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1 //
2 // ********************************************************************
3 // * License and Disclaimer *
4 // * *
5 // * The Geant4 software is copyright of the Copyright Holders of *
6 // * the Geant4 Collaboration. It is provided under the terms and *
7 // * conditions of the Geant4 Software License, included in the file *
8 // * LICENSE and available at . These *
9 // * include a list of copyright holders. *
10 // * *
11 // * Neither the authors of this software system, nor their employing *
12 // * institutes,nor the agencies providing financial support for this *
13 // * work make any representation or warranty, express or implied, *
14 // * regarding this software system or assume any liability for its *
15 // * use. Please see the license in the file LICENSE and URL above *
16 // * for the full disclaimer and the limitation of liability. *
17 // * *
18 // * This code implementation is the result of the scientific and *
19 // * technical work of the GEANT4 collaboration. *
20 // * By using, copying, modifying or distributing the software (or *
21 // * any work based on the software) you agree to acknowledge its *
22 // * use in resulting scientific publications, and indicate your *
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24 // ********************************************************************
25 //
26 //
28 #include "G4SystemOfUnits.hh"
29 #include "G4AdjointCSManager.hh"
30 #include "G4AdjointCSMatrix.hh"
31 #include "G4VEmAdjointModel.hh"
32 #include "G4MaterialCutsCouple.hh"
33 #include "G4ParticleChange.hh"
34 #include "G4AdjointGamma.hh"
39  G4VContinuousDiscreteProcess(process_name),theAdjointComptonModel(0),theAdjointBremModel(0)
42  lastAdjCS=0.;
43  trackid = nstep = 0;
44  is_free_flight_gamma = false;
60 }
62 //
65 { if (fParticleChange) delete fParticleChange;
66 }
68 //
70 {;
71 }
73 //
75 {
76  theAdjointCSManager->BuildCrossSectionMatrices(); //do not worry it will be done just once
78 }
79 //Note on weight correction for forced interaction
80 //For the forced interaction applied here we do use a truncated exponential law for the probability of survival
81 //over a fixed total length. This is done by using a linear transformation of the non biased probability survival
82 //In mathematic this writes
83 //P'(x)=C1P(x)+C2
84 //With P(x)=exp(-sum(sigma_ixi)) x and L can cross different volumes with different cross section sigma.
85 //For forced interaction we get the following limit conditions
86 //P'(L)=0 P'(0)=1 (L can be used over different volumes)
87 //From simple solving of linear equation we get
88 //C1=1/(1-P(L)) et C2=-P(L)/(1-P(L))
89 //P'(x)=(P(x)-P(L))/(1-P(L))
90 //For the probability over a step x1 to x2
91 //P'(x1->x2)=P'(x2)/P'(x1)
92 //The effective cross section is defined -d(P'(x))/dx/P'(x)
93 //We get therefore
94 //sigma_eff=C1sigmaP(x)/(C1P(x)+C2)=sigmaP(x)/(P(x)+C2/C1)=sigmaP(x)/(P(x)-P(L))=sigma/(1-P(L)/P(x))
96 //
98 { fParticleChange->Initialize(track);
99  //For the free flight gamma no interaction occur but a gamma with same property is
100  //produces for further forced interaction
101  //It is done at the very beginning of the track such that the weight can be the same
103  G4ThreeVector theGammaMomentum = track.GetMomentum();
107  }
108  else { //Occurrence of forced interaction
110  //Selection of the model to be called
111  G4VEmAdjointModel* theSelectedModel =0;
112  G4bool is_scat_proj_to_proj_case=false;
114  if (!theAdjointComptonModel) {
115  theSelectedModel = theAdjointBremModel;
116  is_scat_proj_to_proj_case=false;
117  //This is needed because the results of it will be used in the post step do it weight correction inside the model
119  track.GetMaterialCutsCouple(),track.GetKineticEnergy(), false);
121  }
122  else if (!theAdjointBremModel) {
123  theSelectedModel = theAdjointComptonModel;
124  is_scat_proj_to_proj_case=true;
125  }
126  else { //Choose the model according to cross sections
129  track.GetMaterialCutsCouple(),track.GetKineticEnergy(), false);
130  if (G4UniformRand()*lastAdjCS<bremAdjCS) {
131  theSelectedModel = theAdjointBremModel;
132  is_scat_proj_to_proj_case=false;
133  }
134  else {
135  theSelectedModel = theAdjointComptonModel;
136  is_scat_proj_to_proj_case=true;
137  }
138  }
140  //Compute the weight correction factor
141  G4double one_over_effectiveAdjointCS= (1.-std::exp(acc_nb_adj_interaction_length-total_acc_nb_adj_interaction_length))/lastAdjCS;
142  G4double weight_correction_factor = lastAdjCS*one_over_effectiveAdjointCS;
143  //G4cout<<"Weight correction factor start "<<weight_correction_factor<<std::endl;
144  //Call the selected model without correction of the weight in the model
