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1 #include "Fun4AllServer.h"
3 #include "Fun4AllHistoBinDefs.h"
4 #include "Fun4AllHistoManager.h" // for Fun4AllHistoManager
5 #include "Fun4AllMemoryTracker.h"
6 #include "Fun4AllOutputManager.h"
7 #include "Fun4AllReturnCodes.h"
8 #include "Fun4AllSyncManager.h"
9 #include "SubsysReco.h"
11 #include <phool/PHCompositeNode.h>
12 #include <phool/PHNode.h> // for PHNode
13 #include <phool/PHNodeIterator.h>
14 #include <phool/PHNodeReset.h>
15 #include <phool/PHObject.h>
17 #include <phool/PHTimeStamp.h>
18 #include <phool/PHTimer.h> // for PHTimer
19 #include <phool/getClass.h>
20 #include <phool/phool.h>
21 #include <phool/recoConsts.h>
23 #include <Rtypes.h> // for kMAXSIGNALS
24 #include <TDirectory.h>
25 #include <TH1.h>
26 #include <TROOT.h>
27 #include <TSysEvtHandler.h> // for ESignals
28 #include <TSystem.h>
30 #include <algorithm>
31 #include <cmath>
32 #include <cstdlib>
33 #include <exception>
34 #include <iostream>
35 #include <memory> // for allocator_traits<>::value_type
36 #include <sstream>
38 using namespace std;
43 {
44  if (__instance)
45  {
46  return __instance;
47  }
48  __instance = new Fun4AllServer();
49  return __instance;
50 }
53  : Fun4AllBase(name)
54  , ffamemtracker(Fun4AllMemoryTracker::instance())
55 {
56  InitAll();
57  return;
58 }
61 {
62  Reset();
63  delete beginruntimestamp;
64  while (Subsystems.begin() != Subsystems.end())
65  {
66  if (Verbosity() >= VERBOSITY_MORE)
67  {
68  Subsystems.back().first->Verbosity(Verbosity());
69  }
70  delete Subsystems.back().first;
71  Subsystems.pop_back();
72  }
73  while (HistoManager.begin() != HistoManager.end())
74  {
75  if (Verbosity() >= VERBOSITY_MORE)
76  {
77  HistoManager.back()->Verbosity(Verbosity());
78  }
79  delete HistoManager.back();
80  HistoManager.pop_back();
81  }
82  while (OutputManager.begin() != OutputManager.end())
83  {
84  if (Verbosity() >= VERBOSITY_MORE)
85  {
86  OutputManager.back()->Verbosity(Verbosity());
87  }
88  delete OutputManager.back();
89  OutputManager.pop_back();
90  }
91  while (SyncManagers.begin() != SyncManagers.end())
92  {
93  SyncManagers.back()->Verbosity(Verbosity());
94  delete SyncManagers.back();
95  SyncManagers.pop_back();
96  }
97  while (topnodemap.begin() != topnodemap.end())
98  {
99  if (Verbosity() >= VERBOSITY_MORE)
100  {
101  topnodemap.begin()->second->print();
102  }
103  delete topnodemap.begin()->second;
104  topnodemap.erase(topnodemap.begin());
105  }
106  while (TDirCollection.begin() != TDirCollection.end())
107  {
108  delete TDirCollection.back();
109  TDirCollection.pop_back();
110  }
112  delete rc;
113  delete ffamemtracker;
114  __instance = nullptr;
115  return;
116 }
119 {
120  // first remove stupid root signal handler to get
121  // decent crashes with debuggable core file
122  for (int i = 0; i < kMAXSIGNALS; i++)
123  {
124  gSystem->IgnoreSignal((ESignals) i);
125  }
126  string histomanagername;
127  histomanagername = Name() + "HISTOS";
128  ServerHistoManager = new Fun4AllHistoManager(histomanagername);
130  double uplim = NFRAMEWORKBINS - 0.5;
131  FrameWorkVars = new TH1D("FrameWorkVars", "FrameWorkVars", NFRAMEWORKBINS, -0.5, uplim);
132  registerHisto("FrameWorkVars", FrameWorkVars);
133  defaultSyncManager = new Fun4AllSyncManager("DefaultSyncManager");
134  SyncManagers.push_back(defaultSyncManager);
135  TopNode = new PHCompositeNode("TOP");
136  topnodemap["TOP"] = TopNode;
137  default_Tdirectory = gDirectory->GetPath();
139  return;
140 }
142 int Fun4AllServer::dumpHistos(const string &filename, const string &openmode)
143 {
144  int iret = 0;
145  cout << "Fun4AllServer::dumpHistos() dumping histograms" << endl;
146  if (!filename.empty())
147  {
149  }
150  vector<Fun4AllHistoManager *>::const_iterator hiter;
151  for (hiter = HistoManager.begin(); hiter != HistoManager.end(); ++hiter)
152  {
153  iret += (*hiter)->dumpHistos("", openmode);
154  }
155  return iret;
156 }
158 bool Fun4AllServer::registerHisto(TNamed *h1d, const int replace)
159 {
160  return ServerHistoManager->registerHisto(h1d, replace);
161 }
163 bool Fun4AllServer::registerHisto(const string &hname, TNamed *h1d, const int replace)
164 {
165  return ServerHistoManager->registerHisto(hname, h1d, replace);
166 }
168 int Fun4AllServer::isHistoRegistered(const string &name) const
169 {
170  int iret = ServerHistoManager->isHistoRegistered(name);
171  return iret;
172 }
174 int Fun4AllServer::registerSubsystem(SubsysReco *subsystem, const string &topnodename)
175 {
178  // if somebody opens a TFile (or changes the gDirectory) in the ctor
179  // we need to set it to a "known" directory
180  gROOT->cd(default_Tdirectory.c_str());
181  string currdir = gDirectory->GetPath();
182  TDirectory *tmpdir = gDirectory;
183  if (!tmpdir->FindObject(topnodename.c_str()))
184  {
185  tmpdir = tmpdir->mkdir(topnodename.c_str());
186  if (!tmpdir)
187  {
188  cout << "Error creating TDirectory topdir " << topnodename.c_str() << endl;
189  exit(1);
190  }
191  // store the TDir pointer so it can be cleaned up in the dtor
192  // if one deletes it here the Histograms are dangling somewhere
193  // in root (at least according to valgrind the delete doesn't work
194  // properly anymore)
195  TDirCollection.push_back(tmpdir);
196  }
197  gROOT->cd(topnodename.c_str());
198  tmpdir = gDirectory;
199  if (!tmpdir->FindObject(subsystem->Name().c_str()))
200  {
201  tmpdir = tmpdir->mkdir(subsystem->Name().c_str());
202  if (!tmpdir)
203  {
204  cout << "Error creating TDirectory subdir " << subsystem->Name() << endl;
205  exit(1);
206  }
207  // store the TDir pointer so it can be cleaned up in the dtor
208  // if one deletes it here the Histograms are dangling somewhere
209  // in root
210  TDirCollection.push_back(tmpdir);
211  }
212  PHCompositeNode *subsystopNode = se->topNode(topnodename);
213  pair<SubsysReco *, PHCompositeNode *> newsubsyspair(subsystem, subsystopNode);
214  int iret = 0;
215  try
216  {
217  string memory_tracker_name = subsystem->Name() + "_" + topnodename;
218  ffamemtracker->Start(memory_tracker_name, "SubsysReco");
219  iret = subsystem->Init(subsystopNode);
220  ffamemtracker->Stop(memory_tracker_name, "SubsysReco");
221  }
222  catch (const exception &e)
223  {
224  cout << PHWHERE << " caught exception thrown during SubsysReco::Init() from "
225  << subsystem->Name() << endl;
226  cout << "error: " << e.what() << endl;
227  exit(1);
228  }
229  catch (...)
