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Go to the documentation of this file. Or view the newest version in sPHENIX GitHub for file HepMC3Event.cpp
1 // This file is part of the Acts project.
2 //
3 // Copyright (C) 2018 CERN for the benefit of the Acts project
4 //
5 // This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public
6 // License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this
7 // file, You can obtain one at
18 void FW::HepMC3Event::momentumUnit(std::shared_ptr<HepMC3::GenEvent> event,
19  const double momentumUnit) {
20  // Check, if the momentum unit fits Acts::units::_MeV or _GeV
21  HepMC3::Units::MomentumUnit mom;
22  if (momentumUnit == Acts::units::_MeV)
23  mom = HepMC3::Units::MomentumUnit::MEV;
24  else if (momentumUnit == Acts::units::_GeV)
25  mom = HepMC3::Units::MomentumUnit::GEV;
26  else {
27  // Report invalid momentum unit and set GeV
28  std::cout << "Invalid unit of momentum: " << momentumUnit << std::endl;
29  std::cout << "Momentum unit [GeV] will be used instead" << std::endl;
30  mom = HepMC3::Units::MomentumUnit::GEV;
31  }
32  // Set units
33  event->set_units(mom, event->length_unit());
34 }
36 void FW::HepMC3Event::lengthUnit(std::shared_ptr<HepMC3::GenEvent> event,
37  const double lengthUnit) {
38  // Check, if the length unit fits Acts::units::_mm or _cm
39  HepMC3::Units::LengthUnit len;
40  if (lengthUnit == Acts::units::_mm)
41  len = HepMC3::Units::LengthUnit::MM;
42  else if (lengthUnit == Acts::units::_cm)
43  len = HepMC3::Units::LengthUnit::CM;
44  else {
45  // Report invalid length unit and set mm
46  std::cout << "Invalid unit of length: " << lengthUnit << std::endl;
47  std::cout << "Length unit [mm] will be used instead" << std::endl;
48  len = HepMC3::Units::LengthUnit::MM;
49  }
51  // Set units
52  event->set_units(event->momentum_unit(), len);
53 }
55 void FW::HepMC3Event::shiftPositionBy(std::shared_ptr<HepMC3::GenEvent> event,
56  const Acts::Vector3D& deltaPos,
57  const double deltaTime) {
58  // Create HepMC3::FourVector from position and time for shift
59  const HepMC3::FourVector vec(deltaPos(0), deltaPos(1), deltaPos(2),
60  deltaTime);
61  event->shift_position_by(vec);
62 }
64 void FW::HepMC3Event::shiftPositionTo(std::shared_ptr<HepMC3::GenEvent> event,
65  const Acts::Vector3D& pos,
66  const double time) {
67  // Create HepMC3::FourVector from position and time for the new position
68  const HepMC3::FourVector vec(pos(0), pos(1), pos(2), time);
69  event->shift_position_to(vec);
70 }
72 void FW::HepMC3Event::shiftPositionTo(std::shared_ptr<HepMC3::GenEvent> event,
73  const Acts::Vector3D& pos) {
74  // Create HepMC3::FourVector from position and time for the new position
75  const HepMC3::FourVector vec(pos(0), pos(1), pos(2), event->event_pos().t());
76  event->shift_position_to(vec);
77 }
79 void FW::HepMC3Event::shiftPositionTo(std::shared_ptr<HepMC3::GenEvent> event,
80  const double time) {
81  // Create HepMC3::FourVector from position and time for the new position
82  const HepMC3::FourVector vec(event->event_pos().x(), event->event_pos().y(),
83  event->event_pos().z(), time);
84  event->shift_position_to(vec);
85 }
91 HepMC3::GenParticlePtr FW::HepMC3Event::actsParticleToGen(
92  std::shared_ptr<SimParticle> actsParticle) {
93  // Extract momentum and energy from Acts particle for HepMC3::FourVector
94  const auto mom4 = actsParticle->momentum4();
95  const HepMC3::FourVector vec(mom4[0], mom4[1], mom4[2], mom4[3]);
96  // Create HepMC3::GenParticle
97  HepMC3::GenParticle genParticle(vec, actsParticle->pdg());
98  genParticle.set_generated_mass(actsParticle->mass());
100  return std::shared_ptr<HepMC3::GenParticle>(&genParticle);
101 }
103 void FW::HepMC3Event::addParticle(std::shared_ptr<HepMC3::GenEvent> event,
104  std::shared_ptr<SimParticle> particle) {
105  // Add new particle
106  event->add_particle(actsParticleToGen(particle));
107 }
109 HepMC3::GenVertexPtr FW::HepMC3Event::createGenVertex(
110  const std::shared_ptr<SimVertex>& actsVertex) {
111  const HepMC3::FourVector vec(
112  actsVertex->position4[0], actsVertex->position4[1],
113  actsVertex->position4[2], actsVertex->position4[3]);
115  // Create vertex
116  HepMC3::GenVertex genVertex(vec);
118  // Store incoming particles
119  for (auto& particle : actsVertex->incoming) {
120  HepMC3::GenParticlePtr genParticle =
121  actsParticleToGen(std::make_shared<SimParticle>(particle));
122  genVertex.add_particle_in(genParticle);
123  }
124  // Store outgoing particles
125  for (auto& particle : actsVertex->outgoing) {
126  HepMC3::GenParticlePtr genParticle =
127  actsParticleToGen(std::make_shared<SimParticle>(particle));
128  genVertex.add_particle_out(genParticle);
129  }
130  return std::shared_ptr<HepMC3::GenVertex>(&genVertex);
131 }
133 void FW::HepMC3Event::addVertex(std::shared_ptr<HepMC3::GenEvent> event,
134  const std::shared_ptr<SimVertex> vertex) {
135  // Add new vertex
136  event->add_vertex(createGenVertex(vertex));
137 }
144  std::shared_ptr<HepMC3::GenEvent> event,
145  const std::shared_ptr<SimParticle>& particle) {
146  const std::vector<HepMC3::GenParticlePtr> genParticles = event->particles();
147  const auto id = particle->particleId();
148  // Search HepMC3::GenParticle with the same id as the Acts particle
149  for (auto& genParticle : genParticles) {
150  if (genParticle->id() == id) {
151  // Remove particle if found
152  event->remove_particle(genParticle);
153  break;
154  }
155  }
156 }
159  const std::shared_ptr<SimVertex>& actsVertex,
160  const HepMC3::GenVertexPtr& genVertex) {
161  // Compare position, time, number of incoming and outgoing particles between
162  // both vertices. Return false if one criterium does not match, else true.
