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1 //
2 // ********************************************************************
3 // * License and Disclaimer *
4 // * *
5 // * The Geant4 software is copyright of the Copyright Holders of *
6 // * the Geant4 Collaboration. It is provided under the terms and *
7 // * conditions of the Geant4 Software License, included in the file *
8 // * LICENSE and available at . These *
9 // * include a list of copyright holders. *
10 // * *
11 // * Neither the authors of this software system, nor their employing *
12 // * institutes,nor the agencies providing financial support for this *
13 // * work make any representation or warranty, express or implied, *
14 // * regarding this software system or assume any liability for its *
15 // * use. Please see the license in the file LICENSE and URL above *
16 // * for the full disclaimer and the limitation of liability. *
17 // * *
18 // * This code implementation is the result of the scientific and *
19 // * technical work of the GEANT4 collaboration. *
20 // * By using, copying, modifying or distributing the software (or *
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22 // * use in resulting scientific publications, and indicate your *
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24 // ********************************************************************
25 //
26 //
27 // -------------------------------------------------------------------
28 //
29 // GEANT4 header file
30 //
31 // File name: G4NucLevel
32 //
33 // Author: V.Ivanchenko (M.Kelsey reading method is used)
34 //
35 // Creation date: 4 January 2012
36 //
37 // Modifications:
38 //
39 // -------------------------------------------------------------------
41 #include "G4LevelReader.hh"
42 #include "G4NucleiProperties.hh"
43 #include "G4NucLevel.hh"
44 #include "G4NuclearLevelData.hh"
45 #include "G4DeexPrecoParameters.hh"
46 #include "G4SystemOfUnits.hh"
47 #include "G4Pow.hh"
48 #include <vector>
49 #include <fstream>
50 #include <sstream>
53  "-", "+X", "+Y", "+Z", "+U", "+V", "+W", "+R", "+S", "+T", "+A", "+B", "+C"};
56  : fData(ptr),fVerbose(1),fLevelMax(632),fTransMax(145)
57 {
58  fAlphaMax = (G4float)1.e15;
61  char* directory = std::getenv("G4LEVELGAMMADATA");
62  if(directory) {
63  fDirectory = directory;
64  } else {
65  G4Exception("G4LevelReader()","had0707",FatalException,
66  "Environment variable G4LEVELGAMMADATA is not defined");
67  fDirectory = "";
68  }
69  fPol = " ";
70  for(G4int i=0; i<10; ++i) { fICC[i] = 0.0f; }
71  for(G4int i=0; i<nbufmax; ++i) { buffer[i] = ' '; }
72  for(G4int i=0; i<nbuf1; ++i) { buff1[i] = ' '; }
73  for(G4int i=0; i<nbuf2; ++i) { buff2[i] = ' '; }
74  bufp[0] = bufp[1] = bufp[2] = ' ';
76  fEnergy = fCurrEnergy = fTrEnergy = fTime = 0.0;
77  fProb = fSpin = fAlpha = fRatio = fNorm1 = 0.0f;
79  ntrans = i1 = i2 = k = kk = tnum = 0;
80  ener = tener = 0.0;
82  vTrans.resize(fTransMax,0);
83  vRatio.resize(fTransMax,0.0f);
84  vGammaCumProbability.resize(fTransMax,0.0f);
85  vGammaProbability.resize(fTransMax,0.0f);
86  vShellProbability.resize(fTransMax,nullptr);