230  {
231  cout << PHWHERE << " caught unknown type exception thrown during SubsysReco::Init() from "
232  << subsystem->Name() << endl;
233  exit(1);
234  }
235  gROOT->cd(currdir.c_str());
236  if (iret)
237  {
239  {
240  if (Verbosity() >= VERBOSITY_SOME)
241  {
242  cout << "Not Registering Subsystem " << subsystem->Name() << endl;
243  }
244  return 0;
245  }
246  cout << PHWHERE << " Error initializing subsystem "
247  << subsystem->Name() << ", return code: " << iret << endl;
248  return iret;
249  }
250  if (Verbosity() >= VERBOSITY_SOME)
251  {
252  cout << "Registering Subsystem " << subsystem->Name() << endl;
253  }
254  Subsystems.push_back(newsubsyspair);
255  string timer_name;
256  timer_name = subsystem->Name() + "_" + topnodename;
257  PHTimer timer(timer_name);
258  if (timer_map.find(timer_name) == timer_map.end())
259  {
260  timer_map.insert(make_pair(timer_name, timer));
261  }
262  RetCodes.push_back(iret); // vector with return codes
263  return 0;
264 }
267 {
268  pair<SubsysReco *, PHCompositeNode *> subsyspair(subsystem, 0);
269  DeleteSubsystems.push_back(subsyspair);
271  return 0;
272 }
275 {
276  vector<pair<SubsysReco *, PHCompositeNode *>>::iterator sysiter, removeiter;
277  for (removeiter = DeleteSubsystems.begin();
278  removeiter != DeleteSubsystems.end();
279  ++removeiter)
280  {
281  int index = 0;
282  int foundit = 0;
283  for (sysiter = Subsystems.begin(); sysiter != Subsystems.end(); ++sysiter)
284  {
285  if ((*sysiter).first == (*removeiter).first)
286  {
287  foundit = 1;
288  break;
289  }
290  index++;
291  }
292  if (!foundit)
293  {
294  cout << "unregisterSubsystem: Could not find SubsysReco "
295  << (*removeiter).first->Name()
296  << " in Fun4All Reco Module list" << endl;
297  delete (*removeiter).first;
298  continue;
299  }
300  if (Verbosity() >= VERBOSITY_MORE)
301  {
302  cout << "Removing Subsystem: " << (*removeiter).first->Name()
303  << " at index " << index << endl;
304  }
305  Subsystems.erase(Subsystems.begin() + index);
306  delete (*removeiter).first;
307  // also update the vector with return codes
308  RetCodes.erase(RetCodes.begin() + index);
309  vector<Fun4AllOutputManager *>::iterator outiter;
310  for (outiter = OutputManager.begin(); outiter != OutputManager.end(); ++outiter)
311  {
312  UpdateEventSelector(*outiter);
313  }
314  }
316  DeleteSubsystems.clear();
317  return 0;
318 }
320 SubsysReco *
322 {
323  vector<pair<SubsysReco *, PHCompositeNode *>>::iterator sysiter;
324  for (sysiter = Subsystems.begin(); sysiter != Subsystems.end(); ++sysiter)
325  {
326  if ((*sysiter).first->Name() == name)
327  {
329  {
330  cout << "Found Subsystem " << name << endl;
331  }
332  return (*sysiter).first;
333  }
334  }
335  cout << "Could not find SubsysReco " << name << endl;
336  return 0;
337 }
339 int Fun4AllServer::AddComplaint(const string &complaint, const string &remedy)
340 {
342  string separatorstring = "------------------------------";
343  ostringstream complaintno;
344  complaintno << "Problem No " << ScreamEveryEvent;
346  ComplaintList.push_back(separatorstring);
347  ComplaintList.push_back(complaintno.str());
348  ComplaintList.push_back(complaint);
349  ComplaintList.push_back(" ");
350  ComplaintList.push_back("Remedy:");
351  ComplaintList.push_back(remedy);
352  ComplaintList.push_back(separatorstring);
353  return 0;
354 }
357 {
358  vector<Fun4AllOutputManager *>::iterator iter;
359  for (iter = OutputManager.begin(); iter != OutputManager.end(); ++iter)
360  {
361  if ((*iter)->Name() == manager->Name())
362  {
363  cout << "OutputManager " << manager->Name() << " allready in list" << endl;
364  return -1;
365  }
366  }
367  if (Verbosity() >= VERBOSITY_SOME)
368  {
369  cout << "Registering OutputManager " << manager->Name() << endl;
370  }
371  UpdateEventSelector(manager);
372  OutputManager.push_back(manager);
373  return 0;
374 }
377 {
378  vector<string>::iterator striter;
379  vector<pair<SubsysReco *, PHCompositeNode *>>::const_iterator subsysiter;
381 tryagain:
382  manager->RecoModuleIndex()->clear();
383  for (striter = manager->EventSelector()->begin(); striter != manager->EventSelector()->end(); ++striter)
384  {
386  {
387  cout << PHWHERE << "striter: " << *striter << endl;
388  }
389  unsigned index = 0;
390  int found = 0;
391  for (subsysiter = Subsystems.begin(); subsysiter != Subsystems.end(); ++subsysiter)
392  {
393  if (*striter == (*subsysiter).first->Name())
394  {
395  manager->RecoModuleIndex()->push_back(index);
397  {
398  cout << PHWHERE << "setting RecoModuleIndex to " << index << endl;
399  }
400  found = 1;
401  break;
402  }
403  index++;
404  }
405  if (!found)
406  {
407  cout << "Could not find module " << *striter
408  << ", removing it from list of event selector modules" << endl;
409  manager->EventSelector()->erase(striter);
410  goto tryagain;
411  }
412  }
413  return 0;
414 }
418 {
419  vector<Fun4AllOutputManager *>::iterator iter;
420  for (iter = OutputManager.begin(); iter != OutputManager.end(); ++iter)
421  {