145  theSelectedModel->SetCorrectWeightForPostStepInModel(false);
146  theSelectedModel->SetAdditionalWeightCorrectionFactorForPostStepOutsideModel(weight_correction_factor);
147  theSelectedModel->SampleSecondaries(track,is_scat_proj_to_proj_case,fParticleChange);
148  theSelectedModel->SetCorrectWeightForPostStepInModel(true);
151  }
152  return fParticleChange;
153 }
155 //
157 { fParticleChange->Initialize(track);
158  //Compute nb of interactions length over step length
160  G4double stepLength = track.GetStep()->GetStepLength();
161  G4double ekin = track.GetKineticEnergy();
162  G4double nb_fwd_interaction_length_over_step=0.;
163  G4double nb_adj_interaction_length_over_step=0.;
166  ekin,track.GetMaterialCutsCouple());
167  nb_fwd_interaction_length_over_step = stepLength*lastFwdCS;
168  nb_adj_interaction_length_over_step = stepLength*lastAdjCS;
169  G4double fwd_survival_probability=std::exp(-nb_fwd_interaction_length_over_step);
170  G4double mc_induced_survival_probability=1.;
172  if (is_free_flight_gamma) { //for free_flight survival probability stays 1
173  //Accumulate the number of interaction lengths during free flight of gamma
174  total_acc_nb_fwd_interaction_length+=nb_fwd_interaction_length_over_step;
175  total_acc_nb_adj_interaction_length+=nb_adj_interaction_length_over_step;
176  acc_track_length+=stepLength;
177  }
178  else {
179  G4double previous_acc_nb_adj_interaction_length =acc_nb_adj_interaction_length;
180  acc_nb_fwd_interaction_length+=nb_fwd_interaction_length_over_step;
181  acc_nb_adj_interaction_length+=nb_adj_interaction_length_over_step;
182  theNumberOfInteractionLengthLeft-=nb_adj_interaction_length_over_step;
184  //Following condition to remove very rare FPE issue
185  //if (total_acc_nb_adj_interaction_length <= 1.e-50 && theNumberOfInteractionLengthLeft<=1.e-50) { //condition added to avoid FPE issue
186  // VI 06.11.2017 - new condition
187  if (std::abs(total_acc_nb_adj_interaction_length - previous_acc_nb_adj_interaction_length) <= 1.e-15) {
188  mc_induced_survival_probability = 1.e50;
189  /*
190  G4cout << "FPE protection: " << total_acc_nb_adj_interaction_length << " "
191  << previous_acc_nb_adj_interaction_length << " "
192  << acc_nb_fwd_interaction_length << " "
193  << acc_nb_adj_interaction_length << " "
194  << theNumberOfInteractionLengthLeft
195  << G4endl;
196  */
197  }
198  else {
199  mc_induced_survival_probability= std::exp(-acc_nb_adj_interaction_length)-std::exp(-total_acc_nb_adj_interaction_length);
200  mc_induced_survival_probability=mc_induced_survival_probability/(std::exp(-previous_acc_nb_adj_interaction_length)-std::exp(-total_acc_nb_adj_interaction_length));
201  }
202  }
203  G4double weight_correction = fwd_survival_probability/mc_induced_survival_probability;
205  //weight_correction = 1.;
206  //Caution!!!
207  // It is important to select the weight of the post_step_point
208  // as the current weight and not the weight of the track, as t
209  // the weight of the track is changed after having applied all
210  // the along_step_do_it.
211  G4double new_weight=weight_correction*track.GetStep()->GetPostStepPoint()->GetWeight();
212 /*
213  G4cout<<"New weight "<<new_weight<<std::endl;
214  G4cout<<"Weight correction "<<weight_correction<<std::endl;
215  */
221  return fParticleChange;
222 }
224 //
226  const G4Track& track,
227  G4double ,
229 { G4int step_id = track.GetCurrentStepNumber();
230  *condition = NotForced;
232  G4int track_id=track.GetTrackID();
234  if (is_free_flight_gamma) {
235  if (step_id == 1 || continue_gamma_as_new_free_flight) {
236  *condition=Forced;
237  //A gamma with same conditions will be generate at next post_step do it for the forced interaction
239  last_free_flight_trackid = track_id;
240  acc_track_length=0.;
244  return 1.e-90;
245  }
246  else {
247  //Computation of accumulated length for
248  return DBL_MAX;
249  }
250  }
251  else { //compute the interaction length for forced interaction
252  if (step_id ==1) {
253  G4double min_val= std::exp(-total_acc_nb_adj_interaction_length);
254  theNumberOfInteractionLengthLeft = -std::log( min_val+G4UniformRand()*(1.-min_val));
258  }
259  G4VPhysicalVolume* thePostPhysVolume = track.GetStep()->GetPreStepPoint()->GetPhysicalVolume();
260  G4double ekin =track.GetKineticEnergy();
261  G4double postCS=0.;
262  if (thePostPhysVolume){
264  ekin,thePostPhysVolume->GetLogicalVolume()->GetMaterialCutsCouple());
265  }
266  if (postCS>0.) return theNumberOfInteractionLengthLeft/postCS;
267  else return DBL_MAX;
268  }
269 }
271 //
273  G4double ,
274  G4double ,
275  G4double& )
276 {return DBL_MAX;
277 }
279 //Not used in this process but should be implemented as virtual method
281  G4double ,
283 { return 0.;
284 }