88  vEnergy.resize(fLevelMax,0.0);
89  vSpin.resize(fLevelMax,0);
90  vLevel.resize(fLevelMax,nullptr);
91 }
93 G4bool G4LevelReader::ReadData(std::istringstream& stream, G4double& x)
94 {
95  stream >> x;
96  return ? false : true;
97 }
99 G4bool G4LevelReader::ReadDataItem(std::istream& dataFile, G4double& x)
100 {
101  x = 0.0;
102  for(G4int i=0; i<nbufmax; ++i) { buffer[i] = ' '; }
103  G4bool okay = true;
104  dataFile >> buffer;
105  if( { okay = false; }
106  else { x = strtod(buffer, 0); }
108  return okay;
109 }
111 G4bool G4LevelReader::ReadDataItem(std::istream& dataFile, G4float& x)
112 {
113  x = 0.0f;
114  for(G4int i=0; i<nbuf1; ++i) { buff1[i] = ' '; }
115  G4bool okay = true;
116  dataFile >> buff1;
117  if( { okay = false; }
118  else { x = atof(buff1); }
120  return okay;
121 }
123 G4bool G4LevelReader::ReadDataItem(std::istream& dataFile, G4int& ix)
124 {
125  ix = 0;
126  for(G4int i=0; i<nbuf2; ++i) { buff2[i] = ' '; }
127  G4bool okay = true;
128  dataFile >> buff2;
129  if( { okay = false; }
130  else { ix = atoi(buff2); }
132  return okay;
133 }
135 G4bool G4LevelReader::ReadDataItem(std::istream& dataFile, G4String& x)
136 {
137  G4bool okay = true;
138  bufp[0] = bufp[1] = ' ';
139  dataFile >> bufp;
140  if( { okay = false; }
141  else { x = G4String(bufp, 2); }
143  return okay;
144 }
146 const std::vector<G4float>* G4LevelReader::NormalizedICCProbability(G4int Z)
147 {
148  std::vector<G4float>* vec = nullptr;
149  G4int LL = 3;
150  G4int M = 5;
151  G4int N = 1;
152  if(Z <= 27) {
153  M = N = 0;
154  if(Z <= 4) {
155  LL = 1;
156  } else if(Z <= 6) {
157  LL = 2;
158  } else if(Z <= 10) {
159  } else if(Z <= 12) {
160  M = 1;
161  } else if(Z <= 17) {
162  M = 2;
163  } else if(Z == 18) {
164  M = 3;
165  } else if(Z <= 20) {
166  M = 3;
167  N = 1;
168  } else {
169  M = 4;
170  N = 1;
171  }
172  if(LL < 3) { for(G4int i=LL+1; i<=4; ++i) { fICC[i] = 0.0f; } }
173  if(M < 5) { for(G4int i=M+4; i<=8; ++i) { fICC[i] = 0.0f; } }
174  if(N < 1) { fICC[9] = 0.0f; }
175  }
176  G4float norm = 0.0f;
177  for(G4int i=0; i<10; ++i) {
178  norm += fICC[i];
179  fICC[i] = norm;
180  }
181  if(norm == 0.0f && fAlpha > 0.0f) {
182  fICC[0] = norm = 1.0f;
183  }
184  if(norm > 0.0f) {
185  norm = 1.0f/norm;
186  vec = new std::vector<G4float>;
187  G4float x;
188  for(G4int i=0; i<10; ++i) {
189  x = fICC[i]*norm;
190  if(x > 0.995f || 9 == i) {
191  vec->push_back(1.0f);
192  break;
193  }
194  vec->push_back(x);
195  }
196  if (fVerbose > 3) {
197  G4int prec = G4cout.precision(3);
198  G4cout << "# InternalConv: ";
199  G4int nn = vec->size();
200  for(G4int i=0; i<nn; ++i) { G4cout << " " << (*vec)[i]; }
201  G4cout << G4endl;
202  G4cout.precision(prec);
203  }
204  }
205  return vec;
206 }
208 const G4LevelManager*
210 {
211  std::ostringstream ss;
212  ss << fDirectory << "/z" << Z << ".a" << A;
213  std::ifstream infile(ss.str(), std::ios::in);
215  return LevelManager(Z, A, 0, infile);
216 }
218 const G4LevelManager*
220 {
221  std::ifstream infile(filename, std::ios::in);
222  if (!infile.is_open()) {
224  ed << "User file for Z= " << Z << " A= " << A