422  if (name == (*iter)->Name())
423  {
425  {
426  cout << "Found OutputManager " << name << endl;
427  }
428  return *iter;
429  }
430  }
431  cout << "Could not find OutputManager" << name << endl;
432  return 0;
433 }
437 {
438  vector<Fun4AllHistoManager *>::iterator iter;
439  for (iter = HistoManager.begin(); iter != HistoManager.end(); ++iter)
440  {
441  if ((*iter)->Name() == name)
442  {
444  {
445  cout << "Found HistoManager " << name << endl;
446  }
447  return *iter;
448  }
449  }
450  if (Verbosity() >= VERBOSITY_MORE)
451  {
452  cout << "Could not find HistoManager " << name << endl;
453  }
454  return 0;
455 }
458 {
459  vector<Fun4AllHistoManager *>::iterator iter;
460  for (iter = HistoManager.begin(); iter != HistoManager.end(); ++iter)
461  {
462  if ((*iter)->Name() == manager->Name())
463  {
464  cout << "HistoManager " << manager->Name() << " allready in list" << endl;
465  return -1;
466  }
467  }
468  if (Verbosity() >= VERBOSITY_SOME)
469  {
470  cout << "Registering HistoManager " << manager->Name() << endl;
471  }
472  HistoManager.push_back(manager);
473  return 0;
474 }
476 TNamed *
477 Fun4AllServer::getHisto(const unsigned int ihisto) const
478 {
479  return ServerHistoManager->getHisto(ihisto);
480 }
482 string
483 Fun4AllServer::getHistoName(const unsigned int ihisto) const
484 {
485  return (ServerHistoManager->getHistoName(ihisto));
486 }
488 TNamed *Fun4AllServer::getHisto(const string &hname) const
489 {
490  return (ServerHistoManager->getHisto(hname));
491 }
494 {
495  eventcounter++;
496  unsigned icnt = 0;
497  int eventbad = 0;
498  if (ScreamEveryEvent)
499  {
500  cout << "*******************************************************************************" << endl;
501  cout << "*******************************************************************************" << endl;
502  cout << "*******************************************************************************" << endl;
503  cout << "Now that I have your attention, please fix the following "
504  << ScreamEveryEvent << " problem(s):" << endl;
505  vector<string>::const_iterator viter;
506  for (viter = ComplaintList.begin(); viter != ComplaintList.end(); ++viter)
507  {
508  cout << *viter << endl;
509  }
510  cout << " " << endl;
511  cout << "*******************************************************************************" << endl;
512  cout << "*******************************************************************************" << endl;
513  cout << "*******************************************************************************" << endl;
514  }
516  {
518  }
519  gROOT->cd(default_Tdirectory.c_str());
520  string currdir = gDirectory->GetPath();
521  for (vector<pair<SubsysReco *, PHCompositeNode *>>::iterator iter = Subsystems.begin(); iter != Subsystems.end(); ++iter)
522  {
523  if (Verbosity() >= VERBOSITY_MORE)
524  {
525  cout << "Fun4AllServer::process_event processing " << (*iter).first->Name() << endl;
526  }
527  ostringstream newdirname;
528  newdirname << (*iter).second->getName() << "/" << (*iter).first->Name();
529  if (!gROOT->cd(newdirname.str().c_str()))
530  {
531  cout << PHWHERE << "Unexpected TDirectory Problem cd'ing to "
532  << (*iter).second->getName()
533  << " - send e-mail to off-l with your macro" << endl;
534  exit(1);
535  }
536  else
537  {
539  {
540  cout << "process_event: cded to " << newdirname.str().c_str() << endl;
541  }
542  }
544  try
545  {
546  string timer_name;
547  timer_name = (*iter).first->Name() + "_" + (*iter).second->getName();
548  std::map<const std::string, PHTimer>::iterator titer = timer_map.find(timer_name);
549  bool timer_found = false;
550  if (titer != timer_map.end())
551  {
552  timer_found = true;
553  titer->second.restart();
554  }
555  else
556  {
557  cout << "could not find timer for " << timer_name << endl;
558  }
559  ffamemtracker->Start(timer_name, "SubsysReco");
560  ffamemtracker->Snapshot("Fun4AllServerProcessEvent");
561  int retcode = (*iter).first->process_event((*iter).second);
562  ffamemtracker->Snapshot("Fun4AllServerProcessEvent");
563  // we have observed an index overflow in RetCodes. I assume it is some
564  // memory corruption elsewhere which hits the icnt variable. Rather than
565  // the previous [], use at() which does bounds checking and throws an
566  // exception which will allow us to catch this and print out icnt and the size
567  try
568  {
569 = retcode;
570  }
571  catch (const exception &e)
572  {
573  cout << PHWHERE << " caught exception thrown during" << endl;
574  cout << "RetCodes.size(): " << RetCodes.size() << ", icnt: " << icnt << endl;
575  cout << "error: " << e.what() << endl;
576  gSystem->Exit(1);
577  }
578  if (timer_found)
579  {
580  titer->second.stop();
581  }
582  ffamemtracker->Stop(timer_name, "SubsysReco");
583  }
584  catch (const exception &e)
585  {
586  cout << PHWHERE << " caught exception thrown during process_event from "
587  << (*iter).first->Name() << endl;
588  cout << "error: " << e.what() << endl;
589  gSystem->Exit(1);
590  }
591  catch (...)
