31 // Class Description:
32 // Visualization attributes are a set of information associated with the
33 // visualizable objects. This information is necessary only for
34 // visualization, and is not included in geometrical information such
35 // as shapes, position, and orientation.
36 // A typical example of a visualization attribute is "colour".
37 // For example, in visualizing a box, the Visualization Manager must know
38 // its colour. If an object to be visualized has not been assigned a set of
39 // visualization attributes, then a proper default set is used
40 // automatically. A set of visualization attributes is held by an
41 // instance of class G4VisAttributes defined in the graphics_reps
42 // category. The followings are commonly-used attributes:
43 // - visibility
44 // - visibility of daughters
45 // - force style
46 // - force auxiliary edge visibility
47 // - force line segments per circle
48 // - colour
49 // Class Description - End:
52 #ifndef __G4VISATTRIBUTES_HH__
53 #define __G4VISATTRIBUTES_HH__
55 #include "globals.hh"
56 #include <vector>
57 #include <map>
59 #include "graphics_reps_defs.hh"
61 #include "G4Colour.hh"
62 #include "G4Color.hh"
64 class G4AttValue;
65 class G4AttDef;
71  friend std::ostream& operator << (std::ostream& os, const G4VisAttributes& a);
73 public: // With description
78  G4VisAttributes ();
80  G4VisAttributes (const G4Colour& colour);
81  G4VisAttributes (G4bool visibility, const G4Colour& colour);
86 #ifndef WIN32
87  // Deprecated 14 July 2016 JA
88  // Use GetInvisible() instead. E.g.:
89  // logical_volume->SetVisAttributes(G4VisAttributes::GetInvisible());
90  // or use one of the above constructors or SetVisibility and
91  // logical_volume->SetVisAttributes(my_vis_attributes);
92  static const G4VisAttributes Invisible;
93 #endif
95  static const G4VisAttributes& GetInvisible();
97  G4bool operator != (const G4VisAttributes& a) const;
98  G4bool operator == (const G4VisAttributes& a) const;
100  void SetVisibility (G4bool = true);
101  void SetDaughtersInvisible (G4bool = true);
102  void SetColour (const G4Colour&);
103  void SetColor (const G4Color&);
104  void SetColour (G4double red, G4double green, G4double blue,
105  G4double alpha = 1.);
106  void SetColor (G4double red, G4double green, G4double blue,
107  G4double alpha = 1.);
108  void SetLineStyle (LineStyle);
109  void SetLineWidth (G4double);
110  void SetForceWireframe (G4bool = true);
111  void SetForceSolid (G4bool = true);
112  void SetForceCloud (G4bool = true);
113  void SetForceNumberOfCloudPoints (G4int nPoints);
114  void SetForceAuxEdgeVisible (G4bool = true);
115  void SetForceLineSegmentsPerCircle (G4int nSegments);
116  // Allows choice of circle approximation. A circle of 360 degrees
117  // will be composed of nSegments line segments. If your solid has
118  // curves of D degrees that you need to divide into N segments,
119  // specify nSegments = N * 360 / D.
120  void SetStartTime (G4double);
121  void SetEndTime (G4double);
122  void SetAttValues (const std::vector<G4AttValue>*);
123  void SetAttDefs (const std::map<G4String,G4AttDef>*);
125  G4bool IsVisible () const;
126  G4bool IsDaughtersInvisible () const;
127  const G4Colour& GetColour () const;
128  const G4Color& GetColor () const;
129  LineStyle GetLineStyle () const;
130  G4double GetLineWidth () const;
131  G4bool IsForceDrawingStyle () const;
134  G4bool IsForceAuxEdgeVisible () const;
138  G4double GetStartTime () const;
139  G4double GetEndTime () const;
141  // Returns an expendable copy of the G4AttValues...
142  const std::vector<G4AttValue>* CreateAttValues () const;
143  // Returns the orginal long life G4AttDefs...
144  const std::map<G4String,G4AttDef>* GetAttDefs () const;
146  static constexpr G4int fMinLineSegmentsPerCircle = 3;
147  // Minumum number of sides per circle
149  static constexpr G4double fVeryLongTime = 1.e100 * CLHEP::ns;
150  // About 1.e75 billion years!! Used as default for start and end time.
152 private:
154  G4bool fVisible; // Visibility flag
155  G4bool fDaughtersInvisible; // Make daughters invsibile.
158  G4double fLineWidth; // Units of "normal" device linewidth, e.g.,
159  // pixels for screen, 0.1 mm for paper.
160  G4bool fForceDrawingStyle; // To switch on forced drawing style.
161  ForcedDrawingStyle fForcedStyle; // Value of forced drawing style.
162  G4int fForcedNumberOfCloudPoints; // Number of points used for cloud style.
163  // <=0 means take viewer default
164  G4bool fForceAuxEdgeVisible; // To switch on a forced auxiliary edge mode.
165  G4bool fForcedAuxEdgeVisible; // Whether aux edges are visible or not.
166  G4int fForcedLineSegmentsPerCircle; // Forced lines segments per
167  // circle. <=0 means not forced.
168  G4double fStartTime, fEndTime; // Time range.
169  const std::vector<G4AttValue>* fAttValues; // For picking, etc.
170  const std::map<G4String,G4AttDef>* fAttDefs; // Corresponding definitions.
171 };
173 #include "G4VisAttributes.icc"
175 #endif