225  << " is not opened!";
226  G4Exception("G4LevelReader::MakeLevelManager(..)","had014",
227  FatalException, ed, "");
228  return nullptr;
229  }
230  return LevelManager(Z, A, 0, infile);
231 }
233 const G4LevelManager*
235  std::ifstream& infile)
236 {
237  // file is not opened
238  if (!infile.is_open()) {
239  if(Z < 6) {
241  ed << " for Z= " << Z << " A= " << A
242  << " is not opened!";
243  G4Exception("G4LevelReader::LevelManager(..)","had014",
244  FatalException, ed, "");
245  }
246  return nullptr;
247  }
248  if (fVerbose > 1) {
249  G4cout << "G4LevelReader: open file for Z= "
250  << Z << " A= " << A << G4endl;
251  }
253  G4bool allLevels = fParam->StoreICLevelData();
255  G4int nlevels = (0 == nlev) ? fLevelMax : nlev;
256  if(fVerbose > 1) {
257  G4cout << "## New isotope Z= " << Z << " A= " << A;
258  if(nlevels < fLevelMax) { G4cout << " Nlevels= " << nlevels; }
259  G4cout << G4endl;
260  }
261  if(nlevels > fLevelMax) {
262  fLevelMax = nlevels;
263  vEnergy.resize(fLevelMax,0.0);
264  vSpin.resize(fLevelMax,0);
265  vLevel.resize(fLevelMax,nullptr);
266  }
267  ntrans = 0;
268  // i2 - Level number at which transition ends
269  // tnum - Multipolarity index
270  fPol = " ";
272  G4int i;
273  for(i=0; i<nlevels; ++i) {
274  infile >> i1 >> fPol; // Level number and floating level
275  //G4cout << "New line: i1= " << i1 << " fPol= <" << fPol << "> " << G4endl;
276  if(infile.eof()) {
277  if(fVerbose > 2) {
278  G4cout << "### End of file Z= " << Z << " A= " << A
279  << " Nlevels= " << i << G4endl;
280  }
281  break;
282  }
283  if(i1 != i) {
285  ed << " G4LevelReader: wrong data file for Z= " << Z << " A= " << A
286  << " level #" << i << " has index " << i1 << G4endl;
287  G4Exception("G4LevelReader::LevelManager(..)","had014",
288  JustWarning, ed, "Check G4LEVELGAMMADATA");
289  break;
290  }
292  if(!(ReadDataItem(infile,ener) &&
293  ReadDataItem(infile,fTime) &&
294  ReadDataItem(infile,fSpin) &&
295  ReadDataItem(infile,ntrans))) {
296  if(fVerbose > 2) {
297  G4cout << "### End of file Z= " << Z << " A= " << A
298  << " Nlevels= " << i << G4endl;
299  }
300  break;
301  }
302  ener *= CLHEP::keV;
303  for(k=0; k<nfloting; ++k) {
304  if(fPol == fFloatingLevels[k]) {
305  break;
306  }
307  }
308  // if a previous level has not transitions it may be ignored
309  if(0 < i) {
310  // protection
311  if(ener < vEnergy[i-1]) {
312  G4cout << "### G4LevelReader: broken level " << i
313  << " E(MeV)= " << ener << " < " << vEnergy[i-1]
314  << " for isotope Z= " << Z << " A= "
315  << A << " level energy increased" << G4endl;
316  ener = vEnergy[i-1];
317  }
318  }
319  vEnergy[i] = ener;
320  if(fTime > 0.0f) { fTime *= fTimeFactor; }
321  if(fSpin > 48.0f) { fSpin = 0.0f; }
322  vSpin[i] = (G4int)(100 + fSpin + fSpin) + k*100000;
323  if(fVerbose > 2) {
324  G4cout << " Level #" << i1 << " E(MeV)= " << ener/CLHEP::MeV
325  << " LTime(s)= " << fTime << " 2S= " << vSpin[i]
326  << " meta= " << vSpin[i]/100000 << " idx= " << i
327  << " ntr= " << ntrans << G4endl;
328  }
329  vLevel[i] = nullptr;
330  if(ntrans == 0 && fTime < 0.0) {
331  vLevel[i] = new G4NucLevel(0, fTime,