592  {
593  cout << PHWHERE << " caught unknown type exception thrown during process_event from "
594  << (*iter).first->Name() << endl;
595  exit(1);
596  }
597  if (RetCodes[icnt])
598  {
600  {
602  {
603  cout << "Fun4AllServer::Discard Event by " << (*iter).first->Name() << endl;
604  }
605  }
606  else if (RetCodes[icnt] == Fun4AllReturnCodes::ABORTEVENT)
607  {
609  eventbad = 1;
610  if (Verbosity() >= VERBOSITY_MORE)
611  {
612  cout << "Fun4AllServer::Abort Event by " << (*iter).first->Name() << endl;
613  }
614  break;
615  }
616  else if (RetCodes[icnt] == Fun4AllReturnCodes::ABORTRUN)
617  {
619  cout << "Fun4AllServer::Abort Run by " << (*iter).first->Name() << endl;
621  }
622  else
623  {
624  cout << "Fun4AllServer::Unknown return code: "
625  << RetCodes[icnt] << " from process_event method of "
626  << (*iter).first->Name() << endl;
627  cout << "This smells like an uninitialized return code and" << endl;
628  cout << "it is too dangerous to continue, this Run will be aborted" << endl;
629  cout << "If you do not know how to fix this please send mail to" << endl;
630  cout << "phenix-off-l with this message" << endl;
632  }
633  }
634  icnt++;
635  }
636  if (!eventbad)
637  {
639  }
641  gROOT->cd(currdir.c_str());
643  // mainIter.print();
644  if (!OutputManager.empty() && !eventbad) // there are registered IO managers and
645  // the event is not flagged bad
646  {
647  PHNodeIterator iter(TopNode);
648  PHCompositeNode *dstNode = dynamic_cast<PHCompositeNode *>(iter.findFirst("PHCompositeNode", "DST"));
650  if (dstNode)
651  {
652  // check if we have same number of nodes. After first event is
653  // written out root I/O doesn't permit adding nodes, otherwise
654  // events get out of sync
655  static int first = 1;
656  int newcount = CountOutNodes(dstNode);
657  if (first)
658  {
659  first = 0;
660  OutNodeCount = newcount; // save number of nodes before first write
661  MakeNodesTransient(dstNode); // make all nodes transient before 1st write in case someone sneaked a node in at the first event
662  }
664  if (OutNodeCount != newcount)
665  {
666  iter.print();
667  cout << PHWHERE << " FATAL: Someone changed the number of Output Nodes on the fly, from " << OutNodeCount << " to " << newcount << endl;
668  exit(1);
669  }
670  vector<Fun4AllOutputManager *>::iterator iterOutMan;
671  for (iterOutMan = OutputManager.begin(); iterOutMan != OutputManager.end(); ++iterOutMan)
672  {
673  if (!(*iterOutMan)->DoNotWriteEvent(&RetCodes))
674  {
675  if (Verbosity() >= VERBOSITY_MORE)
676  {
677  cout << "Writing Event for " << (*iterOutMan)->Name() << endl;
678  }
679  ffamemtracker->Snapshot("Fun4AllServerOutputManager");
680  ffamemtracker->Start((*iterOutMan)->Name(), "OutputManager");
681  (*iterOutMan)->WriteGeneric(dstNode);
682  ffamemtracker->Stop((*iterOutMan)->Name(), "OutputManager");
683  ffamemtracker->Snapshot("Fun4AllServerOutputManager");
684  }
685  else
686  {
687  if (Verbosity() >= VERBOSITY_MORE)
688  {
689  cout << "Not Writing Event for " << (*iterOutMan)->Name() << endl;
690  }
691  }
692  }
693  }
694  }
695  for (vector<pair<SubsysReco *, PHCompositeNode *>>::iterator iter = Subsystems.begin(); iter != Subsystems.end(); ++iter)
696  {
698  {
699  cout << "Fun4AllServer::process_event Resetting Event " << (*iter).first->Name() << endl;
700  }
701  (*iter).first->ResetEvent((*iter).second);
702  }
703  for (auto &syncman : SyncManagers)
704  {
706  {
707  cout << "Fun4AllServer::process_event Resetting Event for Sync Manager " << syncman->Name() << endl;
708  }
709  syncman->ResetEvent();
710  }
711  ResetNodeTree();
712  return 0;
713 }
716 {
717  vector<string> ResetNodeList;
718  ResetNodeList.push_back("DST");
719  PHNodeReset reset;
720  reset.Verbosity(Verbosity() > 2 ? Verbosity() - 2 : 0); // one lower verbosity level than Fun4AllServer
721  map<string, PHCompositeNode *>::const_iterator iter;
722  for (iter = topnodemap.begin(); iter != topnodemap.end(); ++iter)
723  {
724  PHNodeIterator mainIter((*iter).second);
725  for (vector<string>::const_iterator nodename = ResetNodeList.begin();
726  nodename != ResetNodeList.end(); ++nodename)
727  {
728  if (*nodename))
729  {
730  mainIter.forEach(reset);
732  }
733  }
734  }
735  return 0; // anything except 0 would abort the event loop in pmonitor
736 }
739 {
740  int i = 0;
741  vector<pair<SubsysReco *, PHCompositeNode *>>::iterator iter;
742  for (iter = Subsystems.begin(); iter != Subsystems.end(); ++iter)
743  {
745  {
746  cout << "Fun4AllServer::Reset Resetting " << (*iter).first->Name() << endl;
747  }
748  i += (*iter).first->Reset((*iter).second);
749  }
750  vector<Fun4AllHistoManager *>::iterator hiter;
751  for (hiter = HistoManager.begin(); hiter != HistoManager.end(); ++hiter)
752  {
753  (*hiter)->Reset();
754  }
755  return i;
756 }
759 {
760  beginruntimestamp = new PHTimeStamp(TimeStp);
761  cout << "Setting BOR timestamp to ";
763  cout << endl;
764  bortime_override = 1;
765  return 0;
766 }
768 int Fun4AllServer::BeginRun(const int runno)
769 {
770  eventcounter = 0; // reset event counter for every new run
771  ffamemtracker->Snapshot("Fun4AllServerBeginRun");
772  if (!bortime_override)
773  {
774  if (beginruntimestamp)
775  {
776  delete beginruntimestamp;
777  }
779  }
780  else
781  {
782  cout << "overriding BOR timestamp by ";
784  cout << endl;
785  //rc->set_TimeStamp(*beginruntimestamp);
786  }
787  if (Verbosity() >= VERBOSITY_SOME)
788  {
789  cout << "Fun4AllServer::BeginRun: Run number " << runno << " uses RECO TIMESTAMP: ";
791  cout << endl;
792  }
793  vector<pair<SubsysReco *, PHCompositeNode *>>::iterator iter;
794  int iret;
796  // check if any registered SubsysReco wants to be dropped and
797  // remove it from the list before its BeginRun is executed
799  {
801  }
803  // we have to do the same TDirectory games as in the Init methods
804  // save the current dir, cd to the subsystem name dir (which was
805  // created in init) call the InitRun of the module and cd back
807  gROOT->cd(default_Tdirectory.c_str());
808  string currdir = gDirectory->GetPath();
809  for (iter = Subsystems.begin(); iter != Subsystems.end(); ++iter)
810  {
811  ostringstream newdirname;
812  newdirname << (*iter).second->getName() << "/" << (*iter).first->Name();
813  if (!gROOT->cd(newdirname.str().c_str()))
814  {
815  cout << PHWHERE << "Unexpected TDirectory Problem cd'ing to "
816  << (*iter).second->getName()
817  << " - send e-mail to off-l with your macro" << endl;
818  exit(1);
819  }
820  else
821  {
823  {
824  cout << "BeginRun: cded to " << newdirname.str().c_str() << endl;
825  }
826  }
828  if (Verbosity() >= VERBOSITY_SOME)
829  {
830  cout << "Fun4AllServer::BeginRun: InitRun for " << (*iter).first->Name() << endl;
831  }
832  try
833  {
834  ffamemtracker->Start((*iter).first->Name(), "SubsysReco");
835  iret = (*iter).first->InitRun((*iter).second);
836  ffamemtracker->Stop((*iter).first->Name(), "SubsysReco");
837  }
838  catch (const exception &e)
839  {
840  cout << PHWHERE << " caught exception thrown during SubsysReco::InitRun() from "
841  << (*iter).first->Name() << endl;
842  cout << "error: " << e.what() << endl;
843  exit(1);
844  }
845  catch (...)