163  HepMC3::FourVector genVec = genVertex->position();
164  if (actsVertex->position4[0] != genVec.x())
165  return false;
166  if (actsVertex->position4[1] != genVec.y())
167  return false;
168  if (actsVertex->position4[2] != genVec.z())
169  return false;
170  if (actsVertex->position4[3] != genVec.t())
171  return false;
172  if (actsVertex->incoming.size() != genVertex->particles_in().size())
173  return false;
174  if (actsVertex->outgoing.size() != genVertex->particles_out().size())
175  return false;
176  return true;
177 }
179 void FW::HepMC3Event::removeVertex(std::shared_ptr<HepMC3::GenEvent> event,
180  const std::shared_ptr<SimVertex>& vertex) {
181  const std::vector<HepMC3::GenVertexPtr> genVertices = event->vertices();
182  // Walk over every recorded vertex
183  for (auto& genVertex : genVertices)
184  if (compareVertices(vertex, genVertex)) {
185  // Remove vertex if it matches actsVertex
186  event->remove_vertex(genVertex);
187  break;
188  }
189 }
196  const std::shared_ptr<HepMC3::GenEvent> event) {
197  // HepMC allows only MEV and GEV. This allows an easy identification.
198  return (event->momentum_unit() == HepMC3::Units::MomentumUnit::MEV
201 }
204  const std::shared_ptr<HepMC3::GenEvent> event) {
205  // HepMC allows only MM and CM. This allows an easy identification.
206  return (event->length_unit() == HepMC3::Units::LengthUnit::MM
208  : Acts::units::_cm);
209 }
212  const std::shared_ptr<HepMC3::GenEvent> event) {
213  // Extract the position from HepMC3::FourVector
214  Acts::Vector3D vec;
215  vec(0) = event->event_pos().x();
216  vec(1) = event->event_pos().y();
217  vec(2) = event->event_pos().z();
218  return vec;
219 }
222  const std::shared_ptr<HepMC3::GenEvent> event) {
223  // Extract the time from HepMC3::FourVector
224  return event->event_pos().t();
225 }
227 std::vector<std::unique_ptr<FW::SimParticle>> FW::HepMC3Event::particles(
228  const std::shared_ptr<HepMC3::GenEvent> event) {
229  std::vector<std::unique_ptr<SimParticle>> actsParticles;
230  const std::vector<HepMC3::GenParticlePtr> genParticles = event->particles();
232  HepMC3Particle simPart;
234  // Translate all particles
235  for (auto& genParticle : genParticles)
236  actsParticles.push_back(std::move(
237  simPart.particle(std::make_shared<HepMC3::GenParticle>(*genParticle))));
239  return std::move(actsParticles);
240 }
242 std::vector<std::unique_ptr<FW::SimVertex>> FW::HepMC3Event::vertices(
243  const std::shared_ptr<HepMC3::GenEvent> event) {
244  std::vector<std::unique_ptr<SimVertex>> actsVertices;
245  const std::vector<HepMC3::GenVertexPtr> genVertices = event->vertices();
247  HepMC3Vertex simVert;
249  // Translate all vertices
250  for (auto& genVertex : genVertices) {
251  actsVertices.push_back(std::move(simVert.processVertex(
252  std::make_shared<HepMC3::GenVertex>(*genVertex))));
253  }
254  return std::move(actsVertices);
255 }
257 std::vector<std::unique_ptr<FW::SimParticle>> FW::HepMC3Event::beams(
258  const std::shared_ptr<HepMC3::GenEvent> event) {
259  std::vector<std::unique_ptr<SimParticle>> actsBeams;
260  const std::vector<HepMC3::GenParticlePtr> genBeams = event->beams();
262  HepMC3Particle simPart;
264  // Translate beam particles and store the result
265  for (auto& genBeam : genBeams)
266  actsBeams.push_back(std::move(
267  simPart.particle(std::make_shared<HepMC3::GenParticle>(*genBeam))));
268  return std::move(actsBeams);
269 }
271 std::vector<std::unique_ptr<FW::SimParticle>> FW::HepMC3Event::finalState(
272  const std::shared_ptr<HepMC3::GenEvent> event) {
273  std::vector<HepMC3::GenParticlePtr> particles = event->particles();
274  std::vector<std::unique_ptr<SimParticle>> fState;
276  HepMC3Particle simPart;
278  // Walk over every vertex
279  for (auto& particle : particles) {
280  // Collect particles without end vertex
281  if (!particle->end_vertex())
282  fState.push_back(
283  simPart.particle(std::make_shared<HepMC3::GenParticle>(*particle)));
284  }
285  return fState;
286 }