332  vTrans,
335  vRatio,
337  } else if(ntrans > 0) {
339  // there are transitions
340  if(ntrans > fTransMax) {
341  fTransMax = ntrans;
342  vTrans.resize(fTransMax);
343  vRatio.resize(fTransMax);
347  }
348  fNorm1 = 0.0f;
349  for(G4int j=0; j<ntrans; ++j) {
351  if(!(ReadDataItem(infile,i2) &&
352  ReadDataItem(infile,tener) &&
353  ReadDataItem(infile,fProb) &&
354  ReadDataItem(infile,tnum) &&
355  ReadDataItem(infile,vRatio[j]) &&
356  ReadDataItem(infile,fAlpha))) {
357  //infile >>i2 >> tener >> fProb >> vTrans[j] >> fRatio >> fAlpha;
358  //if( {
359  if(fVerbose > 1) {
360  G4cout << "### Fail to read transition j= " << j
361  << " Z= " << Z << " A= " << A << G4endl;
362  }
363  break;
364  }
365  if(i2 >= i) {
366  G4cout << "### G4LevelReader: broken transition " << j
367  << " from level " << i << " to " << i2
368  << " for isotope Z= " << Z << " A= "
369  << A << " - use ground level" << G4endl;
370  i2 = 0;
371  }
372  vTrans[j] = i2*10000 + tnum;
374  G4float x = 1.0f + fAlpha;
375  fNorm1 += x*fProb;
377  vGammaProbability[j] = 1.0f/x;
378  vShellProbability[j] = nullptr;
379  if(fVerbose > 2) {
380  G4int prec = G4cout.precision(4);
381  G4cout << "### Transition #" << j << " to level " << i2
382  << " i2= " << i2 << " Etrans(MeV)= " << tener*CLHEP::keV
383  << " fProb= " << fProb << " MultiP= " << tnum
384  << " fMpRatio= " << fRatio << " fAlpha= " << fAlpha
385  << G4endl;
386  G4cout.precision(prec);
387  }
388  if(fAlpha > 0.0f) {
389  for(k=0; k<10; ++k) {
390  //infile >> fICC[k];
391  if(!ReadDataItem(infile,fICC[k])) {
392  //if( {
393  if(fVerbose > 1) {
394  G4cout << "### Fail to read convertion coeff k= " << k
395  << " for transition j= " << j
396  << " Z= " << Z << " A= " << A << G4endl;
397  }
398  for(kk=k; kk<10; ++kk) { fICC[kk] = 0.f; }
399  break;
400  }
401  }
402  if(allLevels) {
404  if(!vShellProbability[j]) { vGammaProbability[j] = 1.0f; }
405  }
406  }
407  }
408  if(0.0f < fNorm1) { fNorm1 = 1.0f/fNorm1; }
409  G4int nt = ntrans - 1;
410  for(k=0; k<nt; ++k) {
412  if(fVerbose > 3) {
413  G4cout << "Probabilities[" << k
414  << "]= " << vGammaCumProbability[k]
415  << " " << vGammaProbability[k]
416  << " idxTrans= " << vTrans[k]/10000
417  << G4endl;
418  }
419  }
420  vGammaCumProbability[nt] = 1.0f;
421  if(fVerbose > 3) {
422  G4cout << "Probabilities[" << nt << "]= "
423  << vGammaCumProbability[nt]
424  << " " << vGammaProbability[nt]
425  << " IdxTrans= " << vTrans[nt]/10000
426  << G4endl;
427  }
428  if(fVerbose > 2) {
429  G4cout << " New G4NucLevel: Ntrans= " << ntrans
430  << " Time(ns)= " << fTime << G4endl;
431  }
432  vLevel[i] = new G4NucLevel((size_t)ntrans, fTime,
433  vTrans,
436  vRatio,
438  }
439  }
440  G4LevelManager* lman = nullptr;
441  if(1 <= i) {
442  lman = new G4LevelManager(Z, A, (size_t)i,vEnergy,vSpin,vLevel);
443  if(fVerbose > 1) {
444  G4cout << "=== Reader: new manager for Z= " << Z << " A= " << A
445  << " Nlevels= " << i << " E[0]= "
446  << vEnergy[0]/CLHEP::MeV << " MeV E1= "
447  << vEnergy[i-1]/CLHEP::MeV << " MeV "
448  << G4endl;
449  }
450  }
452  return lman;
453 }