846  {
847  cout << PHWHERE << " caught unknown type exception thrown during SubsysReco::InitRun() from "
848  << (*iter).first->Name() << endl;
849  exit(1);
850  }
852  if (iret == Fun4AllReturnCodes::ABORTRUN)
853  {
854  cout << PHWHERE << "Module " << (*iter).first->Name() << " issued Abort Run, exiting" << endl;
855  exit(-1);
856  }
857  else if (iret != Fun4AllReturnCodes::EVENT_OK)
858  {
859  cout << PHWHERE << "Module " << (*iter).first->Name() << " issued non Fun4AllReturnCodes::EVENT_OK return code " << iret << " in InitRun()" << endl;
860  exit(-2);
861  }
862  }
863  gROOT->cd(currdir.c_str());
865  // disconnect from DB to save resources on DB machine
866  // PdbCal leaves the DB connection open (PdbCal will reconnect without
867  // problem if neccessary)
868  if (!keep_db_connected)
869  {
870  DisconnectDB();
871  }
872  else
873  {
874  cout << "WARNING WARNING, DBs will not be disconnected" << endl;
875  cout << "This is for DB server testing purposes only" << endl;
876  cout << "If you do not test our DB servers, remove" << endl;
877  cout << "Fun4AllServer->KeepDBConnection()" << endl;
878  cout << "from your macro" << endl;
879  }
880  // print out all node trees
881  Print("NODETREE");
882  ffamemtracker->Snapshot("Fun4AllServerBeginRun");
883  return 0;
884 }
887 {
888  int icount = 0;
889  icount = CountOutNodesRecursive(startNode, icount);
890  return icount;
891 }
894 {
895  PHNodeIterator nodeiter(startNode);
896  PHPointerListIterator<PHNode> iterat(;
897  PHNode *thisNode;
898  int icnt = icount;
899  while ((thisNode = iterat()))
900  {
901  if ((thisNode->getType() == "PHCompositeNode"))
902  {
903  icnt = CountOutNodesRecursive(static_cast<PHCompositeNode *>(thisNode), icnt); // if this is a CompositeNode do this trick again
904  }
905  else
906  {
907  icnt++;
909  {
910  cout << thisNode->getName() << ", Node Count: " << icnt << endl;
911  }
912  }
913  }
914  return icnt;
915 }
918 {
919  PHNodeIterator nodeiter(startNode);
920  PHPointerListIterator<PHNode> iterat(;
921  PHNode *thisNode;
922  while ((thisNode = iterat()))
923  {
924  if ((thisNode->getType() == "PHCompositeNode"))
925  {
926  MakeNodesTransient(static_cast<PHCompositeNode *>(thisNode)); // if this is a CompositeNode do this trick again
927  }
928  else
929  {
930  thisNode->makeTransient();
931  }
932  }
933  return 0;
934 }
937 {
938  PHNodeIterator nodeiter(startNode);
939  PHPointerListIterator<PHNode> iterat(;
940  PHNode *thisNode;
941  while ((thisNode = iterat()))
942  {
943  if ((thisNode->getType() == "PHCompositeNode"))
944  {
945  MakeNodesPersistent(static_cast<PHCompositeNode *>(thisNode)); // if this is a CompositeNode do this trick again
946  }
947  else
948  {
949  thisNode->makePersistent();
950  }
951  }
952  return 0;
953 }
955 int Fun4AllServer::EndRun(const int runno)
956 {
957  vector<pair<SubsysReco *, PHCompositeNode *>>::iterator iter;
958  gROOT->cd(default_Tdirectory.c_str());
959  string currdir = gDirectory->GetPath();
960  for (iter = Subsystems.begin(); iter != Subsystems.end(); ++iter)
961  {
962  if (Verbosity() >= VERBOSITY_MORE)
963  {
964  cout << "Fun4AllServer::EndRun: EndRun("
965  << runno << ") for " << (*iter).first->Name() << endl;
966  }
967  ostringstream newdirname;
968  newdirname << (*iter).second->getName() << "/" << (*iter).first->Name();
969  if (!gROOT->cd(newdirname.str().c_str()))
970  {
971  cout << PHWHERE << "Unexpected TDirectory Problem cd'ing to "
972  << (*iter).second->getName()
973  << " - send e-mail to off-l with your macro" << endl;
974  exit(1);
975  }
976  else
977  {
979  {
980  cout << "EndRun: cded to " << newdirname.str().c_str() << endl;
981  }
982  }
983  try
984  {
985  (*iter).first->EndRun(runno);
986  }
987  catch (const exception &e)
988  {
989  cout << PHWHERE << " caught exception thrown during SubsysReco::EndRun() from "
990  << (*iter).first->Name() << endl;
991  cout << "error: " << e.what() << endl;
992  exit(1);
993  }
994  catch (...)
995  {
996  cout << PHWHERE << " caught unknown type exception thrown during SubsysReco::EndRun() from "
997  << (*iter).first->Name() << endl;
998  exit(1);
999  }
1000  }
1001  gROOT->cd(currdir.c_str());
1003  return 0;
1004 }
1007 {
1009  EndRun(rc->get_IntFlag("RUNNUMBER")); // call SubsysReco EndRun methods for current run
1010  int i = 0;
1011  vector<pair<SubsysReco *, PHCompositeNode *>>::iterator iter;
1012  gROOT->cd(default_Tdirectory.c_str());
1013  string currdir = gDirectory->GetPath();
1014  for (iter = Subsystems.begin(); iter != Subsystems.end(); ++iter)
1015  {
1016  if (Verbosity() >= VERBOSITY_SOME)
1017  {
1018  cout << "Fun4AllServer::End: End for " << (*iter).first->Name() << endl;
1019  }
1020  ostringstream newdirname;
1021  newdirname << (*iter).second->getName() << "/" << (*iter).first->Name();
1022  if (!gROOT->cd(newdirname.str().c_str()))
1023  {
1024  cout << PHWHERE << "Unexpected TDirectory Problem cd'ing to "
1025  << (*iter).second->getName()
1026  << " - send e-mail to off-l with your macro" << endl;
1027  exit(1);
1028  }
1029  else
1030  {
1031  if (Verbosity() >= VERBOSITY_EVEN_MORE)
1032  {
1033  cout << "End: cded to " << newdirname.str().c_str() << endl;
1034  }
1035  }
1036  try
1037  {
1038  i += (*iter).first->End((*iter).second);
1039  }
1040  catch (const exception &e)
1041  {
1042  cout << PHWHERE << " caught exception thrown during SusbsysReco::End() from "
1043  << (*iter).first->Name() << endl;
1044  cout << "error: " << e.what() << endl;
1045  exit(1);
1046  }
1047  catch (...)
1048  {
1049  cout << PHWHERE << " caught unknown type exception thrown during SubsysReco::End() from "
1050  << (*iter).first->Name() << endl;
1051  exit(1);
1052  }
1053  }
1054  gROOT->cd(currdir.c_str());
1055  PHNodeIterator nodeiter(TopNode);
1056  PHCompositeNode *runNode = dynamic_cast<PHCompositeNode *>(nodeiter.findFirst("PHCompositeNode", "RUN"));
1057  if (!runNode)
1058  {
1059  cout << "No Run Node, not writing Runwise info" << endl;
1060  }
1061  else
1062  {
1063  if (!OutputManager.empty()) // there are registered IO managers
1064  {
1065  MakeNodesTransient(runNode); // make all nodes transient by default
1066  vector<Fun4AllOutputManager *>::iterator IOiter;
1067  for (IOiter = OutputManager.begin(); IOiter != OutputManager.end(); ++IOiter)
1068  {
1069  (*IOiter)->WriteNode(runNode);
1070  }
1071  }
1072  }
1073  // close output files (check for existing output managers is
1074  // done inside outfileclose())
1075  outfileclose();
1077  if (ScreamEveryEvent)
1078  {
1079  cout << "*******************************************************************************" << endl;
1080  cout << "*******************************************************************************" << endl;
1081  cout << "*******************************************************************************" << endl;
1082  cout << "Now that we are at the End(), please fix the following "
1083  << ScreamEveryEvent << " problem(s):" << endl;
1084  vector<string>::const_iterator viter;
1085  for (viter = ComplaintList.begin(); viter != ComplaintList.end(); ++viter)
1086  {
1087  cout << *viter << endl;
1088  }
1089  cout << " " << endl;
1090  cout << "*******************************************************************************" << endl;
1091  cout << "*******************************************************************************" << endl;
1092  cout << "*******************************************************************************" << endl;
1093  }
1095  return i;
1096 }
1098 void Fun4AllServer::Print(const string &what) const
1099 {
1100  if (what == "ALL" || what == "HISTOS")
1101  {
1102  // loop over the map and print out the content (name and location in memory)
1103  for (auto &histoman : HistoManager)
1104  {
1105  histoman->Print(what);
1106  }
1107  }
1108  if (what == "ALL" || what == "SUBSYSTEMS")
1109  {
1110  // loop over the map and print out the content (name and location in memory)
1111  cout << "--------------------------------------" << endl
1112  << endl;
1113  cout << "List of Subsystems in Fun4AllServer:" << endl;
1115  vector<pair<SubsysReco *, PHCompositeNode *>>::const_iterator miter;
1116  for (miter = Subsystems.begin(); miter != Subsystems.end(); ++miter)
1117  {
1118  cout << (*miter).first->Name()
1119  << " running under topNode " << (*miter).second->getName() << endl;
1120  }
1121  cout << endl;
1122  }
1124  if (what == "ALL" || what == "INPUTMANAGER")
1125  {
1126  // the input managers are managed by the input singleton
1127  for (auto &syncman : SyncManagers)
1128  {
1129  cout << "SyncManager: " << syncman->Name() << endl;
1130  syncman->Print(what);
1131  }
1132  }
1134  if (what == "ALL" || what.find("OUTPUTMANAGER") != string::npos)
1135  {
1136  // loop over the map and print out the content (name and location in memory)
1137  string pass_on = what;
1138  if (pass_on == "ALL" || pass_on == "OUTPUTMANAGER")
1139  {
1140  cout << "--------------------------------------" << endl
1141  << endl;
1142  cout << "List of OutputManagers in Fun4AllServer:" << endl;
1143  pass_on = "ALL";
1144  }
1145  else
1146  {
1147  string::size_type pos = pass_on.find("%");
1148  pass_on = pass_on.substr(pos + 1, pass_on.size());
1149  }
1150  for (auto &outman : OutputManager)
1151  {
1152  outman->Print(pass_on);
1153  }
1154  cout << endl;
1155  }
1156  if (what == "ALL" || what == "TOPNODES")
1157  {
1158  // loop over the map and print out the content (name and location in memory)
1159  cout << "--------------------------------------" << endl
1160  << endl;
1161  cout << "List of TopNodes in Fun4AllServer:" << endl;
1163  map<std::string, PHCompositeNode *>::const_iterator iter;
1164  for (iter = topnodemap.begin(); iter != topnodemap.end(); ++iter)
1165  {
1166  cout << iter->first << " is at " << hex
1167  << iter->second << dec << endl;
1168  }
1169  cout << endl;
1170  }
1171  if (what == "ALL" || what == "NODETREE")
1172  {
1173  // loop over the map and print out the content (name and location in memory)
1174  cout << "--------------------------------------" << endl
1175  << endl;
1176  cout << "List of Nodes in Fun4AllServer:" << endl;
1178  map<std::string, PHCompositeNode *>::const_iterator iter;
1179  for (iter = topnodemap.begin(); iter != topnodemap.end(); ++iter)
1180  {
1181  cout << "Node Tree under TopNode " << iter->first << endl;
1182  PHNodeIterator nodeiter(iter->second);
1183  nodeiter.print();
1184  cout << endl;
1185  }
1186  cout << endl;
1187  }
1188  return;
1189 }
1191 void Fun4AllServer::identify(std::ostream &out) const
1192 {
1193  out << "Fun4AllServer Name: " << Name() << endl;
1194  return;
1195 }
1198 {
1199  while (!OutputManager.empty())
1200  {
1201  if (Verbosity() >= VERBOSITY_MORE)
1202  {
1203  cout << "Erasing OutputManager "
1204  << (*OutputManager.begin())->Name()
1205  << " at memory location " << *(OutputManager.begin()) << endl;
1206  }
1207  delete *(OutputManager.begin());
1208  OutputManager.erase(OutputManager.begin());
1209  }
1210  return 0;
1211 }
1214 {
1215  PHCompositeNode *dstNode, *runNode, *parNode;
1216  dstNode = new PHCompositeNode("DST");
1217  topNode->addNode(dstNode);
1218  runNode = new PHCompositeNode("RUN");
1219  topNode->addNode(runNode);
1220  parNode = new PHCompositeNode("PAR");
1221  topNode->addNode(parNode);
1222  return 0;
1223 }
1227 {
1228  map<string, PHCompositeNode *>::const_iterator iter;
1229  iter = topnodemap.find(name);
1230  if (iter != topnodemap.end())
1231  {
1232  return iter->second;
1233  }
1234  AddTopNode(name);
1235  iter = topnodemap.find(name);
1236  if (iter != topnodemap.end())
1237  {
1238  InitNodeTree(iter->second);
1239  return iter->second;
1240  }
1241  cout << PHWHERE << " Could not create new topNode " << name
1242  << " send email to off-l with the following printout: " << endl;
1243  for (iter = topnodemap.begin(); iter != topnodemap.end(); ++iter)
1244  {
1245  cout << iter->first << " is at " << hex << iter->second << dec << endl;
1246  }
1247  exit(1);
1248 }
1251 {
1252  map<string, PHCompositeNode *>::const_iterator iter;
1253  iter = topnodemap.find(name);
1254  if (iter != topnodemap.end())
1255  {
1256  return -1;
1257  }
1258  PHCompositeNode *newNode = new PHCompositeNode(name.c_str());
1259  topnodemap[name] = newNode;
1260  return 0;
1261 }
1263 PHCompositeNode *Fun4AllServer::getNode(const string &name, const string &topnodename)
1264 {
1265  PHNodeIterator iter(topNode(topnodename));
1266  PHCompositeNode *thisNode = dynamic_cast<PHCompositeNode *>(iter.findFirst("PHCompositeNode", name));
1267  if (!thisNode)
1268  {
1269  thisNode = new PHCompositeNode(name);
1270  topNode(topnodename)->addNode(thisNode);
1271  }
1272  return thisNode;
1273 }
1276 {
1277  int iret = defaultSyncManager->registerInputManager(InManager);
1278  return iret;
1279 }
1283 {
1284  vector<Fun4AllSyncManager *>::const_iterator iter;
1285  for (iter = SyncManagers.begin(); iter != SyncManagers.end(); ++iter)
1286  {
1287  if ((*iter)->getInputManager(name))
1288  {
1289  return (*iter)->getInputManager(name);
1290  }
1291  }
1292  cout << "Could not locate input manager " << name << endl;
1293  return 0;
1294 }
1297 {
1298  return (defaultSyncManager->PrdfEvents());
1299 }
1302 {
1303  return (defaultSyncManager->TotalEvents());
1304 }
1306 //_________________________________________________________________
1307 int Fun4AllServer::run(const int nevnts, const bool require_nevents)
1308 {
1310  static bool run_number_forced = rc->FlagExist("RUNNUMBER");
1311  static int ifirst = 1;
1312  if (ifirst && run_number_forced)
1313  {
1314  runnumber = rc->get_IntFlag("RUNNUMBER");
1315  cout << "Fun4AllServer: Runnumber forced to " << runnumber << " by RUNNUMBER IntFlag" << endl;
1316  }
1317  int iret = 0;
1318  int icnt = 0;
1319  int icnt_good = 0;
1320  vector<Fun4AllSyncManager *>::const_iterator iter;
1321  while (!iret)
1322  {
1323  int resetnodetree = 0;
1324  for (iter = SyncManagers.begin(); iter != SyncManagers.end(); ++iter)
1325  {
1326  if (Verbosity() >= VERBOSITY_MORE)
1327  {
1328  cout << "executing run for input master " << (*iter)->Name() << endl;
1329  }
1330  int retval = (*iter)->run(1);
1331  // if a new input file is opened during syncing and it contains
1332  // different nodes
1333  // as the previous one, the info in the nodes which are only in
1334  // the previous file will be carried to another event. We also
1335  // do not know under which topNode the input managers put
1336  // their data. This is why
1337  // the whole node tree is resetted whenever one of the Sync Managers
1338  // requires it.
1340  {
1341  resetnodetree = 1;
1342  }
1343  else
1344  {
1345  iret += retval;
1346  }
1347  }
1348  if (resetnodetree)
1349  {
1350  // if the node tree needs resetting, we just push the current
1351  // event(s) (which are all properly synced at this point)
1352  // back into the input managers and just read again.
1353  for (iter = SyncManagers.begin(); iter != SyncManagers.end(); ++iter)
1354  {
1355  (*iter)->PushBackInputMgrsEvents(1);
1356  }
1357  ResetNodeTree();
1358  continue; // go back to run loop
1359  }
1360  if (iret)
1361  {
1362  break;
1363  }
1364  int currentrun = 0;
1365  for (iter = SyncManagers.begin(); iter != SyncManagers.end(); ++iter)
1366  {
1367  int runno = (*iter)->CurrentRun();
1368  // cout << (*iter)->Name() << " run no: " << runno << endl;
1369  if (runno != 0)
1370  {
1371  if (currentrun == 0)
1372  {
1373  currentrun = runno;
1374  }
1375  else
1376  {
1377  if (currentrun != runno)
1378  {
1379  cout << "Mixing of Runs within same event is not supported" << endl;
1380  cout << "Here is the list of Sync Managers and their runnumbers:" << endl;
1381  vector<Fun4AllSyncManager *>::const_iterator syiter;
1382  for (syiter = SyncManagers.begin(); syiter != SyncManagers.end(); ++syiter)
1383  {
1384  cout << (*syiter)->Name() << " run number: " << (*syiter)->CurrentRun() << endl;
1385  }
1386  cout << "Exiting now" << endl;
1387  exit(1);
1388  }
1389  }
1390  }
1391  }
1392  if (ifirst)
1393  {
1394  if (currentrun != runnumber && !run_number_forced) // use real run if not forced
1395  {
1396  runnumber = currentrun;
1397  }
1398  setRun(runnumber);
1400  ifirst = 0;
1401  }
1402  else if (!run_number_forced)
1403  {
1404  if (currentrun != runnumber)
1405  {
1406  EndRun(runnumber);
1407  runnumber = currentrun;
1408  setRun(runnumber);
1410  }
1411  }
1412  if (Verbosity() >= 1)
1413  {
1414  cout << "Fun4AllServer::run - processing event "
1415  << (icnt+1) << " from run " << runnumber << endl;
1416  }
1418  if (icnt == 0 and Verbosity() > VERBOSITY_QUIET)
1419  {
1420  // increase verbosity for the first event in verbose modes
1421  int iverb = Verbosity();
1422  Verbosity(++iverb);
1423  }
1425  iret = process_event();
1427  if (icnt == 0 and Verbosity() > VERBOSITY_QUIET)
1428  {
1429  // increase verbosity for the first event in verbose modes
1430  int iverb = Verbosity();
1431  Verbosity(--iverb);
1432  }
1434  ++icnt; // completed one event processing
1436  if (require_nevents)
1437  {
1438  if (std::find(RetCodes.begin(),
1439  RetCodes.end(),
1440  static_cast<int>(Fun4AllReturnCodes::ABORTEVENT)) == RetCodes.end())
1441  icnt_good++;
1442  if (iret || (nevnts > 0 && icnt_good >= nevnts))
1443  break;
1444  }
1445  else if (iret || (nevnts > 0 && icnt >= nevnts))
1446  {
1447  break;
1448  }
1449  }
1450  return iret;
1451 }
1453 //_________________________________________________________________
1454 int Fun4AllServer::skip(const int nevnts)
1455 {
1456  int iret = 0;
1457  if (nevnts > 0) // do not execute for nevnts <= 0
1458  {
1459  vector<Fun4AllSyncManager *>::const_iterator iter;
1460  for (iter = SyncManagers.begin(); iter != SyncManagers.end(); ++iter)
1461  {
1462  iret += (*iter)->skip(nevnts);
1463  }
1464  eventcounter += nevnts; // update event counter so it reflects the number of events in the input
1465  }
1466  return iret;
1467 }
1469 //_________________________________________________________________
1470 int Fun4AllServer::fileopen(const string &managername, const string &filename)
1471 {
1472  int iret = 0;
1473  vector<Fun4AllSyncManager *>::const_iterator iter;
1474  for (iter = SyncManagers.begin(); iter != SyncManagers.end(); ++iter)
1475  {
1476  iret += (*iter)->fileopen(managername, filename);
1477  }
1478  return iret;
1479 }
1481 int Fun4AllServer::BranchSelect(const string &managername, const string &branch, int iflag)
1482 {
1483  int iret = 0;
1484  vector<Fun4AllSyncManager *>::const_iterator iter;
1485  for (iter = SyncManagers.begin(); iter != SyncManagers.end(); ++iter)
1486  {
1487  iret += (*iter)->BranchSelect(managername, branch, iflag);
1488  }
1489  return iret;
1490 }
1492 int Fun4AllServer::BranchSelect(const string &branch, int iflag)
1493 {
1494  int iret = 0;
1495  vector<Fun4AllSyncManager *>::const_iterator iter;
1496  for (iter = SyncManagers.begin(); iter != SyncManagers.end(); ++iter)
1497  {
1498  iret += (*iter)->BranchSelect(branch, iflag);
1499  }
1500  return iret;
1501 }
1503 int Fun4AllServer::setBranches(const string &managername)
1504 {
1505  int iret = 0;
1506  vector<Fun4AllSyncManager *>::const_iterator iter;
1507  for (iter = SyncManagers.begin(); iter != SyncManagers.end(); ++iter)
1508  {
1509  iret += (*iter)->setBranches(managername);
1510  }
1511  return iret;
1512 }
1515 {
1516  int iret = 0;
1517  vector<Fun4AllSyncManager *>::const_iterator iter;
1518  for (iter = SyncManagers.begin(); iter != SyncManagers.end(); ++iter)
1519  {
1520  iret += (*iter)->setBranches();
1521  }
1522  return iret;
1523 }
1525 int Fun4AllServer::fileclose(const string &managername)
1526 {
1527  int iret = 0;
1528  vector<Fun4AllSyncManager *>::const_iterator iter;
1529  for (iter = SyncManagers.begin(); iter != SyncManagers.end(); ++iter)
1530  {
1531  iret += (*iter)->fileclose(managername);
1532  }
1533  return iret;
1534 }
1537 {
1538  int iret = defaultSyncManager->SegmentNumber();
1539  return iret;
1540 }
1542 void Fun4AllServer::GetInputFullFileList(vector<string> &fnames) const
1543 {
1545  return;
1546 }
1549 {
1550  return 0;
1551 }
1553 unsigned
1554 Fun4AllServer::GetTopNodes(std::vector<std::string> &names) const
1555 {
1556  map<string, PHCompositeNode *>::const_iterator iter;
1557  for (iter = topnodemap.begin(); iter != topnodemap.end(); ++iter)
1558  {
1559  names.push_back(iter->first);
1560  }
1561  return names.size();
1562 }
1564 void Fun4AllServer::GetOutputManagerList(std::vector<std::string> &names) const
1565 {
1566  names.clear();
1567  vector<Fun4AllOutputManager *>::const_iterator iter;
1568  for (iter = OutputManager.begin(); iter != OutputManager.end(); ++iter)
1569  {
1570  names.push_back((*iter)->Name());
1571  }
1572  return;
1573 }
1575 void Fun4AllServer::GetModuleList(std::vector<std::string> &names) const
1576 {
1577  names.clear();
1578  vector<pair<SubsysReco *, PHCompositeNode *>>::const_iterator iter;
1579  for (iter = Subsystems.begin(); iter != Subsystems.end(); ++iter)
1580  {
1581  names.push_back((*iter).first->Name());
1582  }
1583  return;
1584 }
1587 {
1588  for (auto &syncman : SyncManagers)
1589  {
1590  if (syncman->Name() == newmaster->Name())
1591  {
1592  cout << "Input Master " << newmaster->Name()
1593  << " already registered" << endl;
1594  return -1;
1595  }
1596  }
1597  if (Verbosity() >= VERBOSITY_SOME)
1598  {
1599  cout << "Registering Input Master " << newmaster->Name() << endl;
1600  }
1601  SyncManagers.push_back(newmaster);
1602  return 0;
1603 }
1607 {
1608  if (name == "DefaultSyncManager")
1609  {
1610  return defaultSyncManager;
1611  }
1612  vector<Fun4AllSyncManager *>::iterator iter;
1614  for (iter = SyncManagers.begin(); iter != SyncManagers.end(); ++iter)
1615  {
1616  if ((*iter)->Name() == name)
1617  {
1618  return *iter;
1619  }
1620  }
1621  cout << "Could not find Input Master " << name << endl;
1622  return 0;
1623 }
1625 int Fun4AllServer::setRun(const int runno)
1626 {
1628  rc->set_IntFlag("RUNNUMBER", runno);
1629  PHTimeStamp *tstamp = nullptr;
1630  if (!tstamp)
1631  {
1632  tstamp = new PHTimeStamp(0);
1633  cout << "Fun4AllServer::setRun(): could not get timestamp for run " << runno
1634  << ", using tics(0) timestamp: ";
1635  tstamp->print();
1636  cout << endl;
1637  }
1638  delete tstamp;
1639  FrameWorkVars->SetBinContent(RUNNUMBERBIN, (Stat_t) runno);
1640  return 0;
1641 }
1643 void Fun4AllServer::NodeIdentify(const std::string &name)
1644 {
1645  PHObject *obj = findNode::getClass<PHObject>(TopNode, name);
1646  if (obj)
1647  {
1648  obj->identify();
1649  }
1650  else
1651  {
1652  cout << "Could not locate node " << name
1653  << " or no PHObject Node" << endl;
1654  }
1655  return;
1656 }
1658 void Fun4AllServer::PrintTimer(const string &name)
1659 {
1660  map<const string, PHTimer>::const_iterator iter;
1661  PHTimer::PRINT(cout, "**");
1662  if (name.empty())
1663  {
1664  for (iter = timer_map.begin(); iter != timer_map.end(); ++iter)
1665  {
1666  iter->second.print_stat();
1667  }
1668  }
1669  else
1670  {
1671  iter = timer_map.find(name);
1672  if (iter != timer_map.end())
1673  {
1674  iter->second.print_stat();
1675  }
1676  else
1677  {
1678  cout << "No timer with name " << name << " found" << endl;
1679  cout << "Existing timers:" << endl;
1680  for (iter = timer_map.begin(); iter != timer_map.end(); ++iter)
1681  {
1682  cout << iter->first << endl;
1683  }
1684  }
1685  }
1686  return;
1687 }
1689 void Fun4AllServer::PrintMemoryTracker(const string &name) const
1690 {
1692  return;
1693 }